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Public Act 099-0254 Public Act 0254 99TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 099-0254 | HB2567 Enrolled | LRB099 05754 RLC 25798 b |
| AN ACT concerning courts.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Juvenile Court Act of 1987 is amended by | changing Section 5-410 as follows:
| (705 ILCS 405/5-410)
| Sec. 5-410. Non-secure custody or detention.
| (1) Any minor arrested or taken into custody pursuant to | this Act who
requires care away from his or her home but who | does not require physical
restriction shall be given temporary | care in a foster family home or other
shelter facility | designated by the court.
| (2) (a) Any minor 10 years of age or older arrested
| pursuant to this Act where there is probable cause to believe | that the minor
is a delinquent minor and that
(i) secured | custody is a matter of immediate and urgent necessity for the
| protection of the minor or of the person or property of | another, (ii) the minor
is likely to flee the jurisdiction of | the court, or (iii) the minor was taken
into custody under a | warrant, may be kept or detained in an authorized
detention | facility. A minor under 13 years of age shall not be admitted, | kept, or detained in a detention facility unless a local youth | service provider, including a provider through the |
| Comprehensive Community Based Youth Services network, has been | contacted and has not been able to accept the minor. No minor | under 12 years of age shall be detained in a
county jail or a | municipal lockup for more than 6 hours.
| (b) The written authorization of the probation officer or | detention officer
(or other public officer designated by the | court in a county having
3,000,000 or more inhabitants) | constitutes authority for the superintendent of
any juvenile | detention home to detain and keep a minor for up to 40 hours,
| excluding Saturdays, Sundays and court-designated holidays. | These
records shall be available to the same persons and | pursuant to the same
conditions as are law enforcement records | as provided in Section 5-905.
| (b-4) The consultation required by subsection (b-5) shall | not be applicable
if the probation officer or detention officer | (or other public officer
by the court in a
county | having 3,000,000 or more inhabitants) utilizes a scorable | detention
screening instrument, which has been developed with | input by the State's
Attorney, to
determine whether a minor | should be detained, however, subsection (b-5) shall
still be | applicable where no such screening instrument is used or where | the
probation officer, detention officer (or other public | officer designated by the
court in a county
having 3,000,000 or | more inhabitants) deviates from the screening instrument.
| (b-5) Subject to the provisions of subsection (b-4), if a | probation officer
or detention officer
(or other public officer |
| designated by
the court in a county having 3,000,000 or more | inhabitants) does not intend to
detain a minor for an offense | which constitutes one of the following offenses
he or she shall | consult with the State's Attorney's Office prior to the release
| of the minor: first degree murder, second degree murder, | involuntary
manslaughter, criminal sexual assault, aggravated | criminal sexual assault,
aggravated battery with a firearm as | described in Section 12-4.2 or subdivision (e)(1), (e)(2), | (e)(3), or (e)(4) of Section 12-3.05, aggravated or heinous | battery involving
permanent disability or disfigurement or | great bodily harm, robbery, aggravated
robbery, armed robbery, | vehicular hijacking, aggravated vehicular hijacking,
vehicular | invasion, arson, aggravated arson, kidnapping, aggravated | kidnapping,
home invasion, burglary, or residential burglary.
| (c) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (a), (d), or | (e), no minor
be detained in a county jail or municipal | lockup for more than 12 hours, unless
the offense is a crime of | violence in which case the minor may be detained up
to 24 | hours. For the purpose of this paragraph, "crime of violence" | has the
ascribed to it in Section 1-10 of the | Alcoholism and Other Drug Abuse and
Dependency Act.
| (i) The
period of detention is deemed to have begun | once the minor has been placed in a
locked room or cell or | handcuffed to a stationary object in a building housing
a | county jail or municipal lockup. Time spent transporting a | minor is not
considered to be time in detention or secure |
| custody.
| (ii) Any minor so
confined shall be under periodic | supervision and shall not be permitted to come
into or | remain in contact with adults in custody in the building.
| (iii) Upon
placement in secure custody in a jail or | lockup, the
minor shall be informed of the purpose of the | detention, the time it is
expected to last and the fact | that it cannot exceed the time specified under
this Act.
| (iv) A log shall
be kept which shows the offense which | is the basis for the detention, the
reasons and | circumstances for the decision to detain and the length of | time the
minor was in detention.
| (v) Violation of the time limit on detention
in a | county jail or municipal lockup shall not, in and of | itself, render
inadmissible evidence obtained as a result | of the violation of this
time limit. Minors under 18 years | of age shall be kept separate from confined
adults and may | not at any time be kept in the same cell, room or yard with
| adults confined pursuant to criminal law. Persons 18 years | of age and older
who have a petition of delinquency filed | against them may be
confined in an
adult detention | facility.
In making a determination whether to confine a | person 18 years of age or
who has a petition of | delinquency filed against the person, these factors,
among | other matters, shall be considered:
| (A) The age of the person;
| (B) Any previous delinquent or criminal history of | the person;
| (C) Any previous abuse or neglect history of the | person; and
| (D) Any mental health or educational history of the | person, or both.
| (d) (i) If a minor 12 years of age or older is confined in a | county jail
in a
county with a population below 3,000,000 | inhabitants, then the minor's
confinement shall be implemented | in such a manner that there will be no contact
by sight, sound | or otherwise between the minor and adult prisoners. Minors
12 | years of age or older must be kept separate from confined | adults and may not
at any time
be kept in the same cell, room, | or yard with confined adults. This paragraph
(d)(i) shall only | apply to confinement pending an adjudicatory hearing and
shall | not exceed 40 hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and court | designated
holidays. To accept or hold minors during this time | period, county jails shall
comply with all monitoring standards | adopted by the Department of
Corrections and training standards | approved by the Illinois Law Enforcement
Training Standards | Board.
| (ii) To accept or hold minors, 12 years of age or older, | after the time
prescribed in paragraph (d)(i) of this | subsection (2) of this Section but not
exceeding 7 days | including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays pending an
| adjudicatory hearing, county jails shall comply with all |
| temporary detention
standards adopted by the Department of | Corrections and training standards
approved by the Illinois Law | Enforcement Training Standards Board.
| (iii) To accept or hold minors 12 years of age or older, | after the time
period prescribed in paragraphs (d)(i) and | (d)(ii) of this subsection (2) of
Section, county jails | shall comply with all county juvenile detention standards | adopted by the Department of Juvenile Justice.
| (e) When a minor who is at least 15 years of age is | prosecuted under the
criminal laws of this State,
the court may | enter an order directing that the juvenile be confined
in the | county jail. However, any juvenile confined in the county jail | under
this provision shall be separated from adults who are | confined in the county
jail in such a manner that there will be | no contact by sight, sound or
otherwise between the juvenile | and adult prisoners.
| (f) For purposes of appearing in a physical lineup, the | minor may be taken
to a county jail or municipal lockup under | the direct and constant supervision
of a juvenile police | officer. During such time as is necessary to conduct a
lineup, | and while supervised by a juvenile police officer, the sight | and sound
separation provisions shall not apply.
| (g) For purposes of processing a minor, the minor may be | taken to a County
Jail or municipal lockup under the direct and | constant supervision of a law
enforcement officer or | correctional officer. During such time as is necessary
to |
| process the minor, and while supervised by a law enforcement | officer or
correctional officer, the sight and sound separation | provisions shall not
| (3) If the probation officer or State's Attorney (or such | other public
officer designated by the court in a county having | 3,000,000 or more
inhabitants) determines that the minor may be | a delinquent minor as described
in subsection (3) of Section | 5-105, and should be retained in custody but does
not require
| physical restriction, the minor may be placed in non-secure | custody for up to
40 hours pending a detention hearing.
| (4) Any minor taken into temporary custody, not requiring | secure
detention, may, however, be detained in the home of his | or her parent or
guardian subject to such conditions as the | court may impose.
| (5) The changes made to this Section by Public Act 98-61 | apply to a minor who has been arrested or taken into custody on | or after January 1, 2014 (the effective date of Public Act | 98-61). | (Source: P.A. 98-61, eff. 1-1-14; 98-685, eff. 1-1-15; 98-756, | eff. 7-16-14 .)
Effective Date: 1/1/2016