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Public Act 100-0434 Public Act 0434 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 100-0434 | SB1422 Enrolled | LRB100 09590 RLC 19758 b |
| AN ACT concerning criminal law.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Criminal Code of 2012 is amended by changing | Sections 3-6 and 3-7 as follows:
| (720 ILCS 5/3-6) (from Ch. 38, par. 3-6)
| Sec. 3-6. Extended limitations. The period within which a | prosecution
must be commenced under the provisions of Section | 3-5 or other applicable
statute is extended under the following | conditions:
| (a) A prosecution for theft involving a breach of a | fiduciary obligation
to the aggrieved person may be commenced | as follows:
| (1) If the aggrieved person is a minor or a person | under legal disability,
then during the minority or legal | disability or within one year after the
termination | thereof.
| (2) In any other instance, within one year after the | discovery of the
offense by an aggrieved person, or by a | person who has legal capacity to
represent an aggrieved | person or has a legal duty to report the offense,
and is | not himself or herself a party to the offense; or in the | absence of such
discovery, within one year after the proper |
| prosecuting officer becomes
aware of the offense. However, | in no such case is the period of limitation
so extended | more than 3 years beyond the expiration of the period | otherwise
| (b) A prosecution for any offense based upon misconduct in | office by a
public officer or employee may be commenced within | one year after discovery
of the offense by a person having a | legal duty to report such offense, or
in the absence of such | discovery, within one year after the proper
prosecuting officer | becomes aware of the offense. However, in no such case
is the | period of limitation so extended more than 3 years beyond the
| expiration of the period otherwise applicable.
| (b-5) When the victim is under 18 years of age at the time | of the offense, a prosecution for involuntary servitude, | involuntary sexual servitude of a minor, or trafficking in | persons and related offenses under Section 10-9 of this Code | may be commenced within one year of the victim attaining the | age of 18 years. However, in no such case shall the time period | for prosecution expire sooner than 3 years after the commission | of the offense. | (c) (Blank).
| (d) A prosecution for child pornography, aggravated child | pornography, indecent
solicitation of a
child, soliciting for a | juvenile prostitute, juvenile pimping,
exploitation of a | child, or promoting juvenile prostitution except for keeping a | place of juvenile prostitution may be commenced within one year |
| of the victim
attaining the age of 18 years. However, in no | such case shall the time
period for prosecution expire sooner | than 3 years after the commission of
the offense. When the | victim is under 18 years of age, a prosecution for
| sexual abuse may be commenced within
one year of the victim | attaining the age of 18 years. However, in no such
case shall | the time period for prosecution expire sooner than 3 years | after
the commission of the offense.
| (e) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (j), a | prosecution for
any offense involving sexual conduct or sexual
| penetration, as defined in Section 11-0.1 of this Code, where | the defendant
was within a professional or fiduciary | relationship or a purported
professional or fiduciary | relationship with the victim at the
time of the commission of | the offense may be commenced within one year
after the | discovery of the offense by the victim.
| (f) A prosecution for any offense set forth in Section 44
| of the "Environmental Protection Act", approved June 29, 1970, | as amended,
may be commenced within 5 years after the discovery | of such
an offense by a person or agency having the legal duty | to report the
offense or in the absence of such discovery, | within 5 years
after the proper prosecuting officer becomes | aware of the offense.
| (f-5) A prosecution for any offense set forth in Section | 16-30 of this Code may be commenced within 5 years after the | discovery of the offense by the victim of that offense.
| (g) (Blank).
| (h) (Blank).
| (i) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (j), a | prosecution for
criminal sexual assault, aggravated criminal
| sexual assault, or aggravated criminal sexual abuse may be | commenced within 10
years of the commission of the offense if | the victim reported the offense to
law enforcement authorities | within 3 years after the commission of the offense.
| Nothing in this subdivision (i) shall be construed to
| shorten a period within which a prosecution must be commenced | under any other
provision of this Section.
| (i-5) A prosecution for armed robbery, home invasion, | kidnapping, or aggravated kidnaping may be commenced within 10 | years of the commission of the offense if it arises out of the | same course of conduct and meets the criteria under one of the | offenses in subsection (i) of this Section. | (j) (1) When the victim is under 18 years of age at the | time of the offense, a
for criminal sexual assault, | aggravated criminal sexual assault, predatory
criminal sexual | assault of a child, aggravated criminal sexual abuse, or felony | criminal sexual abuse may be commenced at any time when | corroborating physical evidence is available or an individual | who is required to report an alleged or suspected commission of | any of these offenses under the Abused and Neglected Child | Reporting Act fails to do so. | (2) In circumstances other than as described in paragraph |
| (1) of this subsection (j), when the victim is under 18 years | of age at the time of the offense, a prosecution for criminal | sexual assault, aggravated criminal sexual assault, predatory | criminal sexual assault of a child, aggravated criminal sexual | abuse, or felony criminal sexual abuse, or a
prosecution for | failure of a person who is required to report an alleged
or | suspected commission of any of these offenses under the Abused | and Neglected
Child Reporting Act may be
commenced within 20 | years after the child victim attains 18
years of age. | (3) When the victim is under 18 years of age at the time of | the offense, a
for misdemeanor criminal sexual | abuse may be
commenced within 10 years after the child victim | attains 18
years of age.
| (4) Nothing in this subdivision (j) shall be construed to
| shorten a period within which a prosecution must be commenced | under any other
provision of this Section.
| (j-5) A prosecution for armed robbery, home invasion, | kidnapping, or aggravated kidnaping may be commenced at any | time if it arises out of the same course of conduct and meets | the criteria under one of the offenses in subsection (j) of | this Section. | (k) (Blank).
| (l) A prosecution for any offense set forth in Section 26-4 | of this Code may be commenced within one year after the | discovery of the offense by the victim of that offense. | (m) The prosecution shall not be required to prove at trial |
| facts which extend the general limitations in Section 3-5 of | this Code when the facts supporting extension of the period of | general limitations are properly pled in the charging document. | Any challenge relating to the extension of the general | limitations period as defined in this Section shall be | exclusively conducted under Section 114-1 of the Code of | Criminal Procedure of 1963. | (Source: P.A. 98-293, eff. 1-1-14; 98-379, eff. 1-1-14; 98-756, | eff. 7-16-14; 99-234, eff. 8-3-15; 99-820, eff. 8-15-16.)
| (720 ILCS 5/3-7) (from Ch. 38, par. 3-7)
| Sec. 3-7. Periods
excluded from limitation. | (a) The period within which a prosecution must be commenced | does not include
any period in which:
| (1) the defendant is not usually and publicly resident | within this
State; or
| (2) the defendant is a public officer and the offense | charged is theft
of public funds while in public office; or
| (3) a prosecution is pending against the defendant for | the same conduct,
even if the indictment or information | which commences the prosecution is
quashed or the | proceedings thereon are set aside, or are reversed on
| appeal; or
| (4) a proceeding or an appeal from a proceeding | relating
to the quashing or enforcement of a Grand Jury | subpoena issued in connection
with an investigation of a |
| violation of a criminal law of this State is
pending. | However, the period within which a prosecution must be | commenced
includes any period in which the State brings a | proceeding or an appeal from a
proceeding specified in this | paragraph (4); or
| (5) a material witness is placed on active military | duty or leave. In
this paragraph (5), "material witness" | includes, but is not limited to, the
arresting officer, | occurrence witness, or the alleged victim of the offense; | or | (6) the victim of unlawful force or threat of imminent | bodily harm to obtain information or a
confession is | incarcerated, and the victim's incarceration, in whole or | in part, is a consequence of the unlawful force or
threats; | or | (7) the sexual assault evidence is collected and | submitted to the Department of State Police until the | completion of the analysis of the submitted evidence.
| (a-5) The prosecution shall not be required to prove at | trial facts establishing periods excluded from the general | limitations in Section 3-5 of this Code when the facts | supporting periods being excluded from the general limitations | are properly pled in the charging document. Any challenge | relating to periods of exclusion as defined in this Section | shall be exclusively conducted under Section 114-1 of the Code | of Criminal Procedure of 1963. |
| (b) For the purposes of this Section: | "Completion of the analysis of the submitted evidence" | means analysis of the collected evidence and conducting of | laboratory
tests and the comparison of the collected | evidence with the genetic marker grouping analysis | information maintained by the Department of State Police | under Section 5-4-3 of the Unified Code of Corrections and | with the information contained in the Federal Bureau of | Investigation's National DNA database. | "Sexual assault" has the meaning ascribed to it in | Section 1a of the Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency | Treatment Act. | "Sexual assault evidence" has the meaning ascribed to | it in Section 5 of the Sexual Assault Evidence Submission | Act. | (Source: P.A. 99-252, eff. 1-1-16 .)
| Section 10. The Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963 is | amended by changing Section 114-1 as follows:
| (725 ILCS 5/114-1) (from Ch. 38, par. 114-1)
| Sec. 114-1. Motion to dismiss charge.
| (a) Upon the written motion of the defendant made prior to | trial before
or after a plea has been entered the court may | dismiss the indictment,
information or complaint upon any of | the following grounds:
| (1) The defendant has not been placed on trial in | compliance
with Section 103-5 of this Code.
| (2) The prosecution of the offense is barred by | Sections 3-3 through
3-8 of the Criminal Code of 2012.
| (3) The defendant has received immunity from | prosecution for the offense
| (4) The indictment was returned by a Grand Jury which | was improperly
selected and which results in substantial | injustice to the defendant.
| (5) The indictment was returned by a Grand Jury which | acted contrary to
Article 112 of this Code and which | results in substantial injustice to the
| (6) The court in which the charge has been filed does | not have
| (7) The county is an improper place of trial.
| (8) The charge does not state an offense.
| (9) The indictment is based solely upon the testimony | of an incompetent
| (10) The defendant is misnamed in the charge and the | misnomer results in
substantial injustice to the | defendant.
| (11) The requirements of Section 109-3.1 have not been | complied with.
| (b) The court shall require any motion to dismiss to be | filed within a
reasonable time after the defendant has been | arraigned. Any motion not
filed within such time or an |
| extension thereof shall not be considered by
the court and the | grounds therefor, except as to subsections (a)(6) and
(a)(8) of | this Section, are waived.
| (c) If the motion presents only an issue of law the court | shall
determine it without the necessity of further pleadings. | If the motion
alleges facts not of record in the case the State | shall file an answer
admitting or denying each of the factual | allegations of the motion.
| (d) When an issue of fact is presented by a motion to | dismiss and the
answer of the State the court shall conduct a | hearing and determine the
| (d-5) When a defendant seeks dismissal of the charge upon | the ground set
forth in subsection (a)(7) of this Section, the | defendant shall make a prima
facie showing that the county is | an improper place of trial. Upon such
showing, the State shall | have the burden of proving, by a preponderance of
the evidence, | that the county is the proper place of trial.
| (d-6) When a defendant seeks dismissal of the charge upon | the grounds set forth in subsection (a)(2) of this Section, the | prosecution shall have the burden of proving, by a | preponderance of the evidence, that the
prosecution of the | offense is not barred by Sections 3-3 through 3-8 of the | Criminal Code of 2012. | (e) Dismissal of the charge upon the grounds set forth in | subsections
(a)(4) through (a)(11) of this Section shall not | prevent the return of a
new indictment or the filing of a new |
| charge, and upon such dismissal
the court may order that the | defendant be held in custody or, if the
defendant had been | previously released on bail, that the bail be continued for a | specified time pending the return of a new
indictment or the | filing of a new charge.
| (f) If the court determines that the motion to dismiss | based upon the
grounds set forth in subsections (a)(6) and | (a)(7) is well founded it
may, instead of dismissal, order the | cause transferred to a court of
competent jurisdiction or to a | proper place of trial.
| (Source: P.A. 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13.)
Effective Date: 1/1/2018