State of Illinois
92nd General Assembly

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[ Introduced ]




 1                    AMENDMENT TO HOUSE BILL 1693

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend House Bill 1693  by  replacing
 3    everything after the enacting clause with the following:

 4        "Section  5.   The  Illinois Criminal Justice Information
 5    Act is amended by changing Section 4 as follows:

 6        (20 ILCS 3930/4) (from Ch. 38, par. 210-4)
 7        Sec. 4.  Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority;
 8    creation, membership, and  meetings.   There  is  created  an
 9    Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority consisting of
10    20 18 members.  The membership of the Authority shall consist
11    of the Illinois Attorney General, or his or her designee, the
12    Director  of  the  Illinois  Department  of  Corrections, the
13    Director of the Illinois  Department  of  State  Police,  the
14    Sheriff  of Cook County, the State's Attorney of Cook County,
15    the  clerk  of  the  circuit  court  of  Cook   County,   the
16    Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department, the Director
17    of  the Office of the State's Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor,
18    the  Executive  Director  of  the  Illinois  Law  Enforcement
19    Training Standards Board, the State Appellate  Defender,  and
20    the  following  additional  members,  each  of  whom shall be
21    appointed by the Governor: a circuit court clerk, a  sheriff,
22    and  a  State's Attorney of a county other than Cook, a chief
                            -2-              LRB9206020TApcam
 1    of police, and 6 5 members of the general public.
 2        The Governor from time to time shall designate a Chairman
 3    of the Authority from the membership.   All  members  of  the
 4    Authority  appointed  by  the  Governor  shall  serve  at the
 5    pleasure of the Governor for a term not to  exceed  4  years.
 6    The  initial  appointed  members of the Authority shall serve
 7    from January, 1983 until the third Monday in January, 1987 or
 8    until their successors are appointed.
 9        The Authority shall meet  at  least  quarterly,  and  all
10    meetings of the Authority shall be called by the Chairman.
11    (Source: P.A. 91-483, eff. 1-1-00; 91-798, eff. 7-9-00.)

12        Section  99.   Effective  date.  This Act takes effect on
13    July 1, 2001.".

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