State of Illinois
92nd General Assembly

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[ Engrossed ][ Senate Amendment 001 ]



 1        AN ACT concerning the executive branch.

 2        Be it enacted by the People of  the  State  of  Illinois,
 3    represented in the General Assembly:

 4        Section  5.  The Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is
 5    amended by changing Sections 5-15, 5-20,  5-165,  5-230,  and
 6    5-395 as follows:

 7        (20 ILCS 5/5-15) (was 20 ILCS 5/3)
 8        Sec.   5-15.    Departments  of  State  government.   The
 9    Departments of State government are created as follows:
10        The Department on Aging.
11        The Department of Agriculture.
12        The Department of Central Management Services.
13        The Department of Children and Family Services.
14        The Department of Commerce and Community Affairs.
15        The Department of Corrections.
16        The Department of Employment Security.
17        The Department of Financial Institutions.
18        The Department of Health Finance.
19        The Department of Human Rights.
20        The Department of Human Services.
21        The Department of Insurance.
22        The Department of Labor.
23        The Department of the Lottery.
24        The Department of Natural Resources.
25        The Department of Nuclear Safety.
26        The Department of Professional Regulation.
27        The Department of Public Aid.
28        The Department of Public Health.
29        The Department of Revenue.
30        The Department of State Police.
31        The Department of Transportation.
                            -2-               LRB9201524WHcsB
 1        The Department of Veterans' Affairs.
 2    (Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)

 3        (20 ILCS 5/5-20) (was 20 ILCS 5/4)
 4        Sec. 5-20. Heads of departments.  Each  department  shall
 5    have an officer as its head who shall be known as director or
 6    secretary  and  who  shall,  subject to the provisions of the
 7    Civil Administrative Code of Illinois, execute the powers and
 8    discharge the duties vested by law in his or  her  respective
 9    department.
10        The following officers are hereby created:
11        Director of Aging, for the Department on Aging.
12        Director   of   Agriculture,   for   the   Department  of
13    Agriculture.
14        Director  of  Central  Management   Services,   for   the
15    Department of Central Management Services.
16        Director   of  Children  and  Family  Services,  for  the
17    Department of Children and Family Services.
18        Director of  Commerce  and  Community  Affairs,  for  the
19    Department of Commerce and Community Affairs.
20        Director   of   Corrections,   for   the   Department  of
21    Corrections.
22        Director of Employment Security, for  the  Department  of
23    Employment Security.
24        Director of Financial Institutions, for the Department of
25    Financial Institutions.
26        Director  of  Human  Rights,  for the Department of Human
27    Rights.
28        Secretary of Human Services, for the Department of  Human
29    Services.
30        Director of Insurance, for the Department of Insurance.
31        Director of Labor, for the Department of Labor.
32        Director  of  the  Lottery,  for  the  Department  of the
33    Lottery.
                            -3-               LRB9201524WHcsB
 1        Director of Natural  Resources,  for  the  Department  of
 2    Natural Resources.
 3        Director of Nuclear Safety, for the Department of Nuclear
 4    Safety.
 5        Director  of  Professional Regulation, for the Department
 6    of Professional Regulation.
 7        Director of Health Finance Public Aid, for the Department
 8    of Health Finance Public Aid.
 9        Director of Public Health, for the Department  of  Public
10    Health.
11        Director of Revenue, for the Department of Revenue.
12        Director  of  State  Police,  for the Department of State
13    Police.
14        Secretary  of  Transportation,  for  the  Department   of
15    Transportation.
16        Director  of  Veterans'  Affairs,  for  the Department of
17    Veterans' Affairs.
18    (Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)

19        (20 ILCS 5/5-165) (was 20 ILCS 5/5.13c)
20        Sec. 5-165. In the Department of  Health  Finance  Public
21    Aid. Assistant Director of Health Finance Public Aid.
22    (Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)

23        (20 ILCS 5/5-230) (was 20 ILCS 5/7.09)
24        Sec.  5-230.  Director  and  Assistant Director of Health
25    Finance Public Aid. The Director of Health Finance Public Aid
26    shall  (1)  have  substantial   experience   in   responsible
27    positions   requiring  skill  in  administration  and  fiscal
28    management and (2) be actively interested in the  development
29    of  effective programs for the alleviation of poverty and the
30    reduction of dependency and social maladjustment.
31        The Assistant Director of Health Finance Public Aid shall
32    have the same general qualifications as those set  forth  for
                            -4-               LRB9201524WHcsB
 1    the  Director of Health Finance Public Aid in clauses (1) and
 2    (2) of the preceding paragraph.
 3    (Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)

 4        (20 ILCS 5/5-395) (was 20 ILCS 5/9.17)
 5        Sec. 5-395. In the Department of  Health  Finance  Public
 6    Aid.  The Director of Health Finance Public Aid shall receive
 7    an  annual salary as set by the Governor from time to time or
 8    as  set  by  the  Compensation  Review  Board,  whichever  is
 9    greater.
10        The Assistant Director of Health Finance Public Aid shall
11    receive an annual salary as set by the Governor from time  to
12    time or as set by the Compensation Review Board, whichever is
13    greater.
14    (Source:  P.A.  91-25,  eff.  6-9-99;   91-239,  eff. 1-1-00;
15    revised 8-1-99.)

16        Section 10.  The Department of  Public  Aid  Law  of  the
17    Civil  Administrative Code of Illinois is amended by changing
18    Sections 2205-1, 2205-5, and 2205-10 as follows:

19        (20 ILCS 2205/2205-1)
20        Sec. 2205-1. Article short title. This  Article  2205  of
21    the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois may be cited as the
22    Department of Health Finance Public Aid Law.
23    (Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)

24        (20 ILCS 2205/2205-5) (was 20 ILCS 2205/48a)
25        Sec.  2205-5.  Administrative  matters.  Public Aid Code.
26    The Department of Health Finance Public Aid shall  administer
27    the  Illinois  Public  Aid Code as provided in that Code. The
28    renaming of the Illinois Department of  Public  Aid  by  this
29    amendatory  Act  of the 92nd General Assembly does not affect
30    the  Department's  status.   A  reference  to  the   Illinois
                            -5-               LRB9201524WHcsB
 1    Department  of  Public  Aid  in  any  law,  rule, proceeding,
 2    contract, or other matter is deemed to be a reference to  the
 3    Department  of  Health  Finance.   The  Department  of Health
 4    Finance has the same  rights,  responsibilities,  and  status
 5    with  regard to any law, rule, proceeding, contract, or other
 6    matter as the rights, responsibilities,  and  status  of  the
 7    Illinois Department of Public Aid.
 8    (Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)

 9        (20 ILCS 2205/2205-10) (was 20 ILCS 2205/48b)
10        Sec.  2205-10. Suspension or termination of authorization
11    to provide  medical  services.  Whenever  the  Department  of
12    Health   Finance   Public  Aid  suspends  or  terminates  the
13    authorization of any person, firm, corporation,  association,
14    agency, institution, or other legal entity to provide medical
15    services  under Article V of the Illinois Public Aid Code and
16    the practice of providing those services or  the  maintenance
17    of   facilities  for  those  services  is  licensed  under  a
18    licensing Act administered by the Department of Public Health
19    or the Department of Professional Regulation, the  Department
20    of  Health  Finance  Public  Aid shall, within 30 days of the
21    suspension  or  termination,  give  written  notice  of   the
22    suspension  or  termination  and  transmit  a  record  of the
23    evidence and specify the grounds on which the  suspension  or
24    termination  is  based to the Department that administers the
25    licensing Act under which  that  person,  firm,  corporation,
26    association,  agency,  institution,  or other legal entity is
27    licensed, subject to any confidentiality requirements imposed
28    by applicable federal or State law.  The  cost  of  any  such
29    record  shall  be  borne  by  the  Department  to which it is
30    transmitted.
31    (Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)

32        Section 99.  Effective date.  This Act  takes  effect  on
                            -6-               LRB9201524WHcsB
 1    July 1, 2001.

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