|  |
Public Act 097-0400 Public Act 0400 97TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 097-0400 | HB0700 Enrolled | LRB097 03528 CEL 43565 b |
| AN ACT concerning regulation.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Illinois Administrative Procedure Act is | amended by changing Section 10-65 as follows: | (5 ILCS 100/10-65) (from Ch. 127, par. 1010-65)
| Sec. 10-65. Licenses.
| (a) When any licensing is required by law to be preceded by | notice and
an opportunity for a hearing, the provisions of this | Act concerning
contested cases shall apply.
| (b) When a licensee has made timely and sufficient | application for
the renewal of a license or a new license with | reference to any activity
of a continuing nature, the existing | license shall continue in full
force and effect until the final | agency decision on the application has
been made unless a later | date is fixed by order of a reviewing court.
| (c) An application for Except as provided in Section 1-17
| of the Department of Natural
Resources Act, an application for | the renewal of a license or a new license
shall include the | applicant's social security number , which shall be retained in | the agency's records pertaining to the license . As soon as | practical, an agency must assign a customer identification | number to each applicant for a license that the applicant may |
| use in place of his or her social security number on the | application for a license or renewal of a license. A licensee's | social security number shall not appear on the face of his or | her license. Each agency shall require
the licensee to certify | on the
application form, under penalty of perjury, that he or | she is not more than
30 days delinquent in complying with a | child support order. Every
application shall state that failure | to so certify shall result in
disciplinary action, and that | making a false statement may subject
the licensee
to contempt | of court. The agency shall notify each applicant or licensee
| who
acknowledges a delinquency or who, contrary to his or her | certification, is
found to be delinquent or who after receiving | notice, fails to comply with a
subpoena or warrant relating to | a paternity or a child support proceeding,
that the agency | intends to take disciplinary
action. Accordingly, the agency | shall provide written notice of the facts
or conduct upon which | the agency will rely to support its proposed action
and the | applicant or licensee shall be given an opportunity for a | hearing
in accordance
with the provisions of the Act concerning | contested cases. Any delinquency
in complying with a child | support order can be remedied by arranging for
payment of past | due and current support. Any failure to comply with a
subpoena | or warrant relating to a paternity or child support proceeding | can be
remedied by complying with the subpoena or warrant. Upon | a final finding of
delinquency or failure to comply with a | subpoena or warrant, the agency
shall suspend, revoke, or |
| refuse to issue or renew the license.
In cases in which the | Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly | Department of Public Aid) has previously determined that
an | applicant or a
licensee is more than 30 days delinquent in the
| payment
of child support and has subsequently certified the | delinquency to the
licensing agency,
and in cases in which a | court has previously determined that an applicant or
licensee | has
been in violation of the Non-Support Punishment Act
for | more than 60 days,
the licensing agency shall refuse to issue | or
renew or shall
revoke or suspend that person's license based | solely upon the certification of
delinquency made
the | Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly
| Department of Public Aid) or the certification of violation | made by the
court. Further process, hearings, or
| redetermination of the delinquency or violation by the
| licensing agency shall not be required. The licensing agency | may issue or
renew a license if the licensee has arranged for | payment of
past and current child support obligations in a | manner satisfactory to
Department of Healthcare and Family | Services (formerly Department of Public Aid) or the court. The | licensing agency may impose
restrictions, or | disciplinary action upon that license.
| (d) Except as provided in subsection (c), no agency shall | revoke,
suspend, annul, withdraw, amend
materially, or refuse | to renew any valid license without first giving
written notice | to the licensee of the facts or conduct upon which the
agency |
| will rely to support its proposed action and an opportunity for
| a hearing in accordance with the provisions of this Act | concerning
contested cases. At the hearing, the licensee shall | have the right
to show compliance with all lawful requirements | for the retention,
continuation, or renewal of the license. If, | however, the agency finds
that the public interest, safety, or | welfare imperatively requires
emergency action, and if the | agency incorporates a finding to that
effect in its order, | summary suspension of a license may be ordered
pending | proceedings for revocation or other action. Those proceedings
| shall be promptly instituted and determined.
| (e) Any application for renewal of a license that contains
| required and relevant information, data, material, or | circumstances that
were not contained in an application for the | existing license shall be
subject to the provisions of | subsection (a).
| (Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07; 96-328, eff. 8-11-09.)
| Section 10. The Clinical Psychologist Licensing Act is | amended by changing Section 12.5 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 15/12.5)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2017)
| Sec. 12.5. Social Security Number on license application. | In
addition to any other information required to be contained | in the
application, every application for an original , renewal, |
| or restored license
under this Act shall include the | applicant's Social Security Number , which shall be retained in | the agency's records pertaining to the license . As soon as | practical, the Department shall assign a customer's | identification number to each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97 .)
| Section 15. The Clinical Social Work and Social Work | Practice Act is amended by changing Section 7.5 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 20/7.5)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2018)
| Sec. 7.5. Social Security Number on license application. In | addition
to any other information required to be contained in | the application, every
application for an original , renewal, or | restored license under this Act shall
include the applicant's | Social Security Number , which shall be retained in the agency's | records pertaining to the license . As soon as practical, the | Department shall assign a customer's identification number to | each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97 .)
| Section 20. The Illinois Dental Practice Act is amended by | changing Section 8.05 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 25/8.05)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2016)
| Sec. 8.05. Social Security Number on license application. | In addition
to any other information required to be contained | in the application, every
application for an original , renewal, | or restored license under this Act shall
include the | applicant's Social Security Number , which shall be retained in | the agency's records pertaining to the license . As soon as | practical, the Department shall assign a customer's | identification number to each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97 .)
| Section 25. The Dietetic and Nutrition Services Practice | Act is amended by changing Section 37 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 30/37)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| Sec. 37. Social Security Number on license application. In | addition
to any other information required to be contained in | the application, every
application for an original , renewal, or | restored license under this Act shall
include the applicant's |
| Social Security Number , which shall be retained in the agency's | records pertaining to the license . As soon as practical, the | Department shall assign a customer's identification number to | each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97.)
| Section 30. The Funeral Directors and Embalmers Licensing | Code is amended by changing Section 10-22 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 41/10-22)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| Sec. 10-22. Social Security Number on license application. | In
addition to any other information required to be contained | in the
application, every application for an original , renewal, | reinstated, or
restored license under this Code shall include | the applicant's Social
Number , which shall be retained | in the agency's records pertaining to the license . As soon as | practical, the Department shall assign a customer's | identification number to each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal, reinstated, or restored | license shall require the applicant's customer identification | number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97 .)
| Section 35. The Marriage and Family Therapy Licensing Act | is amended by changing Section 32 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 55/32)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2018)
| Sec. 32. Social Security Number on license application. In | addition
to any other information required to be contained in | the application, every
application for an original , renewal, or | restored license under this Act shall
include the applicant's | Social Security Number , which shall be retained in the agency's | records pertaining to the license . As soon as practical, the | Department shall assign a customer's identification number to | each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97 .)
| Section 40. The Medical Practice Act of 1987 is amended by | changing Section 9.5 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 60/9.5)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on November 30, 2011)
| Sec. 9.5. Social Security Number on license application. In | addition
to any other information required to be contained in | the application, every
application for an original , renewal, or | restored license under this Act shall
include the applicant's |
| Social Security Number , which shall be retained in the agency's | records pertaining to the license . As soon as practical, the | Department shall assign a customer's identification number to | each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97 .)
| Section 45. The Naprapathic Practice Act is amended by | changing Section 57 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 63/57)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| Sec. 57. Social Security Number on license application. In | addition
to any other information required to be contained in | the application, every
application for an original , renewal, | reinstated, or restored license under
Act shall include | the applicant's Social Security Number , which shall be retained | in the agency's records pertaining to the license . As soon as | practical, the Department shall assign a customer's | identification number to each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal, reinstated, or restored | license shall require the applicant's customer identification | number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97.)
| Section 50. The Nurse Practice Act is amended by changing | Section 50-30 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 65/50-30)
(was 225 ILCS 65/5-22)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2018)
| Sec. 50-30. Social Security Number on license application. | In addition
to any other information required to be contained | in an application for licensure under this Act, every
| application for an original , renewal, or restored license under | this Act shall
include the applicant's Social Security Number , | which shall be retained in the agency's records pertaining to | the license . As soon as practical, the Department shall assign | a customer's identification number to each applicant for a | license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 95-639, eff. 10-5-07.)
| Section 55. The Nursing Home Administrators Licensing and | Disciplinary Act is amended by changing Section 6.5 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 70/6.5)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2018)
| Sec. 6.5. Social Security Number on license application. In | addition
to any other information required to be contained in | the application, every
application for an original , renewal, or |
| restored license under this Act shall
include the applicant's | Social Security Number , which shall be retained in the agency's | records pertaining to the license . As soon as practical, the | Department shall assign a customer's identification number to | each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97 .)
| Section 60. The Illinois Occupational Therapy Practice Act | is amended by changing Section 6.5 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 75/6.5)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2014)
| Sec. 6.5. Social Security Number on license application. In | addition
to any other information required to be contained in | the application, every
application for an original , renewal, or | restored license under this Act shall
include the applicant's | Social Security Number , which shall be retained in the agency's | records pertaining to the license . As soon as practical, the | Department shall assign a customer's identification number to | each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97 .)
| Section 65. The Illinois Optometric Practice Act of 1987 is | amended by changing Section 12.5 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 80/12.5)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2017)
| Sec. 12.5. Social Security Number on license application. | In addition
to any other information required to be contained | in the application, every
application for an original , renewal, | reinstated, or restored license under
Act shall include | the applicant's Social Security Number , which shall be retained | in the agency's records pertaining to the license . As soon as | practical, the Department shall assign a customer's | identification number to each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal, reinstated, or restored | license shall require the applicant's customer identification | number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97 .)
| Section 70. The Pharmacy Practice Act is amended by | changing Section 7.5 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 85/7.5)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2018)
| Sec. 7.5. Social Security Number or unique identifying | number on license application. In addition
to any other | information required to be contained in the application, every
| application for an original , renewal, or restored license under | this Act shall
include the applicant's Social Security Number | or other unique identifying number deemed appropriate by the | Department , which shall be retained in the agency's records | pertaining to the license . As soon as practical, the Department | shall assign a customer's identification number to each | applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 95-689, eff. 10-29-07.)
| Section 75. The Illinois Physical Therapy Act is amended by | changing Section 8.5 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 90/8.5)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2016)
| Sec. 8.5. Social Security Number on license application. In | addition
to any other information required to be contained in | the application, every
application for an original , renewal, or | restored license under this Act shall
include the applicant's | Social Security Number , which shall be retained in the agency's | records pertaining to the license . As soon as practical, the | Department shall assign a customer's identification number to | each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97 .)
| Section 80. The Physician Assistant Practice Act of 1987 is | amended by changing Section 9.5 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 95/9.5)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2018)
| Sec. 9.5. Social Security Number on license application. In | addition
to any other information required to be contained in | the application, every
application for an original , renewal, or | restored license under this Act shall
include the applicant's | Social Security Number , which shall be retained in the agency's | records pertaining to the license . As soon as practical, the | Department shall assign a customer's identification number to | each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97 .)
| Section 85. The Podiatric Medical Practice Act of 1987 is | amended by changing Section 8.5 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 100/8.5)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2018)
| Sec. 8.5. Social Security Number on license application. In | addition
to any other information required to be contained in |
| the application, every
application for an original , renewal, or | restored license under this Act shall
include the applicant's | Social Security Number , which shall be retained in the agency's | records pertaining to the license . As soon as practical, the | Department shall assign a customer's identification number to | each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97 .)
| Section 90. The Respiratory Care Practice Act is amended by | changing Section 42 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 106/42)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2016)
| Sec. 42. Social Security Number on license application. In | addition
to any other information required to be contained in | the application, every
application for an original , renewal, or | restored license under this Act shall
include the applicant's | Social Security Number , which shall be retained in the agency's | records pertaining to the license . As soon as practical, the | Department shall assign a customer's identification number to | each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97 .)
| Section 95. The Professional Counselor and Clinical | Professional Counselor
Licensing Act is amended by changing | Section 37 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 107/37)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| Sec. 37. Social Security Number on license application. In | addition
to any other information required to be contained in | the application, every
application for an original , renewal, or | restored license under this Act shall
include the applicant's | Social Security Number , which shall be retained in the agency's | records pertaining to the license . As soon as practical, the | Department shall assign a customer's identification number to | each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97.)
| Section 100. The Illinois Speech-Language Pathology and
| Audiology Practice Act is amended by changing Section 7.2 as | follows:
| (225 ILCS 110/7.2)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2018)
| Sec. 7.2. Social Security Number on license application. In |
| addition
to any other information required to be contained in | the application, every
application for an original , renewal, or | restored license under this Act shall
include the applicant's | Social Security Number , which shall be retained in the agency's | records pertaining to the license . As soon as practical, the | Department shall assign a customer's identification number to | each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97 .)
| Section 105. The Veterinary Medicine and Surgery Practice | Act of 2004 is amended by changing Section 10.5 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 115/10.5)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2014)
| Sec. 10.5. Social Security Number on license application. | In addition
to any other information required to be contained | in the application, every
application for an original , renewal, | or restored license under this Act shall
include the | applicant's Social Security Number , which shall be retained in | the agency's records pertaining to the license . As soon as | practical, the Department shall assign a customer's | identification number to each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97 .)
| Section 110. The Wholesale Drug Distribution Licensing Act | is amended by changing Section 27 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 120/27)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| Sec. 27. Social Security Number on license application. In | addition
to any other information required to be contained in | the application, every
application for an original , renewal, or | restored license under this Act shall
include the applicant's | Social Security Number , which shall be retained in the agency's | records pertaining to the license . As soon as practical, the | Department shall assign a customer's identification number to | each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97.)
| Section 115. The Registered Surgical Assistant and | Registered Surgical
Technologist Title Protection Act is | amended by changing Section 30 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 130/30)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2014)
| Sec. 30. Social Security Number on registration |
| application. In addition
to any other information required to | be contained in the application, every
application for an | original , renewal, or restored certificate of registration
| under this Act shall
include the applicant's Social Security | Number , which shall be retained in the agency's records | pertaining to the license . As soon as practical, the Department | shall assign a customer's identification number to each | applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 93-280, eff. 7-1-04 .)
| Section 120. The Genetic Counselor Licensing Act is amended | by changing Section 45 as follows: | (225 ILCS 135/45)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2015) | Sec. 45. Social Security Number on license application. In | addition to any other information required to be contained in | the application, every application for an original , renewal, or | restored license under this Act shall include the applicant's | Social Security Number , which shall be retained in the agency's | records pertaining to the license . As soon as practical, the | Department shall assign a customer's identification number to | each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall |
| require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 93-1041, eff. 9-29-04.) | Section 125. The Illinois Explosives Act is amended by | changing Section 2002 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 210/2002) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 1-2002)
| Sec. 2002. Original individual license; Application; Fees. | Applications by individuals for original licenses shall be made | to the
Department, in writing, on forms prescribed by the | Department. The application
shall be accompanied by the | required fee, which is not refundable.
All license application | fees collected under this provision of this Act shall
be | deposited into the Explosives Regulatory Fund.
The application | shall require such information as in the judgment of
the | Department will enable the Department to pass on the | qualifications of
the applicant for a license. It shall | include, but need not be limited to,
information concerning | age, full name of applicant, present residence, date
of birth, | sex, physical description, social security number or drivers
| license number, and the purpose for which and the place or | places where the
explosive materials are to be used or | possessed. Each applicant shall file,
with his application, | fingerprint based data, or other state of the art criminal | identification data, in the form and manner required by
the | Illinois State Police to enable the Illinois State Police to
| conduct criminal history checks on the applicant.
| (Source: P.A. 96-1194, eff. 1-1-11.)
| Section 130. The Illinois Architecture Practice Act of 1989 | is amended by changing Section 11.5 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 305/11.5)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2020)
| Sec. 11.5. Social Security Number on license
application. | In addition
to any other information required to be contained | in the application, every
application for an original , renewal, | or restored license under this Act shall
include the | applicant's Social Security Number , which shall be retained in | the agency's records pertaining to the license . As soon as | practical, the Department shall assign a customer's | identification number to each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97 .)
| Section 135. The Professional Engineering Practice Act of | 1989 is amended by changing Section 8.5 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 325/8.5)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2020)
| Sec. 8.5. Social Security Number on license application. In |
| addition
to any other information required to be contained in | the application, every
application for an original , renewal, or | restored license under this Act shall
include the applicant's | Social Security Number , which shall be retained in the agency's | records pertaining to the license . As soon as practical, the | Department shall assign a customer's identification number to | each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97 .)
| Section 140. The Illinois Professional Land Surveyor Act of | 1989 is amended by changing Section 10.5 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 330/10.5)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2020)
| Sec. 10.5. Social Security Number on license application. | In addition
to any other information required to be contained | in the application, every
application for an original , renewal, | or restored license under this Act shall
include the | applicant's Social Security Number , which shall be retained in | the agency's records pertaining to the license . As soon as | practical, the Department shall assign a customer's | identification number to each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97 .)
| Section 145. The Structural Engineering Practice Act of | 1989 is amended by changing Section 9.5 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 340/9.5)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2020)
| Sec. 9.5. Social Security Number on license application. In | addition
to any other information required to be contained in | the application, every
application for an original , renewal, or | restored license under this Act shall
include the applicant's | Social Security Number , which shall be retained in the agency's | records pertaining to the license . As soon as practical, the | Department shall assign a customer's identification number to | each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97 .)
| Section 150. The Electrologist Licensing Act is amended by | changing Section 32 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 412/32)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2014)
| Sec. 32. Social Security number on license application. In | addition to any
other information required to be contained in |
| the application, every
application for an
original , renewal, or | restored license under this Act shall include the
applicant's | social
security number , which shall be retained in the agency's | records pertaining to the license . As soon as practical, the | Department shall assign a customer's identification number to | each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 92-750, eff. 1-1-03.)
| Section 155. The Community Association Manager Licensing | and Disciplinary Act is amended by changing Section 32 as | follows: | (225 ILCS 427/32)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2020) | Sec. 32. Social Security Number on license application. In | addition to any other information required to be contained in | the application, every application for an original , renewal, or | restored license under this Act shall include the applicant's | Social Security Number , which shall be retained in the agency's | records pertaining to the license . As soon as practical, the | Department shall assign a customer's identification number to | each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 96-726, eff. 7-1-10 .) | Section 160. The Detection of Deception Examiners Act is | amended by changing Section 8.5 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 430/8.5)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2012)
| Sec. 8.5. Social Security Number on license application. In | addition
to any other information required to be contained in | the application, every
application for an original , renewal, | reinstated, or restored license under
Act shall include | the applicant's Social Security Number , which shall be retained | in the agency's records pertaining to the license . As soon as | practical, the Department shall assign a customer's | identification number to each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal, reinstated, or restored | license shall require the applicant's customer identification | number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97.)
| Section 165. The Interpreter for the Deaf Licensure Act of | 2007 is amended by changing Section 40 as follows: | (225 ILCS 443/40) | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2018)
| Sec. 40. Social Security number. In addition to any other |
| information required to be contained in the application, every | application for an original , renewal, or restored license under | this Act shall include the applicant's Social Security number , | which shall be retained in the agency's records pertaining to | the license . As soon as practical, the Department shall assign | a customer's identification number to each applicant for a | license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 95-617, eff. 9-12-07.) | Section 170. The Private Detective, Private Alarm, Private | Security, Fingerprint Vendor, and
Locksmith Act of 2004 is | amended by changing Section 10-20 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 447/10-20)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2014)
| Sec. 10-20. Application for license; forms.
| (a) Each license application shall be on forms provided by | the Department.
| (b) Application for a license by endorsement shall be
| in accordance with the provisions of Section 10-40.
| (c) Every application for an original , renewal, or restored | license shall
include the
applicant's Social Security number , | which shall be retained in the agency's records pertaining to | the license . As soon as practical, the Department shall assign |
| a customer's identification number to each applicant for a | license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 93-438, eff. 8-5-03.)
| Section 175. The Illinois Public Accounting Act is amended | by changing Section 13.5 as follows:
| (225 ILCS 450/13.5)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2014)
| Sec. 13.5. Social Security Number on license application. | In addition
to any other information required to be contained | in the application, every
application for an original , renewal, | or restored license under this Act shall
include the | applicant's Social Security Number , which shall be retained in | the agency's records pertaining to the license . As soon as | practical, the Department shall assign a customer's | identification number to each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 90-144, eff. 7-23-97.)
| Section 180. The Real Estate License Act of 2000 is amended | by changing Sections 5-6, 30-5, and 30-25 as follows: |
| (225 ILCS 454/5-6) | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2020)
| Sec. 5-6. Social Security Number or Tax Identification | Number on license application. In addition to any other | information required to be contained in the application, every | application for an original or renewal license under this Act | shall include the applicant's Social Security Number or Tax | Identification Number , which shall be retained in the agency's | records pertaining to the license . As soon as practical, the | Department shall assign a customer's identification number to | each applicant for a license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number.
| (Source: P.A. 96-856, eff. 12-31-09.)
| (225 ILCS 454/30-5)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2020)
| Sec. 30-5. Licensing of pre-license schools, school | branches, and
instructors. | (a) No person shall operate a pre-license school or school | branch without
possessing a valid
pre-license school or school | branch license issued by the Department. No person shall
act as | a pre-license instructor at a pre-license school or school | branch
without possessing
a valid pre-license
instructor | license issued by the Department. Every person who desires to | obtain a
pre-license school,
school branch, or pre-license |
| instructor license shall make application to the Department
in | writing in form
and substance satisfactory to the Department | and pay the required fees prescribed by
rule. In addition to | any
other information required to be contained in the | application, every
application for an original or
renewed | license shall include the applicant's Social Security number , | which shall be retained in the agency's records pertaining to | the license . As soon as practical, the Department shall assign | a customer's identification number to each applicant for a | license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number. | The Department
shall issue a pre-license school, school | branch, or pre-license instructor
license to applicants who | meet
qualification criteria established by rule. The | Department may refuse to issue, suspend,
revoke, or otherwise | discipline a pre-license school, school branch, or
pre-license | instructor
license or may withdraw
approval of a course offered | by a pre-license school for good cause.
Disciplinary | proceedings
shall be conducted by the Board in the same manner | as other disciplinary
proceedings under this
| (b) All pre-license instructors must teach at least one | course within the
period of licensure or
take an instructor | training program approved by the Department in lieu thereof. A
| pre-license instructor
may teach at more than one licensed | pre-license school.
| (c) The term of license for pre-license schools, branches, | and instructors
shall be 2 years as
established by rule.
| (d) The Department or the Advisory Council may, after | notice, cause a pre-license
school to attend an
informal | conference before the Advisory Council for failure to comply | with any
requirement for
licensure or for failure to comply | with any provision of this Act or the rules
for the | administration
of this Act. The Advisory Council shall make a | recommendation to the Board as
a result of its
findings at the | conclusion of any such informal conference.
| (e) For purposes of this Section, the term "pre-license" | shall also include the 30-hour post-license course required to | be taken to retain a broker's license. | (Source: P.A. 96-856, eff. 12-31-09.)
| (225 ILCS 454/30-25)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2020)
| Sec. 30-25. Licensing of continuing education instructors.
| (a) No such person shall act as a continuing education | instructor at a continuing education school or branch without | possessing a
valid continuing
education instructor license and | satisfying any other qualification criteria established by the | Department by rule.
| (b) After the effective date of this Act, every person who | desires to obtain a continuing education instructor's license | shall attend and successfully complete a one-day instructor |
| development workshop, as approved by the Department. The term | of licensure for a continuing education instructor shall be 2 | years and as established by rule. Every person who desires to | obtain a continuing education instructor
license shall make
| application to the Department in writing on forms prescribed by | the Office, accompanied
by the fee
prescribed by rule. In | addition to any other information required to be
contained in | the application,
every application for an original or renewed | license shall include the
applicant's Social Security
number , | which shall be retained in the agency's records pertaining to | the license . As soon as practical, the Department shall assign | a customer's identification number to each applicant for a | license. | Every application for a renewal or restored license shall | require the applicant's customer identification number. | The Department shall issue a continuing education | instructor license to
applicants who meet
qualification | criteria established by this Act or rule.
| (c) The Department may refuse to issue, suspend, revoke, or | otherwise discipline a
continuing education
instructor for | good cause. Disciplinary proceedings shall be conducted by the
| Board in the same
manner as other disciplinary proceedings | under this Act. All continuing
education instructors
must teach | at least one course within the period of licensure or take an
| instructor training program
approved by the Department in lieu | thereof.
| (Source: P.A. 96-856, eff. 12-31-09.)
Effective Date: 1/1/2012