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Public Act 097-0362 Public Act 0362 97TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 097-0362 | HB0083 Enrolled | LRB097 05047 RLC 45087 b |
| AN ACT concerning courts.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, | represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Juvenile Court Act of 1987 is amended by | changing Section 5-750 as follows:
| (705 ILCS 405/5-750)
| Sec. 5-750. Commitment to the Department of Juvenile | Justice.
| (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this Section, | when any
delinquent has been adjudged a ward of the court under | this Act, the court may
commit him or her to the Department of | Juvenile Justice, if it
that (a) his or her parents, | guardian or legal custodian are unfit or are
unable, for
some | reason other than financial circumstances alone, to care for, | protect,
train or discipline the minor, or are unwilling to do | so,
and the best interests of the minor and
the public will not | be served by placement under Section 5-740 ,
or ; (b) it is
| necessary to ensure the protection of the public from the | consequences of
criminal activity of the delinquent ; and (b)
| commitment to the Department of Juvenile Justice is the least
| restrictive alternative based on evidence that efforts were
| made to locate less restrictive alternatives to secure
| confinement and the reasons why efforts were unsuccessful in
| locating a less restrictive alternative to secure confinement . | Before the court commits a minor to the Department of Juvenile | Justice, it shall make a finding that secure confinement is | necessary,
following a review of the following individualized | factors: | (A) Age of the minor. | (B) Criminal background of the minor. | (C) Review of results of any assessments of the minor,
| including child centered assessments such as the CANS. | (D) Educational background of the minor, indicating
| whether the minor has ever been assessed for a learning
| disability, and if so what services were provided as well | as any disciplinary incidents at school. | (E) Physical, mental and emotional health of the minor,
| indicating whether the minor has ever been diagnosed with a
| health issue and if so what services were provided and | whether the minor was compliant with services. | (F) Community based services that have been provided to
| the minor, and whether the minor was compliant with the | services, and the reason the services were unsuccessful. | (G) Services within the Department of Juvenile Justice
| that will meet the individualized needs of the minor .
| (1.5) Before the court commits a minor to the Department of | Juvenile Justice, the court must find reasonable efforts have | been made to prevent or eliminate the need for the minor to be | removed from the home, or reasonable efforts cannot, at this |
| time, for good cause, prevent or eliminate the need for | removal, and removal from home is in the best interests of the | minor, the minor's family, and the public. | (2) When a minor of the age of at least 13 years is | adjudged delinquent
for the offense of first degree murder, the | court shall declare the minor a
ward of the court and order the | minor committed to the Department of
Juvenile Justice until the | minor's 21st birthday, without the
possibility of parole, | furlough, or non-emergency authorized absence for a
period of 5 | years from the date the minor was committed to the Department | of
Juvenile Justice, except that the time that a minor spent in | custody for the instant
offense before being committed to the | Department of Juvenile Justice shall be considered as time
| credited towards that 5 year period. Nothing in this subsection | (2) shall
preclude the State's Attorney from seeking to | prosecute a minor as an adult as
an alternative to proceeding | under this Act.
| (3) Except as provided in subsection (2), the commitment of | a
delinquent to the Department of Juvenile Justice shall be for | an indeterminate term
which shall automatically terminate upon | the delinquent attaining the age of 21
years unless the | delinquent is sooner discharged from parole or custodianship
is | otherwise terminated in accordance with this Act or as | otherwise provided
for by law.
| (4) When the court commits a minor to the Department of | Juvenile Justice, it
shall order him or her conveyed forthwith |
| to the appropriate reception station
other place designated | by the Department of Juvenile Justice, and shall appoint the
| Director of Juvenile Justice legal custodian of the
minor. The | clerk of the court shall issue to the
Director of Juvenile | Justice a certified copy of the order,
which constitutes proof | of the Director's authority. No other process need
issue to
| warrant the keeping of the minor.
| (5) If a minor is committed to the Department of Juvenile | Justice, the clerk of the court shall forward to the | Department:
| (a) the disposition ordered;
| (b) all reports;
| (c) the court's statement of the basis for ordering the | disposition; and
| (d) all additional matters which the court directs the | clerk to transmit.
| (6) Whenever the Department of Juvenile Justice lawfully | discharges from its
custody and
control a minor committed to | it, the Director of Juvenile Justice shall petition the court | for an order terminating his or her
custodianship. The | custodianship shall terminate automatically 30 days after
| receipt of the petition unless the court orders otherwise.
| (Source: P.A. 94-696, eff. 6-1-06 .)
Effective Date: 1/1/2012