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Public Act 100-1184 Public Act 1184 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 100-1184 | SB0886 Enrolled | LRB100 08646 HLH 18780 b |
| AN ACT concerning State government.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Illinois Procurement Code is amended by | adding Section 1-35 as follows: | (30 ILCS 500/1-35 new) | Sec. 1-35. Application to James R. Thompson Center. In | accordance with Section 7.4 of the State Property Control Act, | this Code does not apply to any procurements related to the | sale of the James R. Thompson Center, provided that the process | shall be conducted in a manner substantially in accordance with | the requirements of the following Sections of the Illinois | Procurement Code: 20-160, 50-5, 50-10, 50-10.5, 50-12, 50-13, | 50-15, 50-20, 50-21, 50-35, 50-36, 50-37, 50-38, and 50-50. The | exemption contained in this Section does not apply to any | leases involving the James R. Thompson Center, including a | leaseback authorized under Section 7.4 of the State Property | Control Act. | Section 10. The State Property Control Act is amended by | changing Section 7.4 and by adding Section 7.7 as follows:
| (30 ILCS 605/7.4)
| Sec. 7.4. James R. Thompson Center ; Elgin Mental Health | Center .
| (a) Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Act or any | other law to the contrary, the administrator is
authorized | under this Section to
dispose of or mortgage (i) the
James R. | Thompson Center located in Chicago, Illinois .
and (ii) the | Elgin Mental Health Center and surrounding land located at 750
| S. State
Street, Elgin, Illinois
in any of the following
| (1) The administrator may sell the property
as provided in | subsection (b).
(2) The administrator may sell the property
as | provided in subsection (b), and , either as a condition of the | sale or the administrator may immediately thereafter
enter into | a
leaseback or other agreement
directly or indirectly | gives the State a right to use, control, and
possess the
| property.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a lease | entered into by the
under this subdivision (a)(2) | may last for any period not exceeding 99 years.
(3) The | administrator may enter into a mortgage agreement, using the
| property as collateral, to receive a loan or a line of credit | based on the
equity available in the
Any loan | obtained or line of credit established under this subdivision | (a)(3)
must require repayment in full in
20 years or less.
| (b) The administrator shall dispose of the property using a | competitive sealed proposal process that includes, at a | minimum, the following: | (1) Engagement Prior to Request for Proposal. The |
| administrator may, prior to soliciting requests for | proposals, enter into discussions with interested | purchasers in order to assess existing market conditions, | demands and likely development scenarios provided that no | such interested purchasers shall have any role in drafting | any request for proposals nor shall any request for | proposal be provided to any interested purchaser prior to | its general public distribution. The administrator may | issue a request for qualifications that requests | interested purchasers to provide such information as the | administrator reasonably deems necessary in order to | evaluate the qualifications of such interested purchasers | including the ability of interested purchasers to acquire | and develop the property, all as reasonably determined by | the administrator. | (2) Request for proposals. Proposals to acquire and | develop the property shall be solicited through a request | for proposals. Such request for proposals shall include | such requirements and factors as the administrator shall | determine are necessary or advisable with respect to the | disposition of the James R. Thompson Center, including | soliciting proposals designating a portion of the property | after the development or redevelopment thereof in honor of | Governor James R. Thompson. | (3) Public notice. Public notice of any request for | qualification or request for proposals shall be published |
| in the Illinois Procurement Bulletin at least 14 calendar | days before the date by which such requests are due. The | administrator may advertise the request in any other manner | or publication which it reasonably determines may increase | the scope and nature of responses to the request. In the | event the administrator shall have already identified | qualified purchasers pursuant to a request for | qualification process as set forth above, notice of the | request for proposals may be delivered only to such | qualified purchasers. | (4) Opening of proposals. Proposals shall be opened | publicly on the date, time and location designated in the | Illinois Procurement Bulletin, but proposals shall be | opened in a manner to avoid disclosure of contents to | competing purchasers during the process of negotiation. A | record of proposals shall be prepared and shall be open for | public inspection after contract award, but prior to | contract execution. | (5) Evaluation factors. Proposals shall be submitted | in 2 parts: (i) items except price, and (ii) covering | price. The first part of all proposals shall be evaluated | and ranked independently of the second part of all | proposals. | (6) Discussion with interested purchasers and | revisions of offers or proposals. After the opening of the | proposals, and under such guidelines as the administrator |
| may elect to establish in the request for proposals, the | administrator and his or her designees may engage in | discussions with interested purchasers who submitted | offers or proposals that the administrator determines are | reasonably susceptible of being selected for award for the | purpose of clarifying and assuring full understanding of | and responsiveness to the solicitation requirements. Those | purchasers shall be accorded fair and equal treatment with | respect to any opportunity for discussion and revision of | proposals. Revisions may be permitted after submission and | before award for the purpose of obtaining best and final | offers. In conducting discussions there shall be no | disclosure of any information derived from proposals | submitted by competing purchasers. If information is | disclosed to any purchaser, it shall be provided to all | competing purchasers. | (7) Award. Awards shall be made to the interested | purchaser whose proposal is determined in writing to be the | most advantageous to the State, taking into consideration | price and the evaluation factors set forth in the request | for proposals. The contract file shall contain the basis on | which the award is made. The administrator shall obtain 3 | appraisals of the real property
under | subdivision (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this Section, one of which | shall be
performed by an
appraiser residing in the county | in which the real property is located. The
average of
these |
| 3 appraisals, plus the costs of obtaining the appraisals, | shall represent
the fair
market value of the real property. | No property may be conveyed under
subdivision (a)(1)
or | (a)(2) of this Section by the administrator for less than | the fair market
value. The
administrator may sell the real | property by public auction following notice of
the sale by
| publication on 3 separate days not less than 15 nor more | than 30 days prior to
the sale
in a daily newspaper having | general circulation in the county
in which
the real | property is located. If no
offers for the real | property are received, the administrator may have new
| appraisals of the
property made. The administrator shall | have all power necessary to convey real
under | subdivision (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this Section.
| (b-5) Any contract to dispose of the property is subject to | the following conditions: | (1) A commitment from the purchaser to make any | applicable payments to the City of Chicago with respect to | additional zoning density; | (2) A commitment from the purchaser to enter into an | agreement with the City of Chicago and the Chicago Transit | Authority regarding the existing operation of the Chicago | Transit Authority facility currently located on the | property, substantially similar to the existing agreement | between the City of Chicago, the Chicago Transit Authority, | and the State of Illinois, and such agreement must be |
| executed prior to assuming title to the property; and | (3) A commitment from the purchaser to designate a | portion of the property after the development or | redevelopment thereof in honor of Governor James R. | Thompson. | (b-10) The administrator shall have authority to order such | surveys, abstracts of
title, or
commitments for title | insurance , environmental reports, property condition reports, | or any other materials as the administrator may, in his or her | reasonable discretion, be
necessary to demonstrate to | prospective purchasers or , bidders , or mortgagees good
| marketable title
in and the existing conditions or | characteristics of the any property offered for sale or | mortgage under
Section. All Unless
otherwise specifically | authorized by the General Assembly, all conveyances of
| made by the administrator under subdivision (a)(1) or (a)(2) of | this Section
shall be by
quit claim deed.
| (c) All moneys received from the sale or mortgage of real | property under this
Section shall be deposited into the General | Revenue Fund , provided that any obligations of the State to the | purchaser acquiring the property, a contractor involved in the | sale of the property, or a unit of local government may be | remitted from the proceeds during the closing process and need | not be deposited in the State treasury prior to closing .
| (d) The administrator is authorized to enter into any | agreements and execute
documents necessary to exercise the |
| authority granted by this Section.
| (e) Any agreement to
of or mortgage (i) the James | R. Thompson Center located in Chicago, Illinois
or (ii) the
| Elgin Mental Health Center and surrounding land located at 750 | S. State Street,
Illinois pursuant to the authority | granted by this Section must be entered
into no later than 2 | years one year after the effective date of this amendatory Act | of
the 100th 93rd
General Assembly. | (f) The provisions of this Section are subject to the | Freedom of Information Act, and nothing shall be construed to | waive the ability of a public body to assert any applicable | exemptions.
| (Source: P.A. 93-19, eff. 6-20-03.)
| (30 ILCS 605/7.7 new) | Sec. 7.7. Michael A. Bilandic Building. | (a) On or prior to the disposition of the James R. Thompson | Center the existing executive offices of the Governor, | Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Comptroller, and | Treasurer shall be relocated in the Michael A. Bilandic | Building located at 160 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, | Illinois. An officer shall occupy the designated space on the | same terms and conditions applicable on the effective date of | this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly. An executive | officer may choose to locate in alternative offices within the | City of Chicago. |
| (b) The four caucuses of the General Assembly shall be | given space within the Michael A. Bilandic Building. Any caucus | located in the building on or prior to the effective date of | this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly shall | continue to occupy their designated space on the same terms and | conditions applicable on the effective date of this amendatory | Act of the 100th General Assembly.
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | becoming law. |
Effective Date: 4/5/2019