Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of Public Act 095-0969
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Public Act 095-0969




Public Act 095-0969
SB2685 Enrolled LRB095 05572 NHT 25662 b

    AN ACT concerning education.
    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
    Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Section
3-11 as follows:
    (105 ILCS 5/3-11)  (from Ch. 122, par. 3-11)
    Sec. 3-11. Institutes or inservice training workshops. In
counties of less than 2,000,000 inhabitants, the regional
superintendent may arrange for or conduct district, regional,
or county institutes, or equivalent professional educational
experiences, not more than 4 days annually. Of those 4 days, 2
days may be used as a teacher's workshop, when approved by the
regional superintendent, up to 2 days may be used for
conducting parent-teacher conferences or up to 2 days may be
utilized as parental institute days as provided in Section
10-22.18d. A school district may use one of its 4 institute
days on the last day of the school term. "Institute" or
"Professional educational experiences" means any educational
gathering, demonstration of methods of instruction, visitation
of schools or other institutions or facilities, sexual abuse
and sexual assault awareness seminar, or training in First Aid
(which may include cardiopulmonary resuscitation or
defibrillator training) held or approved by the regional
superintendent and declared by him to be an institute day, or
parent-teacher conferences. With the concurrence of the State
Superintendent of Education, he or she may employ such
assistance as is necessary to conduct the institute. Two or
more adjoining counties may jointly hold an institute.
Institute instruction shall be free to holders of certificates
good in the county or counties holding the institute, and to
those who have paid an examination fee and failed to receive a
    In counties of 2,000,000 or more inhabitants, the regional
superintendent may arrange for or conduct district, regional,
or county inservice training workshops, or equivalent
professional educational experiences, not more than 4 days
annually. Of those 4 days, 2 days may be used for conducting
parent-teacher conferences and up to 2 days may be utilized as
parental institute days as provided in Section 10-22.18d. A
school district may use one of those 4 days on the last day of
the school term. "Inservice Training Workshops" or
"Professional educational experiences" means any educational
gathering, demonstration of methods of instruction, visitation
of schools or other institutions or facilities, sexual abuse
and sexual assault awareness seminar, or training in First Aid
(which may include cardiopulmonary resuscitation or
defibrillator training) held or approved by the regional
superintendent and declared by him to be an inservice training
workshop, or parent-teacher conferences. With the concurrence
of the State Superintendent of Education, he may employ such
assistance as is necessary to conduct the inservice training
workshop. With the approval of the regional superintendent, 2
or more adjoining districts may jointly hold an inservice
training workshop. In addition, with the approval of the
regional superintendent, one district may conduct its own
inservice training workshop with subject matter consultants
requested from the county, State or any State institution of
higher learning.
    Such teachers institutes as referred to in this Section may
be held on consecutive or separate days at the option of the
regional superintendent having jurisdiction thereof.
    Whenever reference is made in this Act to "teachers
institute", it shall be construed to include the inservice
training workshops or equivalent professional educational
experiences provided for in this Section.
    Any institute advisory committee existing on April 1, 1995,
is dissolved and the duties and responsibilities of the
institute advisory committee are assumed by the regional office
of education advisory board.
    Districts providing inservice training programs shall
constitute inservice committees, 1/2 of which shall be
teachers, 1/4 school service personnel and 1/4 administrators
to establish program content and schedules.
    The teachers institutes shall include teacher training
committed to peer counseling programs and other anti-violence
and conflict resolution programs, including without limitation
programs for preventing at risk students from committing
violent acts. Beginning with the 2009-2010 school year, the
teachers institutes shall include instruction on prevalent
student chronic health conditions.
(Source: P.A. 94-197, eff. 7-12-05.)

Effective Date: 1/1/2009