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Public Act 100-0833 Public Act 0833 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 100-0833 | HB5752 Enrolled | LRB100 18622 SMS 33847 b |
| AN ACT concerning regulation.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the | Broadband Advisory Council Act. | Section 5. Legislative findings and purpose. The General
| Assembly finds as follows: | (1) a goal of the State of Illinois is to make | available to its citizens affordable, reliable, and | state-of-the-art Internet communications through the | expansion, extension, and general availability of | broadband services and technology, and to encourage the | adoption of broadband by all citizens; | (2) that, although broadband access has been extended
| to many areas of the State, many rural areas remain
| unserved and, although many neighborhoods in urban and
| suburban areas have broadband options, some urban
| neighborhoods remain unserved; | (3) that fair and equitable access to 21st century
| technology is essential to (A) maximize the functionality
| of educational resources and educational facilities that
| enable our children and adults to receive the best of
| future teaching and learning, (B) civic engagement, (C)
| economic development,(D) access to state-of-the-art
health | care, (E) aging in place, (F) participation in a
global | economy, and (G) the State's farming communities;
and | (4) accordingly, it is the purpose of the General | Assembly to provide for the development of policies to | promote (A) extending broadband access to citizens of | Illinois and (B) eliminating barriers to widespread | adoption of broadband Internet access.
| Section 10. Definitions. As used in this Act: | "Broadband" or "broadband service" means lines (or | wireless channels) that terminate at an end-user location and | enable the end-user to receive information from or send | information to the Internet. | "Council" means the Broadband Advisory Council. | "Downstream data rate" means the transmission speed from
| the service provider source to the end-user.
| "Internet protocol address" or "IP address" means a unique
| string of numbers separated by periods that identifies each
| computer using the Internet protocol to communicate over a
| network. | "Low-income household" means a residential household with | annual household income at or below 135% of the poverty | guidelines updated periodically in the Federal Register by the | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under the | authority of 42 U.S.C. 9902(2). |
| "Upstream data rate" means the transmission speed from the
| end-user to the service provider source.
| "Unserved area" means a community that has no access to
| broadband service.
| Section 15. Broadband Advisory Council; members of
| Council; administrative support.
| (a) The Broadband Advisory Council is hereby established.
| The Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity shall house
| the Council and provide administrative, personnel, and
| technical support services.
| (b) The Council shall consist of the following 21 voting
| members: | (1) the Director of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
| or his or her designee, who shall serve as chair of the | Council; | (2) the Secretary of Innovation and Technology or his
| or her designee; | (3) the Director of Aging or his or her designee; | (4) the Attorney General or his or her designee;
| (5) the Chairman of the Illinois Commerce Commission or
| his or her designee;
| (6) one member appointed by the Director of Healthcare
| and Family Services to represent the needs of disabled
| citizens; | (7) one member appointed by the Director of Commerce
| and Economic Opportunity and nominated by the president of
| a statewide organization representing electric
| cooperatives; | (8) one member appointed by the Director of Commerce
| and Economic Opportunity and nominated by the executive
| director of a statewide organization representing
| municipalities; | (9) one member appointed by the Director of Commerce
| and Economic Opportunity and nominated by the president of
| a statewide organization representing libraries; | (10) one member appointed by the Director of Commerce
| and Economic Opportunity and nominated by the president of
| a statewide organization representing public housing
| authorities; | (11) one member appointed by the Chair of the Illinois
| Community College Board; | (12) one member appointed by the Chair of the Illinois
| Board of Higher Education; and | (13) one member appointed by the Director of Commerce | and Economic Opportunity and nominated by the president of | the State's largest general farm organization; | (14) one member appointed by the Director of Aging and | nominated by an organization representing Illinois' senior | population with a membership of at least 1,500,000; | (15) seven members to represent broadband providers | for
3-year terms appointed by the Governor as follows: |
| (A) one member representing an incumbent local
| exchange carrier that serves rural areas; | (B) one member representing an incumbent local
| exchange carrier that serves urban areas; | (C) one member representing wireless carriers that
| offer broadband Internet access; | (D) one member representing cable companies that
| serve Illinois; | (E) one member representing a statewide rural | broadband association;
| (F) one member representing a telecommunications | carrier issued a certificate of public convenience and | necessity or a certificate of service authority from | the Illinois Commerce Commission, whose principal | place of business is located in east central Illinois | and who is engaged in providing broadband access in | rural areas through the installation of broadband | lines that connect telecommunications facilities to | other telecommunications facilities or to end-users; | and | (G) one member representing satellite providers. | (c) In addition to the 21 voting members of the Council, | the President of the Senate, the Minority Leader of the Senate, | the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Minority | Leader of the House of Representatives shall each appoint one | non-voting member of the Council.
| (d) All voting and non-voting members must be appointed | within 90 days after the effective date of this Act. | (e) The members shall select a vice chair from
their | number. In the absence of the chair, the vice chair shall
serve | as chair. The Council shall appoint a secretary-treasurer
who | need not be a member of the Council and who, among other
tasks | or functions designated by the Council, shall keep
records of | its proceedings.
| (f) The Council may appoint working groups to investigate
| and make recommendations to the full Council. Members of these
| working groups need not be members of the Council.
| (g) Seven voting members of the Council constitute a
| quorum, and the affirmative vote of a simple majority of those
| members present is necessary for any action taken by vote of
| the Council.
| (h) The Council shall conduct its first meeting within 30 | days after all members have been appointed. The Council shall | meet quarterly after its first meeting. Additional hearings and | public meetings are permitted at the discretion of the members. | The Council may meet in person or through video or audio | conference. | (i) Members shall serve without compensation and may be
| reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in the performance
| of their duties from funds appropriated for that purpose.
| Section 20. Powers and duties of the Council generally.
| (a) The Council shall: | (1) explore any and all ways to expand the availability | to end-user customers of broadband services using | available technologies, including, but not limited to, | wireline, wireless, fixed wireless, and satellite | applications; | (2) identify barriers to broadband adoption among the
| residents and small businesses of Illinois;
| (3) research ways to eliminate barriers to adoption
| through measures such as: digital literacy programs;
| programs to assist older citizens in using broadband
| Internet access; programs to facilitate adoption by
| disabled citizens; and programs to encourage collaborative
| efforts among public universities, community colleges,
| libraries, public housing, and other institutions;
| (4) assess the availability of broadband for | low-income households compared to the availability of | broadband for other households;
| (5) explore the potential for increased use of
| broadband service for the purposes of education, career
| readiness, workforce preparation, and alternative career
| training;
| (6) explore the potential for increased use of
| broadband services to facilitate aging in place;
| (7) explore ways for encouraging State and municipal
| agencies, including public housing authorities, to expand
| the use of broadband services for the
purpose of better | serving the public, including audio and
video streaming, | voice-over Internet protocol,
teleconferencing, and | wireless networking;
| (8) cooperate and assist in the expansion of electronic
| instruction and distance education services; and
| (9) as the Federal Communications Commission updates
| the benchmark downstream data rates and upstream data | rates, publish the revised
data rates in the Illinois | Register within 60 days after the
federal update. | (b) In addition to the powers set forth elsewhere in this
| Act, the Council is hereby granted the powers necessary to
| carry out the purpose and intent of this Act, as enumerated
in | this Section, including, but not limited to: | (1) promoting awareness of public facilities that have
| community broadband access that can be used for distance
| education and workforce development; and
| (2) advising on deployment of e-government portals | such
that all public bodies and political subdivisions have
| websites and encourage one-stop government access and that
| all public entities stream audio and video of all public
| meetings.
| (c) The Council shall also:
| (1) monitor the broadband-based development efforts of
| other states in areas such as business,
education, aging in | place, and health;
| (2)receive input provided on a voluntary basis from all | Illinois broadband stakeholders and advise the Governor | and the General Assembly on policies related to broadband | in Illinois, provided that no stakeholders shall be | required to publicly disclose competitively sensitive | information or information that could compromise network | security or undermine the efficacy of reasonable network | management practices, and that any such information | voluntarily disclosed shall be protected from public | disclosure; and
| (3) serve as the broadband advocate to State agencies
| and other State entities to communicate the broadband needs
| of citizens and organizations that do not have access to
| broadband service or to broadband service adequate for
| their needs.
| (d) The Council shall exercise its powers and authority to
| (1) advise and make recommendations to the General Assembly and
| the Governor on bringing broadband service to unserved rural | and urban areas, (2) advise and make
recommendations to the | General Assembly and the Governor on
facilitating broadband | adoption by all citizens, and (3)
propose statutory changes | that may enhance and expand broadband in the State.
| (e) The Council shall report to the General Assembly on or
| before January 1 of each year. The report to the General | Assembly shall be filed with the Clerk of the House of | Representatives and the Secretary of the Senate in electronic |
| form only, in the manner that the Clerk and the Secretary shall | direct. The report shall include the
action that was taken by | the Council during the previous year
in carrying out the | provisions of this Act. The Council
shall also make any other | reports as may be required by the
General Assembly or the | Governor.
Effective Date: 1/1/2019