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Public Act 102-0281 Public Act 0281 102ND GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 102-0281 | SB0084 Enrolled | LRB102 04164 LNS 14181 b |
| AN ACT concerning property.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Director of the Department of Natural | Resources, on behalf of the State of Illinois, is authorized | to execute and deliver to the Village of Dunlap, a | municipality organized and existing under the laws of the | State of Illinois, of Peoria County, State of Illinois, for | and in consideration of $1 paid to the Department, a quitclaim | deed to the following described real property, to wit: | That part of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad | Company's abandoned right of way conveyed to the State of | Illinois, Department of Conservation (now the Department | of Natural Resources) by Quit-Claim Deed, recorded July 8, | 1969 as Document No. 69-09735 lying East of the West right | of way line of North Third Avenue, Village of Dunlap and | North of the South right of way line of East Ash Street, | Village of Dunlap all in the Northwest Quarter of Section | 11, Township 10 North, Range 7 East of the Fourth | Principal Meridian, County of Peoria, State of Illinois. | Section 10. The conveyance of real property authorized by | Section 5 shall be made subject to: (1) existing public |
| utilities, existing public roads, and any and all | reservations, easements, encumbrances, covenants, and | restrictions of record; and (2) the express condition that if | the real property ceases to be used for public purposes, it | shall revert to the State of Illinois, Department of Natural | Resources. | Section 15. The Director of Natural Resources shall obtain | a certified copy of this Act within 60 days after its effective | date and, upon receipt of the payment required by Section 5, | shall record the certified document in the Recorder's Office | in the County in which the land is located. | Section 20. "An Act authorizing the Director of | Corrections to convey State property in Kane County", Public | Act 86-729, approved September 1, 1989, is amended by changing | Sections 1 and 2 as follows:
| (P.A. 86-729, Sec. 1)
| Sec. 1.
Upon payment of the sum of $1,017,000 to the
| Department of Corrections, and subject to the conditions set
| forth in Sections 2 and 3 of this Act, the Director of
| Corrections is authorized to convey by quit claim deed to the
| County of Kane all right, title and interest of the State in
| and to the following described land in Kane County, Illinois,
| so long as the land is used as provided in Section 2 of this |
| Act for a criminal courts complex and
for no other purpose by | the County of Kane :
| That part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 31 and part
| of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32,
| Township 40 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal
| Meridian described as follows: Commencing at the
Southeast | corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Section
32; thence | South 88>34' West 1331.90 feet; thence South
0>19' East | 521.20 feet to the center line of the former
St. Charles | and Elburn Road; thence South 87>26' West
1764.0 feet; | thence North 1>13' East 539.88 feet to the
North line of | said North Half for a point of beginning;
thence Westerly | along said North line and said North line
extended 2202.84 | feet to the center line of Peck Road;
thence Southerly | along the center line of said Peck Road
524.31 feet to a | line drawn parallel with and 60 feet
Northerly of the | center line (measured at right angles
thereto) of Federal | Aid Route 7 (Illinois State Route No.
38); thence Easterly | along said parallel line 2173.59
feet to a line drawn | South 1>13' West from the point of
beginning; thence North | 1>13' East 476.14 feet to the
point of beginning, in St. | Charles Township, Kane County,
Illinois and containing | 24.931 acres;
| and also: | That part of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of
| Section 32, Township 40 North, Range 8 East of the Third
| Principal Meridian described as follows: Beginning at
the | Southeast corner of said Half; thence Northerly along
the | East line of said Half 737.83 feet to a line drawn
parallel | with and 60.0 feet Southerly of the center line
(measured | at right angles thereto) of Federal Aid Route 7
(Illinois | State Route No. 38); thence Westerly along said
parallel | line 2637.26 feet to the center line of Peck
Road; thence | Southerly along the center line of said Peck
Road 678.16 | feet to the Southwest corner of said North
Half; thence | Easterly along the South line of said Half
2641.49 feet to | the point of beginning, in St. Charles
Township, Kane | County, Illinois and containing 42.860
| (Source: P.A. 86-729, eff. 1-1-90.)
| (P.A. 86-729, Sec. 2)
| Sec. 2.
It is understood and agreed as part of the
| consideration hereof that no other use shall be permitted now
| or in the future by the County of Kane for the premises
| described in Section 1 of this Act other than (i) that of a
| criminal courts complex and (ii) a private drug addiction | treatment center and that language establishing a
defeasible | fee on that condition subsequent shall be placed
in the quit | claim deed conveying said property.
| (Source: P.A. 86-729, eff. 1-1-90.)
| Section 25. The Counties Code is amended by adding Section |
| 5-1186 as follows: | (55 ILCS 5/5-1186 new) | Sec. 5-1186. Kane County criminal courts complex drug | treatment center. Notwithstanding any other provision of law: | (1) A private drug addiction treatment center may | operate on the property transferred to Kane County in | Public Act 86-729. | (2) Kane County may lease portions of the property | transferred to the County in Public Act 86-729 to a | not-for-profit or for-profit company for a drug addiction | treatment center. Kane County may share in the drug | addiction treatment center revenue with a company to whom | it leases the property. | (3) Kane County may authorize the expenditure of funds | for a private drug addiction treatment center on the | property transferred to the County in Public Act 86-729. | Section 30. "An Act in relation to governmental matters", | approved June 23, 1995, Public Act 89-29, is amended by | changing Section 1-95 as follows: | (P.A. 89-29, Sec. 1-95)
| Sec. 1-95. The Illinois Department of Mental Health and | Developmental
Disabilities, on behalf of the State of | Illinois, is authorized and directed to
transfer and convey at |
| a price of $1.00, by the
execution of a Quit Claim Deed, to the | Kreider Services, Inc. an Illinois Not
for Profit Corporation, | the following described real property, all in Lee
County, | Illinois:
| Part of the East Half of the East Half of the Southeast | Quarter of Section
29, Township 22 North, Range 9 East of | the Fourth Principal Meridian, described
as follows: | Beginning at a point on the West line of the said East Half | of the
East Half, 514 feet South of the Northwest corner | thereof; thence East 264
feet, thence South 200 feet, | thence West 264 feet to the said West line,
thence North on | the said West line to the said point of beginning.
| Part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 33, Township | 22 North, Range 9
East of the Fourth Principal Meridian. | Lee County, Illinois and part of Block
in the Town of | North Dixon, now a part of the City of Dixon, Lee County,
| Illinois described as follows: Beginning at a point on the | Westerly line of
said Block 7, 110.0 feet Northerly of the | inter-section of the said Westerly
line of Block 7 with | the Northerly line of Graham Street extended Easterly;
| thence Northeasterly on the Northerly line of the Lee | County Housing Authority
property at an angle or 89° 51' | measured counterclockwise from the said
line of | Block 7, 765.29 feet to the North line of said Section 33; | thence West
on the said North line of Section 33, 207.81 | feet to the Northwest corner of
said Section 33, thence |
| West on the North line of Section 32 in aforesaid
Township | and Range, 596.86 feet to the Northwest corner of said | Block 7; thence
Southeasterly on the said Westerly line of | Block 7, 246.6 feet to the said
point of
beginning, | containing 2.15
Acres more or less.
| Kreider shall agree to save and hold harmless the State of | Illinois against
all claims of whatever nature arising from or | in consequence of the sale of
lands herein described.
| The instrument or instruments of conveyance shall be filed | for record in the
Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lee County | by Kreider within 15 days after
the delivery of the instrument | or instruments or conveyance.
| Kreider shall agree that the land conveyed, as described | in
this Section, shall be used for the purpose of offering | services to individuals
with developmental disabilities or | behavioral health needs, or both, Developmental Disabilities | pursuant to Kreider's Articles of Incorporation
including, but | not limited to, Sheltered Workshop, Work Activity, Adult Day
| Training, Residential, and Services for individuals from birth | to three years
age and if not used for these purposes or if | Kreider's use for these purposes
discontinued, or if | Kreider shall convey or attempt to convey all or any
portion of | the land to another party , the land shall revert to ownership | by the
State of Illinois. Kreider may convey by quitclaim deed | all or any
portion of the land to another party, subject to the | condition that if the land is no longer used for the purpose of |
| offering services to individuals
with developmental | disabilities or behavioral health needs, or both, the land | shall revert to ownership by the
State of Illinois. Any deed or | deeds executed under this Article shall
include appropriate | provisions to effectuate the purpose of this Section.
| Upon payment of the purchase price of $1.00, the
Director | of the Department of Mental Health and Developmental | Disabilities
shall execute and deliver a quit claim deed to | Kreider Services, Inc. and
deposit the purchase price in the | General Revenue Fund in the State Treasury.
| (Source: P.A. 89-29, eff. 6-23-95.) | Section 35. "An Act concerning governmental matters, | amending named Acts", approved June 30, 1995, Public Act | 89-78, is amended by changing Section 30-95 as follows: | (P.A. 89-78, Sec. 30-95)
| Sec. 30-95. The Illinois Department of Mental Health and | Developmental
Disabilities, on behalf of the State of | Illinois, is authorized and directed to
transfer and convey at | a price of $1.00, by the
execution of a Quit Claim Deed, to the | Kreider Services, Inc. an Illinois Not
for Profit Corporation, | the following described real property, all in Lee
County, | Illinois:
| Part of the East Half of the East Half of the Southeast | Quarter of Section
29, Township 22 North, Range 9 East of |
| the Fourth Principal Meridian, described
as follows: | Beginning at a point on the West line of the said East Half | of the
East Half, 514 feet South of the Northwest corner | thereof; thence East 264
feet, thence South 200 feet, | thence West 264 feet to the said West line,
thence North on | the said West line to the said point of beginning.
| Part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 33, Township | 22 North, Range 9
East of the Fourth Principal Meridian. | Lee County, Illinois and part of Block
in the Town of | North Dixon, now a part of the City of Dixon, Lee County,
| Illinois described as follows: Beginning at a point on the | Westerly line of
said Block 7, 110.0 feet Northerly of the | inter-section of the said Westerly
line of Block 7 with | the Northerly line of Graham Street extended Easterly;
| thence Northeasterly on the Northerly line of the Lee | County Housing Authority
property at an angle or 89° 51' | measured counterclockwise from the said
line of | Block 7, 765.29 feet to the North line of said Section 33; | thence West
on the said North line of Section 33, 207.81 | feet to the Northwest corner of
said Section 33, thence | West on the North line of Section 32 in aforesaid
Township | and Range, 596.86 feet to the Northwest corner of said | Block 7; thence
Southeasterly on the said Westerly line of | Block 7, 246.6 feet to the said
point of
beginning, | containing 2.15
Acres more or less.
| Kreider shall agree to save and hold harmless the State of |
| Illinois against
all claims of whatever nature arising from or | in consequence of the sale of
lands herein described.
| The instrument or instruments of conveyance shall be filed | for record in the
Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lee County | by Kreider within 15 days after
the delivery of the instrument | or instruments or conveyance.
| Kreider shall agree that the land conveyed, as described | in
this Section, shall be used for the purpose of offering | services to individuals
with developmental disabilities or | behavioral health needs, or both, Developmental Disabilities | pursuant to Kreider's Articles of Incorporation
including, but | not limited to, Sheltered Workshop, Work Activity, Adult Day
| Training, Residential, and Services for individuals from birth | to three years
age and if not used for these purposes or if | Kreider's use for these purposes
discontinued, or if | Kreider shall convey or attempt to convey all or any
portion of | the land to another party , the land shall revert to ownership | by the
State of Illinois. Kreider may convey by quitclaim deed | all or any
portion of the land to another party, subject to the | condition that if the land is no longer used for the purpose of | offering services to individuals
with developmental | disabilities or behavioral health needs, or both, the land | shall revert to ownership by the
State of Illinois. Any deed or | deeds executed under this Article shall
include appropriate | provisions to effectuate the purpose of this Section.
| Upon payment of the purchase price of $1.00, the
Director |
| of the Department of Mental Health and Developmental | Disabilities
shall execute and deliver a quit claim deed to | Kreider Services, Inc. and
deposit the purchase price in the | General Revenue Fund in the State Treasury.
| (Source: P.A. 89-78, eff. 6-30-95.)
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | becoming law.
Effective Date: 8/6/2021