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Public Act 097-0235 Public Act 0235 97TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 097-0235 | HB3034 Enrolled | LRB097 09449 AEK 49584 b |
| AN ACT concerning business.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Illinois Roofing Industry Licensing Act is | amended by changing Section 5 and by adding Section 5.1 as | follows:
| (225 ILCS 335/5) (from Ch. 111, par. 7505)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2016)
| Sec. 5. Display of license number; advertising.
| (a) Each State licensed roofing contractor shall
affix the | roofing contractor license number and the licensee's name, as | it appears on the license, to all of his
her contracts and | bids. In
addition, the official issuing building permits shall | affix the
roofing contractor license number to each application | for a building permit
and on
each building permit issued and | recorded.
| (a-5) A person who knowingly, in the course of applying for | a building permit with a unit of local government, provides the | roofing license number of a roofing contractor whom he or she | does not intend to have perform the work on the roofing portion | of the project commits identity theft under paragraph (8) of | subsection (a) of Section 16G-15 of the Criminal Code of 1961. | (b) (Blank). In addition, every roofing contractor shall |
| affix the
contractor license number and the licensee's | name, as it appears on the license, on all commercial vehicles | used as
of his
or her business as a roofing contractor.
| (c) Every holder of a license shall
display it in a
| conspicuous place in his or her principal office, place of | business, or place
of employment.
| (d) No person licensed under this Act may advertise | services regulated by
this Act unless that person includes in | the advertisement the roofing contractor license number and the | licensee's name, as it appears on the license. Nothing | contained in this subsection requires the publisher of
| advertising for roofing contractor services to investigate or | verify the
accuracy of the
license number provided by the | licensee.
| (e) A person who advertises services regulated by this Act | who knowingly (i)
fails to display the license number and the | licensee's name, as it appears on the license, in any manner | required by this Section,
(ii) fails to provide a publisher | with the correct license number as required
by subsection (d), | or (iii) provides a publisher with a false license number or
a | license number of another person, or a person who knowingly | allows his or her
license number to be displayed or used by | another person to circumvent any
provisions of this Section, is | guilty of a Class A misdemeanor with a fine of
$1,000, and, in | addition, is subject to the administrative enforcement
| provisions of this Act.
Each day that an advertisement runs or |
| each day that a person knowingly allows
his or her license to | be displayed or used in violation of this Section
constitutes a | separate offense.
| (Source: P.A. 96-624, eff. 1-1-10; 96-1324, eff. 7-27-10.)
| (225 ILCS 335/5.1 new) | Sec. 5.1. Commercial vehicles. Any entity offering | services regulated by the Roofing Industry Licensing Act shall | affix the
contractor license number and the licensee's | name, as it appears on the license, on all commercial vehicles | used in offering such services. An entity in violation of this | Section shall be subject to a $250 civil penalty. This Section | may be enforced by local code enforcement officials employed by | units of local government as it relates to roofing work being | performed within the boundaries of their jurisdiction. For | purposes of this Section, "code enforcement official" means an | officer or other designated authority charged with the | administration, interpretation, and enforcement of codes on | behalf of a municipality or county. If the alleged violation | has been corrected prior to or on the date of the hearing | scheduled to adjudicate the alleged violation, it shall be | dismissed. | Section 10. The Home Repair and Remodeling Act is amended | by adding Section 18 and by changing Section 20 as follows: |
| (815 ILCS 513/18 new) | Sec. 18. Repairs following damaging weather. | (a) As used in this Section, "catastrophe" means a natural | occurrence, including but not limited to flood, drought, | earthquake, tornado, windstorm, or hailstorm, which damages or | destroys more than one residence. | (b) A contractor offering home repair or remodeling | services shall not advertise or promise to pay or rebate all or | any portion of any insurance deductible as an inducement to the | sale of goods or services. As used in this Section, a promise | to pay or rebate includes granting any allowance or offering | any discount against the fees to be charged or paying the | insured or any person directly or indirectly associated with | the property any form of compensation. | (c) A contractor offering home repair or remodeling | services shall not accept money or any form of compensation in | exchange for allowing an out of area contractor to use its | business name or license. | (d) A contractor offering home repair or remodeling | services shall include its Illinois State roofing contractor | license name and number as it appears on its Illinois State | roofing license on all contracts, bids, and advertisements | involving roofing work as required by the Illinois Roofing | Industry Licensing Act. | (e) A person who has entered into a written contract with a | contractor offering home repair or remodeling services to |
| provide goods or services to be paid from the proceeds of a | property and casualty insurance policy may cancel the contract | prior to midnight on the earlier of the fifth business day | after the insured has received written notice from the insurer | that all or any part of the claim or contract is not a covered | loss under the insurance policy or the thirtieth business day | after receipt of a properly executed proof of loss by the | insurer from the insured. Cancellation is evidenced by the | insured giving written notice of cancellation to the contractor | offering home repair or remodeling services at the address | stated in the contract. Notice of cancellation, if given by | mail, is effective upon deposit into the United States mail, | postage prepaid and properly addressed to the contractor. | Notice of cancellation may be given by delivering or mailing a | signed and dated copy of the written notice of cancellation to | the contractor's business address as stated in the contract. | Notice of cancellation shall include a copy of the written | notice from the insurer to the effect that all or part of the | claim is not a covered loss under the insurance policy. Notice | of cancellation need not take a particular form and is | sufficient if it indicates, by any form of written expression, | the intention of the insured not to be bound by the contract. | (f) Any contract referred to in subsection (e), must | contain a statement in at least 10 point boldface, in | substantially the following form: | "You may cancel this contract at any time before |
| midnight on the earlier of the fifth business day after | you have received written notification from your | insurer that all or any part of the claim or contract | is not a covered loss under the insurance policy or the | thirtieth business day after your insurer has received | properly executed proof(s) of loss from you. See | attached notice of cancellation form for an | explanation of this right." | (g) Upon executing a contract referred to in subsection | (e), furnish each insured a fully completed form in duplicate, | captioned "NOTICE OF CANCELLATION", which shall be attached to | the contract but easily detachable, and which shall contain | boldface type of a minimum size of 10 points the following | statement with the appropriate fields completed by the | contractor: | "NOTICE OF CANCELLATION | If you are notified by your insurer that all or any | part of the claim or contract is not a covered loss | under the insurance policy, you may cancel the contract | by mailing or delivering a signed and dated copy of | this cancellation notice or any other written notice to | (name of contractor) at (address of contractor's place | of business) at any time prior to midnight on the | earlier of the fifth business day after you have | received such notice from your insurer or the thirtieth | business day after your insurer has received properly |
| executed proof(s) of loss from you. If you cancel, any | payments made by you under the contract, other than | payments for goods or services related to a catastrophe | which you agreed in writing to be necessary to prevent | damage to your property, will be returned to you within | 10 business days following receipt by the contractor of | your cancellation notice. | I HEREBY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION | ................................ | (date) | ................................ | (insured's signature)". | (h) Within 10 days after a contract referred to in | subsection (e) has been cancelled, the contractor offering home | repair or remodeling services shall tender to the insured any | payments, partial payments, or deposits made by the insured and | any note or other evidence of indebtedness. If, however, the | contractor has provided any goods or services related to a | catastrophe, acknowledged and agreed to by the insured in | writing to be necessary to prevent damage to the premises, the | contractor is entitled to the reasonable value of such goods | and services. Any provision in a contract referred to in | subsection (e) that requires the payment of any fee for | anything except goods or services related to a catastrophe | shall not be enforceable against any insured who has cancelled | a contract pursuant to this Section. |
| (i) A contractor offering home repair or remodeling | services shall not represent, or offer or advertise to | represent, on behalf of a homeowner on any insurance claim in | connection with the repair or replacement of roof systems, or | the performance of any other interior or exterior repair, | replacement, construction or reconstruction work; or otherwise | violate the Public Adjusters Law (Public Act 96-1332). A Public | Adjuster means any person who acts on behalf of the insured in | preparing and adjusting a claim for loss or damage covered by | an insurance contract. A contractor offering home repair or | remodeling services shall not call in or file a claim to an | insurance carrier on the insured's behalf. A contractor | offering home repair or remodeling services shall not climb on | a roof or inspect for exterior damage without the insured's | express permission. Nothing in this subsection shall be | construed to prohibit a residential contractor from: (1) | providing an insured an estimate for repair, replacement, | construction, or reconstruction of the insured's property and | any such estimate may be submitted to the insured's insurance | company; (2) conferring with an insurance company's | representative about damage to an insured's property; or (3) | discussing repair or replacement options with an insurance | company's representative or the insured about options for the | repair or replacement of the damage.
| (815 ILCS 513/20)
| Sec. 20. Consumer rights brochure.
| (a) For any contract over $1,000, any
person engaging in | the business
of home repair and remodeling shall provide to its | customers a copy of the
"Home Repair: Know Your Consumer | Rights" pamphlet prior to the execution of any
home repair and | remodeling contract. The consumer shall sign and date an
| acknowledgment form entitled "Consumer Rights Acknowledgment | Form" that states:
"I, the homeowner, have received from the | contractor a copy of the pamphlet
entitled 'Home Repair: Know | Your Consumer Rights.'" The contractor or his or
her | representative shall also sign and date the acknowledgment | form, which
includes the name and address of the home repair | and remodeling business. The
acknowledgment form shall be in | duplicate and incorporated into the pamphlet.
The original | acknowledgment form shall be retained by the contractor and the
| duplicate copy shall be retained within the pamphlet by the | consumer.
| (b) For any contract for $1,000 or under, any person | engaging in the
of home repair and remodeling shall | provide to its customers a copy of the
"Home Repair: Know Your | Consumer Rights" pamphlet. No written acknowledgment
of | receipt of the pamphlet is required for a contract of $1,000 or | under.
| (c) The
pamphlet must be a separate
document, in at least | 12 point type, and in legible ink. The pamphlet shall
read as | follows:
| As you plan for your home repair/improvement project, it is | important to
ask the right questions in order to protect your | investment. The tips in this
fact sheet should allow you to | protect yourself and minimize the possibility
that a | misunderstanding may occur.
| Please use extreme caution when confronted with the following | warning signs of
a potential scam:
| (1) Door-to-door salespersons with no local connections | who offer to do
home repair work for substantially less than | the market price.
| (2) Solicitations for repair work from a company that lists | only a
telephone number or a post-office box number to contact, | particularly if it is
out-of-state company.
| (3) Contractors who fail to provide customers references | when requested.
| (4) Persons offering to inspect your home for free. Do not | admit anyone
into your home unless he or she can present | authentic identification
establishing his or her business | status. When in doubt, do not hesitate to
call the
worker's | employer to verify his or her identity.
| (5) Contractors demanding cash payment for a job or who ask | you to make a
check payable to a person other than the owner or | company name.
| (6) Offers from a contractor to drive you to the bank to | withdraw funds to
pay for the work.
| (1) Get all estimates in writing.
| (2) Do not be induced into signing a contract by | high-pressure sales
| (3) Never sign a contract with blank spaces or one you do | not fully
understand. If you are taking out a loan to finance | the work, do not sign the
contract before your lender approves | the loan.
| (4) Remember, you have 3 business days from the time you | sign your
to cancel any contract if the sale is made | at your home. The contractor cannot
deprive you of this right | by initiating work, selling your contract to a
lender, or any | other tactic.
| (5) If the contractor does business under a name other than | the
real name, the business must either be | incorporated or registered under the
Assumed Business Name Act. | Check with the Secretary of State to see if the
business is
| incorporated or with the county clerk to see if the business | has registered
under the Assumed Business Name Act.
| (6) Homeowners should check with local and county units of | government to
determine if permits or inspections are required.
| (7) Determine whether the contractor will guarantee his or | her work and
| (8) Determine whether the contractor has the proper | insurance.
| (9) Do not sign a certificate of completion or make final | payment until
work is done to your satisfaction.
| (10) Remember, homeowners should know who provides | supplies and labor for
any work performed on your home. | Suppliers and subcontractors have a right to
file a lien | against your property if the general contractor fails to pay | them.
To protect your property, request lien waivers from the | general contractor.
| (1) Contractor's full name, address, and telephone number. | Illinois law
requires that
persons selling home repair and | improvement services provide their customers
with notice of any | change to their business name or address that comes about
prior | to the agreed dates for beginning or completing the work.
| (2) A description of the work to be performed.
| (3) Starting and estimated completion dates.
| (4) Total cost of work to be performed.
| (5) Schedule and method of payment, including down payment, |
| subsequent
payments, and final payment.
| (6) A provision stating the grounds for termination of the | contract by
either party. However, the homeowner must pay the | contractor for work
completed. If the contractor fails to | commence or complete work within the
contracted time period, | the homeowner may cancel and may be entitled to a
refund of any | down payment
or other payments made towards the work, upon | written demand by certified mail.
| (7) A provision stating the grounds for termination of the | contract if you are notified by your insurer that all or any | part of the claim or contract is not a covered loss under the | insurance policy, you may cancel the contract by mailing or | delivering written notice to (name of contractor) at (address | of contractor's place of business) at any time prior to the | earlier of midnight on the fifth business day after you have | received such notice from your insurer or the thirtieth | business day after receipt of a properly executed proof of loss | by the insurer from the insured. If you cancel, any payments | made by you under the contract will be returned to you within | 10 business days following receipt by the contractor of your | cancellation notice. If, however, the contractor has provided | any goods or services related to a catastrophe, acknowledged | and agreed to by the insured homeowner in writing to be | necessary to prevent damage to the premises, the contractor is | entitled to the reasonable value of such goods and services. | Homeowners should obtain a copy of the signed contract and |
| keep it in a safe
place for reference as needed.
| To file a complaint against a roofing contractor, contact | the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional | Regulation at 312-814-6910 or file a complaint directly on its | website.
| If you think you have been defrauded by a contractor or | have any questions,
please bring
it to the attention of your | State's Attorney or the Illinois Attorney General's
| Attorney General Toll-Free Numbers
| Carbondale (800) 243-0607
| Springfield (800) 243-0618
| Chicago (800) 386-5438".
| (Source: P.A. 91-230, eff. 1-1-00.)
Effective Date: 1/1/2012