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Public Act 099-0397 Public Act 0397 99TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 099-0397 | SB1595 Enrolled | LRB099 05976 HAF 26027 b |
| AN ACT concerning regulation.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Music | Therapy Advisory Board Act. | Section 5. Definitions. As used in this Act: | "Board" means the Music Therapy Advisory Board. | "Music therapist" means a person who is certified by the | Certification Board for Music Therapists. | "Music therapy" means the clinical and evidence-based use | of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals for | people of all ages and ability levels within a therapeutic | relationship by a credentialed professional who has completed | an approved music therapy program. The music therapy | interventions may include music improvisation, receptive music | listening, song writing, lyric discussion, music and imagery, | singing, music performance, learning through music, music | combined with other arts, music-assisted relaxation, | music-based patient education, electronic music technology, | adapted music intervention, and movement to music. The term | "music therapy" does not include the diagnosis or assessment of | any physical, mental, or communication disorder. | "Department" means the Department of Financial and |
| Professional Regulation. | "Secretary" means the Secretary of Financial and | Professional Regulation or his or her designee. | Section 10. Advisory board. | (a) There is created the Music Therapy Advisory Board | within the Department. The Board shall consist of 7 members | appointed by the Secretary for a term of 2 years. The Secretary | shall make the appointments to the Board within 90 days after | the effective date of this Act. The members of the Board shall | represent different racial and ethnic backgrounds, reasonably | reflect the different geographic areas in Illinois, and have | the qualifications as follows: | (1) three members who currently serve as music | therapists in Illinois; | (2) one member who represents the Department; | (3) one member who is a licensed psychologist or | professional counselor in Illinois; | (4) one member who is a licensed social worker in | Illinois; and | (5) one representative of a community college, | university, or educational institution that provides | training to music therapists.
| (b) The members of the Board shall select a chairperson | from the members of the Board. The Board shall consult with | additional experts as needed. Four members constitute a quorum. |
| The Board shall hold its first meeting within 30 days after the | appointment of members by the Secretary. Members of the Board | shall serve without compensation. The Department shall provide | administrative and staff support to the Board. The meetings of | the Board are subject to the provisions of the Open Meetings | Act. | (c) The Board shall consider the core competencies of a | music therapist, including skills and areas of knowledge that | are essential to bringing about music therapy services to | communities by qualified individuals. As relating to music | therapy services, the core competencies for effective music | therapists may include, but are not limited to:
| (1) materials to educate the public concerning music | therapist licensure; | (2) the benefits of music therapy; | (3) the utilization of music therapy by individuals and | in facilities or institutional settings; | (4) culturally competent communication and care; | (5) music therapy for behavior change; | (6) support from the American Music Therapy | Association or any successor organization and the | Certification Board for Music Therapists; | (7) clinical training; and | (8) education and continuing education requirements. | Section 15. Report. |
| (a) The Board shall develop a report with its | recommendations regarding the certification process for music | therapists. The report shall be completed no later than 12 | months after the first meeting of the Board. The report shall | be submitted to all members of the Board, the Secretary, the | Governor, the President of the Senate, the Minority Leader of | the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and | the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives. The | Department shall publish the report on its Internet website. | (b) The report shall at a minimum include the following: | (1) a summary of research regarding the best practices, | curriculum, and training programs for designing a | certification program in this State for music therapists, | including a consideration of a multi-tiered education or | training system, statewide certification, | non-certification degree-based levels of certification, | support from the American Music Therapy Association and | Certification Board for Music Therapists, and the | requirements for experience-based certification; | (2) recommendations regarding certification and | renewal process for music therapists and a system of | approval and accreditation for curriculum and training; | (3) recommendations for a proposed curriculum for | music therapists that ensures the content, methodology, | development, and delivery of any proposed program is | appropriately based on cultural, geographic, and other |
| specialty needs and also reflects relevant | responsibilities for music therapists; and | (4) recommendations for best practices for | reimbursement options and pathways through which secure | funding for music therapists may be obtained. | (c) The Board shall advise the Department, the Governor, | and the General Assembly on all matters that impact the | effective work of music therapists.
Effective Date: 1/1/2016