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Public Act 100-0050 Public Act 0050 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 100-0050 | HB2383 Enrolled | LRB100 00361 RLC 10365 b |
| AN ACT concerning State government.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Mental Health and Developmental | Disabilities Administrative Act is amended by changing Section | 15.4 as follows:
| (20 ILCS 1705/15.4)
| Sec. 15.4. Authorization for nursing delegation to permit | direct care
staff to
administer medications. | (a) This Section applies to (i) all residential programs | for persons
with a
developmental disability in settings of 16 | persons or fewer that are funded or
licensed by the Department | of Human
Services and that distribute or administer | medications , and (ii) all
intermediate care
facilities for | persons with developmental disabilities with 16 beds or fewer | that are
licensed by the
Department of Public Health , and (iii) | all day programs certified to serve persons with developmental | disabilities by the Department of Human Services . The | Department of Human Services shall develop a
training program | for authorized direct care staff to administer
medications | under the
supervision and monitoring of a registered | professional nurse.
The training program for authorized direct | care staff shall include educational and oversight components |
| for staff who work in day programs that are similar to those | for staff who work in residential programs. This training | program shall be developed in consultation with professional
| associations representing (i) physicians licensed to practice | medicine in all
its branches, (ii) registered professional | nurses, and (iii) pharmacists.
| (b) For the purposes of this Section:
| "Authorized direct care staff" means non-licensed persons | who have
successfully completed a medication administration | training program
approved by the Department of Human Services | and conducted by a nurse-trainer.
This authorization is | specific to an individual receiving service in
specific | agency and does not transfer to another agency.
| "Medications" means oral and topical medications, insulin | in an injectable form, oxygen, epinephrine auto-injectors, and | vaginal and rectal creams and suppositories. "Oral" includes | inhalants and medications administered through enteral tubes, | utilizing aseptic technique. "Topical" includes eye, ear, and | nasal medications. Any controlled substances must be packaged | specifically for an identified individual. | "Insulin in an injectable form" means a subcutaneous | injection via an insulin pen pre-filled by the manufacturer. | Authorized direct care staff may administer insulin, as ordered | by a physician, advanced practice nurse, or physician | assistant, if: (i) the staff has successfully completed a | Department-approved advanced training program specific to |
| insulin administration developed in consultation with | professional associations listed in subsection (a) of this | Section, and (ii) the staff consults with the registered nurse, | prior to administration, of any insulin dose that is determined | based on a blood glucose test result. The authorized direct | care staff shall not: (i) calculate the insulin dosage needed | when the dose is dependent upon a blood glucose test result, or | (ii) administer insulin to individuals who require blood | glucose monitoring greater than 3 times daily, unless directed | to do so by the registered nurse. | "Nurse-trainer training program" means a standardized, | competency-based
medication administration train-the-trainer | program provided by the
Department of Human Services and | conducted by a Department of Human
Services master | nurse-trainer for the purpose of training nurse-trainers to
| train persons employed or under contract to provide direct care | or
treatment to individuals receiving services to administer
| medications and provide self-administration of medication | training to
individuals under the supervision and monitoring of | the nurse-trainer. The
program incorporates adult learning | styles, teaching strategies, classroom
management, and a | curriculum overview, including the ethical and legal
aspects of | supervising those administering medications.
| "Self-administration of medications" means an individual | administers
his or her own medications. To be considered | capable to self-administer
their own medication, individuals |
| must, at a minimum, be able to identify
their medication by | size, shape, or color, know when they should take
the | medication, and know the amount of medication to be taken each | time.
| "Training program" means a standardized medication | administration
training program approved by the Department of | Human Services and
conducted by a registered professional nurse | for the purpose of training
persons employed or under contract | to provide direct care or treatment to
individuals receiving | services to administer medications
and provide | self-administration of medication training to individuals | under
the delegation and supervision of a nurse-trainer. The | program incorporates
adult learning styles, teaching | strategies, classroom management,
curriculum overview, | including ethical-legal aspects, and standardized
| competency-based evaluations on administration of medications | and
self-administration of medication training programs.
| (c) Training and authorization of non-licensed direct care | staff by
nurse-trainers must meet the requirements of this | subsection.
| (1) Prior to training non-licensed direct care staff to | administer
medication, the nurse-trainer shall perform the | following for each
individual to whom medication will be | administered by non-licensed
direct care staff:
| (A) An assessment of the individual's health | history and
physical and mental status.
| (B) An evaluation of the medications prescribed.
| (2) Non-licensed authorized direct care staff shall | meet the
following criteria:
| (A) Be 18 years of age or older.
| (B) Have completed high school or have a high | school equivalency certificate.
| (C) Have demonstrated functional literacy.
| (D) Have satisfactorily completed the Health and | Safety
component of a Department of Human Services | authorized
direct care staff training program.
| (E) Have successfully completed the training | program,
pass the written portion of the comprehensive | exam, and score
100% on the competency-based | assessment specific to the
individual and his or her | medications.
| (F) Have received additional competency-based | assessment
by the nurse-trainer as deemed necessary by | the nurse-trainer
whenever a change of medication | occurs or a new individual
that requires medication | administration enters the program.
| (3) Authorized direct care staff shall be re-evaluated | by a
nurse-trainer at least annually or more frequently at | the discretion of
the registered professional nurse. Any | necessary retraining shall be
to the extent that is | necessary to ensure competency of the authorized
direct | care staff to administer medication.
| (4) Authorization of direct care staff to administer | medication
shall be revoked if, in the opinion of the | registered professional nurse,
the authorized direct care | staff is no longer competent to administer
| (5) The registered professional nurse shall assess an
| individual's health status at least annually or more | frequently at the
discretion of the registered | professional nurse.
| (d) Medication self-administration shall meet the | following
| (1) As part of the normalization process, in order for | each
individual to attain the highest possible level of | independent
functioning, all individuals shall be | permitted to participate in their
total health care | program. This program shall include, but not be
limited to, | individual training in preventive health and | self-medication
| (A) Every program shall adopt written policies and
| procedures for assisting individuals in obtaining | preventative
health and self-medication skills in | consultation with a
registered professional nurse, | advanced practice nurse,
physician assistant, or | physician licensed to practice medicine
in all its | branches.
| (B) Individuals shall be evaluated to determine | their
ability to self-medicate by the nurse-trainer |
| through the use of
the Department's required, | standardized screening and assessment
| (C) When the results of the screening and | assessment
indicate an individual not to be capable to | self-administer his or her
own medications, programs | shall be developed in consultation
with the Community | Support Team or Interdisciplinary
Team to provide | individuals with self-medication
| (2) Each individual shall be presumed to be competent | to self-administer
medications if:
| (A) authorized by an order of a physician licensed | to
practice medicine in all its branches, an advanced | practice nurse, or a physician assistant; and
| (B) approved to self-administer medication by the
| individual's Community Support Team or
| Interdisciplinary Team, which includes a registered
| professional nurse or an advanced practice nurse.
| (e) Quality Assurance.
| (1) A registered professional nurse, advanced practice | nurse,
licensed practical nurse, physician licensed to | practice medicine in all
its branches, physician | assistant, or pharmacist shall review the
following for all | individuals:
| (A) Medication orders.
| (B) Medication labels, including medications | listed on
the medication administration record for |
| persons who are not
self-medicating to ensure the | labels match the orders issued by
the physician | licensed to practice medicine in all its branches,
| advanced practice nurse, or physician assistant.
| (C) Medication administration records for persons | who
are not self-medicating to ensure that the records | are completed
appropriately for:
| (i) medication administered as prescribed;
| (ii) refusal by the individual; and
| (iii) full signatures provided for all | initials used.
| (2) Reviews shall occur at least quarterly, but may be | done
more frequently at the discretion of the registered | professional nurse
or advanced practice nurse.
| (3) A quality assurance review of medication errors and | data
collection for the purpose of monitoring and | recommending
corrective action shall be conducted within 7 | days and included in the
required annual review.
| (f) Programs using authorized direct care
staff to | administer medications are responsible for documenting and | maintaining
on the training that is completed.
| (g) The absence of this training program constitutes a | threat to the
public interest,
safety, and welfare and | necessitates emergency rulemaking by
the Departments of Human | Services and
Public Health
under Section 5-45
Illinois | Administrative Procedure Act.
| (h) Direct care staff who fail to qualify for delegated | authority to
administer medications pursuant to the provisions | of this Section shall be
additional education and testing | to meet criteria for
delegation authority to administer | medications.
Any direct care staff person who fails to qualify | as an authorized direct care
after initial training and | testing must within 3 months be given another
opportunity for | retraining and retesting. A direct care staff person who fails
| to
meet criteria for delegated authority to administer | medication, including, but
not limited to, failure of the | written test on 2 occasions shall be given
consideration for | shift transfer or reassignment, if possible. No employee
shall | be terminated for failure to qualify during the 3-month time | period
following initial testing. Refusal to complete training | and testing required
by this Section may be grounds for | immediate dismissal.
| (i) No authorized direct care staff person delegated to | administer
medication shall be subject to suspension or | discharge for errors
resulting from the staff
person's acts or | omissions when performing the functions unless the staff
| person's actions or omissions constitute willful and wanton | conduct.
Nothing in this subsection is intended to supersede | paragraph (4) of subsection
| (j) A registered professional nurse, advanced practice | nurse,
physician licensed to practice medicine in all its | branches, or physician
assistant shall be on
duty or
on call at |
| all times in any program covered by this Section.
| (k) The employer shall be responsible for maintaining | liability insurance
for any program covered by this Section.
| (l) Any direct care staff person who qualifies as | authorized direct care
staff pursuant to this Section shall be | granted consideration for a one-time
salary | differential. The Department shall determine and provide the | necessary
funding for
the differential in the base. This | subsection (l) is inoperative on and after
June 30, 2000.
| (Source: P.A. 98-718, eff. 1-1-15; 98-901, eff. 8-15-14; 99-78, | eff. 7-20-15; 99-143, eff. 7-27-15; 99-581, eff. 1-1-17 .)
| Section 10. The MC/DD Act is amended by adding Section | 3-301.1 as follows: | (210 ILCS 46/3-301.1 new) | Sec. 3-301.1. Administration of medication by direct care | staff at day programs. For the purposes of this Act, violations | cited against a facility as a result of actions involving | administration of medication by direct care staff of day | programs certified to serve persons with developmental | disabilities by the Department of Human Services under Section | 15.4 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities | Administrative Act will not result in: | (1) the facility being issued a "Type AA" violation as | defined in Section 1-128.5 of this Act; |
| (2) the facility being issued a "Type A" violation as | defined in Section 1-129 of this Act; | (3) the facility being issued a "Type B" violation as | defined in Section 1-130 of this Act; | (4) denial of the facility's license under Section | 3-117 of this Act; | (5) the facility being placed on the Department's | quarterly list of facilities which the Department has taken | action against prepared under Section 3-304 of this Act; | (6) the facility being assessed a penalty or fine under | Section 3-305 of this Act; | (7) the facility being issued a conditional license | under Section 3-311 of this Act; or | (8) the Department's suspension or revocation of a | facility's license or refusal to renew a facility's license | under Section 3-119 of this Act. | The Department shall notify the Division of Developmental | Disabilities of the Department of Human Services when it | becomes aware of a medication error at a day program or that a | resident is injured or is subject to alleged abuse or neglect | at a day program. | Section 15. The ID/DD Community Care Act is amended by | adding Section 3-301.1 as follows: | (210 ILCS 47/3-301.1 new) |
| Sec. 3-301.1. Administration of medication by direct care | staff at day programs. For the purposes of this Act, violations | cited against a facility as a result of actions involving | administration of medication by direct care staff of day | programs certified to serve persons with developmental | disabilities by the Department of Human Services under Section | 15.4 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities | Administrative Act will not result in: | (1) the facility being issued a "Type AA" violation as | defined in Section 1-128.5 of this Act; | (2) the facility being issued a "Type A" violation as | defined in Section 1-129 of this Act; | (3) the facility being issued a "Type B" violation as | defined in Section 1-130 of this Act; | (4) denial of the facility's license under Section | 3-117 of this Act; | (5) the facility being placed on the Department's | quarterly list of facilities which the Department has taken | action against prepared under Section 3-304 of this Act; | (6) the facility being assessed a penalty or fine under | Section 3-305 of this Act; | (7) the facility being issued a conditional license | under Section 3-311 of this Act; or | (8) the Department's suspension or revocation of a | facility's license or refusal to renew a facility's license | under Section 3-119 of this Act. |
| The Department shall notify the Division of Developmental | Disabilities of the Department of Human Services when it | becomes aware of a medication error at a day program or that a | resident is injured or is subject to alleged abuse or neglect | at a day program.
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect January | 1, 2018.
Effective Date: 1/1/2018