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Public Act 100-0671 Public Act 0671 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 100-0671 | HB4340 Enrolled | LRB100 17799 HEP 32978 b |
| AN ACT concerning human rights.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Human Trafficking Resource Center Notice Act | is amended by changing Sections 5, 15, and 20 as follows: | (775 ILCS 50/5) | Sec. 5. Posted notice required. | (a) Each of the following businesses and other | establishments shall, upon the availability of the model notice | described in Section 15 of this Act, post a notice that | complies with the requirements of this Act in a conspicuous | place near the public entrance of the establishment or in | another conspicuous location in clear view of the public and | employees where similar notices are customarily posted: | (1) On premise consumption retailer licensees under | the Liquor Control Act of 1934 where the sale of alcoholic | liquor is the principal
business carried on by the licensee | at the premises and primary to the
sale of food. | (2) Adult entertainment facilities, as defined in | Section 5-1097.5 of the Counties Code. | (3) Primary airports, as defined in Section 47102(16) | of Title 49 of the United States Code. | (4) Intercity passenger rail or light rail stations. |
| (5) Bus stations. | (6) Truck stops. For purposes of this Act, "truck stop" | means a privately-owned and operated facility that | provides food, fuel, shower or other sanitary facilities, | and lawful overnight truck parking. | (7) Emergency rooms within general acute care | hospitals. | (8) Urgent care centers. | (9) Farm labor contractors. For purposes of this Act, | "farm labor contractor" means: (i) any person who for a fee | or other valuable consideration recruits, supplies, or | hires, or transports in connection therewith, into or | within the State, any farmworker not of the contractor's | immediate family to work for, or under the direction, | supervision, or control of, a third person; or (ii) any | person who for a fee or other valuable consideration | recruits, supplies, or hires, or transports in connection | therewith, into or within the State, any farmworker not of | the contractor's immediate family, and who for a fee or | other valuable consideration directs, supervises, or | controls all or any part of the work of the farmworker or | who disburses wages to the farmworker. However, "farm labor | contractor" does not include full-time regular employees | of food processing companies when the employees are engaged | in recruiting for the companies if those employees are not | compensated according to the number of farmworkers they |
| recruit. | (10) Privately-operated job recruitment centers. | (11) Massage establishments. As used in this Act, | "massage establishment" means a place of business in which | any method of massage therapy is administered or practiced | for compensation. "Massage establishment" does not | include: an establishment at which persons licensed under | the Medical Practice Act of 1987, the Illinois Physical | Therapy Act, or the Naprapathic Practice Act engage in | practice under one of those Acts; a business owned by a | sole licensed massage therapist; or a cosmetology or | esthetics salon registered under the Barber, Cosmetology, | Esthetics, Hair Braiding, and Nail Technology Act of 1985. | (b) The Department of Transportation shall, upon the | availability of the model notice described in Section 15 of | this Act, post a notice that complies with the requirements of | this Act in a conspicuous place near the public entrance of | each roadside rest area or in another conspicuous location in | clear view of the public and employees where similar notices | are customarily posted.
| (c) The owner of a hotel or motel shall, upon the | availability of the model notice described in Section 15 of | this Act, post a notice that complies with the requirements of | this Act in a conspicuous and accessible place in or about the | premises in clear view of the employees where similar notices | are customarily posted. |
| (d) The organizer of a public gathering or special event | that is conducted on property open to the public and requires | the issuance of a permit from the unit of local government | shall post a notice that complies with the requirements of this | Act in a conspicuous and accessible place in or about the | premises in clear view of the public and employees where | similar notices are customarily posted. | (e) The administrator of a public or private elementary | school or public or private secondary school shall post a | printout of the downloadable notice provided by the Department | of Human Services under Section 15 that complies with the | requirements of this Act in a conspicuous and accessible place | chosen by the administrator in the administrative office or | another location in view of school employees. School districts | and personnel are not subject to the penalties provided under | subsection (a) of Section 20. | (f) The owner of an establishment registered under the | Tattoo and Body Piercing Establishment Registration Act shall | post a notice that complies with the requirements of this Act | in a conspicuous and accessible place in clear view of | establishment employees. | (Source: P.A. 99-99, eff. 1-1-16; 99-565, eff. 7-1-17 .) | (775 ILCS 50/15) | Sec. 15. Model notice. No later than 6 months after the | effective date of this Act, the Department of Human Services |
| shall: (i) develop a model notice that complies with the | requirements of Section 10 of this Act; or (ii) adopt a model | notice developed by the Illinois Task Force on Human | Trafficking that complies with the requirements of Section 10 | of this Act. The Department of Human Services shall make the | model notice available for download on the Department's | Internet website. Upon request, the Department of Human | Services shall furnish copies of the model notice without | charge to a business , or establishment , or school identified in | subsection (c) of Section 5.
| (Source: P.A. 99-99, eff. 1-1-16; 99-565, eff. 7-1-17 .) | (775 ILCS 50/20)
| Sec. 20. Penalties. | (a) A business or establishment identified in subsection | (a) of Section 5 that fails to comply with the requirements of | this Act within 30 days of receipt of a notice described in | subsection (b) is guilty of a petty offense, and subject to a | fine of up to $500 for each violation is liable for a civil | penalty of $500 for a first offense and $1,000 for each | subsequent offense . | (b) The governmental entity regulating a business or | establishment and local law enforcement agency having | jurisdiction Department of Labor shall, in the course of | regulating a business or establishment or carrying out law | enforcement duties , monitor and enforce compliance with this |
| Act. Upon discovering a violation, the governmental entity or | local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction Department of | Labor shall provide the business or establishment with | reasonable notice of noncompliance that informs the business or | establishment that it is subject to a fine civil penalty if it | does not correct the violation within 30 days from the date the | notice is sent to the business or establishment. | (c) If the governmental entity regulating a business or | establishment or local law enforcement agency having | jurisdiction Department of Labor verifies that the violation | was not corrected within the 30-day period described in | subsection (b), the Attorney General or State's Attorney may | prosecute a violation of may bring an action to impose a civil | penalty pursuant to this Section.
| (Source: P.A. 99-99, eff. 1-1-16 .)
Effective Date: 1/1/2019