State of Illinois
92nd General Assembly

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 1                    AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 2293

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill 2293 by  replacing
 3    everything after the enacting clause with the following:

 4        "Section  5.  The Illinois Procurement Code is amended by
 5    changing Section 30-25 as follows:

 6        (30 ILCS 500/30-25)
 7        Sec. 30-25.  Retention of a percentage of contract price.
 8    Whenever Any contract entered into by the Capital Development
 9    Board a  construction  agency  for  the  repair,  remodeling,
10    renovation,  or  construction of a building or structure, for
11    the construction or maintenance of a highway, as those  terms
12    are defined in Article 2 of the Illinois Highway Code, or for
13    the reclamation of abandoned lands as those terms are defined
14    in   Article  I  of  the  Abandoned  Mined  Lands  and  Water
15    Reclamation Act may provide provides for the retention  of  a
16    percentage not to exceed 5% of the contract price until final
17    completion  and  acceptance of the work., Upon the request of
18    the  contractor  and  with  the  approval  of   the   Capital
19    Development  Board construction agency the amount so retained
20    may be deposited under a trust  agreement  with  an  Illinois
21    bank  or financial institution of the contractor's choice and
22    subject to the approval  of  the  Capital  Development  Board
                            -2-            LRB9215422JMmbam01
 1    construction  agency.    The  contractor  shall  receive  any
 2    interest  on  the  deposited  amount. Upon application by the
 3    contractor, the trust agreement must contain, at  a  minimum,
 4    the following provisions:
 5             (1)  the  amount  to  be  deposited  subject  to the
 6        trust;
 7             (2)  the terms and conditions of payment in case  of
 8        default by the contractor;
 9             (3)  the  termination  of  the  trust agreement upon
10        completion of the contract; and
11             (4)  the  contractor  shall   be   responsible   for
12        obtaining the written consent of the bank trustee and for
13        any costs or service fees.
14        The trust agreement may, at the discretion of the Capital
15    Development Board construction agency and upon request of the
16    contractor, become effective at the time of the first partial
17    payment in accordance with existing statutes and rules.
18    (Source: P.A. 90-572, eff. date - See Sec. 99-5.)".

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