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Public Act 100-0160 Public Act 0160 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 100-0160 | HB3172 Enrolled | LRB100 09547 AXK 19713 b |
| AN ACT concerning transportation.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by changing | Section 13-109 as follows:
| (625 ILCS 5/13-109) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 13-109)
| Sec. 13-109. Safety test prior to application for
license - | Subsequent tests - Repairs - Retest. | (a) Except as otherwise provided in Chapter 13, each second | division
vehicle, first division vehicle including a taxi which | is used for a purpose that requires a school bus driver permit, | and medical transport vehicle, except those vehicles other than
| school buses or medical transport vehicles owned or operated by | a municipal
corporation or political subdivision having a | population of 1,000,000 or
more inhabitants which are subjected | to safety tests imposed by local
ordinance or resolution, | operated in whole or in part over the highways
of this State, | motor vehicle used for driver education training, and each | vehicle designed to carry 15 or fewer passengers
operated by a | contract carrier transporting employees in the course of
their | employment
on a highway of this State, shall be subjected to | the safety
test provided for in Chapter
13 of this Code. Tests | shall be conducted at an official testing station
within 6 |
| months prior to the application for registration as provided
| for in this Code. Subsequently each vehicle shall be subject to | tests (i) at
least every 6 months, (ii) in the case of school | buses and first division vehicles including taxis which are | used for a purpose that requires a school bus driver permit, at | least every 6
months or 10,000 miles, whichever occurs first, | or (iii) in the case of driver education vehicles used by | public high schools, at least every 12 months for vehicles over | 5 model years of age or having an odometer reading of over | 75,000 miles, whichever occurs first, or (iv) in the case of | truck tractors in combination with a semitrailer, at least | every 12 months, and according to
schedules established by | rules and regulations promulgated by the
Department. Any | component subject to regular inspection which is
damaged in a | reportable accident must be reinspected before the bus or first | division vehicle including a taxi which is used for a purpose | that requires a school bus driver permit is
returned to | service.
| (b) The Department shall also conduct periodic | nonscheduled inspections
of school buses, of buses registered | as charitable vehicles and of
religious organization buses. If | such inspection reveals that a vehicle is
not in substantial | compliance with the rules promulgated by the Department,
the | Department shall remove the Certificate of Safety from the | vehicle, and
shall place the vehicle out-of-service. A bright | orange, triangular decal
shall be placed on an out-of-service |
| vehicle where the Certificate of
Safety has been removed. The | vehicle must pass a safety test at an
official testing station | before it is again placed in service.
| (c) If the violation is not substantial a bright yellow, | triangular
sticker shall be placed next to the Certificate of | Safety at the time the
nonscheduled inspection is made. The | Department shall reinspect the
vehicle after 3 working days to | determine that the violation has been
corrected and remove the | yellow, triangular decal. If the violation is not
corrected | within 3 working days, the Department shall place the vehicle
| out-of-service in accordance with procedures in subsection | (b).
| (d) If a violation is not substantial and does not directly | affect the
safe operation of the vehicle, the Department shall | issue a warning notice
requiring correction of the violation. | Such correction shall be
accomplished as soon as practicable | and a report of the correction shall be
made to the Department | within 30 days in a manner established by the
Department. If | the Department has not been advised that the corrections
have | been made, and the violations still exist, the Department shall | place
the vehicle out-of-service in accordance with procedures | in subsection
| (e) The Department is authorized to promulgate regulations | to implement its
program of nonscheduled inspections. Causing | or allowing the operation of
an out-of-service vehicle with | passengers or unauthorized removal of an
out-of-service |
| sticker is a Class 3 felony. Causing or allowing the
operation | of a vehicle with a 3-day sticker for longer than 3 days with | the
sticker attached or the unauthorized removal of a 3-day | sticker is a Class C
| (f) If a second division vehicle, first division vehicle | including a taxi which is used for a purpose that requires a | school bus driver permit, medical transport vehicle, or
vehicle | operated by a contract carrier as provided in subsection (a) of | this
Section is in safe
mechanical condition, as determined | pursuant to Chapter 13, the operator of
the official testing | station must at once issue to the second division
vehicle, | first division vehicle including a taxi which is used for a | purpose that requires a school bus driver permit, or medical | transport vehicle a certificate of safety, in the form
and | manner prescribed by the Department, which shall be affixed to | the
vehicle by the certified safety tester who performed the | safety tests. The
owner of the second division vehicle, first | division vehicle including a taxi which is used for a purpose | that requires a school bus driver permit, or medical transport | vehicle or the
contract carrier shall at
all times display the | Certificate of Safety on the second division vehicle, first | division vehicle including a taxi which is used for a purpose | that requires a school bus driver permit, medical transport | vehicle, or vehicle operated by a contract carrier
in the | manner prescribed by the Department.
| (g) If a test shows that a second division vehicle, first |
| division vehicle including a taxi which is used for a purpose | that requires a school bus driver permit, medical
| vehicle, or vehicle operated by a contract carrier is not in | safe
mechanical condition as provided in this Section, it
shall | not be operated on the highways until it has been repaired and
| submitted to a retest at an official testing station. If the | owner or
contract carrier submits
the vehicle to a retest at
| different official testing station from that where it failed to | pass the
first test, he or she shall present to the operator of | the second station the
report of the original test, and shall | notify the Department in writing,
giving the name and address | of the original testing station and the defects
which prevented | the issuance of a Certificate of Safety, and the name and
| address of the second official testing station making the | retest.
| (Source: P.A. 97-224, eff. 7-28-11; 97-1025, eff. 1-1-13.)
Effective Date: 1/1/2018