Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of Public Act 096-0679
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Public Act 096-0679




Public Act 096-0679
HB2335 Enrolled LRB096 03908 KTG 13943 b

    AN ACT concerning business.
    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
    Section 5. The Limited Liability Company Act is amended by
adding Section 1-26 as follows:
    (805 ILCS 180/1-26 new)
    Sec. 1-26. Certificate of Registration; Department of
Financial and Professional Regulation. This Section applies
only to a limited liability company that intends to provide, or
does provide, professional services that require the
individuals engaged in the profession to be licensed by the
Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. A limited
liability company covered by this Section shall not open,
operate, or maintain an establishment for any of the purposes
for which a limited liability company may be organized under
this Act without obtaining a certificate of registration from
the Department.
    Application for such registration shall be made in writing
and shall contain the name and address of the limited liability
company and such other information as may be required by the
Department. Upon receipt of such application, the Department
shall make an investigation of the limited liability company.
If the Department finds that the organizers, managers, and
members are each licensed pursuant to the laws of Illinois to
engage in the particular profession or related professions
involved (except that an initial organizer may be a licensed
attorney) and if no disciplinary action is pending before the
Department against any of them and if it appears that the
limited liability company will be conducted in compliance with
the law and the rules and regulations of the Department, the
Department shall issue, upon payment of a registration fee of
$50, a certificate of registration.
    Upon written application of the holder, the Department
shall renew the certificate if it finds that the limited
liability company has complied with its regulations and the
provisions of this Act and the applicable licensing Act. This
fee for the renewal of a certificate of registration shall be
calculated at the rate of $40 per year. The certificate of
registration shall be conspicuously posted upon the premises to
which it is applicable, and the limited liability company shall
have only those offices which are designated by street address
in the articles of organization, or as changed by amendment of
such articles. A certificate of registration shall not be
    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
becoming law.

Effective Date: 8/25/2009