Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of Public Act 096-0503
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Public Act 096-0503




Public Act 096-0503
HB0460 Enrolled LRB096 03052 HLH 13067 b

    AN ACT concerning finance.
    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
    Section 5. The Build Illinois Bond Act is amended by
changing Section 4 as follows:
    (30 ILCS 425/4)  (from Ch. 127, par. 2804)
    Sec. 4. Purposes of Bonds. Bonds shall be issued for the
following purposes and in the approximate amounts as set forth
    (a) $2,417,000,000 for the expenses of issuance and sale of
Bonds, including bond discounts, and for planning,
engineering, acquisition, construction, reconstruction,
development, improvement and extension of the public
infrastructure in the State of Illinois, including: the making
of loans or grants to local governments for waste disposal
systems, water and sewer line extensions and water distribution
and purification facilities, rail or air or water port
improvements, gas and electric utility extensions, publicly
owned industrial and commercial sites, buildings used for
public administration purposes and other public infrastructure
capital improvements; the making of loans or grants to units of
local government for financing and construction of wastewater
facilities, including grants to serve unincorporated areas;
refinancing or retiring bonds issued between January 1, 1987
and January 1, 1990 by home rule municipalities, debt service
on which is provided from a tax imposed by home rule
municipalities prior to January 1, 1990 on the sale of food and
drugs pursuant to Section 8-11-1 of the Home Rule Municipal
Retailers' Occupation Tax Act or Section 8-11-5 of the Home
Rule Municipal Service Occupation Tax Act; the making of
deposits not to exceed $70,000,000 in the aggregate into the
Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund to provide assistance in
accordance with the provisions of Title IV-A of the
Environmental Protection Act; the planning, engineering,
acquisition, construction, reconstruction, alteration,
expansion, extension and improvement of highways, bridges,
structures separating highways and railroads, rest areas,
interchanges, access roads to and from any State or local
highway and other transportation improvement projects which
are related to economic development activities; the making of
loans or grants for planning, engineering, rehabilitation,
improvement or construction of rail and transit facilities; the
planning, engineering, acquisition, construction,
reconstruction and improvement of watershed, drainage, flood
control, recreation and related improvements and facilities,
including expenses related to land and easement acquisition,
relocation, control structures, channel work and clearing and
appurtenant work; the making of grants for improvement and
development of zoos and park district field houses and related
structures; and the making of grants for improvement and
development of Navy Pier and related structures.
    (b) $186,000,000 for fostering economic development and
increased employment and the well being of the citizens of
Illinois, including: the making of grants for improvement and
development of McCormick Place and related structures; the
planning and construction of a microelectronics research
center, including the planning, engineering, construction,
improvement, renovation and acquisition of buildings,
equipment and related utility support systems; the making of
loans to businesses and investments in small businesses;
acquiring real properties for industrial or commercial site
development; acquiring, rehabilitating and reconveying
industrial and commercial properties for the purpose of
expanding employment and encouraging private and other public
sector investment in the economy of Illinois; the payment of
expenses associated with siting the Superconducting Super
Collider Particle Accelerator in Illinois and with its
acquisition, construction, maintenance, operation, promotion
and support; the making of loans for the planning, engineering,
acquisition, construction, improvement and conversion of
facilities and equipment which will foster the use of Illinois
coal; the payment of expenses associated with the promotion,
establishment, acquisition and operation of small business
incubator facilities and agribusiness research facilities,
including the lease, purchase, renovation, planning,
engineering, construction and maintenance of buildings,
utility support systems and equipment designated for such
purposes and the establishment and maintenance of centralized
support services within such facilities; and the making of
grants or loans to units of local government for Urban
Development Action Grant and Housing Partnership programs.
    (c) $1,052,358,100 for the development and improvement of
educational, scientific, technical and vocational programs and
facilities and the expansion of health and human services for
all citizens of Illinois, including: the making of construction
and improvement grants and loans to public libraries and
library systems; the making of grants and loans for planning,
engineering, acquisition and construction of a new State
central library in Springfield; the planning, engineering,
acquisition and construction of an animal and dairy sciences
facility; the planning, engineering, acquisition and
construction of a campus and all related buildings, facilities,
equipment and materials for Richland Community College; the
acquisition, rehabilitation and installation of equipment and
materials for scientific and historical surveys; the making of
grants or loans for distribution to eligible vocational
education instructional programs for the upgrading of
vocational education programs, school shops and laboratories,
including the acquisition, rehabilitation and installation of
technical equipment and materials; the making of grants or
loans for distribution to eligible local educational agencies
for the upgrading of math and science instructional programs,
including the acquisition of instructional equipment and
materials; miscellaneous capital improvements for universities
and community colleges including the planning, engineering,
construction, reconstruction, remodeling, improvement, repair
and installation of capital facilities and costs of planning,
supplies, equipment, materials, services, and all other
required expenses; the making of grants or loans for repair,
renovation and miscellaneous capital improvements for
privately operated colleges and universities and community
colleges, including the planning, engineering, acquisition,
construction, reconstruction, remodeling, improvement, repair
and installation of capital facilities and costs of planning,
supplies, equipment, materials, services, and all other
required expenses; and the making of grants or loans for
distribution to local governments for hospital and other health
care facilities including the planning, engineering,
acquisition, construction, reconstruction, remodeling,
improvement, repair and installation of capital facilities and
costs of planning, supplies, equipment, materials, services
and all other required expenses.
    (d) $150,150,900 for protection, preservation, restoration
and conservation of environmental and natural resources,
including: the making of grants to soil and water conservation
districts for the planning and implementation of conservation
practices and for funding contracts with the Soil Conservation
Service for watershed planning; the making of grants to units
of local government for the capital development and improvement
of recreation areas, including planning and engineering costs,
sewer projects, including planning and engineering costs and
water projects, including planning and engineering costs, and
for the acquisition of open space lands, including the
acquisition of easements and other property interests of less
than fee simple ownership; the acquisition and related costs
and development and management of natural heritage lands,
including natural areas and areas providing habitat for
endangered species and nongame wildlife, and buffer area lands;
the acquisition and related costs and development and
management of habitat lands, including forest, wildlife
habitat and wetlands; and the removal and disposition of
hazardous substances, including the cost of project
management, equipment, laboratory analysis, and contractual
services necessary for preventative and corrective actions
related to the preservation, restoration and conservation of
the environment, including deposits not to exceed $60,000,000
in the aggregate into the Hazardous Waste Fund and the
Brownfields Redevelopment Fund for improvements in accordance
with the provisions of Titles V and XVII of the Environmental
Protection Act.
    (e) The amount specified in paragraph (a) above shall
include an amount necessary to pay reasonable expenses of each
issuance and sale of the Bonds, as specified in the related
Bond Sale Order (hereinafter defined).
    (f) Any unexpended proceeds from any sale of Bonds which
are held in the Build Illinois Bond Fund may be used to redeem,
purchase, advance refund, or defease any Bonds outstanding.
(Source: P.A. 91-39, eff. 6-15-99; 91-53, eff. 6-30-99; 91-709,
eff. 5-17-00; 92-9, eff. 6-11-01; 92-598, eff. 6-28-02.)
    Section 10. The Environmental Protection Act is amended by
changing Section 4 as follows:
    (415 ILCS 5/4)  (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 1004)
    Sec. 4. Environmental Protection Agency; establishment;
    (a) There is established in the Executive Branch of the
State Government an agency to be known as the Environmental
Protection Agency. This Agency shall be under the supervision
and direction of a Director who shall be appointed by the
Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. The term of
office of the Director shall expire on the third Monday of
January in odd numbered years, provided that he or she shall
hold office until a successor is appointed and has qualified.
The Director shall receive an annual salary as set by the
Governor from time to time or as set by the Compensation Review
Board, whichever is greater. If set by the Governor, the
Director's annual salary may not exceed 85% of the Governor's
annual salary. The Director, in accord with the Personnel Code,
shall employ and direct such personnel, and shall provide for
such laboratory and other facilities, as may be necessary to
carry out the purposes of this Act. In addition, the Director
may by agreement secure such services as he or she may deem
necessary from any other department, agency, or unit of the
State Government, and may employ and compensate such
consultants and technical assistants as may be required.
    (b) The Agency shall have the duty to collect and
disseminate such information, acquire such technical data, and
conduct such experiments as may be required to carry out the
purposes of this Act, including ascertainment of the quantity
and nature of discharges from any contaminant source and data
on those sources, and to operate and arrange for the operation
of devices for the monitoring of environmental quality.
    (c) The Agency shall have authority to conduct a program of
continuing surveillance and of regular or periodic inspection
of actual or potential contaminant or noise sources, of public
water supplies, and of refuse disposal sites.
    (d) In accordance with constitutional limitations, the
Agency shall have authority to enter at all reasonable times
upon any private or public property for the purpose of:
        (1) Inspecting and investigating to ascertain possible
    violations of this Act, any rule or regulation adopted
    under this Act, any permit or term or condition of a
    permit, or any Board order; or
        (2) In accordance with the provisions of this Act,
    taking whatever preventive or corrective action, including
    but not limited to removal or remedial action, that is
    necessary or appropriate whenever there is a release or a
    substantial threat of a release of (A) a hazardous
    substance or pesticide or (B) petroleum from an underground
    storage tank.
    (e) The Agency shall have the duty to investigate
violations of this Act, any rule or regulation adopted under
this Act, any permit or term or condition of a permit, or any
Board order; to issue administrative citations as provided in
Section 31.1 of this Act; and to take such summary enforcement
action as is provided for by Section 34 of this Act.
    (f) The Agency shall appear before the Board in any hearing
upon a petition for variance, the denial of a permit, or the
validity or effect of a rule or regulation of the Board, and
shall have the authority to appear before the Board in any
hearing under the Act.
    (g) The Agency shall have the duty to administer, in accord
with Title X of this Act, such permit and certification systems
as may be established by this Act or by regulations adopted
thereunder. The Agency may enter into written delegation
agreements with any department, agency, or unit of State or
local government under which all or portions of this duty may
be delegated for public water supply storage and transport
systems, sewage collection and transport systems, air
pollution control sources with uncontrolled emissions of 100
tons per year or less and application of algicides to waters of
the State. Such delegation agreements will require that the
work to be performed thereunder will be in accordance with
Agency criteria, subject to Agency review, and shall include
such financial and program auditing by the Agency as may be
    (h) The Agency shall have authority to require the
submission of complete plans and specifications from any
applicant for a permit required by this Act or by regulations
thereunder, and to require the submission of such reports
regarding actual or potential violations of this Act, any rule
or regulation adopted under this Act, any permit or term or
condition of a permit, or any Board order, as may be necessary
for the purposes of this Act.
    (i) The Agency shall have authority to make recommendations
to the Board for the adoption of regulations under Title VII of
the Act.
    (j) The Agency shall have the duty to represent the State
of Illinois in any and all matters pertaining to plans,
procedures, or negotiations for interstate compacts or other
governmental arrangements relating to environmental
    (k) The Agency shall have the authority to accept, receive,
and administer on behalf of the State any grants, gifts, loans,
indirect cost reimbursements, or other funds made available to
the State from any source for purposes of this Act or for air
or water pollution control, public water supply, solid waste
disposal, noise abatement, or other environmental protection
activities, surveys, or programs. Any federal funds received by
the Agency pursuant to this subsection shall be deposited in a
trust fund with the State Treasurer and held and disbursed by
him in accordance with Treasurer as Custodian of Funds Act,
provided that such monies shall be used only for the purposes
for which they are contributed and any balance remaining shall
be returned to the contributor.
    The Agency is authorized to promulgate such regulations and
enter into such contracts as it may deem necessary for carrying
out the provisions of this subsection.
    (l) The Agency is hereby designated as water pollution
agency for the state for all purposes of the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act, as amended; as implementing agency for
the State for all purposes of the Safe Drinking Water Act,
Public Law 93-523, as now or hereafter amended, except Section
1425 of that Act; as air pollution agency for the state for all
purposes of the Clean Air Act of 1970, Public Law 91-604,
approved December 31, 1970, as amended; and as solid waste
agency for the state for all purposes of the Solid Waste
Disposal Act, Public Law 89-272, approved October 20, 1965, and
amended by the Resource Recovery Act of 1970, Public Law
91-512, approved October 26, 1970, as amended, and amended by
the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, (P.L.
94-580) approved October 21, 1976, as amended; as noise control
agency for the state for all purposes of the Noise Control Act
of 1972, Public Law 92-574, approved October 27, 1972, as
amended; and as implementing agency for the State for all
purposes of the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (P.L. 96-510), as
amended; and otherwise as pollution control agency for the
State pursuant to federal laws integrated with the foregoing
laws, for financing purposes or otherwise. The Agency is hereby
authorized to take all action necessary or appropriate to
secure to the State the benefits of such federal Acts, provided
that the Agency shall transmit to the United States without
change any standards adopted by the Pollution Control Board
pursuant to Section 5(c) of this Act. This subsection (l) of
Section 4 shall not be construed to bar or prohibit the
Environmental Protection Trust Fund Commission from accepting,
receiving, and administering on behalf of the State any grants,
gifts, loans or other funds for which the Commission is
eligible pursuant to the Environmental Protection Trust Fund
Act. The Agency is hereby designated as the State agency for
all purposes of administering the requirements of Section 313
of the federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know
Act of 1986.
    Any municipality, sanitary district, or other political
subdivision, or any Agency of the State or interstate Agency,
which makes application for loans or grants under such federal
Acts shall notify the Agency of such application; the Agency
may participate in proceedings under such federal Acts.
    (m) The Agency shall have authority, consistent with
Section 5(c) and other provisions of this Act, and for purposes
of Section 303(e) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act,
as now or hereafter amended, to engage in planning processes
and activities and to develop plans in cooperation with units
of local government, state agencies and officers, and other
appropriate persons in connection with the jurisdiction or
duties of each such unit, agency, officer or person. Public
hearings shall be held on the planning process, at which any
person shall be permitted to appear and be heard, pursuant to
procedural regulations promulgated by the Agency.
    (n) In accordance with the powers conferred upon the Agency
by Sections 10(g), 13(b), 19, 22(d) and 25 of this Act, the
Agency shall have authority to establish and enforce minimum
standards for the operation of laboratories relating to
analyses and laboratory tests for air pollution, water
pollution, noise emissions, contaminant discharges onto land
and sanitary, chemical, and mineral quality of water
distributed by a public water supply. The Agency may enter into
formal working agreements with other departments or agencies of
state government under which all or portions of this authority
may be delegated to the cooperating department or agency.
    (o) The Agency shall have the authority to issue
certificates of competency to persons and laboratories meeting
the minimum standards established by the Agency in accordance
with Section 4(n) of this Act and to promulgate and enforce
regulations relevant to the issuance and use of such
certificates. The Agency may enter into formal working
agreements with other departments or agencies of state
government under which all or portions of this authority may be
delegated to the cooperating department or agency.
    (p) Except as provided in Section 17.7, the Agency shall
have the duty to analyze samples as required from each public
water supply to determine compliance with the contaminant
levels specified by the Pollution Control Board. The maximum
number of samples which the Agency shall be required to analyze
for microbiological quality shall be 6 per month, but the
Agency may, at its option, analyze a larger number each month
for any supply. Results of sample analyses for additional
required bacteriological testing, turbidity, residual chlorine
and radionuclides are to be provided to the Agency in
accordance with Section 19. Owners of water supplies may enter
into agreements with the Agency to provide for reduced Agency
participation in sample analyses.
    (q) The Agency shall have the authority to provide notice
to any person who may be liable pursuant to Section 22.2(f) of
this Act for a release or a substantial threat of a release of
a hazardous substance or pesticide. Such notice shall include
the identified response action and an opportunity for such
person to perform the response action.
    (r) The Agency may enter into written delegation agreements
with any unit of local government under which it may delegate
all or portions of its inspecting, investigating and
enforcement functions. Such delegation agreements shall
require that work performed thereunder be in accordance with
Agency criteria and subject to Agency review. Notwithstanding
any other provision of law to the contrary, no unit of local
government shall be liable for any injury resulting from the
exercise of its authority pursuant to such a delegation
agreement unless the injury is proximately caused by the
willful and wanton negligence of an agent or employee of the
unit of local government, and any policy of insurance coverage
issued to a unit of local government may provide for the denial
of liability and the nonpayment of claims based upon injuries
for which the unit of local government is not liable pursuant
to this subsection (r).
    (s) The Agency shall have authority to take whatever
preventive or corrective action is necessary or appropriate,
including but not limited to expenditure of monies appropriated
from the Build Illinois Bond Fund and the Build Illinois
Purposes Fund for removal or remedial action, whenever any
hazardous substance or pesticide is released or there is a
substantial threat of such a release into the environment. The
State, the Director, and any State employee shall be
indemnified for any damages or injury arising out of or
resulting from any action taken under this subsection. The
Director of the Agency is authorized to enter into such
contracts and agreements as are necessary to carry out the
Agency's duties under this subsection.
    (t) The Agency shall have authority to distribute grants,
subject to appropriation by the General Assembly, to units of
local government for financing and construction of municipal
wastewater facilities in both incorporated and unincorporated
areas. With respect to all monies appropriated from the Build
Illinois Bond Fund and the Build Illinois Purposes Fund for
wastewater facility grants, the Agency shall make
distributions in conformity with the rules and regulations
established pursuant to the Anti-Pollution Bond Act, as now or
hereafter amended.
    (u) Pursuant to the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act,
the Agency shall have the authority to adopt such rules as are
necessary or appropriate for the Agency to implement Section
31.1 of this Act.
    (v) (Blank.)
    (w) Neither the State, nor the Director, nor the Board, nor
any State employee shall be liable for any damages or injury
arising out of or resulting from any action taken under
subsection (s).
    (x)(1) The Agency shall have authority to distribute
    grants, subject to appropriation by the General Assembly,
    to units of local government for financing and construction
    of public water supply facilities. With respect to all
    monies appropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund or
    the Build Illinois Purposes Fund for public water supply
    grants, such grants shall be made in accordance with rules
    promulgated by the Agency. Such rules shall include a
    requirement for a local match of 30% of the total project
    cost for projects funded through such grants.
        (2) The Agency shall not terminate a grant to a unit of
    local government for the financing and construction of
    public water supply facilities unless and until the Agency
    adopts rules that set forth precise and complete standards,
    pursuant to Section 5-20 of the Illinois Administrative
    Procedure Act, for the termination of such grants. The
    Agency shall not make determinations on whether specific
    grant conditions are necessary to ensure the integrity of a
    project or on whether subagreements shall be awarded, with
    respect to grants for the financing and construction of
    public water supply facilities, unless and until the Agency
    adopts rules that set forth precise and complete standards,
    pursuant to Section 5-20 of the Illinois Administrative
    Procedure Act, for making such determinations. The Agency
    shall not issue a stop-work order in relation to such
    grants unless and until the Agency adopts precise and
    complete standards, pursuant to Section 5-20 of the
    Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, for determining
    whether to issue a stop-work order.
    (y) The Agency shall have authority to release any person
from further responsibility for preventive or corrective
action under this Act following successful completion of
preventive or corrective action undertaken by such person upon
written request by the person.
(Source: P.A. 92-574, eff. 6-26-02; 93-152, eff. 7-10-03.)
    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
becoming law.

Effective Date: 8/14/2009