State of Illinois
92nd General Assembly

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[ Senate Amendment 001 ]


                            State of Illinois
                         OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR
                      Springfield, Illinois  62706
      George H. Ryan
                                                      June 28, 2002
      To the Honorable Members of
        The Illinois Senate
      92nd General Assembly
          Pursuant to Article IV,  Section  9(b)  of  the  Illinois
      Constitution of 1970, I hereby veto Senate Bill 1859 entitled
      "AN ACT concerning health benefits."
          Senate  Bill  1859  would amend the State Employees Group
      Insurance Act of 1971 by providing that beginning with Fiscal
      Year 2003 and subsequent years, eligible employees may  elect
      not  to  participate  in  the  program  of health benefits as
      defined in this Act.
          Senate Bill 1859  was  introduced  as  a  potential  cost
      saving  measure  for  the  State during the present budgetary
      hardship as well as in the future.  However, this legislation
      only allows current State  employees  to  opt  out.   I  have
      signed  into  law  House  Bill 5686, which contains virtually
      identical language with the exception that it  includes  both
      current  employees and retirees.  Allowing both employees and
      retirees to opt out of the  State  health  insurance  program
      would  result  in  a  higher estimated savings for the State.
      The Department of Central Management Services estimates  that
      for  every  1%  of  employees  and  retirees who opt out, the
      approximate savings would be $8.6 million.
          I believe that every effort should be made  to  save  the
      State  money  during  the  current fiscal crisis.  House Bill
      5686 is more inclusive that Senate Bill 1859 and  potentially
      will result in greater savings for the State.
          For  these  reasons, I hereby veto and return Senate Bill
                                             George H. Ryan

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