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Public Act 099-0190 Public Act 0190 99TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 099-0190 | HB1337 Enrolled | LRB099 07209 RLC 27304 b |
| AN ACT concerning criminal law.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963 is | amended by changing Sections 103-1 and 109-1 as follows:
| (725 ILCS 5/103-1) (from Ch. 38, par. 103-1)
| Sec. 103-1. Rights on arrest. (a) After an arrest on a | warrant the
person making the arrest shall inform the person | arrested that a warrant
has been issued for his arrest and the | nature of the offense specified
in the warrant.
| (b) After an arrest without a warrant the person making the | arrest
shall inform the person arrested of the nature of the | offense on which
the arrest is based.
| (b-5) This subsection is intended to implement and be | interpreted consistently with the Vienna Convention on | Consular Relations, to which the United States is a party. | Article 36 of that Convention guarantees that when foreign | nationals are arrested or detained, they must be advised of | their right to have their consular officials notified, and if | an individual chooses to exercise that right, a law enforcement | official is required to notify the consulate. It does not | create any new substantive State right or remedy. | (1) In accordance with federal law and the provisions |
| of this Section, the law enforcement official in charge of | a custodial facility shall ensure that any individual | booked and detained at the facility, within 48 hours of | booking or detention, shall be advised that if that | individual is a foreign national, he or she has a right to | communicate with an official from the consulate of his or | her country. This subsection (b-5) does not create any | affirmative duty to investigate whether an arrestee or | detainee is a foreign national. | (2) If the foreign national requests consular | notification or the notification is mandatory by law, the | law enforcement official in charge of the custodial | facility shall ensure the notice is given to the | appropriate officer at the consulate of the foreign | national in accordance with the U.S. Department of State | Instructions for Consular Notification and Access. | (3) The law enforcement official in charge of the | custodial facility where a foreign national is located | shall ensure that the foreign national is allowed to | communicate with, correspond with, and be visited by, a | consular officer of his or her country. | (c) No person arrested for a traffic, regulatory or | misdemeanor
offense, except in cases involving weapons or a | controlled substance,
shall be strip searched unless there is | reasonable belief that the
individual is concealing a weapon or | controlled substance.
| (d) "Strip search" means having an arrested person remove | or arrange
some or all of his or her clothing so as to permit a | visual inspection
of the genitals, buttocks, anus, female | breasts or undergarments of such
| (e) All strip searches conducted under this Section shall | be
performed by persons of the same sex as the arrested person | and on
premises where the search cannot be observed by persons | not physically
conducting the search.
| (f) Every peace officer or employee of a police department
| conducting a strip search shall:
| (1) Obtain the written permission of the police commander | or an
agent thereof designated for the purposes of authorizing | a strip search
in accordance with this Section.
| (2) Prepare a report of the strip search. The report shall | include
the written authorization required by paragraph (1) of | this subsection
the name of the person subjected to the | search, the names of the
persons conducting the search, and the | time, date and place of the
search. A copy of the report shall | be provided to the person subject to
the search.
| (g) No search of any body cavity other than the mouth shall | be
conducted without a duly executed search warrant; any | warrant
authorizing a body cavity search shall specify that the | search must be
performed under sanitary conditions and | conducted either by or under the
supervision of a physician | licensed to practice medicine in all of its
branches in this | State.
| (h) Any peace officer or employee who knowingly or | intentionally
fails to comply with any provision of this | Section , except subsection (b-5) of this Section, is guilty of | official
misconduct as provided in Section 103-8; provided | however, that nothing
contained in this Section shall preclude | prosecution of a peace officer
or employee under another | section of this Code.
| (i) Nothing in this Section shall be construed as limiting | any
statutory or common law rights of any person for purposes | of any civil
action or injunctive relief.
| (j) The provisions of subsections (c) through (h) of this | Section
shall not apply when the person is taken into custody | by or remanded to
the sheriff or correctional institution | pursuant to a court order.
| (Source: P.A. 81-1509.)
| (725 ILCS 5/109-1) (from Ch. 38, par. 109-1)
| Sec. 109-1. Person arrested.
| (a) A person arrested with or without a warrant shall be | taken without
unnecessary delay before the nearest and most | accessible judge
in that county, except when such county is a | participant in a
regional jail authority, in which event such | person may be taken to the
nearest and most accessible judge, | irrespective of the county where such
judge presides,
and a | charge shall be filed.
Whenever a person arrested either with | or without a warrant is required
to be taken
before a judge, a |
| charge
may be filed against such person by way of a two-way | closed circuit
television system, except that a hearing to deny | bail to the defendant may
not be conducted by way of closed | circuit television.
| (b) The judge shall:
| (1) Inform the defendant of the charge against him and | shall provide him
with a copy of the charge;
| (2) Advise the defendant of his right to counsel and if | indigent shall
appoint a public defender or licensed | attorney at law of this State to
represent him in | accordance with the provisions of Section 113-3 of this
| Code;
| (3) Schedule a preliminary hearing in appropriate | cases;
| (4) Admit the defendant to bail in accordance with the | provisions of
Article 110 of this Code; and
| (5) Order the confiscation of the person's passport or | impose travel restrictions on a defendant arrested for | first degree murder or other violent crime as defined in | Section 3 of the Rights of Crime Victims and Witnesses Act, | if the judge determines , based on the factors in Section | 110-5 of this Code, that this will reasonably ensure assure | the appearance of the defendant and compliance by the | defendant with all conditions of release. | (c) The court may issue an order of protection in | accordance with
the provisions of Article 112A of this Code.
| (d) At the initial appearance of a defendant in any | criminal proceeding, the court must advise the defendant in | open court that any foreign national who is arrested or | detained has the right to have notice of the arrest or | detention given to his or her country's consular | representatives and the right to communicate with those | consular representatives if the notice has not already been | provided. The court must make a written record of so advising | the defendant. | (e) If consular notification is not provided to a defendant | before his or her first appearance in court, the court shall | grant any reasonable request for a continuance of the | proceedings to allow contact with the defendant's consulate. | Any delay caused by the granting of the request by a defendant | shall temporarily suspend for the time of the delay the period | within which a person shall be tried as prescribed by | subsections (a), (b), or (e) of Section 103-5 of this Code and | on the day of the expiration of delay the period shall continue | at the point at which it was suspended. | (Source: P.A. 97-813, eff. 7-13-12; 98-143, eff. 1-1-14; | revised 12-10-14.)
Effective Date: 1/1/2016