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Public Act 096-1244 Public Act 1244 96TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 096-1244 | HB5712 Enrolled | LRB096 20246 AJT 35829 b |
| AN ACT concerning transportation.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by changing | Sections 1-167, 1-187.001, 6-514, 11-1011, 11-1201, 11-1202, | and 11-1203 and by adding Section 1-167.5 as follows:
| (625 ILCS 5/1-167) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 1-167)
| Sec. 1-167. Railroad sign or signal. Any sign, signal
or | device, other than an official traffic control signal or
| device, erected in accordance with the laws governing same and | intended
to give notice of the presence of railroad tracks or | the approach of a railroad train or railroad track equipment .
| (Source: P.A. 83-831.)
| (625 ILCS 5/1-167.5 new) | Sec. 1-167.5. Railroad track equipment. All vehicles | operated upon rails for the purpose of the maintenance of | railroads including, but not limited to, all hi-rail vehicles | and on-track roadway maintenance machines, as defined in 49 | CFR, Part 214.7.
| (625 ILCS 5/1-187.001)
| Sec. 1-187.001. Serious traffic violation.
| (a) A conviction when operating a motor vehicle for:
| (1) a violation of subsection (a) of Section 11-402, | relating to a motor
accident involving damage to a | vehicle;
| (2) a violation of Section 11-403, relating to failure | to stop and
exchange information after a motor vehicle | collision, property damage only;
| (3) a violation of subsection (a) of Section 11-502, | relating to illegal
transportation, possession, or | carrying of alcoholic liquor within the
passenger area of | any vehicle;
| (4) a violation of Section 6-101 relating to operating | a motor vehicle
without a
valid license or permit;
| (5) a violation of Section 11-403, relating to failure | to stop and
exchange information or give aid after a motor | vehicle collision involving
personal injury or death;
| (6) a violation relating to excessive speeding, | involving a single
speeding charge of 30 miles per hour or | more above the legal speed limit;
| (7) a violation relating to reckless driving;
| (8) a violation of subsection (d) of Section 11-707, | relating to passing
in a no-passing zone;
| (9) a violation of subsection (b) of Section 11-1402, | relating to
limitations on backing
upon a controlled access | highway;
| (10) a violation of subsection (b) of Section 11-707, |
| relating to driving
on the left
side of a roadway in a | no-passing zone;
| (11) a violation of subsection (e) of Section 11-1002, | relating to failure
to yield
the right-of-way to a | pedestrian at an intersection;
| (12) a violation of Section 11-1008, relating to | failure to yield to a
pedestrian on a sidewalk; or
| (13) a violation of Section 11-1201, relating to | failure to stop for an
approaching railroad train or | railroad track equipment or signals; or
| (b) Any other similar violation of a law or local ordinance | of any state
relating to motor vehicle traffic control, other | than a parking violation.
| (c) A violation of any of these defined serious traffic | offenses shall
not preclude the defendant from being eligible | to receive an order of court
supervision under Section 5-6-1 of | the Unified Code of Corrections.
| (Source: P.A. 90-369, eff. 1-1-98.)
| (625 ILCS 5/6-514) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 6-514)
| Sec. 6-514. Commercial Driver's License (CDL) - | Disqualifications.
| (a) A person shall be disqualified from driving a | commercial motor
vehicle for a period of not less than 12 | months for the first violation of:
| (1) Refusing to submit to or failure to complete a test |
| or tests to
determine the driver's blood concentration of | alcohol, other drug, or both,
while driving a commercial | motor vehicle or, if the driver is a CDL holder, while | driving a non-CMV; or
| (2) Operating a commercial motor vehicle while the | alcohol
concentration of the person's blood, breath or | urine is at least 0.04, or any
amount of a drug, substance, | or compound in the person's blood or urine
resulting from | the unlawful use or consumption of cannabis listed in the
| Cannabis Control Act, a controlled substance listed in the | Illinois
Controlled Substances Act, or methamphetamine as | listed in the Methamphetamine Control and Community | Protection Act as indicated by a police officer's sworn | report or
other verified evidence; or operating a | non-commercial motor vehicle while the alcohol | concentration of the person's blood, breath, or urine was | above the legal limit defined in Section 11-501.1 or | 11-501.8 or any amount of a drug, substance, or compound in | the person's blood or urine resulting from the unlawful use | or consumption of cannabis listed in the Cannabis Control | Act, a controlled substance listed in the Illinois | Controlled Substances Act, or methamphetamine as listed in | the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act
| as indicated by a police officer's sworn report or other | verified evidence while holding a commercial driver's | license; or
| (3) Conviction for a first violation of:
| (i) Driving a commercial motor vehicle or, if the | driver is a CDL holder, driving a non-CMV while under | the influence of
alcohol, or any other drug, or | combination of drugs to a degree which
renders such | person incapable of safely driving; or
| (ii) Knowingly and wilfully leaving the scene of an | accident while
operating a commercial motor vehicle | or, if the driver is a CDL holder, while driving a | non-CMV; or
| (iii) Driving a commercial motor vehicle or, if the | driver is a CDL holder, driving a non-CMV while | committing any felony; or | (iv) Driving a commercial motor vehicle while the | person's driving privileges or driver's license or | permit is revoked, suspended, or cancelled or the | driver is disqualified from operating a commercial | motor vehicle; or | (v) Causing a fatality through the negligent | operation of a commercial motor vehicle, including but | not limited to the crimes of motor vehicle | manslaughter, homicide by a motor vehicle, and | negligent homicide. | As used in this subdivision (a)(3)(v), "motor | vehicle manslaughter" means the offense of involuntary | manslaughter if committed by means of a vehicle; |
| "homicide by a motor vehicle" means the offense of | first degree murder or second degree murder, if either | offense is committed by means of a vehicle; and | "negligent homicide" means reckless homicide under | Section 9-3 of the Criminal Code of 1961 and aggravated | driving under the influence of alcohol, other drug or | drugs, intoxicating compound or compounds, or any | combination thereof under subdivision (d)(1)(F) of | Section 11-501 of this Code.
| If any of the above violations or refusals occurred | while
transporting hazardous material(s) required to be | placarded, the person
shall be disqualified for a period of | not less than 3 years.
| (b) A person is disqualified for life for a second | conviction of any of
the offenses specified in paragraph (a), | or any combination of those
offenses, arising from 2 or more | separate incidents.
| (c) A person is disqualified from driving a commercial | motor vehicle for
life if the person either (i) uses a | commercial motor vehicle in the commission of any felony
| involving the manufacture, distribution, or dispensing of a | controlled
substance, or possession with intent to | manufacture, distribute or dispense
a controlled substance or | (ii) if the person is a CDL holder, uses a non-CMV in the | commission of a felony involving any of those activities.
| (d) The Secretary of State may, when the United States |
| Secretary of
Transportation so authorizes, issue regulations | in which a disqualification
for life under paragraph (b) may be | reduced to a period of not less than 10
If a reinstated | driver is subsequently convicted of another disqualifying
| offense, as specified in subsection (a) of this Section, he or | she shall be
permanently disqualified for life and shall be | ineligible to again apply for a
reduction of the lifetime | disqualification.
| (e) A person is disqualified from driving a commercial | motor vehicle for
a period of not less than 2 months if | convicted of 2 serious traffic
violations, committed in a | commercial motor vehicle, arising from separate
incidents, | occurring within a 3 year period. However, a person will be
| disqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle for a | period of not less
than 4 months if convicted of 3 serious | traffic violations, committed in a
commercial motor vehicle, | arising from separate incidents, occurring within a 3
year | period.
| (e-1) A person is disqualified from driving a commercial | motor vehicle for a period of not less than 2 months if | convicted of 2 serious traffic violations committed in a | non-CMV while holding a CDL, arising from separate incidents, | occurring within a 3 year period, if the convictions would | result in the suspension or revocation of the CDL holder's | non-CMV privileges. A person shall be disqualified from driving | a commercial motor vehicle for a period of not less than 4 |
| months, however, if he or she is convicted of 3 or more serious | traffic violations committed in a non-CMV while holding a CDL, | arising from separate incidents, occurring within a 3 year | period, if the convictions would result in the suspension or | revocation of the CDL holder's non-CMV privileges.
| (f) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, any | driver
disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle, | pursuant to this
UCDLA, shall not be eligible for restoration | of commercial driving
privileges during any such period of | disqualification.
| (g) After suspending, revoking, or cancelling a commercial | driver's
license, the Secretary of State must update the | driver's records to reflect
such action within 10 days. After | suspending or revoking the driving privilege
of any person who | has been issued a CDL or commercial driver instruction permit
| from another jurisdiction, the Secretary shall originate | notification to
such issuing jurisdiction within 10 days.
| (h) The "disqualifications" referred to in this Section | shall not be
imposed upon any commercial motor vehicle driver, | by the Secretary of
State, unless the prohibited action(s) | occurred after March 31, 1992.
| (i) A person is disqualified from driving a commercial | motor vehicle in
accordance with the following:
| (1) For 6 months upon a first conviction of paragraph | (2) of subsection
(b) or subsection (b-3) of Section 6-507 | of this Code.
| (2) For 2 years upon a second conviction of paragraph | (2) of subsection
(b) or subsection (b-3) or any | combination of paragraphs (2) or (3) of subsection (b) or | subsections (b-3) or (b-5) of Section 6-507 of this Code | within a 10-year period if the second conviction is a | violation of paragraph (2) of subsection (b) or subsection | (b-3).
| (3) For 3 years upon a third or subsequent conviction | of paragraph (2) of
subsection (b) or subsection (b-3) or | any combination of paragraphs (2) or (3) of subsection (b) | or subsections (b-3) or (b-5) of Section 6-507 of this Code | within a 10-year period if the third or subsequent | conviction is a violation of paragraph (2) of subsection | (b) or subsection (b-3).
| (4) For one year upon a first conviction of paragraph | (3) of subsection
(b) or subsection (b-5) of Section 6-507 | of this Code.
| (5) For 3 years upon a second conviction of paragraph | (3) of subsection
(b) or subsection (b-5) or any | combination of paragraphs (2) or (3) of subsection (b) or | subsections (b-3) or (b-5) of Section 6-507 of this Code | within a 10-year period if the second conviction is a | violation of paragraph (3) of subsection (b) or (b-5).
| (6) For 5 years upon a third or subsequent conviction | of paragraph (3) of
subsection (b) or subsection (b-5) or | any combination of paragraphs (2) or (3) of subsection (b) |
| or subsections (b-3) or (b-5) of Section 6-507 of this Code | within a 10-year period if the third or subsequent | conviction is a violation of paragraph (3) of subsection | (b) or (b-5).
| (j) Disqualification for railroad-highway grade crossing
| violation.
| (1) General rule. A driver who is convicted of a | violation of a federal,
State, or
local law or regulation | pertaining to
one of the following 6 offenses at a | railroad-highway grade crossing must be
from | operating a commercial motor vehicle for the period of time | specified in
paragraph (2) of this subsection (j) if the | offense was committed while
operating a commercial motor | vehicle:
| (i) For drivers who are not required to always | stop, failing to
slow down and check that the tracks | are clear of an approaching train or railroad track | equipment , as
described in subsection (a-5) of Section | 11-1201 of this Code;
| (ii) For drivers who are not required to always | stop, failing to
stop before reaching the crossing, if | the tracks are not clear, as described in
subsection | (a) of Section 11-1201 of this Code;
| (iii) For drivers who are always required to stop, | failing to stop
before driving onto the crossing, as | described in Section 11-1202 of this Code;
| (iv) For all drivers, failing to have sufficient | space to drive
completely through the crossing without | stopping, as described in subsection
(b) of Section | 11-1425 of this Code;
| (v) For all drivers, failing to obey a traffic | control device or
the directions of an enforcement | official at the crossing, as described in
subdivision | (a)2 of Section 11-1201 of this Code;
| (vi) For all drivers, failing to negotiate a | crossing because of
insufficient undercarriage | clearance, as described in subsection (d-1) of
Section | 11-1201 of this Code.
| (2) Duration of disqualification for railroad-highway | grade
crossing violation.
| (i) First violation. A driver must be disqualified | from operating a
commercial motor vehicle
for not less | than 60 days if the driver is convicted of a violation | described
in paragraph
(1) of this subsection (j) and, | in the three-year period preceding the
conviction, the | driver
had no convictions for a violation described in | paragraph (1) of this
subsection (j).
| (ii) Second violation. A driver must be | disqualified from operating a
motor vehicle
| for not less
than 120 days if the driver is convicted
| of a violation described in paragraph (1) of this | subsection (j) and, in the
period preceding |
| the conviction, the driver had one other conviction for | a
described in paragraph (1) of this | subsection (j) that was committed in a
| incident.
| (iii) Third or subsequent violation. A driver must | be disqualified from
operating a
commercial motor | vehicle
for not less than one year if the driver is | convicted
of a violation described in paragraph (1) of | this subsection (j) and, in the
period | preceding the conviction, the driver had 2 or more | other convictions for
described in | paragraph (1) of this subsection (j) that were | committed in
separate incidents.
| (k) Upon notification of a disqualification of a driver's | commercial motor vehicle privileges imposed by the U.S. | Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety | Administration, in accordance with 49 C.F.R. 383.52, the | Secretary of State shall immediately record to the driving | record the notice of disqualification and confirm to the driver | the action that has been taken.
| (Source: P.A. 95-382, eff. 8-23-07; 96-544, eff. 1-1-10.)
| (625 ILCS 5/11-1011) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 11-1011)
| Sec. 11-1011. Bridge and railroad signals.
| (a) No pedestrian
shall enter or remain
upon any bridge or | approach thereto beyond the bridge signal, gate, or
barrier |
| after a bridge operation signal indication has been given.
| (b) No pedestrian shall pass through, around, over, or | under any
crossing gate or barrier at a railroad grade crossing | or bridge while such
gate or barrier is closed or is being | opened or closed.
| (c) No pedestrian shall enter, remain upon or traverse over | a railroad
grade crossing or pedestrian walkway crossing a | railroad track when an
audible bell or clearly visible electric | or mechanical signal device is
operational giving warning of | the presence, approach, passage, or
departure of a
railroad | train or railroad track equipment .
| (d) A violation of any part of this Section is a petty | offense for
which a $250 fine shall be imposed for a first | violation, and a $500 fine shall
be imposed for a
second or | subsequent violation. The court may impose 25 hours of | community
service in place of the $250
fine for a
first | violation.
| (e) Local authorities shall impose fines as established in | subsection (d)
for pedestrians who fail to obey signals | indicating the presence,
approach, passage, or
departure of
a | train or railroad track equipment .
| (Source: P.A. 92-814, eff. 1-1-03.)
| (625 ILCS 5/11-1201) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 11-1201)
| Sec. 11-1201. Obedience to signal indicating approach of | train or railroad track equipment .
| (a) Whenever any person driving a vehicle approaches a | railroad grade
crossing where the driver is not always required | to stop, the
person must
exercise due care and caution as the | existence of
a railroad track across a highway is a warning of | danger, and under any of
the circumstances stated in this | Section, the driver shall stop within 50
feet but not less than | 15 feet from the nearest rail of the railroad and
shall not | proceed until the tracks are clear and he or she can do so
| safely. The
foregoing requirements
shall apply when:
| 1. A clearly visible electric or mechanical signal | device gives warning
of the immediate approach of a | railroad train or railroad track equipment ;
| 2. A crossing gate is lowered or a human flagman gives | or continues to
give a signal of the approach or passage of | a railroad train or railroad track equipment ;
| 3. A railroad train or railroad track equipment | approaching a highway crossing emits a warning
signal and | such railroad train or railroad track equipment , by reason | of its speed or nearness to such
crossing, is an immediate | hazard;
| 4. An approaching railroad train or railroad track | equipment is plainly visible and is in hazardous
proximity | to such crossing;
| 5. A railroad train or railroad track equipment is | approaching so closely that an immediate hazard
is created.
| (a-5) Whenever a person driving a vehicle approaches a |
| railroad grade
crossing where the driver is not always required | to stop but must slow down,
the person must exercise due care | and caution as the existence of a railroad
track across a | highway is a warning of danger, and under any of the
| circumstances stated in this Section, the driver shall slow | down within 50 feet
but not less than 15 feet from the nearest | rail of the railroad and shall not
proceed until he or she | checks that the tracks are clear of an approaching
train or | railroad track equipment .
| (b) No person shall drive any vehicle through, around
or | under any crossing gate or barrier at a railroad crossing
while | such gate or barrier is closed or is being opened or closed.
| (c) The Department, and local authorities with the
approval | of the Department, are hereby authorized to designate
| particularly dangerous highway grade crossings of railroads
| and to erect stop signs thereat. When such stop signs
are | erected the driver of any vehicle shall stop within 50
feet but | not less than 15 feet from the nearest rail of such
railroad | and shall proceed only upon exercising due care.
| (d) At any railroad grade crossing provided with railroad | crossbuck signs,
without automatic, electric, or mechanical | signal devices, crossing gates, or a
human flagman giving a | signal of the approach or passage of a train or railroad track | equipment , the driver
of a vehicle shall in obedience to the | railroad crossbuck sign, yield the
right-of-way and slow down | to a speed reasonable for the existing conditions
and shall |
| stop, if required for safety, at a clearly marked stopped line, | or if
no stop line, within 50 feet but not less than 15 feet | from the nearest rail of
the railroad and shall not proceed | until he or she can do so safely. If a
driver is involved in a | collision at a railroad crossing or interferes with the
| movement of a train or railroad track equipment after driving | past the railroad crossbuck sign, the
collision or interference | is prima facie evidence of the driver's
failure to yield | right-of-way.
| (d-1) No person shall, while driving a commercial motor | vehicle, fail to
a railroad-highway grade railroad | crossing because of insufficient
| (d-5) (Blank).
| (e) It is unlawful to violate any part of this
| (1) A violation of this Section is a petty offense for | which a fine of
$250 shall be imposed for a first | violation, and a fine of $500 shall be
imposed for a second | or subsequent violation. The court may impose 25 hours of
| community service in place of the $250 fine for the first | violation.
| (2) For a second or subsequent violation, the Secretary | of State may
suspend the driving privileges of the offender | for a minimum of 6 months.
| (f) Corporate authorities of municipal corporations
| regulating operators of vehicles that fail to obey signals | indicating the
approach, passage, or departure of a
| train or railroad track equipment shall impose fines as | established in subsection (e) of this Section.
| (Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
| (625 ILCS 5/11-1202) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 11-1202)
| Sec. 11-1202. Certain vehicles must stop at all railroad | grade
| (a) The driver of any of the following vehicles shall, | before
crossing a railroad track or tracks at grade, stop such | vehicle within 50
feet but not less than 15 feet from the | nearest rail and, while so stopped,
shall listen and look for | the approach of a train or railroad track equipment and shall | not proceed
until such movement can be made with safety:
| 1. Any second division vehicle carrying passengers for | hire;
| 2. Any bus that meets all of the special requirements | for school buses in
Sections 12-801, 12-803, and 12-805 of | this Code. The driver of the bus, in addition to complying | with all other applicable requirements of this subsection | (a), must also (i) turn off all noise producing | accessories, including heater blowers, defroster fans, | auxiliary fans, and radios, and (ii) open the service door | and driver's window, before crossing a railroad track or | tracks;
| 3. Any other vehicle which is required by Federal or | State law to be
placarded when carrying as a cargo or part |
| of a cargo hazardous material as
defined in the "Illinois | Hazardous Materials Transportation Act".
| After stopping as required in this Section, the driver | shall proceed only in
a gear not requiring a change of gears | during the crossing, and the driver
shall not shift gears while | crossing the track or tracks.
| (b) This Section shall not apply:
| 1. At any railroad grade crossing where traffic is | controlled by a police
officer or flagperson;
| 2. At any railroad grade crossing controlled by a | functioning
traffic-control signal transmitting a green | indication which, under law,
permits the vehicle to proceed | across the railroad tracks without slowing
or stopping, | except that subsection (a) shall apply to
any school bus;
| 3. At any streetcar grade crossing within a business or
| residence district; or
| 4. At any abandoned, industrial or spur track railroad | grade
crossing designated as exempt by the Illinois | Commerce Commission and
marked with an official sign as | authorized in the State Manual on Uniform
Traffic Control | Devices for Streets and Highways.
| (Source: P.A. 94-519, eff. 8-10-05; 95-756, eff. 1-1-09.)
| (625 ILCS 5/11-1203) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 11-1203)
| Sec. 11-1203. Moving heavy equipment at railroad grade | crossing.
| (a) No person shall operate or move any crawler-type | tractor, power
shovel, derrick, roller, or any equipment or | structure having a normal
operating speed of 10 or less miles | per hour, or, for such equipment with
18 feet or less distance | between two adjacent axles, having a vertical body
or load | clearance of less than 9 inches above a level surface, or, for | such
equipment with more than 18 feet between two adjacent | axles, having a
vertical body or load clearance of less than | 1/2 inch per foot of distance
between such adjacent axles above | a level surface upon or across any tracks
at a railroad grade | crossing without first complying with this Section.
| (b) Notice of any such intended crossing shall be given to | a
superintendent of such railroad and a reasonable time be | given to such
railroad to provide proper protection at such | crossing.
| (c) Before making any such crossing the person operating or | moving any
such vehicle or equipment shall first stop the same | not less than 15 feet
nor more than 50 feet from the nearest | rail of such railway and while so
stopped shall listen and look | in both directions along such track for any
approaching train | or railroad track equipment and for signals indicating the | approach of a train or railroad track equipment , and
shall not | proceed until the crossing can be made safely.
| (d) No such crossing shall be made when warning is given by | automatic
signal or crossing gates or a flagman or otherwise of | the immediate
approach of a railroad train , railroad track |
| equipment, or car.
| (Source: P.A. 76-2172.)
Effective Date: 1/1/2011