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Public Act 099-0268 Public Act 0268 99TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 099-0268 | SB1560 Enrolled | LRB099 10707 RLC 30983 b |
| AN ACT concerning criminal law.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Juvenile Court Act of 1987 is amended by | changing Sections 5-710 and 5-750 as follows:
| (705 ILCS 405/5-710)
| Sec. 5-710. Kinds of sentencing orders.
| (1) The following kinds of sentencing orders may be made in | respect of
wards of the court:
| (a) Except as provided in Sections 5-805, 5-810, 5-815, | a minor who is
guilty under Section 5-620 may be:
| (i) put on probation or conditional discharge and | released to his or her
parents, guardian or legal | custodian, provided, however, that any such minor
who | is not committed to the Department of Juvenile Justice | under
this subsection and who is found to be a | delinquent for an offense which is
first degree murder, | a Class X felony, or a forcible felony shall be placed | on
| (ii) placed in accordance with Section 5-740, with | or without also being
put on probation or conditional | discharge;
| (iii) required to undergo a substance abuse |
| assessment conducted by a
licensed provider and | participate in the indicated clinical level of care;
| (iv) on and after the effective date of this | amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly and before | January 1, 2017, placed in the guardianship of the | Department of Children and Family
Services, but only if | the delinquent minor is under 16 years of age or, | pursuant to Article II of this Act, a minor for whom an | independent basis of abuse, neglect, or dependency | exists. On and after January 1, 2017, placed in the | guardianship of the Department of Children and Family
| Services, but only if the delinquent minor is under 15 | years of age or, pursuant to Article II of this Act, a | minor for whom an independent basis of abuse, neglect, | or dependency exists. An independent basis exists when | the allegations or adjudication of abuse, neglect, or | dependency do not arise from the same facts, incident, | or circumstances which give rise to a charge or | adjudication of delinquency;
| (v) placed in detention for a period not to exceed | 30 days, either as
exclusive order of disposition | or, where appropriate, in conjunction with any
other | order of disposition issued under this paragraph, | provided that any such
detention shall be in a juvenile | detention home and the minor so detained shall
be 10 | years of age or older. However, the 30-day limitation |
| may be extended by
further order of the court for a | minor under age 15 committed to the Department
of | Children and Family Services if the court finds that | the minor is a danger
to himself or others. The minor | shall be given credit on the sentencing order
of | detention for time spent in detention under Sections | 5-501, 5-601, 5-710, or
5-720 of this
Article as a | result of the offense for which the sentencing order | was imposed.
The court may grant credit on a sentencing | order of detention entered under a
violation of | probation or violation of conditional discharge under | Section
5-720 of this Article for time spent in | detention before the filing of the
alleging | the violation. A minor shall not be deprived of credit | for time spent
in detention before the filing of a | violation of probation or conditional
discharge | alleging the same or related act or acts. The | limitation that the minor shall only be placed in a | juvenile detention home does not apply as follows: | Persons 18 years of age and older who have a | petition of delinquency filed against them may be | confined in an adult detention facility. In making a | determination whether to confine a person 18 years of | age or older who has a petition of delinquency filed | against the person, these factors, among other | matters, shall be considered: |
| (A) the age of the person; | (B) any previous delinquent or criminal | history of the person; | (C) any previous abuse or neglect history of | the person; | (D) any mental health history of the person; | and | (E) any educational history of the person;
| (vi) ordered partially or completely emancipated | in accordance with the
provisions of the Emancipation | of Minors Act;
| (vii) subject to having his or her driver's license | or driving
suspended for such time as | determined by the court but only until he or she
| attains 18 years of age;
| (viii) put on probation or conditional discharge | and placed in detention
under Section 3-6039 of the | Counties Code for a period not to exceed the period
of | incarceration permitted by law for adults found guilty | of the same offense
or offenses for which the minor was | adjudicated delinquent, and in any event no
longer than | upon attainment of age 21; this subdivision (viii) | notwithstanding
any contrary provision of the law;
| (ix) ordered to undergo a medical or other | procedure to have a tattoo
symbolizing allegiance to a | street gang removed from his or her body; or |
| (x) placed in electronic home detention under Part | 7A of this Article.
| (b) A minor found to be guilty may be committed to the | Department of
Juvenile Justice under Section 5-750 if the | minor is at least 13 years and under 20 years of age or
| older ,
provided that the commitment to the Department of | Juvenile Justice shall be made only if a term of | imprisonment in the penitentiary system of the Department | of Corrections incarceration is permitted by law for
adults | found guilty of the offense for which the minor was | adjudicated
delinquent. The court shall include in the | sentencing order any pre-custody credits the minor is | entitled to under Section 5-4.5-100 of the Unified Code of | Corrections. The time during which a minor is in custody | before being released
upon the request of a parent, | guardian or legal custodian shall also be considered
as | time spent in custody detention .
| (c) When a minor is found to be guilty for an offense | which is a violation
of the Illinois Controlled Substances | Act, the Cannabis Control Act, or the Methamphetamine | Control and Community Protection Act and made
a ward of the | court, the court may enter a disposition order requiring | the
minor to undergo assessment,
counseling or treatment in | a substance abuse program approved by the Department
of | Human Services.
| (2) Any sentencing order other than commitment to the |
| Department of
Juvenile Justice may provide for protective | supervision under
Section 5-725 and may include an order of | protection under Section 5-730.
| (3) Unless the sentencing order expressly so provides, it | does not operate
to close proceedings on the pending petition, | but is subject to modification
until final closing and | discharge of the proceedings under Section 5-750.
| (4) In addition to any other sentence, the court may order | any
found to be delinquent to make restitution, in | monetary or non-monetary form,
under the terms and conditions | of Section 5-5-6 of the Unified Code of
Corrections, except | that the "presentencing hearing" referred to in that
| shall be
the sentencing hearing for purposes of this Section. | The parent, guardian or
legal custodian of the minor may be | ordered by the court to pay some or all of
the restitution on | the minor's behalf, pursuant to the Parental Responsibility
| Law. The State's Attorney is authorized to act
on behalf of any | victim in seeking restitution in proceedings under this
| Section, up to the maximum amount allowed in Section 5 of the | Parental
Responsibility Law.
| (5) Any sentencing order where the minor is committed or | placed in
with Section 5-740 shall provide for the | parents or guardian of the estate of
the minor to pay to the | legal custodian or guardian of the person of the minor
such | sums as are determined by the custodian or guardian of the | person of the
minor as necessary for the minor's needs. The |
| payments may not exceed the
maximum amounts provided for by | Section 9.1 of the Children and Family Services
| (6) Whenever the sentencing order requires the minor to | attend school or
participate in a program of training, the | truant officer or designated school
official shall regularly | report to the court if the minor is a chronic or
habitual | truant under Section 26-2a of the School Code. Notwithstanding | any other provision of this Act, in instances in which | educational services are to be provided to a minor in a | residential facility where the minor has been placed by the | court, costs incurred in the provision of those educational | services must be allocated based on the requirements of the | School Code.
| (7) In no event shall a guilty minor be committed to the | Department of
Juvenile Justice for a period of time in
excess | of
that period for which an adult could be committed for the | same act. The court shall include in the sentencing order a | limitation on the period of confinement not to exceed the | maximum period of imprisonment the court could impose under | Article V of the Unified Code of Corrections.
| (7.5) In no event shall a guilty minor be committed to the | Department of Juvenile Justice or placed in detention when the | act for which the minor was adjudicated delinquent would not be | illegal if committed by an adult. | (8) A minor found to be guilty for reasons that include a | violation of
Section 21-1.3 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the |
| Criminal Code of 2012 shall be ordered to perform
community | service for not less than 30 and not more than 120 hours, if
| community service is available in the jurisdiction. The | community service
shall include, but need not be limited to, | the cleanup and repair of the damage
that was caused by the | violation or similar damage to property located in the
| municipality or county in which the violation occurred. The | order may be in
addition to any other order authorized by this | Section.
| (8.5) A minor found to be guilty for reasons that include a | violation of
3.02 or Section 3.03 of the Humane Care | for Animals Act or paragraph (d) of
subsection (1) of
Section | 21-1 of
the Criminal Code
1961 or paragraph (4) of | subsection (a) of Section 21-1 of the Criminal Code of 2012 | shall be ordered to undergo medical or psychiatric treatment | rendered by
psychiatrist or psychological treatment rendered | by a clinical psychologist.
The order
may be in addition to any | other order authorized by this Section.
| (9) In addition to any other sentencing order, the court | shall order any
minor found
to be guilty for an act which would | constitute, predatory criminal sexual
assault of a child, | aggravated criminal sexual assault, criminal sexual
assault, | aggravated criminal sexual abuse, or criminal sexual abuse if
| committed by an
adult to undergo medical testing to determine | whether the defendant has any
sexually transmissible disease | including a test for infection with human
immunodeficiency |
| virus (HIV) or any other identified causative agency of
| acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Any medical test | shall be performed
only by appropriately licensed medical | practitioners and may include an
analysis of any bodily fluids | as well as an examination of the minor's person.
Except as | otherwise provided by law, the results of the test shall be | kept
strictly confidential by all medical personnel involved in | the testing and must
be personally delivered in a sealed | envelope to the judge of the court in which
the sentencing | order was entered for the judge's inspection in camera. Acting
| in accordance with the best interests of the victim and the | public, the judge
shall have the discretion to determine to | whom the results of the testing may
be revealed. The court | shall notify the minor of the results of the test for
infection | with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The court shall | also
notify the victim if requested by the victim, and if the | victim is under the
age of 15 and if requested by the victim's | parents or legal guardian, the court
shall notify the victim's | parents or the legal guardian, of the results of the
test for | infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The | court
shall provide information on the availability of HIV | testing and counseling at
the Department of Public Health | facilities to all parties to whom the
results of the testing | are revealed. The court shall order that the cost of
any test | shall be paid by the county and may be taxed as costs against | the
| (10) When a court finds a minor to be guilty the court | shall, before
entering a sentencing order under this Section, | make a finding whether the
offense committed either: (a) was | related to or in furtherance of the criminal
activities of an | organized gang or was motivated by the minor's membership in
or | allegiance to an organized gang, or (b) involved a violation of
| subsection (a) of Section 12-7.1 of the Criminal Code of 1961 | or the Criminal Code of 2012, a violation of
Section of | Article 24 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of | 2012, or a violation of any
statute that involved the wrongful | use of a firearm. If the court determines
the question in the | affirmative,
and the court does not commit the minor to the | Department of Juvenile Justice, the court shall order the minor | to perform community service
for not less than 30 hours nor | more than 120 hours, provided that community
service is | available in the jurisdiction and is funded and approved by the
| county board of the county where the offense was committed. The | community
service shall include, but need not be limited to, | the cleanup and repair of
any damage caused by a violation of | Section 21-1.3 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal | Code of 2012
and similar damage to property located in the | municipality or county in which
the violation occurred. When | possible and reasonable, the community service
shall be | performed in the minor's neighborhood. This order shall be in
| addition to any other order authorized by this Section
except | for an order to place the minor in the custody of the |
| Department of
Juvenile Justice. For the purposes of this | Section, "organized
gang" has the meaning ascribed to it in | Section 10 of the Illinois Streetgang
Terrorism Omnibus | Prevention Act.
| (11) If the court determines that the offense was committed | in furtherance of the criminal activities of an organized gang, | as provided in subsection (10), and that the offense involved | the operation or use of a motor vehicle or the use of a | driver's license or permit, the court shall notify the | Secretary of State of that determination and of the period for | which the minor shall be denied driving privileges. If, at the | time of the determination, the minor does not hold a driver's | license or permit, the court shall provide that the minor shall | not be issued a driver's license or permit until his or her | 18th birthday. If the minor holds a driver's license or permit | at the time of the determination, the court shall provide that | the minor's driver's license or permit shall be revoked until | his or her 21st birthday, or until a later date or occurrence | determined by the court. If the minor holds a driver's license | at the time of the determination, the court may direct the | Secretary of State to issue the minor a judicial driving | permit, also known as a JDP. The JDP shall be subject to the | same terms as a JDP issued under Section 6-206.1 of the | Illinois Vehicle Code, except that the court may direct that | the JDP be effective immediately.
| (12) If a minor is found to be guilty of a violation of
| subsection (a-7) of Section 1 of the Prevention of Tobacco Use | by Minors Act, the
court may, in its discretion, and upon
| recommendation by the State's Attorney, order that minor and | his or her parents
or legal
guardian to attend a smoker's | education or youth diversion program as defined
in that Act if | that
program is available in the jurisdiction where the | offender resides.
Attendance at a smoker's education or youth | diversion program
shall be time-credited against any community | service time imposed for any
first violation of subsection | (a-7) of Section 1 of that Act. In addition to any
| penalty
that the court may impose for a violation of subsection | (a-7) of Section 1 of
that Act, the
court, upon request by the | State's Attorney, may in its discretion
the offender to | remit a fee for his or her attendance at a smoker's
education | or
youth diversion program.
| For purposes of this Section, "smoker's education program" | or "youth
diversion program" includes, but is not limited to, a | seminar designed to
educate a person on the physical and | psychological effects of smoking tobacco
products and the | health consequences of smoking tobacco products that can be
| conducted with a locality's youth diversion program.
| In addition to any other penalty that the court may impose | under this
| (a) If a minor violates subsection (a-7) of Section 1 | of the Prevention of
Tobacco Use by Minors Act, the court | may
impose a sentence of 15 hours of
community service or a |
| fine of $25 for a first violation.
| (b) A second violation by a minor of subsection (a-7) | of Section 1 of that Act
that occurs
within 12 months after | the first violation is punishable by a fine of $50 and
| hours of community service.
| (c) A third or subsequent violation by a minor of | subsection (a-7) of Section
1 of that Act
occurs | within 12 months after the first violation is punishable by | a $100
and 30 hours of community service.
| (d) Any second or subsequent violation not within the | 12-month time period
after the first violation is | punishable as provided for a first violation.
| (Source: P.A. 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13; 98-536, eff. 8-23-13; | 98-803, eff. 1-1-15 .)
| (705 ILCS 405/5-750)
| Sec. 5-750. Commitment to the Department of Juvenile | Justice. | (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this Section, | when any
delinquent has been adjudged a ward of the court under | this Act, the court may
commit him or her to the Department of | Juvenile Justice, if it
that (a) his or her parents, | guardian or legal custodian are unfit or are
unable, for
some | reason other than financial circumstances alone, to care for, | protect,
train or discipline the minor, or are unwilling to do | so,
and the best interests of the minor and
the public will not |
| be served by placement under Section 5-740,
or it is
necessary | to ensure the protection of the public from the consequences of
| criminal activity of the delinquent; and (b)
commitment to the | Department of Juvenile Justice is the least
restrictive | alternative based on evidence that efforts were
made to locate | less restrictive alternatives to secure
confinement and the | reasons why efforts were unsuccessful in
locating a less | restrictive alternative to secure confinement. Before the | court commits a minor to the Department of Juvenile Justice, it | shall make a finding that secure confinement is necessary,
| following a review of the following individualized factors: | (A) Age of the minor. | (B) Criminal background of the minor. | (C) Review of results of any assessments of the minor,
| including child centered assessments such as the CANS. | (D) Educational background of the minor, indicating
| whether the minor has ever been assessed for a learning
| disability, and if so what services were provided as well | as any disciplinary incidents at school. | (E) Physical, mental and emotional health of the minor,
| indicating whether the minor has ever been diagnosed with a
| health issue and if so what services were provided and | whether the minor was compliant with services. | (F) Community based services that have been provided to
| the minor, and whether the minor was compliant with the | services, and the reason the services were unsuccessful. |
| (G) Services within the Department of Juvenile Justice
| that will meet the individualized needs of the minor.
| (1.5) Before the court commits a minor to the Department of | Juvenile Justice, the court must find reasonable efforts have | been made to prevent or eliminate the need for the minor to be | removed from the home, or reasonable efforts cannot, at this | time, for good cause, prevent or eliminate the need for | removal, and removal from home is in the best interests of the | minor, the minor's family, and the public. | (2) When a minor of the age of at least 13 years is | adjudged delinquent
for the offense of first degree murder, the | court shall declare the minor a
ward of the court and order the | minor committed to the Department of
Juvenile Justice until the | minor's 21st birthday, without the
possibility of aftercare | release, furlough, or non-emergency authorized absence for a
| period of 5 years from the date the minor was committed to the | Department of
Juvenile Justice, except that the time that a | minor spent in custody for the instant
offense before being | committed to the Department of Juvenile Justice shall be | considered as time
credited towards that 5 year period. Upon | release from a Department facility, a minor adjudged delinquent | for first degree murder shall be placed on aftercare release | until the age of 21, unless sooner discharged from aftercare | release or custodianship is otherwise terminated in accordance | with this Act or as otherwise provided for by law. Nothing in | this subsection (2) shall
preclude the State's Attorney from |
| seeking to prosecute a minor as an adult as
an alternative to | proceeding under this Act.
| (3) Except as provided in subsection (2), the commitment of | a
delinquent to the Department of Juvenile Justice shall be for | an indeterminate term
which shall automatically terminate upon | the delinquent attaining the age of 21
years or upon completion | of that period for which an adult could be committed for the | same act, whichever occurs sooner, unless the delinquent is | sooner discharged from aftercare release or custodianship
is | otherwise terminated in accordance with this Act or as | otherwise provided
for by law.
| (3.5) Every delinquent minor committed to the Department of | Juvenile Justice under this Act shall be eligible for aftercare | release without regard to the length of time the minor has been | confined or whether the minor has served any minimum term | imposed. Aftercare release shall be administered by the | Department of Juvenile Justice, under the direction of the | Director. Unless sooner discharged, the Department of Juvenile | Justice shall discharge a minor from aftercare release upon | completion of the following aftercare release terms: | (a) One and a half years from the date a minor is | released from a Department facility, if the minor was | committed for a Class X felony; | (b) One year from the date a minor is released from a | Department facility, if the minor was committed for a Class | 1 or 2 felony; and |
| (c) Six months from the date a minor is released from a | Department facility, if the minor was committed for a Class | 3 felony or lesser offense. | (4) When the court commits a minor to the Department of | Juvenile Justice, it
shall order him or her conveyed forthwith | to the appropriate reception station
other place designated | by the Department of Juvenile Justice, and shall appoint the
| Director of Juvenile Justice legal custodian of the
minor. The | clerk of the court shall issue to the
Director of Juvenile | Justice a certified copy of the order,
which constitutes proof | of the Director's authority. No other process need
issue to
| warrant the keeping of the minor.
| (5) If a minor is committed to the Department of Juvenile | Justice, the clerk of the court shall forward to the | Department:
| (a) the sentencing order disposition ordered ;
| (b) all reports;
| (c) the court's statement of the basis for ordering the | disposition; and
| (d) any sex offender evaluations; | (e) any risk assessment or substance abuse treatment | eligibility screening and assessment of the minor by an | agent designated by the State to provide assessment | services for the courts; | (f) the number of days, if any, which the minor has | been in custody and for which he or she is entitled to |
| credit against the sentence, which information shall be | provided to the clerk by the sheriff; | (g) any medical or mental health records or summaries | of the minor; | (h) the municipality where the arrest of the minor | occurred, the commission of the offense occurred, and the | minor resided at the time of commission; and | (i) all additional matters which the court directs the | clerk to transmit.
| (6) Whenever the Department of Juvenile Justice lawfully | discharges from its
custody and
control a minor committed to | it, the Director of Juvenile Justice shall petition the court | for an order terminating his or her
custodianship. The | custodianship shall terminate automatically 30 days after
| receipt of the petition unless the court orders otherwise.
| (7) If, while on aftercare release, a minor committed to | the Department of Juvenile Justice is charged under the | criminal laws of this State with an offense that could result | in a sentence of imprisonment within the Department of | Corrections, the commitment to the Department of Juvenile | Justice and all rights and duties created by that commitment | are automatically suspended pending final disposition of the | criminal charge. If the minor is found guilty of the criminal | charge and sentenced to a term of imprisonment in the | penitentiary system of the Department of Corrections, the | commitment to the Department of Juvenile Justice shall be |
| automatically terminated. If the criminal charge is dismissed, | the minor is found not guilty, or the minor completes a | criminal sentence other than imprisonment within the | Department of Corrections, the previously imposed commitment | to the Department of Juvenile Justice and the full aftercare | release term shall be automatically reinstated unless | custodianship is sooner terminated. Nothing in this subsection | (7) shall preclude the court from ordering another sentence | under Section 5-710 of this Act or from terminating the | Department's custodianship while the commitment to the | Department is suspended. | (Source: P.A. 97-362, eff. 1-1-12; 98-558, eff. 1-1-14.)
| Section 10. The Unified Code of Corrections is amended by | changing Sections 3-2.5-80, 3-3-5, 3-3-8, and 3-3-10 as | follows: | (730 ILCS 5/3-2.5-80) | Sec. 3-2.5-80. Supervision on Aftercare Release. | (a) The Department shall retain custody of all youth placed | on aftercare release or released under Section 3-3-10 of this | Code. The Department shall supervise those youth during their | aftercare release period in accordance with the conditions set | by the Prisoner Review Board. | (b) A copy of youth's conditions of aftercare release shall | be signed by the youth and given to the youth and to his or her |
| aftercare specialist who shall report on the youth's progress | under the rules of the Prisoner Review Board. Aftercare | specialists and supervisors shall have the full power of peace | officers in the retaking of any releasee who has allegedly | violated his or her aftercare release conditions. The aftercare | specialist may shall request the Department of Juvenile Justice | to issue a warrant for the arrest of any releasee who has | allegedly violated his or her aftercare release conditions. | (c) The aftercare supervisor shall request the Department | of Juvenile Justice to issue an aftercare release violation | warrant, and the Department of Juvenile Justice shall issue an | aftercare release violation warrant, under the following | circumstances: | (1) if the releasee has a subsequent delinquency | petition filed against him or her alleging commission of | commits an act that constitutes a felony using a firearm or | knife; | (2) if the releasee is required to and fails to comply | with the requirements of the Sex Offender Registration Act; | (3) (blank); or if the releasee is charged with: | (A) a felony offense of domestic battery under | Section 12-3.2 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | (B) aggravated domestic battery under Section | 12-3.3 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | (C) stalking under Section 12-7.3 of the Criminal | Code of 2012; |
| (D) aggravated stalking under Section 12-7.4 of | the Criminal Code of 2012; | (E) violation of an order of protection under | Section 12-3.4 of the Criminal Code of 2012; or | (F) any offense that would require registration as | a sex offender under the Sex Offender Registration Act; | or | (4) if the releasee is on aftercare release for a | murder, a Class X felony or a Class 1 felony violation of | the Criminal Code of 2012, or any felony that requires | registration as a sex offender under the Sex Offender | Registration Act and a subsequent delinquency petition is | filed against him or her alleging commission of commits an | act that constitutes first degree murder, a Class X felony, | a Class 1 felony, a Class 2 felony, or a Class 3 felony. | Personnel designated by the Department of Juvenile | Justice or another peace officer may detain an alleged | aftercare release violator until a warrant for his or her | return to the Department of Juvenile Justice can be issued. | The releasee may be delivered to any secure place until he | or she can be transported to the Department of Juvenile | Justice. The aftercare specialist or the Department of | Juvenile Justice shall file a violation report with notice | of charges with the Prisoner Review Board. | (d) The aftercare specialist shall regularly advise and | consult with the releasee and assist the youth in adjusting to |
| community life in accord with this Section. | (e) If the aftercare releasee has been convicted of a sex | offense as defined in the Sex Offender Management Board Act, | the aftercare specialist shall periodically, but not less than | once a month, verify that the releasee is in compliance with | paragraph (7.6) of subsection (a) of Section 3-3-7. | (f) The aftercare specialist shall keep those records as | the Prisoner Review Board or Department may require. All | records shall be entered in the master file of the youth.
| (Source: P.A. 98-558, eff. 1-1-14.)
| (730 ILCS 5/3-3-5) (from Ch. 38, par. 1003-3-5)
| Sec. 3-3-5. Hearing and Determination.
| (a) The Prisoner
Review Board shall meet as often as need | requires to consider
the cases of persons eligible for parole | and aftercare release. Except as otherwise
provided in | paragraph (2) of subsection (a) of Section 3-3-2
of this Act, | the Prisoner Review Board may meet and
order its actions in | panels of 3 or more members. The action
of a majority of the | panel shall be the action of the Board.
In consideration of | persons committed to the Department of Juvenile Justice,
the | panel shall have at least a majority of members experienced
in | juvenile matters.
| (b) If the person under consideration for parole or | aftercare release is in the
custody of the Department, at least | one member of the Board
shall interview him or her, and a |
| report of that interview shall be
available for the Board's | consideration. However, in the
discretion of the Board, the | interview need not be conducted
if a psychiatric examination | determines that the person could
not meaningfully contribute to | the Board's consideration. The
Board may in its discretion | parole or release on aftercare a person who is then outside
the | jurisdiction on his or her record without an interview. The | Board
need not hold a hearing or interview a person who is | paroled or released on aftercare
under paragraphs (d) or (e) of | this Section or released on
Mandatory release under Section | 3-3-10.
| (c) The Board shall not parole or release a person eligible | for
parole or aftercare release if it determines that:
| (1) there is a substantial risk that he or she will not
| conform to reasonable conditions of parole or aftercare | release; or
| (2) his or her release at that time would deprecate the
| seriousness of his or her offense or promote disrespect for | the law; or
| (3) his or her release would have a substantially | adverse
effect on institutional discipline.
| (d) A person committed under the Juvenile Court Act
or the | Juvenile Court Act of 1987
who has not been sooner released | shall be released on aftercare on or before
his or her 20th | birthday or upon completion of the maximum term of confinement | ordered by the court under Section 5-710 of the Juvenile Court |
| Act of 1987, whichever is sooner, to begin serving a period of | aftercare release under
Section 3-3-8.
| (e) A person who has served the maximum term of
| imprisonment imposed at the time of sentencing less time
credit | for good behavior shall be released on parole to
serve a period | of parole under Section 5-8-1.
| (f) The Board shall render its decision within a
reasonable | time after hearing and shall state the basis
therefor both in | the records of the Board and in written
notice to the person on | whose application it has acted.
In its decision, the Board | shall set the person's time
for parole or aftercare release, or | if it denies parole or aftercare release it shall provide for
a | rehearing not less frequently than once every
year, except that | the Board may,
after denying parole,
schedule a rehearing no | later than 5 years from the date of the parole
denial, if the | Board finds that it is not reasonable to expect that parole
| would be granted at a hearing prior to the scheduled rehearing | date. If the
Board shall parole or release a person, and, if he | or she is not released within 90 days from
the effective date | of the order granting parole or aftercare release, the matter | shall be
returned to the Board for review.
| (f-1) If the Board paroles or releases a person who is | eligible for commitment as a sexually violent person, the | effective date of the Board's order shall be stayed for 90 days | for the purpose of evaluation and proceedings under the | Sexually Violent Persons Commitment Act. |
| (g) The Board shall maintain a registry of decisions in | which parole
has been granted, which shall include the name and | case number of the
prisoner, the highest charge for which the | prisoner was sentenced, the
length of sentence imposed, the | date of the sentence, the date of the
parole, and the basis for | the decision of the Board to grant parole and the
vote of the | Board on any such decisions. The registry shall be made | available
for public inspection and copying during business | hours and shall be a public
record pursuant to the provisions | of the Freedom of Information Act.
| (h) The Board shall promulgate rules regarding the exercise
| of its discretion under this Section.
| (Source: P.A. 97-522, eff. 1-1-12; 97-1075, eff. 8-24-12; | 98-558, eff. 1-1-14.)
| (730 ILCS 5/3-3-8) (from Ch. 38, par. 1003-3-8)
| Sec. 3-3-8. Length of parole, aftercare release, and | mandatory supervised
release; discharge.) | (a) The length of parole
for a person sentenced under the | law in effect prior to
the effective date of this amendatory | Act of 1977 and the
length of mandatory supervised release for | those sentenced
under the law in effect on and after such | effective date
shall be as set out in Section 5-8-1 unless | sooner terminated
under paragraph (b) of this Section. The | aftercare release period
of a juvenile committed to the | Department under the Juvenile
Court Act or the Juvenile Court |
| Act of 1987 shall be as set out in Section 5-750 of the | Juvenile Court Act of 1987 extend until he or she is 21
years | of age unless sooner terminated under paragraph (b) of this | Section or under the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 .
| (b) The Prisoner Review Board may enter an order
releasing | and discharging one from parole, aftercare release, or | mandatory
supervised release, and his or her commitment to the | Department,
when it determines that he or she is likely to | remain at liberty
without committing another offense.
| (b-1) Provided that the subject is in compliance with the | terms and conditions of his or her parole, aftercare release, | or mandatory supervised release, the Prisoner Review Board may | reduce the period of a parolee or releasee's parole, aftercare | release, or mandatory supervised release by 90 days upon the | parolee or releasee receiving a high school diploma or upon | passage of high school equivalency testing during the period of | his or her parole, aftercare release, or mandatory supervised | release. This reduction in the period of a subject's term of | parole, aftercare release, or mandatory supervised release | shall be available only to subjects who have not previously | earned a high school diploma or who have not previously passed | high school equivalency testing. | (c) The order of discharge shall become effective upon | entry of the
order of the Board. The Board shall notify the | clerk of the committing
court of the order. Upon receipt of | such copy, the clerk shall make an
entry on the record judgment |
| that the sentence or commitment has been
satisfied pursuant to | the order.
| (d) Rights of the person discharged under this
Section | shall be restored under Section 5-5-5. This Section is subject | to
Section 5-750 of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987.
| (Source: P.A. 97-531, eff. 1-1-12; 98-558, eff. 1-1-14; 98-718, | eff. 1-1-15 .)
| (730 ILCS 5/3-3-10) (from Ch. 38, par. 1003-3-10)
| Sec. 3-3-10. Eligibility after Revocation; Release under
| Supervision.
| (a) A person whose parole, aftercare release, or mandatory | supervised release
has been revoked may be reparoled or | rereleased by the
Board at any time to the full parole, | aftercare release, or mandatory supervised
release term under | Section 3-3-8, except that the time which
the person shall | remain subject to the Board shall not exceed
(1) the imposed | maximum term of imprisonment or confinement
and the parole term | for those sentenced under the law in
effect prior to the | effective date of this amendatory Act of
1977 or (2) the term | of imprisonment imposed by the court and
the mandatory | supervised release term for those sentenced
under the law in | effect on and after such effective date.
| (b) If the Board sets no earlier release date:
| (1) A person sentenced for any violation of law which
| occurred before January 1, 1973, shall be released under
| supervision 6 months prior to the expiration of his or her | maximum
sentence of imprisonment less good time credit | under Section
| (2) Any person who has violated the conditions of his | or her
parole or aftercare release and been reconfined | under Section 3-3-9 shall be
released under supervision 6 | months prior to the expiration
of the term of his or her | reconfinement under paragraph (a) of
Section 3-3-9 less | good time credit under Section 3-6-3.
This paragraph shall | not apply to persons serving terms of
mandatory supervised | release or aftercare release .
| (3) Nothing herein shall require the release of a | person
who has violated his or her parole within 6 months | of the date when
his or her release under this Section | would otherwise be mandatory.
| (c) Persons released under this Section shall be subject
to | Sections 3-3-6, 3-3-7, 3-3-9, 3-14-1, 3-14-2, 3-14-2.5,
| 3-14-3, and
| (Source: P.A. 98-558, eff. 1-1-14.)
Effective Date: 1/1/2016