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Public Act 096-0519
Public Act 096-0519 |
HB2750 Enrolled |
LRB096 07762 AJT 17863 b |
| AN ACT concerning transportation.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, | represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by changing | Section 3-104 as follows:
| (625 ILCS 5/3-104) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-104)
| Sec. 3-104. Application for certificate of title.
| (a) The application for a certificate of title for a | vehicle in this
State must be made by the owner to the | Secretary of State on the form
prescribed and must contain:
| 1. The name, Illinois residence and mail address of the | owner;
| 2. A description of the vehicle including, so far as | the following
data exists: Its make, year-model, | identifying number, type of body,
whether new or used, as | to house trailers as
defined in Section 1-128 of this Code, | the square footage of the house
trailer based upon the | outside dimensions of the house trailer excluding
the | length of the tongue and hitch, and, as to vehicles of the
| second division, whether for-hire, not-for-hire, or both | for-hire and
| 3. The date of purchase by applicant and, if | applicable, the name and
address of the person from whom |
| the vehicle was acquired and the names and
addresses of any | lienholders in the order of their priority and signatures | of
| 4. The current odometer reading at the time of transfer | and that the
stated odometer reading is one of the | following: actual mileage, not
the actual mileage or | mileage is in excess of its mechanical limits; and
| 5. Any further information the Secretary of State | reasonably
requires to identify the vehicle and to enable | him to determine whether
the owner is entitled to a | certificate of title and the existence or
nonexistence of | security interests in the vehicle. | (a-5) The Secretary of State shall designate on the | prescribed application form a space where the owner of a | vehicle may designate a beneficiary, to whom ownership of the | vehicle shall pass in the event of the owner's death.
| (b) If the application refers to a vehicle purchased from a | dealer,
it must also be signed by the dealer as well as the | owner, and the dealer must
promptly mail or deliver the | application and required documents to the
Secretary of State.
| (c) If the application refers to a vehicle last previously
| registered in another State or country, the application must | contain or
be accompanied by:
| 1. Any certified document of ownership so recognized | and issued by
the other State or country and acceptable to | the Secretary of State, and
| 2. Any other information and documents the Secretary of | State
reasonably requires to establish the ownership of the | vehicle and the
existence or nonexistence of security | interests in it.
| (d) If the application refers to a new vehicle it must be
| accompanied by the Manufacturer's Statement of Origin, or other | documents
as required and acceptable by the Secretary of State, | with such
assignments as may be necessary to show title in the | applicant.
| (e) If an application refers to a vehicle rebuilt from a | vehicle
previously salvaged, that application shall comply | with the provisions
set forth in Sections 3-302 through 3-304 | of this Code.
| (f) An application for a certificate of title for any | vehicle,
whether purchased in Illinois or outside Illinois, and | even if
previously registered in another State, must be | accompanied by either an
exemption determination from the | Department of Revenue showing that no
tax imposed pursuant to | the Use Tax Act or the vehicle use tax imposed by
Section | 3-1001 of the Illinois Vehicle Code is owed by anyone with | respect to
that vehicle, or a receipt from the Department of | Revenue showing that any tax
so imposed has been paid. An | application for a certificate of title for any
vehicle | purchased outside Illinois, even if previously registered in | another
state, must be accompanied by either an exemption | determination from the
Department of Revenue showing that no |
| tax imposed pursuant to the Municipal Use
Tax Act or the County | Use Tax Act is owed by anyone with respect to that
vehicle, or | a receipt from the Department of Revenue showing that any tax | so
imposed has been paid. In the absence of such a receipt for | payment or
determination of exemption from the Department, no | certificate of title shall
be issued to the applicant.
| If the proof of payment of the tax or of nonliability | therefor is,
after the issuance of the certificate of title and | display certificate
of title, found to be invalid, the | Secretary of State shall revoke the
certificate and require | that the certificate of title and, when
applicable, the display | certificate of title be returned to him.
| (g) If the application refers to a vehicle not manufactured | in
accordance with federal safety and emission standards, the | application must
be accompanied by all documents required by | federal governmental
agencies to meet their standards before a | vehicle is allowed to be issued
title and registration.
| (h) If the application refers to a vehicle sold at public | sale by a
sheriff, it must be accompanied by the required fee | and a bill of sale
issued and signed by a sheriff. The bill of | sale must identify the new
owner's name and address, the year | model, make and vehicle identification
number of the vehicle, | court order document number authorizing such sale,
if | applicable, and the name and address of any lienholders in | order of
priority, if applicable.
| (i) If the application refers to a vehicle for which a |
| court of law
determined the ownership, it must be accompanied | with a certified copy of
such court order and the required fee. | The court order must indicate the
new owner's name and address, | the complete description of the vehicle, if
known, the name and | address of the lienholder, if any, and must be signed
and dated | by the judge issuing such order.
| (j) If the application refers to a vehicle sold at public | auction pursuant
to the Labor and Storage Lien (Small Amount) | Act, it must be
accompanied by an affidavit or affirmation | furnished by the Secretary of
State along with the
documents | described in the affidavit or affirmation and the required fee.
| (k) If the application refers to a homemade trailer, (i) it | must be accompanied by the appropriate documentation regarding | the source of materials used in the construction of the | trailer, as required by the Secretary of State, (ii) the | trailer must be inspected by a Secretary of State investigator, | as described in Section 2-115 of this Code, prior to the | issuance of the title, and (iii) upon approval of the Secretary | of State, the trailer must have a vehicle identification | number, as provided by the Secretary of State, stamped or | riveted to the frame. | (Source: P.A. 95-784, eff. 1-1-09.)
Effective Date: 1/1/2010