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Public Act 096-0186
Public Act 096-0186 |
HB0952 Enrolled |
LRB096 10035 RLC 20199 b |
| AN ACT concerning employment.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Prevailing Wage Act is amended by changing | Sections 2 and 3 as follows:
| (820 ILCS 130/2) (from Ch. 48, par. 39s-2)
| Sec. 2. This Act applies to the wages of laborers, | mechanics and
other workers employed in any public works, as | hereinafter defined, by
any public body and to anyone under | contracts for public works. This includes any maintenance, | repair, assembly, or disassembly work performed on equipment | whether owned, leased, or rented.
| As used in this Act, unless the context indicates | otherwise:
| "Public works" means all fixed works constructed or | demolished by
any public body, other than work done directly by | any public utility
company, whether or not done under public | supervision or direction,
or paid for wholly or in part out of | public funds. "Public works" as
defined herein includes all | projects financed in whole
or in part with bonds issued under | the Industrial Project Revenue Bond
Act (Article 11, Division | 74 of the Illinois Municipal Code), the Industrial
Building | Revenue Bond Act, the Illinois Finance Authority Act,
the |
| Illinois Sports Facilities Authority Act, or the Build Illinois | Bond Act,
and all projects financed in whole or in part with | loans or other funds made
available pursuant to the Build | Illinois Act. "Public works" also includes
all projects | financed in whole or in part with funds from the Fund for
| Illinois' Future under Section 6z-47 of the State Finance Act, | funds for school
construction under Section 5 of the General | Obligation Bond Act, funds
authorized under Section 3 of the | School Construction Bond Act, funds for
school infrastructure | under Section 6z-45 of the State Finance Act, and funds
for | transportation purposes under Section 4 of the General | Obligation Bond
Act. "Public works" also includes all projects | financed in whole or in part
with funds from the Department of | Commerce and Economic Opportunity under the Illinois Renewable | Fuels Development Program
Act for which there is no project | labor agreement. "Public works" also includes all projects at | leased facility property used for airport purposes under | Section 35 of the Local Government Facility Lease Act.
| "Construction" means all work on public works involving | laborers,
workers or mechanics. This includes any maintenance, | repair, assembly, or disassembly work performed on equipment | whether owned, leased, or rented.
| "Locality" means the county where the physical work upon | public works
is performed, except (1) that if there is not | available in the county a
sufficient number of competent | skilled laborers, workers and mechanics
to construct the public |
| works efficiently and properly, "locality"
includes any other | county nearest the one in which the work or
construction is to | be performed and from which such persons may be
obtained in | sufficient numbers to perform the work and (2) that, with
| respect to contracts for highway work with the Department of
| Transportation of this State, "locality" may at the discretion | of the
Secretary of the Department of Transportation be | construed to include
two or more adjacent counties from which | workers may be accessible for
work on such construction.
| "Public body" means the State or any officer, board or | commission of
the State or any political subdivision or | department thereof, or any
institution supported in whole or in | part by public funds,
and includes every county, city, town,
| village, township, school district, irrigation, utility, | reclamation
improvement or other district and every other | political subdivision,
district or municipality of the state | whether such political
subdivision, municipality or district | operates under a special charter
or not.
| The terms "general prevailing rate of hourly wages", | "general
prevailing rate of wages" or "prevailing rate of | wages" when used in
this Act mean the hourly cash wages plus | fringe benefits for training and
apprenticeship programs | approved by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of
| Apprenticeship and Training, health and welfare, insurance, | vacations and
pensions paid generally, in the
locality in which | the work is being performed, to employees engaged in
work of a |
| similar character on public works.
| (Source: P.A. 94-750, eff. 5-9-06; 95-341, eff. 8-21-07.)
| (820 ILCS 130/3) (from Ch. 48, par. 39s-3)
| Sec. 3. Not less than the general prevailing rate of hourly | wages for
work of a similar character on public works in the | locality in which the
work is performed, and not less than the | general prevailing rate of
hourly wages for legal holiday and | overtime work, shall be paid to all
laborers, workers and | mechanics employed by or on behalf of any public
body engaged | in the construction or demolition of public works.
This | includes any maintenance, repair, assembly, or disassembly | work performed on equipment whether owned, leased, or rented. | Only such laborers, workers and mechanics as are
directly | employed by contractors or subcontractors in actual
| construction work on the site of the building or construction | job, and
laborers, workers and mechanics engaged in the | transportation of
materials and equipment to or from the site, | but not including the
transportation by the sellers and | suppliers or the manufacture or
processing of materials or | equipment, in the execution of any contract
or contracts for | public works with any public body shall be deemed to be
| employed upon public works. The wage for a tradesman performing | maintenance
is equivalent to that of a tradesman engaged in | construction or demolition .
| (Source: P.A. 95-341, eff. 8-21-07.)
Effective Date: 1/1/2010