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Public Act 096-0397
Public Act 096-0397 |
HB2546 Enrolled |
LRB096 09839 RLC 20002 b |
| AN ACT concerning criminal law.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Department of Natural Resources | (Conservation) Law of the
Civil Administrative Code of Illinois | is amended by changing Section 805-540 as follows:
| (20 ILCS 805/805-540) (was 20 ILCS 805/63b2.6)
| Sec. 805-540. Enforcement of adjoining state's laws. The
| Director may
grant authority to the officers of any adjoining | state who are authorized and
directed to enforce the laws of | that state relating to the protection of flora
and fauna to | take any of the following actions and have the following powers
| within the State of Illinois:
| (1) To follow, seize, and return to the adjoining state | any flora or
fauna or part thereof shipped or taken from | the adjoining state in
violation of the laws of that state | and brought into this State.
| (2) To dispose of any such flora or fauna or part | thereof under the
supervision of an Illinois Conservation | Police Officer.
| (3) To enforce as an agent of this State, with the same | powers as an
Illinois Conservation Police Officer, each of | the following laws of this
| (i) The Illinois Endangered Species Protection | Act.
| (ii) The Fish and Aquatic Life Code.
| (iii) The Wildlife Code.
| (iv) The Wildlife Habitat Management Areas Act.
| (v) The Hunter and Fishermen Interference | Prohibition Act.
| (vi) The Illinois Non-Game Wildlife Protection | Act.
| (vii) The Ginseng Harvesting Act.
| (viii) The State Forest Act.
| (ix) The Forest Products Transportation Act.
| (x) The Timber Buyers Licensing Act.
| Any officer of an adjoining state acting under a power or | authority granted
by the Director pursuant to this
Section | shall act without compensation or other benefits from this | State and
without this State having any liability for the acts | or omissions of that
| (Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
| Section 10. The Hunter Interference Prohibition Act is | amended by changing Sections 0.01, 1, 2, and 4 as follows:
| (720 ILCS 125/0.01) (from Ch. 61, par. 300)
| Sec. 0.01. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
Hunter | and Fishermen Interference Prohibition Act.
| (Source: P.A. 86-1324.)
| (720 ILCS 125/1) (from Ch. 61, par. 301)
| Sec. 1. Definitions. As used in this Act:
| "Interfere with" means to take any action that physically | impedes, hinders,
or obstructs the lawful taking of wildlife or | aquatic life a wild animal .
| "Wildlife" "Wild animal" means any wildlife wild creature | the taking of which is
by the Wildlife Code Fish and | Aquatic Life Code or the wildlife, fish, and game laws
of this | State and includes those species that are lawfully
released by | properly licensed permittees of the Department of Natural
| Resources.
| "Aquatic life" means all fish, reptiles, amphibians, | crayfish, and mussels the taking of which is
by the | Fish and Aquatic Life Code. | "Taking" means the capture or killing of wildlife or | aquatic life a wild animal and
travel, camping, and | other acts preparatory to taking which occur on lands
or waters | upon which the affected person has the right or privilege to | take
such wildlife or aquatic life wild animal .
| (Source: P.A. 90-555, eff. 12-12-97.)
| (720 ILCS 125/2) (from Ch. 61, par. 302)
| Sec. 2.
Any person who performs any of the following is | guilty of a
Class B misdemeanor:
| (a) Wilfully obstructs or interferes with the lawful taking | of
wildlife or aquatic life wild animals by another person with | the specific
intent to prevent that lawful taking.
| (b) (Blank).
| (c) (Blank).
| (d) (Blank).
| A person violates this Section when he or she intentionally | or knowingly
engages in any of the following acts:
| (1) Drives or disturbs wildlife or aquatic life wild | animals for the purpose of disrupting a lawful
taking of | wildlife or aquatic life wild animals .
| (2) Blocks, impedes, or physically harasses another | person who is engaged
in the process of lawfully taking | wildlife or aquatic life a wild animal .
| (3) Uses natural or artificial visual, aural, | olfactory, gustatory, or
physical stimuli to affect | wildlife or aquatic life animal behavior in order to hinder | or prevent the
lawful taking of wildlife or aquatic life a | wild animal .
| (4) Erects barriers with the intent to deny ingress or | egress to or from
areas where the lawful taking of wildlife | or aquatic life wild animals may occur.
| (5) Intentionally interjects himself or herself into | the line of fire or fishing lines of a
person lawfully | taking wildlife or aquatic life wild animals .
| (6) Affects the physical condition or placement of |
| personal or public
property intended for use in the lawful | taking of wildlife or aquatic life a wild animal in order | to
impair the usefulness of the property or prevent the use | of the property.
| (7) Enters or remains upon or over private lands | without the permission of
owner or the owner's agent, | with the intent to violate this Section.
| This Section does not apply to actions performed by | authorized employees of
the Department of Natural Resources, | duly accredited officers of the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, | sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, or other peace officers if the
| actions are authorized by law and are necessary for the | performance of their
official duties.
| This Section does not apply to landowners, tenants, or | lease holders
exercising their legal rights to the enjoyment of | land, including, but not
limited to, farming and restricting | trespass.
| It is an affirmative defense to a prosecution for a | violation of this
Section that the defendant's conduct is | protected by his or her right to
freedom of speech under the | constitution of this State or the United States.
| Any interested parties may engage in protests or other free | speech activities
adjacent to or on the perimeter of the | location where the lawful taking of wildlife or aquatic life | wild
animals is taking place, provided that none of the | provisions of this Section
are being violated.
| (Source: P.A. 90-555, eff. 12-12-97.)
| (720 ILCS 125/4) (from Ch. 61, par. 304)
| Sec. 4.
(a) Any court may enjoin conduct which would be in | violation
of Section 2 of this Act upon petition by a person | affected or who reasonably
may be affected by such conduct, | upon a showing that such conduct is threatened
or that it has | occurred on a particular premises in the past and that it
is | not unreasonable to expect that under similar circumstances it | will be
| (b) A court shall award all resulting costs and damages to | any person
adversely affected by a violation of Section 2, | which may include an award for
punitive damages. In addition to | other items of special damage, the measure of
damages may | include expenditures of the affected person for license and | permit
fees, travel, guides, special equipment and supplies, to | the extent that such
expenditures were rendered futile by | prevention of the taking of wildlife or aquatic life a wild | animal .
| (c) A court shall revoke, for a period of one year to 5 | years, any Illinois
hunting, fishing, or trapping privilege, | license or permit of any person
convicted of violating any | provision of this Act.
| (Source: P.A. 88-397.)
Effective Date: 1/1/2010