Public Act 102-1088 Public Act 1088 102ND GENERAL ASSEMBLY
| Public Act 102-1088 | SB3789 Enrolled | LRB102 24623 AWJ 33861 b |
| AN ACT concerning local government.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the | Decennial Committees on Local Government Efficiency Act. | Section 5. Definition. As used in this Act, "governmental | unit" includes all units of local government that may levy any | tax, except municipalities and counties. | Section 10. Formation of committee; members; vacancy; | administrative support.
| (a) Within one year after the effective date of this Act | and at least once every 10 years thereafter, each governmental | unit must form a committee to study local efficiencies and | report recommendations regarding efficiencies and increased | accountability to the county board in which the governmental | unit is located. | (b) Each committee's membership shall include the elected | or appointed members of the governing board of the | governmental unit; at least 2 residents of the governmental | unit, who are appointed by the chair of the board of the | governmental unit, with the advice and consent of the board; | and any chief executive officer or other officer of the |
| governmental unit. The committee shall be chaired by the | president or chief elected or appointed official of the | governing board of the governmental unit, or his or her | designee. The chairperson may appoint additional members to | the committee as he or she deems appropriate. | Committee members shall serve without compensation but may | be reimbursed by the governmental unit for their expenses | incurred in performing their duties. | (c) A committee may employ or use the services of | specialists in public administration and governmental | management and any other trained consultants, analysts, | investigators, and assistants it considers appropriate, and it | may seek assistance from community colleges and universities | as necessary to prepare the report required under Section 25. | (d) If a vacancy occurs in the committee membership, the | vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as the appointments | under subsection (b). | (e) Each governmental unit shall provide administrative | and other support to its committee. | Section 15. Duties of a committee. The duties of a | committee include, but are not limited to, the study of the | governmental unit's governing statutes, ordinances, rules, | procedures, powers, jurisdiction, shared services, | intergovernmental agreements, and interrelationships with | other governmental units and the State. The committee shall |
| also collect data, research, and analysis as necessary to | prepare the report described in Section 25. | Section 20. Meetings. Each committee shall meet at least 3 | times. The committee may meet during a regularly scheduled | meeting of the governmental unit as long as: (1) separate | notice is given in conformance with the Open Meetings Act; (2) | the committee meeting is listed as part of the board of the | governmental unit's agenda; and (3) at least a majority of the | members of the committee are present at the committee's | meeting. Each meeting of the committee shall be public, and | the committee shall provide an opportunity for any person to | be heard at the public hearings for at least 3 minutes. The | committee may require speakers to register. The committee | shall meet in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, and the | committee shall be a public body to which the Freedom of | Information Act applies. | At the conclusion of each meeting, the committee shall | conduct a survey of residents who attended asking for input on | the matters discussed at the meeting. | Section 25. Report. Each committee shall summarize its | work and findings within a written report, which shall include | recommendations in respect to increased accountability and | efficiency, and shall provide the report to the county board | in which the governmental unit is located no later than 18 |
| months after the formation of the committee. The report shall | be made available to the public. | Section 30. Dissolution of the committee. After a | committee has made the report required under Section 25 | available to the public, the committee is dissolved until it | is reestablished with newly appointed members under Section | 10. | Section 85. The School Code is amended by changing Section | 17-1.1 as follows: | (105 ILCS 5/17-1.1) | Sec. 17-1.1. Shared service reporting and fiscal | efficiency. | (a) Annually, each school district shall complete a report | developed by the State Board of Education, to accompany the | annual financial report and to be published on the State Board | of Education's Internet website, that summarizes district | attempts to improve fiscal efficiency through shared services | or outsourcing in the prior fiscal year. The report must be | primarily in checklist form and approximately one page in | length. It shall include, but shall not be limited to, the | incidence of the following shared service options: insurance; | employee benefits; transportation; personnel recruitment; | shared personnel; technology services; energy purchasing; |
| supply and equipment purchasing; food services; legal | services; investment pools; special education cooperatives, | vocational cooperatives, and other shared educational | programs; curriculum planning; professional development; | custodial services; maintenance services; grounds maintenance | services; food services; grant writing; and science, | technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) program | offerings. The report shall also include a list of potential | shared services or outsourcing the district may consider or | investigate for the next fiscal year and any anticipated | barriers to implementation. This report must be approved by | the school board at an open meeting that allows for public | comment, and it shall be published on the Internet website of | the school district, if any. | (b) Based on data supplied by school districts through the | annual financial report, regional superintendents of schools | shall publish annually a regional report summarizing district | attempts to improve fiscal efficiency through shared services | or outsourcing within the educational service region. This | report shall include a list of all joint purchasing | initiatives, joint agreements between districts, attempts to | reduce or eliminate duplication of services and duplicative | expenditures, and identification of any overlapping regional | service delivery systems. | (c) For school districts required to develop and submit to | the State Board of Education a deficit reduction plan under |
| Section 17-1 of this Code, the regional superintendent of | schools and the school district shall jointly prepare a shared | services and outsourcing plan that considers actions that may | improve the district's fiscal efficiency and how future | savings associated with shared services or outsourcing are to | be utilized.
| (Source: P.A. 97-357, eff. 1-1-12.) | Section 90. The State Mandates Act is amended by adding | Section 8.46 as follows: | (30 ILCS 805/8.46 new) | Sec. 8.46. Exempt mandate. Notwithstanding Sections 6 and | 8 of this Act, no reimbursement by the State is required for | the implementation of any mandate created by the Decennial | Committees on Local Government Efficiency Act. | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | becoming law. |
Effective Date: 6/10/2022