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Public Act 093-1078
Public Act 093-1078 |
SB3186 Enrolled |
LRB093 20455 WGH 46241 b |
| AN ACT concerning human rights.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Illinois Human Rights Act is amended by | changing Sections
1-102, 1-103, 3-103, and 3-106 and the | heading of Article 1 and adding Section
as follows:
| (775 ILCS 5/Art. 1 heading)
| (775 ILCS 5/1-101.1 new)
| Sec. 1-101.1. Construction. Nothing in this Act shall be | construed as
requiring any employer, employment agency, or | labor organization to give
preferential treatment or special | rights based on sexual orientation or to
implement affirmative | action policies or programs based on sexual
| (775 ILCS 5/1-102) (from Ch. 68, par. 1-102)
| Sec. 1-102. Declaration of Policy. It is the public policy | of this State:
| (A) Freedom from Unlawful Discrimination. To secure for all | individuals
within Illinois the freedom from discrimination | against any individual because
of his or her race, color, | religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age,
marital status, | physical or mental handicap, military
status, sexual | orientation, or unfavorable
discharge from military service in | connection with employment, real estate
transactions, access | to financial credit, and the availability of public
| accommodations.
| (B) Freedom from Sexual Harassment-Employment and Higher | Education.
To prevent sexual harassment in employment and | sexual harassment in
higher education.
| (C) Freedom from Discrimination Based on Citizenship | Status-Employment.
To prevent discrimination based on | citizenship status in employment.
| (D) Freedom from Discrimination Based on Familial | Status-Real Estate
Transactions. To prevent discrimination | based on familial status in real
estate transactions.
| (E) Public Health, Welfare and Safety. To promote the | public health,
welfare and safety by protecting the interest of | all people in Illinois
in maintaining personal dignity, in | realizing their full productive
capacities, and in furthering | their interests, rights and privileges as
citizens of this | State.
| (F) Implementation of Constitutional Guarantees. To secure | and
guarantee the rights established by Sections 17, 18 and 19 | of Article I
of the Illinois Constitution of 1970.
| (G) Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action. To establish | Equal
Opportunity and Affirmative Action as the policies of | this State in all
of its decisions, programs and activities, | and to assure that all State
departments, boards, commissions | and instrumentalities rigorously take
affirmative action to | provide equality of opportunity and eliminate the
effects of | past discrimination in the internal affairs of State
government | and in their relations with the public.
| (H) Unfounded Charges. To protect citizens of this State | against
unfounded charges of unlawful discrimination, sexual | harassment in
employment and sexual harassment in higher | education, and discrimination
based on citizenship status in | employment.
| (Source: P.A. 87-579; 88-178.)
| (775 ILCS 5/1-103) (from Ch. 68, par. 1-103) | Sec. 1-103. General Definitions. When used in this Act, | unless the
context requires otherwise, the term:
| (A) Age. "Age" means the chronological age of a person who | is at least
40 years old, except with regard to any practice | described in Section
2-102, insofar as that practice concerns |
| training or apprenticeship
programs. In the case of training or | apprenticeship programs, for the
purposes of Section 2-102, | "age" means the chronological age of a person
who is 18 but not | yet 40 years old.
| (B) Aggrieved Party. "Aggrieved party" means a person who | is alleged
or proved to have been injured by a civil rights | violation or believes he
or she will be injured by a civil | rights violation under Article 3 that is
about to occur.
| (C) Charge. "Charge" means an allegation filed with the | Department
by an aggrieved party or initiated by the Department | under its
| (D) Civil Rights Violation. "Civil rights violation" | includes and
shall be limited to only those specific acts set | forth in Sections
2-102, 2-103, 2-105, 3-102, 3-103, 3-104, | 3-104.1, 3-105, 4-102, 4-103,
5-102, 5A-102 and 6-101 of this | Act.
| (E) Commission. "Commission" means the Human Rights | Commission
created by this Act.
| (F) Complaint. "Complaint" means the formal pleading filed | by
the Department with the Commission following an | investigation and
finding of substantial evidence of a civil | rights violation.
| (G) Complainant. "Complainant" means a person including | the
Department who files a charge of civil rights violation | with the Department or
the Commission.
| (H) Department. "Department" means the Department of Human | Rights
created by this Act.
| (I) Handicap. "Handicap" means a determinable physical or | mental
characteristic of a person, including, but not limited | to, a determinable
physical characteristic which necessitates | the person's use of a guide,
hearing or support dog, the | history of such characteristic, or the
perception of such | characteristic by the person complained against, which
may | result from disease, injury, congenital condition of birth or
| functional disorder and which characteristic:
| (1) For purposes of Article 2 is unrelated to the |
| person's ability
to perform the duties of a particular job | or position and, pursuant to
Section 2-104 of this Act, a | person's illegal use of drugs or alcohol is not a
| (2) For purposes of Article 3, is unrelated to the | person's ability
to acquire, rent or maintain a housing | accommodation;
| (3) For purposes of Article 4, is unrelated to a | person's ability to
| (4) For purposes of Article 5, is unrelated to a | person's ability to
utilize and benefit from a place of | public accommodation.
| (J) Marital Status. "Marital status" means the legal status | of being
married, single, separated, divorced or widowed.
| (J-1) Military Status. "Military status" means a person's | status on
active duty in the armed forces of the United States, | status as a current member of any
reserve component of the | armed forces of the United States, including the United
States | Army Reserve, United States Marine Corps Reserve, United States | Navy
Reserve, United States Air Force Reserve, and United | States Coast Guard
Reserve, or status as a current member of | the Illinois Army National Guard or Illinois Air National
| Guard.
| (K) National Origin. "National origin" means the place in | which a
person or one of his or her ancestors was born.
| (L) Person. "Person" includes one or more individuals, | partnerships,
associations or organizations, labor | organizations, labor unions, joint
apprenticeship committees, | or union labor associations, corporations, the
State of | Illinois and its instrumentalities, political subdivisions, | units
of local government, legal representatives, trustees in | bankruptcy
or receivers.
| (M) Public Contract. "Public contract" includes every | contract to which the
State, any of its political subdivisions | or any municipal corporation is a
| (N) Religion. "Religion" includes all aspects of religious | observance
and practice, as well as belief, except that with |
| respect to employers, for
the purposes of Article 2, "religion" | has the meaning ascribed to it in
paragraph (F) of Section | 2-101.
| (O) Sex. "Sex" means the status of being male or female.
| (O-1) Sexual orientation. "Sexual orientation" means | actual or
perceived heterosexuality, homosexuality, | bisexuality, or gender-related identity,
whether or not | traditionally associated with the person's designated sex at
| birth. "Sexual orientation" does not include a physical or | sexual attraction to a minor by an adult.
| (P) Unfavorable Military Discharge. "Unfavorable military | discharge"
includes discharges from the Armed Forces of the | United States, their
Reserve components or any National Guard | or Naval Militia which are
classified as RE-3 or the equivalent | thereof, but does not include those
characterized as RE-4 or | "Dishonorable".
| (Q) Unlawful Discrimination. "Unlawful discrimination" | means discrimination
against a person because of his or her | race, color, religion, national origin,
ancestry, age, sex, | marital status, handicap, military status, sexual
| or unfavorable
discharge from military service as those terms | are defined in this Section.
| (Source: P.A. 93-941, eff. 8-16-04.)
| (775 ILCS 5/3-103) (from Ch. 68, par. 3-103)
| Sec. 3-103. Blockbusting. ) It is a civil rights violation | for any
person to:
| (A) Solicitation. Solicit for sale, lease, listing or | purchase any
residential real estate within this State, on the | grounds of loss of
value due to the present or prospective | entry into the vicinity of the
property involved of any person | or persons of any particular race,
color, religion, national | origin, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation,
marital | status,
familial status or
| (B) Statements. Distribute or cause to be distributed, | written
material or statements designed to induce any owner of |
| residential real
estate in this State to sell or lease his or | her property because of any
present or prospective changes in | the race, color, religion, national
origin, ancestry, age, sex, | sexual orientation, marital status, familial
status or | handicap
of residents in
the vicinity of the property involved.
| (C) Creating Alarm. Intentionally create alarm, among | residents of
any community, by transmitting communications in | any manner, including
a telephone call
whether or not | conversation thereby ensues, with a design to induce any
owner | of residential real estate in this state to sell or lease his | or
her property because of any present or prospective entry | into the
vicinity of the property involved of any person or | persons of any
particular race, color, religion, national | origin, ancestry, age, sex, sexual
orientation, marital
| status, familial status or handicap.
| (Source: P.A. 86-910.)
| (775 ILCS 5/3-106) (from Ch. 68, par. 3-106)
| Sec. 3-106. Exemptions.) Nothing contained in Section | 3-102 shall
| (A) Private Sales of Single Family Homes. Any sale of a | single
family home by its owner so long as the following | criteria are met:
| (1) The owner does not own or have a beneficial | interest in more
than three single family homes at the time | of the sale;
| (2) The owner or a member of his or her family was the | last current
resident of the home;
| (3) The home is sold without the use in any manner of | the sales or
rental facilities or services of any real | estate broker or salesman, or
of any employee or agent of | any real estate broker or salesman;
| (4) The home is sold without the publication, posting | or mailing,
after notice, of any advertisement or written | notice in violation of
paragraph (F) of Section 3-102.
| (B) Apartments. Rental of a housing accommodation in a |
| building
which contains housing accommodations for not more | than five families
living independently of each other, if the | lessor or a member of his or
her family resides in one of the | housing accommodations;
| (C) Private Rooms. Rental of a room or rooms in a private | home by
an owner if he or she or a member of his or her family | resides therein or,
while absent for a period of not more than | twelve months, if he or she or a
member of his or her family | intends to return to reside therein;
| (D) Reasonable local, State, or Federal restrictions
| regarding the maximum number of occupants permitted to occupy a | dwelling.
| (E) Religious Organizations. A religious organization, | association,
or society, or any nonprofit institution or | organization operated,
supervised or controlled by or in | conjunction with a religious
organization, association, or | society, from limiting the sale, rental or
occupancy of a | dwelling which it owns or operates for other than a
commercial | purpose to persons of the same religion, or from giving
| preference to such persons, unless membership in such religion | is
restricted on account of race, color, or national origin.
| (F) Sex. Restricting the rental of rooms in a housing | accommodation to
persons of one sex.
| (G) Persons Convicted of Drug-Related Offenses.
Conduct | against a person because such person has been convicted by
any | court of competent jurisdiction of the illegal manufacture or
| distribution of a controlled substance as defined in Section | 102 of the
federal Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802).
| (H) Persons engaged in the business of furnishing | appraisals of real
property from taking into consideration | factors other than those based on
unlawful discrimination or | familial status in furnishing appraisals.
| (H-1) The owner of an owner-occupied residential building | with 5 or
fewer units (including the unit in which the owner | resides) from making
decisions regarding whether to rent to a | person based upon that person's
sexual orientation.
| (I) Housing for Older Persons. No provision in this Article | regarding
familial status shall apply with respect to housing | for older persons.
| (1) As used in this Section, "housing for older | persons" means housing:
| (a) provided under any State or Federal program | that the Department
determines is specifically | designed and operated to assist elderly persons
(as | defined in the State or Federal program); or
| (b) intended for, and solely occupied by, persons | 62 years of age or
| (c) intended and operated for occupancy by persons | 55 years of age or
older and:
| (i) at least 80% of the occupied units are | occupied by at
least one person who is 55 years of | age or older;
| (ii) the housing facility or community | publishes and adheres to
policies and procedures
| that demonstrate the intent required under this
| subdivision (c); and
| (iii) the housing facility or community | complies with rules adopted by
Department for | verification of occupancy, which shall:
| (aa) provide for verification by reliable | surveys and affidavits;
| (bb) include examples of the types of | policies and procedures
relevant to
a | determination of compliance with the | requirement of clause (ii).
| These surveys and affidavits shall be admissible in | administrative and
judicial proceedings for the purposes of | such verification.
| (2) Housing shall not fail to meet the requirements for | housing for
older persons by reason of:
| (a) persons residing in such housing as of the | effective date of this
amendatory Act of 1989 who do |
| not meet the age requirements of subsections
(1)(b) or | (c); provided, that new occupants of such housing meet | the age
requirements of
subsections (1)(b) or (c) of | this subsection; or
| (b) unoccupied units; provided, that such units | are reserved for
occupancy by persons who meet the age | requirements of subsections (1)(b)
or (c) of this | subsection.
| (3) (a) A person shall not be held personally liable | for monetary damages
for a violation of this Article if | the person reasonably relied, in good
faith, on the | application of the exemption under this subsection (I) | relating
to housing for older persons.
| (b) For the purposes of this item (3), a person may | show good faith
reliance on the application of the | exemption only by showing that:
| (i) the person has no actual knowledge that the | facility or community
not, or will not be, | eligible for the exemption; and
| (ii) the facility or community has stated | formally, in writing, that
facility or | community complies with the requirements for the | exemption.
| (Source: P.A. 89-520, eff. 7-18-96.)
Effective Date: 1/1/2006