State of Illinois
92nd General Assembly

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[ Engrossed ][ Enrolled ][ House Amendment 001 ]



 1        AN ACT concerning development.

 2        Be it enacted by the People of  the  State  of  Illinois,
 3    represented in the General Assembly:

 4        Section  5.   The  Department  of  Commerce and Community
 5    Affairs Law of the Civil Administrative Code of  Illinois  is
 6    amended by changing Section 605-420 as follows:

 7        (20 ILCS 605/605-420) (was 20 ILCS 605/46.75)
 8        Sec. 605-420. Federal Workforce, Technology, and Economic
 9    Development Fund.
10        (a)  The  Department  may  accept  gifts, grants, awards,
11    matching contributions, interest income, appropriations,  and
12    cost  sharings from individuals, businesses, governments, and
13    other third-party sources, on terms that the  Director  deems
14    advisable, for any or all of the following purposes:
15             (1)  (Blank)   to   assist   recipients,   including
16        recipients   under  the  Temporary  Assistance  to  Needy
17        Families (TANF) program, to obtain and retain  employment
18        and become economically self-sufficient;
19             (2)  to  assist economically disadvantaged and other
20        youth to make a  successful  transition  from  school  to
21        work; and
22             (3)  to   assist   other  individuals  targeted  for
23        services  through  education,  training,  and   workforce
24        development  programs to obtain employment-related skills
25        and obtain employment;.
26             (4)  to identify, develop, commercialize, or promote
27        technology within the State; and
28             (5)  to  promote  economic  development  within  the
29        State.
30        (b)  The  Federal  Workforce,  Technology,  and  Economic
31    Development Fund is created as a special fund  in  the  State
                            -2-                LRB9200725MWpk
 1    Treasury.  On September 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as may
 2    be   reasonably  practicable,  the  State  Comptroller  shall
 3    transfer from the Federal Workforce Development Fund into the
 4    Title III Social Security and Employment Fund all moneys that
 5    were received for the purposes of Section  403(a)(5)  of  the
 6    federal  Social  Security  Act and remain unobligated on that
 7    date.  Beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act
 8    of the 92nd 91st General Assembly, all moneys received  under
 9    this  Section  for  the  purposes of Section 403(a)(5) of the
10    federal Social  Security  Act,  except  moneys  that  may  be
11    necessary to pay liabilities outstanding as of June 30, 2000,
12    shall  be  deposited  into  the Title III Social Security and
13    Employment Fund, and all other  moneys  received  under  this
14    Section  shall  be  deposited  into  the  Federal  Workforce,
15    Technology, and Economic Development Fund.
16        Moneys  received  under  this Section may be expended for
17    purposes  consistent with the conditions  under  which  those
18    moneys  are  received,  subject to appropriations made by the
19    General Assembly for those purposes.
20    (Source: P.A. 91-34, eff. 7-1-99; 91-704, eff. 7-1-00.)

21        Section   10.   The  State  Finance  Act  is  amended  by
22    renumbering and changing Section 5.490, added by  Public  Act
23    91-34, as follows:

24        (30 ILCS 105/5.493)
25        Sec.  5.493.  5.490.   The Federal Workforce, Technology,
26    and Economic Development Fund.
27    (Source: P.A. 91-34, eff. 7-1-99; revised 11-12-99.)

28        Section 99.  Effective date.  This Act takes effect  upon
29    becoming law.

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