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Public Act 097-0922 Public Act 0922 97TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 097-0922 | HB5650 Enrolled | LRB097 20479 PJG 66015 b |
| AN ACT concerning State government.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the State | Vehicle Use Act. | Section 5. Definitions. As used in this Act: | "Constitutional officers" means the officers created under | Article V of the Illinois Constitution. | "Department" means the Department of Central Management | Services. | "Division of Vehicles" means the Division of Vehicles | within the Department of Central Management Services. | "State agency" means all departments, officers, | commissions, boards, institutions, and bodies politic and | corporate of the State. "State agency" does not include the | judicial branch, including, without limitation, the several | courts of the State, the offices of the clerk of the supreme | court and the clerks of the appellate court, and the | Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts, the legislature | or its committees or commissions, or units of local government. | "Vehicle" means any motor vehicle belonging to the State of | Illinois or any agency, board, commission, branch, or | department thereof or controlled thereby, including |
| automobiles, motorcycles, trucks, and other types of | automotive equipment. | Section 10. Vehicle use officer; vehicle use policy. | (a) Each State agency shall designate a vehicle use officer | to monitor the use of State-owned vehicles by that State | agency. | (b) Each State agency, with the assistance of the vehicle | use officer, shall draft a vehicle use policy. All vehicle use | policies, other than those drafted by a constitutional officer, | shall be submitted to the Division of Vehicles within the | Department of Central Management Services and shall be made | publicly available on the Department's official Internet | website. A vehicle use officer for a constitutional officer | shall make the vehicle use policy publicly available on the | constitutional officer's official Internet website. A vehicle | use policy shall include the following: | (1) a policy concerning take-home vehicles, including | requirements for emergency use of take-home vehicles and | restrictions on the use of take-home vehicles solely for | commuting; and | (2) procedures regarding daily vehicle use logs and | mileage recording. | Section 20. Mileage reimbursement. For cases in which a | State employee would otherwise use a State-owned vehicle but |
| uses his or her own vehicle instead, a State agency may | reimburse a State employee for automobile travel expenses in | accordance with the State Travel Regulations and Reimbursement | Rates adopted under Section 12-2 of the State Finance Act. | Section 25. The Department of Central Management Services | Law of the
Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is amended by | changing Section 405-280 as follows:
| (20 ILCS 405/405-280) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.15)
| Sec. 405-280. State garages; passenger cars. | (a) To supervise and
administer all State garages used for
| the repair, maintenance, or servicing of State-owned motor | vehicles
except those operated by any State college or | university or by the Illinois
Mathematics and Science Academy; | and to acquire, maintain, and administer
the operation of the | passenger cars reasonably necessary to the operations
of the | executive department of the State government. To this end, the
| Department shall adopt regulations setting
forth guidelines | for the acquisition, use, maintenance, and replacement of
motor | vehicles, including the use of ethanol blended gasoline | whenever
feasible, used by the executive department of State | government;
occupy the space and take possession of the | personnel, facilities,
equipment, tools, and vehicles that are | in the possession or
under the
administration of the former | Department of Administrative Services for these
purposes on |
| July 13, 1982 (the effective date of Public Act 82-789); and | shall,
from time to time, acquire any further, additional, and
| replacement
facilities, space, tools, and vehicles that are | reasonably
necessary for
the purposes described in this | Section. | (b) The Department shall evaluate the availability and cost | of GPS systems that State agencies may be able to use to track | State-owned motor vehicles. | (c) The Department shall distribute a spreadsheet or | otherwise make data entry available to each State agency to | facilitate the collection of data for publishing on the | Department's Internet website. Each State agency shall | cooperate with the Department in furnishing the data necessary | for the implementation of this subsection within the timeframe | specified by the Department. Each State agency shall be | responsible for the validity and accuracy of the data provided. | Beginning on July 1, 2013, the Department shall make available | to the public on its Internet website the following | information: | (1) vehicle cost data, organized by individual vehicle | and by State agency, and including repair, maintenance, | fuel, insurance, and other costs, as well as whether | required vehicle inspections have been performed; and | (2) an annual vehicle breakeven analysis, organized by | individual vehicle and by State agency, comparing the | number of miles a vehicle has been driven with the total |
| cost of maintaining the vehicle. | (d) Beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act | of the 97th General Assembly, and notwithstanding any provision | of law to the contrary, the Department may not make any new | motor vehicle purchases until the Department sets forth | procedures to condition the purchase of new motor vehicles on | (i) a determination of need based on a breakeven analysis, and | (ii) a determination that no other available means, including | car sharing or rental agreements, would be more cost-effective | to the State. However, the Department may purchase motor | vehicles not meeting or exceeding a breakeven analysis only if | there is no alternative available to carry out agency work | functions and the purchase is approved by the Manager of the | Division of Vehicles upon the receipt of a written explanation | from the agency head of the operational needs justifying the | purchase.
| (Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect January | 1, 2013.
Effective Date: 1/1/2013