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Public Act 099-0328 Public Act 0328 99TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 099-0328 | SB0159 Enrolled | LRB099 03385 HEP 23393 b |
| AN ACT concerning civil law.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, | represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Illinois Power of Attorney Act is amended by | changing Sections 4-5.1, 4-10, and 4-12 as follows: | (755 ILCS 45/4-5.1) | Sec. 4-5.1. Limitations on who may witness health care | agencies. | (a) Every health care agency shall bear the signature of a | witness to the signing of the agency. No witness may be under | 18 years of age. None of the following licensed professionals | providing services to the principal may serve as a witness to | the signing of a health care agency: | (1) the attending physician, advanced practice nurse, | physician assistant, dentist, podiatric physician, | optometrist, or psychologist mental health service | provider of the principal, or a relative of the physician, | advanced practice nurse, physician assistant, dentist, | podiatric physician, optometrist, or psychologist mental | health service provider ; | (2) an owner, operator, or relative of an owner or | operator of a health care facility in which the principal | is a patient or resident; |
| (3) a parent, sibling, or descendant, or the spouse of | a parent, sibling, or descendant, of either the principal | or any agent or successor agent, regardless of whether the | relationship is by blood, marriage, or adoption; | (4) an agent or successor agent for health care. | (b) The prohibition on the operator of a health care | facility from serving as a witness shall extend to directors | and executive officers of an operator that is a corporate | entity but not other employees of the operator such as, but not | limited to, non-owner chaplains or social workers, nurses, and | other employees.
| (Source: P.A. 98-1113, eff. 1-1-15 .)
| (755 ILCS 45/4-10) (from Ch. 110 1/2, par. 804-10)
| Sec. 4-10. Statutory short form power of attorney for | health care.
| (a) The form prescribed in this Section (sometimes also | referred to in this Act as the
"statutory health care power") | may be used to grant an agent powers with
respect to the | principal's own health care; but the statutory health care
| power is not intended to be exclusive nor to cover delegation | of a parent's
power to control the health care of a minor | child, and no provision of this
Article shall be construed to | invalidate or bar use by the principal of any
other or
| different form of power of attorney for health care. | Nonstatutory health
care powers must be
executed by the |
| principal, designate the agent and the agent's powers, and
| comply with the limitations in Section 4-5 of this Article, but | they need not be witnessed or
conform in any other respect to | the statutory health care power. | No specific format is required for the statutory health | care power of attorney other than the notice must precede the | form. The statutory health care power may be included in or
| combined with any
other form of power of attorney governing | property or other matters.
| (b) The Illinois Statutory Short Form Power of Attorney for | Health Care shall be substantially as follows: | NOTICE TO THE INDIVIDUAL SIGNING | THE POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR HEALTH CARE | No one can predict when a serious illness or accident might | occur. When it does, you may need someone else to speak or make | health care decisions for you. If you plan now, you can | increase the chances that the medical treatment you get will be | the treatment you want. | In Illinois, you can choose someone to be your "health care | agent". Your agent is the person you trust to make health care | decisions for you if you are unable or do not want to make them | yourself. These decisions should be based on your personal | values and wishes. | It is important to put your choice of agent in writing. The | written form is often called an "advance directive". You may |
| use this form or another form, as long as it meets the legal | requirements of Illinois. There are many written and on-line | resources to guide you and your loved ones in having a | conversation about these issues. You may find it helpful to | look at these resources while thinking about and discussing | your advance directive. | WHAT ARE THE THINGS I WANT MY | HEALTH CARE AGENT TO KNOW? | The selection of your agent should be considered carefully, | as your agent will have the ultimate decision making authority | once this document goes into effect, in most instances after | you are no longer able to make your own decisions. While the | goal is for your agent to make decisions in keeping with your | preferences and in the majority of circumstances that is what | happens, please know that the law does allow your agent to make | decisions to direct or refuse health care interventions or | withdraw treatment. Your agent will need to think about | conversations you have had, your personality, and how you | handled important health care issues in the past. Therefore, it | is important to talk with your agent and your family about such | things as: | (i) What is most important to you in your life? | (ii) How important is it to you to avoid pain and | suffering? | (iii) If you had to choose, is it more important to you |
| to live as long as possible, or to avoid prolonged | suffering or disability? | (iv) Would you rather be at home or in a hospital for | the last days or weeks of your life? | (v) Do you have religious, spiritual, or cultural | beliefs that you want your agent and others to consider? | (vi) Do you wish to make a significant contribution to | medical science after your death through organ or whole | body donation? | (vii) Do you have an existing advanced directive, such | as a living will, that contains your specific wishes about | health care that is only delaying your death? If you have | another advance directive, make sure to discuss with your | agent the directive and the treatment decisions contained | within that outline your preferences. Make sure that your | agent agrees to honor the wishes expressed in your advance | directive. | WHAT KIND OF DECISIONS CAN MY AGENT MAKE? | If there is ever a period of time when your physician | determines that you cannot make your own health care decisions, | or if you do not want to make your own decisions, some of the | decisions your agent could make are to: | (i) talk with physicians and other health care | providers about your condition. | (ii) see medical records and approve who else can see |
| them. | (iii) give permission for medical tests, medicines, | surgery, or other treatments. | (iv) choose where you receive care and which physicians | and others provide it. | (v) decide to accept, withdraw, or decline treatments | designed to keep you alive if you are near death or not | likely to recover. You may choose to include guidelines | and/or restrictions to your agent's authority. | (vi) agree or decline to donate your organs or your | whole body if you have not already made this decision | yourself. This could include donation for transplant, | research, and/or education. You should let your agent know | whether you are registered as a donor in the First Person | Consent registry maintained by the Illinois Secretary of | State or whether you have agreed to donate your whole body | for medical research and/or education. | (vii) decide what to do with your remains after you | have died, if you have not already made plans. | (viii) talk with your other loved ones to help come to | a decision (but your designated agent will have the final | say over your other loved ones). | Your agent is not automatically responsible for your health | care expenses. | WHOM SHOULD I CHOOSE TO BE MY HEALTH CARE AGENT? |
| You can pick a family member, but you do not have to. Your | agent will have the responsibility to make medical treatment | decisions, even if other people close to you might urge a | different decision. The selection of your agent should be done | carefully, as he or she will have ultimate decision-making | authority for your treatment decisions once you are no longer | able to voice your preferences. Choose a family member, friend, | or other person who: | (i) is at least 18 years old; | (ii) knows you well; | (iii) you trust to do what is best for you and is | willing to carry out your wishes, even if he or she may not | agree with your wishes; | (iv) would be comfortable talking with and questioning | your physicians and other health care providers; | (v) would not be too upset to carry out your wishes if | you became very sick; and | (vi) can be there for you when you need it and is | willing to accept this important role. | WHAT IF MY AGENT IS NOT AVAILABLE OR IS | UNWILLING TO MAKE DECISIONS FOR ME? | If the person who is your first choice is unable to carry | out this role, then the second agent you chose will make the | decisions; if your second agent is not available, then the | third agent you chose will make the decisions. The second and |
| third agents are called your successor agents and they function | as back-up agents to your first choice agent and may act only | one at a time and in the order you list them. | WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF I DO NOT | CHOOSE A HEALTH CARE AGENT? | If you become unable to make your own health care decisions | and have not named an agent in writing, your physician and | other health care providers will ask a family member, friend, | or guardian to make decisions for you. In Illinois, a law | directs which of these individuals will be consulted. In that | law, each of these individuals is called a "surrogate". | There are reasons why you may want to name an agent rather | than rely on a surrogate: | (i) The person or people listed by this law may not be | who you would want to make decisions for you. | (ii) Some family members or friends might not be able | or willing to make decisions as you would want them to. | (iii) Family members and friends may disagree with one | another about the best decisions. | (iv) Under some circumstances, a surrogate may not be | able to make the same kinds of decisions that an agent can | make. | WHAT IF THERE IS NO ONE AVAILABLE | WHOM I TRUST TO BE MY AGENT? |
| In this situation, it is especially important to talk to | your physician and other health care providers and create | written guidance about what you want or do not want, in case | you are ever critically ill and cannot express your own wishes. | You can complete a living will. You can also write your wishes | down and/or discuss them with your physician or other health | care provider and ask him or her to write it down in your | chart. You might also want to use written or on-line resources | to guide you through this process. | WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS FORM ONCE I COMPLETE IT? | Follow these instructions after you have completed the | form: | (i) Sign the form in front of a witness. See the form | for a list of who can and cannot witness it. | (ii) Ask the witness to sign it, too. | (iii) There is no need to have the form notarized. | (iv) Give a copy to your agent and to each of your | successor agents. | (v) Give another copy to your physician. | (vi) Take a copy with you when you go to the hospital. | (vii) Show it to your family and friends and others who | care for you. | WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? | You may change your mind at any time. If you do, tell |
| someone who is at least 18 years old that you have changed your | mind, and/or destroy your document and any copies. If you wish, | fill out a new form and make sure everyone you gave the old | form to has a copy of the new one, including, but not limited | to, your agents and your physicians. | WHAT IF I DO NOT WANT TO USE THIS FORM? | In the event you do not want to use the Illinois statutory | form provided here, any document you complete must be executed | by you, designate an agent who is over 18 years of age and not | prohibited from serving as your agent, and state the agent's | powers, but it need not be witnessed or conform in any other | respect to the statutory health care power. | If you have questions about the use of any form, you may | want to consult your physician, other health care provider, | and/or an attorney. | MY POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR HEALTH CARE | THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY REVOKES ALL PREVIOUS POWERS OF ATTORNEY | FOR HEALTH CARE. (You must sign this form and a witness must | also sign it before it is valid) | My name (Print your full name): .......... | My address: .................................................. |
| I WANT THE FOLLOWING PERSON TO BE MY HEALTH CARE AGENT | (an agent is your personal representative under state and | federal law): | (Agent name) ................. | (Agent address) ............. | (Agent phone number) ......................................... | (Please check box if applicable) .... If a guardian of my | person is to be appointed, I nominate the agent acting under | this power of attorney as guardian. | SUCCESSOR HEALTH CARE AGENT(S) (optional): | If the agent I selected is unable or does not want to make | health care decisions for me, then I request the person(s) I | name below to be my successor health care agent(s). Only one | person at a time can serve as my agent (add another page if you | want to add more successor agent names): | ............................................................. | (Successor agent #1 name, address and phone number) | ............................................................. | (Successor agent #2 name, address and phone number) | MY AGENT CAN MAKE HEALTH CARE DECISIONS FOR ME, INCLUDING: | (i) Deciding to accept, withdraw or decline treatment | for any physical or mental condition of mine, including | life-and-death decisions. |
| (ii) Agreeing to admit me to or discharge me from any | hospital, home, or other institution, including a mental | health facility. | (iii) Having complete access to my medical and mental | health records, and sharing them with others as needed, | including after I die. | (iv) Carrying out the plans I have already made, or, if | I have not done so, making decisions about my body or | remains, including organ, tissue or whole body donation, | autopsy, cremation, and burial. | The above grant of power is intended to be as broad as | possible so that my agent will have the authority to make any | decision I could make to obtain or terminate any type of health | care, including withdrawal of nutrition and hydration and other | life-sustaining measures. | I AUTHORIZE MY AGENT TO (please check any one box): | .... Make decisions for me only when I cannot make them for | myself. The physician(s) taking care of me will determine | when I lack this ability. | (If no box is checked, then the box above shall be | implemented.)
OR | .... Make decisions for me only when I cannot make them for | myself. The physician(s) taking care of me will determine | when I lack this ability. Starting now, for the purpose of | assisting me with my health care plans and decisions, my |
| agent shall have complete access to my medical and mental | health records, the authority to share them with others as | needed, and the complete ability to communicate with my | personal physician(s) and other health care providers, | including the ability to require an opinion of my physician | as to whether I lack the ability to make decisions for | myself. OR | .... Make decisions for me starting now and continuing | after I am no longer able to make them for myself. While I | am still able to make my own decisions, I can still do so | if I want to. | The subject of life-sustaining treatment is of particular | importance. Life-sustaining treatments may include tube | feedings or fluids through a tube, breathing machines, and CPR. | In general, in making decisions concerning life-sustaining | treatment, your agent is instructed to consider the relief of | suffering, the quality as well as the possible extension of | your life, and your previously expressed wishes. Your agent | will weigh the burdens versus benefits of proposed treatments | in making decisions on your behalf. | Additional statements concerning the withholding or | removal of life-sustaining treatment are described below. | These can serve as a guide for your agent when making decisions | for you. Ask your physician or health care provider if you have | any questions about these statements. |
| SELECT ONLY ONE STATEMENT BELOW THAT BEST EXPRESSES YOUR WISHES | (optional): | .... The quality of my life is more important than the | length of my life. If I am unconscious and my attending | physician believes, in accordance with reasonable medical | standards, that I will not wake up or recover my ability to | think, communicate with my family and friends, and | experience my surroundings, I do not want treatments to | prolong my life or delay my death, but I do want treatment | or care to make me comfortable and to relieve me of pain. | .... Staying alive is more important to me, no matter how | sick I am, how much I am suffering, the cost of the | procedures, or how unlikely my chances for recovery are. I | want my life to be prolonged to the greatest extent | possible in accordance with reasonable medical standards. | SPECIFIC LIMITATIONS TO MY AGENT'S DECISION-MAKING AUTHORITY: | The above grant of power is intended to be as broad as | possible so that your agent will have the authority to make any | decision you could make to obtain or terminate any type of | health care. If you wish to limit the scope of your agent's | powers or prescribe special rules or limit the power to | authorize autopsy or dispose of remains, you may do so | specifically in this form. | .................................. |
| .............................. | My signature: .................. | Today's date: ................................................ | HAVE YOUR WITNESS AGREE TO WHAT IS WRITTEN BELOW, AND THEN | COMPLETE THE SIGNATURE PORTION: | I am at least 18 years old. (check one of the options | below): | .... I saw the principal sign this document, or | .... the principal told me that the signature or mark on | the principal signature line is his or hers. | I am not the agent or successor agent(s) named in this | document. I am not related to the principal, the agent, or the | successor agent(s) by blood, marriage, or adoption. I am not | the principal's physician, advanced practice nurse, dentist, | podiatric physician, optometrist, psychologist mental health | service provider , or a relative of one of those individuals. I | am not an owner or operator (or the relative of an owner or | operator) of the health care facility where the principal is a | patient or resident. | Witness printed name: ............ | Witness address: .............. | Witness signature: ............... | Today's date: ................................................ |
| SUCCESSOR HEALTH CARE AGENT(S) (optional): | If the agent I selected is unable or does not want to make | health care decisions for me, then I request the person(s) I | name below to be my successor health care agent(s). Only one | person at a time can serve as my agent (add another page if you | want to add more successor agent names): | ............................................................. | (Successor agent #1 name, address and phone number) | ............................................................. | (Successor agent #2 name, address and phone number)
| (c) The statutory short form power of attorney for health | care (the
"statutory health care power") authorizes the agent | to make any and all
health care decisions on behalf of the | principal which the principal could
make if present and under | no disability, subject to any limitations on the
granted powers | that appear on the face of the form, to be exercised in such
| manner as the agent deems consistent with the intent and | desires of the
principal. The agent will be under no duty to | exercise granted powers or
to assume control of or | responsibility for the principal's health care;
but when | granted powers are exercised, the agent will be required to use
| due care to act for the benefit of the principal in accordance | with the
terms of the statutory health care power and will be | liable
for negligent exercise. The agent may act in person or | through others
reasonably employed by the agent for that |
| purpose
but may not delegate authority to make health care | decisions. The agent
may sign and deliver all instruments, | negotiate and enter into all
agreements and do all other acts | reasonably necessary to implement the
exercise of the powers | granted to the agent. Without limiting the
generality of the | foregoing, the statutory health care power shall include
the | following powers, subject to any limitations appearing on the | face of the form:
| (1) The agent is authorized to give consent to and | authorize or refuse,
or to withhold or withdraw consent to, | any and all types of medical care,
treatment or procedures | relating to the physical or mental health of the
principal, | including any medication program, surgical procedures,
| life-sustaining treatment or provision of food and fluids | for the principal.
| (2) The agent is authorized to admit the principal to | or discharge the
principal from any and all types of | hospitals, institutions, homes,
residential or nursing | facilities, treatment centers and other health care
| institutions providing personal care or treatment for any | type of physical
or mental condition. The agent shall have | the same right to visit the
principal in the hospital or | other institution as is granted to a spouse or
adult child | of the principal, any rule of the institution to the | contrary
| (3) The agent is authorized to contract for any and all |
| types of health
care services and facilities in the name of | and on behalf of the principal
and to bind the principal to | pay for all such services and facilities,
and to have and | exercise those powers over the principal's property as are
| authorized under the statutory property power, to the | extent the agent
deems necessary to pay health care costs; | and
the agent shall not be personally liable for any | services or care contracted
for on behalf of the principal.
| (4) At the principal's expense and subject to | reasonable rules of the
health care provider to prevent | disruption of the principal's health care,
the agent shall | have the same right the principal has to examine and copy
| and consent to disclosure of all the principal's medical | records that the agent deems
relevant to the exercise of | the agent's powers, whether the records
relate to mental | health or any other medical condition and whether they are | in
the possession of or maintained by any physician, | psychiatrist,
psychologist, therapist, hospital, nursing | home or other health care
provider. The authority under | this paragraph (4) applies to any information governed by | the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of | 1996 ("HIPAA") and regulations thereunder. The agent | serves as the principal's personal representative, as that | term is defined under HIPAA and regulations thereunder.
| (5) The agent is authorized: to direct that an autopsy | be made pursuant
to Section 2 of "An Act in relation to |
| autopsy of dead bodies", approved
August 13, 1965, | including all amendments;
to make a disposition of any
part | or all of the principal's body pursuant to the Illinois | Anatomical Gift
Act, as now or hereafter amended; and to | direct the disposition of the
principal's remains. | (6) At any time during which there is no executor or | administrator appointed for the principal's estate, the | agent is authorized to continue to pursue an application or | appeal for government benefits if those benefits were | applied for during the life of the principal.
| (d) A physician may determine that the principal is unable | to make health care decisions for himself or herself only if | the principal lacks decisional capacity, as that term is | defined in Section 10 of the Health Care Surrogate Act. | (e) If the principal names the agent as a guardian on the | statutory short form, and if a court decides that the | appointment of a guardian will serve the principal's best | interests and welfare, the court shall appoint the agent to | serve without bond or security. | (Source: P.A. 97-148, eff. 7-14-11; 98-1113, eff. 1-1-15 .)
| (755 ILCS 45/4-12) (from Ch. 110 1/2, par. 804-12)
| Sec. 4-12. Saving clause. This Act does not in any way
| invalidate any health care agency executed or any act of any
| agent done, or affect any claim, right or
remedy that accrued, | prior to September 22, 1987.
| This amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly does not | in any way invalidate any health care agency executed or any | act of any agent done, or affect any claim, right, or remedy | that accrued, prior to the effective date of this amendatory | Act of the 96th General Assembly. | This amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly does not | in any way invalidate any health care agency executed or any | act of any agent done, or affect any claim, right, or remedy | that accrued, prior to the effective date of this amendatory | Act of the 98th General Assembly. | This amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly does not | in any way invalidate any health care agency executed or any | act of any agent done, or affect any claim, right, or remedy | that accrued, prior to the effective date of this amendatory | Act of the 99th General Assembly. | (Source: P.A. 98-1113, eff. 1-1-15 .)
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect January | 1, 2016. |
Effective Date: 1/1/2016