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Public Act 102-0325 Public Act 0325 102ND GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 102-0325 | SB1610 Enrolled | LRB102 16432 CMG 21823 b |
| AN ACT concerning education.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Preventing Sexual Violence in Higher | Education Act is amended by adding Section 35 as follows: | (110 ILCS 155/35 new) | Sec. 35. Sexual misconduct climate survey. | (a) As used in this Section: | "Base survey" means a base set of common questions | recommended by the Task Force on Campus Sexual Misconduct | Climate Surveys and approved by the Executive Director of the | Board of Higher Education. | "Student" means a person who is enrolled in a public or | private degree-granting, post-secondary higher education | institution, whether part-time, full-time, or as an extension | student, including any person who has taken a leave of absence | or who has withdrawn from the higher education institution due | to being a victim of sexual misconduct. | "Trauma informed" means an understanding of the | complexities of sexual violence, domestic violence, dating | violence, or stalking through training centered on the | neurobiological impact of trauma, the influence of societal | myths and stereotypes surrounding sexual violence, domestic |
| violence, dating violence, or stalking, and understanding the | behavior of perpetrators. | (b) Each higher education institution shall annually | conduct a sexual misconduct climate survey of all students at | the institution. Each higher education institution's sexual | misconduct climate survey shall include the base survey, which | the Board of Higher Education shall provide to the institution | every 2 years. Each institution may append its own | campus-specific questions to the base survey if questions do | not require the disclosure of any personally identifying | information by the students and are trauma informed. The Board | of Higher Education, in consultation with the Office of the | Attorney General, as necessary, shall review any complaints | submitted by students who believe that questions included in | the campus sexual misconduct climate survey are traumatizing. | Within 120 days after completion of a sexual misconduct | climate survey, but no later than one year after the Board of | Higher Education issued the last base survey, each institution | shall compile a summary of the results of the sexual | misconduct climate survey, including, but not limited to, the | complete aggregated results for each base survey question, and | shall submit the summary to the Board of Higher Education, as | well as publish the summary on the institution's website in an | easily accessible manner. | (c) The Task Force on Campus Sexual Misconduct Climate | Surveys is created. The Task Force shall consist of the |
| following members: | (1) the Executive Director of the Board of Higher | Education or a designee, who shall serve as chairperson; | (2) the Governor or a designee; | (3) one member of the Senate, appointed by the | President of the Senate; | (4) one member of the House of Representatives, | appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; | (5) one member of the Senate, appointed by the | Minority Leader of the Senate; | (6) one member of the House of Representatives, | appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of | Representatives; | (7) the Attorney General or a designee; | (8) the Director of Public Health or a designee; and | (9) the following members appointed by the Governor: | (A) one member who is a student attending a public | higher education institution in Illinois; | (B) one member who is a student attending a | private higher education institution in Illinois; | (C) one member who is a student attending a | community college in Illinois; | (D) one member who is a representative of the | University of Illinois recommended by the president of | the university; | (E) one member who is a representative of the |
| Illinois Community College Board; | (F) one member who is a representative of private | colleges and universities recommended by the | Federation of Independent Illinois Colleges and | Universities; | (G) 3 members who are representatives of survivors | of sexual assault recommended by the Illinois | Coalition Against Sexual Assault, with one | specifically representing survivors in rural | communities and one specifically representing | survivors in urban communities; | (H) one member who is a representative of a | non-profit legal services organization that provides | legal representation to victims of campus sexual | assault in Illinois; | (I) one member who is a representative recommended | by the Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence; | (J) one member who is a representative recommended | by Equality Illinois; | (K) one member who is a representative of an | immigrant rights advocacy organization; | (L) one member who is a representative recommended | by the Every Voice Coalition or any successor | organization of the Every Voice Coalition; | (M) one member who is a researcher with experience | in the development and design of sexual misconduct |
| climate surveys; and | (N) one member who is a researcher of statistics, | data analytics, or econometrics with experience in | higher education survey analysis. | The Task Force shall hold its first meeting as soon as | practicable after the effective date of this amendatory Act of | the 102nd General Assembly. Administrative and other support | for the Task Force shall be provided by the Board of Higher | Education. Members of the Task Force shall serve 2-year terms | that commence on the date of appointment. Members shall | continue to serve until their successors are appointed. Any | vacancy shall be filled by the appointing authority. Any | vacancy occurring other than by expiration of the term shall | be filled for the balance of the unexpired term. A majority of | the Task Force shall constitute a quorum for the transaction | of any business. | Members of the Task Force shall serve without compensation | but shall be reimbursed for expenses necessarily incurred in | the performance of their duties if funds are available. | However, the higher education institution in which a student | member is enrolled may compensate that student for | participating on the Task Force through a work-study program | or by providing a stipend to support the work of the student | member on the Task Force. | (d) The Task Force shall develop and recommend to the | Board of Higher Education the base survey for distribution to |
| higher education institutions and provide the Board of Higher | Education with any related recommendations regarding the | content, timing, and application of the base survey. The Task | Force shall deliver the base survey and related | recommendations, including, but not limited to, | recommendations on achieving statistically valid response | rates, to the Board of Higher Education no less often than | every 2 years and for the first time on or before July 31, | 2022. Thereafter, the Task Force shall meet in the year 2024 | and in the year 2026 to review the results of the survey and to | implement updates and improvements. The Task Force is | dissolved after the completion of the 2026 base survey. After | the dissolution of the Task Force, the Executive Director of | the Board of Higher Education or a designee shall review the | base survey every 2 years to consider any feedback that has | been received and to implement improvements. | (e) In developing the base survey, the Task Force shall: | (1) utilize best practices from peer-reviewed research
| and consult with individuals with expertise in the | development and use of sexual misconduct climate surveys | by higher education institutions; | (2) review sexual misconduct climate surveys that have | been developed and previously utilized by higher education | institutions in Illinois and by other states that mandate | campus climate surveys; | (3) provide opportunities for written comment from |
| survivors and organizations that work directly with | survivors of sexual misconduct to ensure the adequacy and | appropriateness of the proposed content; | (4) consult with institutions on strategies for | optimizing the effectiveness of the survey; | (5) account for the diverse needs and differences of | higher education institutions; and | (6) review the base survey to ensure that the strategy | for gathering information is trauma informed. | (f) The base survey shall gather information on topics, | including, but not limited to: | (1) the number and type of incidents, both reported to | the higher education institution and unreported to the | higher education institution, of sexual misconduct at the | higher education institution; | (2) when and where incidents of sexual misconduct | occurred, such as on campus, off campus, abroad, or | online; | (3) student awareness of institutional policies and | procedures related to campus sexual misconduct; | (4) whether a student reported the sexual misconduct | to the higher education institution and, if so, to which | campus resource such report was made and, if not, the | reason for the student's decision not to report; | (5) whether a student reported the sexual misconduct | to law enforcement and, if so, to which law enforcement |
| agency such report was made; | (6) whether a student was informed of or referred to | local, State, campus, or other resources or victim support | services, including appropriate medical care, advocacy, | counseling, and legal services; | (7) whether a student was provided information | regarding his or her right to protection from retaliation, | access to school-based accommodations, and criminal | justice remedies; | (8) contextual factors, such as the involvement of | force, incapacitation, coercion, or drug or alcohol | facilitation; | (9) demographic information that could be used to | identify at-risk groups, including, but not limited to, | gender, race, immigration status, national origin, | ethnicity, disability status, sexual orientation, and | gender identity; | (10) perceptions of campus safety among members of the | campus community and confidence in the institution's | ability to protect against and respond to incidents of | sexual misconduct; | (11) whether the student has chosen to withdraw or has | taken a leave of absence from the institution or | transferred to another institution; | (12) whether the student has withdrawn from any | classes or has been placed on academic probation as a |
| result of the incident; and | (13) other questions as determined by the Task Force. | All questions on the base survey shall be optional or shall | offer the student the option to select "I prefer not to answer" | as a response on the survey. | (g) The sexual misconduct climate survey shall collect
| anonymous responses and shall not provide for the public | disclosure of any personally identifying information. No | institution may use or attempt to use information collected | through the sexual misconduct climate survey to identify or | contact any individual student on campus, nor shall the | results of the survey be used as the basis for any type of | investigation or disciplinary or legal proceeding. | (h) There shall be established within the Office of the | Board of Higher Education a data repository for all summaries | of sexual misconduct climate surveys submitted by higher | education institutions to the Board of Higher Education in | accordance with subsection (b). The Board of Higher Education | shall ensure that the sexual misconduct climate survey data | submitted by all institutions is available to the public in an | easily accessible manner on the Board of Higher Education's | website. | (i) Each higher education institution shall publish on the | institution's website in an easily accessible manner: | (1) the campus level results of the survey; | (2) the annual security report required under the |
| federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy | and Campus Crime Statistics Act; | (3) the reports required under Section 9.21 of the | Board of Higher Education Act; and | (4) a link to the Board of Higher Education's | statewide data on sexual misconduct climate survey data as | set forth in subsection (h). | (j) The Board of Higher Education shall establish rules | and procedures, including deadlines for dissemination and | collection of survey information, consistent with the purposes | of this Section and shall promote effective solicitation to | achieve the highest practical response rate, collection, and | publication of statistical information gathered from higher | education institutions. | (k) Upon determination, after reasonable notice and | opportunity for a hearing, that a higher education institution | has violated or failed to carry out any provision of this | Section or any rule adopted under this Section, the Board of | Higher Education may impose a civil penalty upon such | institution not to exceed $50,000, which shall be adjusted for | inflation annually, for each violation. The Board of Higher | Education shall use any such civil penalty funds to provide | oversight of this Section and to provide funding to community | organizations that provide services to sexual assault victims. | The Attorney General may bring an action in the circuit court | to enforce the collection of any monetary penalty imposed |
| under this subsection (k).
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | becoming law.
Effective Date: 8/6/2021