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Public Act 100-0694 Public Act 0694 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 100-0694 | HB5636 Enrolled | LRB100 20699 RLC 36160 b |
| AN ACT concerning health.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Protection and Advocacy for Persons with | Developmental
Disabilities Act is amended by changing Section 1 | as follows:
| (405 ILCS 40/1) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 1151)
| Sec. 1.
The Governor may designate a private not-for-profit | corporation as
the agency to administer a State plan to protect | and advocate the rights of
persons with developmental | disabilities pursuant to the requirements of the
federal | Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act, | 42 U.S.C.
6001 to 6081, as now or hereafter amended. The | designated
agency may pursue legal, administrative, and other | appropriate remedies to
ensure the protection of the rights of | such persons who are receiving
treatment, services or | habilitation within this State. The agency
designated by the | Governor shall be independent of any agency which
provides | treatment, services, guardianship, or habilitation to persons | with
developmental disabilities, and such agency shall not be | administered by
the Governor's Planning Council on | Developmental Disabilities or any
successor State Planning | Council organized pursuant to federal law.
| The designated agency may receive and expend funds to | protect and advocate
the rights of persons with developmental | disabilities. In order to properly
exercise its powers and | duties, such agency shall have access to developmental
| disability facilities and mental health facilities, as defined | under Sections
1-107 and 1-114 of the Mental Health and | Developmental Disabilities Code, and
facilities as defined in | Section 1-113 of the Nursing Home Care Act, Section 1-113 of | the ID/DD Community Care Act, or Section 1-113 of the MC/DD | Act , and community-integrated living arrangements as defined | in Section 3 of the Community-Integrated Living Arrangements | Licensure and Certification Act . Such
access shall be granted | for the purposes of meeting with residents and staff,
informing | them of services available from the agency, distributing | written
information about the agency and the rights of persons | with developmental
disabilities, conducting scheduled and | unscheduled visits, and performing other
activities designed | to protect the rights of persons with developmental
| disabilities. The agency also shall have access, for the | purpose of inspection
and copying, to the records of a person | with developmental disabilities who
resides in any such | facility subject to the limitations of this Act, the Mental
| Health and Developmental Disabilities Confidentiality Act, the | Nursing Home
Care Act, the ID/DD Community Care Act, and the | MC/DD Act. The agency also shall have access, for the purpose | of inspection and
copying, to the records of a person with |
| developmental disabilities who resides
in any such facility if | (1) a complaint is received by the agency from or on
behalf of | the person with a developmental disability, and (2) such person | does
not have a legal guardian or the State or the designee of | the State is the
legal guardian of such person. The designated | agency shall provide written
notice to the person with | developmental disabilities and the State guardian of
the nature | of the complaint based upon which the designated agency has | gained
access to the records. No record or the contents of any | record shall be
redisclosed by the designated agency unless the | person with developmental
disabilities and the State guardian | are provided 7 days advance written notice,
except in emergency | situations, of the designated agency's intent to redisclose
| such record, during which time the person with developmental | disabilities or
the State guardian may seek to judicially | enjoin the designated agency's
redisclosure of such record on | the grounds that such redisclosure is contrary
to the interests | of the person with developmental disabilities. Any person who
| in good faith complains to the designated agency on behalf of a | person with
developmental disabilities, or provides | information or participates in the
investigation of any such | complaint shall have immunity from any liability,
civil, | criminal or otherwise, and shall not be subject to any | penalties,
sanctions, restrictions or retaliation as a | consequence of making such
complaint, providing such | information or participating in such investigation.
| Upon request, the designated agency shall be entitled to | inspect and copy
any records or other materials which may | further the agency's investigation
of problems affecting | numbers of persons with developmental disabilities. When
| required by law any personally identifiable information of | persons with
developmental disabilities shall be removed from | the records.
However, the designated agency may not inspect or | copy any records or other
materials when the removal of | personally identifiable information imposes
an unreasonable | burden on mental health and developmental disabilities
| facilities pursuant to the Mental Health and Developmental | Disabilities
Code or facilities as defined in the Nursing Home | Care Act, the ID/DD Community Care Act, or the MC/DD Act.
| The Governor shall not redesignate the agency to administer | the State
plan to protect and advocate the rights of persons | with developmental
disabilities unless there is good cause for | the redesignation and unless
notice of the intent to make such | redesignation is given to persons with
developmental | disabilities or their representatives, the federal Secretary
| of Health and Human Services, and the General Assembly at least | 60 days
prior thereto.
| The designated agency shall submit to the Department of | Human Services an annual report to be made available to
the | public. The annual report shall include, but is not limited to: | (1) how many visits were made by the designated agency | to developmental
disability facilities in the year |
| preceding the report; | (2) which community provider agencies or | State-operated developmental centers were visited in the | year preceding the report; and | (3) the nature of each visit, such as meeting with | residents and staff of the developmental
disability | facility,
distributing written information to the | developmental
disability facility, or whether the visit | was scheduled or unscheduled. | As used in this Act, the term "developmental disability" | means a severe,
chronic disability of a person which:
| (A) is attributable to a mental or physical impairment | or combination of
mental and physical impairments;
| (B) is manifested before the person attains age 22;
| (C) is likely to continue indefinitely;
| (D) results in substantial functional limitations in 3 | or more of the
following areas of major life activity: (i) | self-care, (ii) receptive and
expressive language, (iii) | learning, (iv) mobility, (v) self-direction,
(vi) capacity | for independent living, and (vii) economic | self-sufficiency; and
| (E) reflects the person's need for combination and | sequence of special,
interdisciplinary or generic care, | treatment or other services which are of
lifelong or | extended duration and are individually planned and | coordinated.
| (Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect January | 1, 2019.
Effective Date: 1/1/2019