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Public Act 102-0330 Public Act 0330 102ND GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 102-0330 | SB1690 Enrolled | LRB102 17107 HLH 22536 b |
| AN ACT concerning State government.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Department of Commerce and Economic | Opportunity Law of the
Civil Administrative Code of Illinois | is amended by adding Section 605-1055 as follows: | (20 ILCS 605/605-1055 new) | Sec. 605-1055. The Illinois Small Business Fund. The | Illinois Small Business Fund is created as a nonappropriated | separate and apart trust fund in the State Treasury. The | Department shall use moneys in the Fund to manage proceeds | that result from investments that the Department has | undertaken through economic development programs, including, | but not limited to, the Department's Venture Capital | Investment Program. The Department may use moneys collected to | reinvest in small business and economic development | initiatives through grants or loans. The Fund may receive any | grants or other moneys designated for small business growth | from the State, or any unit of federal or local government, or | any other person, firm, partnership, or corporation. Any | interest earnings that are attributable to moneys in the Fund | must be deposited into the Fund.
| (20 ILCS 605/605-320 rep.)
| Section 10. The Department of Commerce and Economic | Opportunity Law of the
Civil Administrative Code of Illinois | is amended by repealing Section 605-320. | Section 12. The State Finance Act is amended by adding | Section 5.936 as follows: | (30 ILCS 105/5.936 new) | Sec. 5.936. Illinois Small Business Fund. | (30 ILCS 750/Art. 11 rep.) | Section 15. The Build Illinois Act is amended by repealing | Article 11. | Section 20. The Economic Development for a Growing Economy | Tax Credit Act is amended by changing Sections 5-5, 5-10, | 5-25, 5-70, and 5-90 as follows:
| (35 ILCS 10/5-5)
| Sec. 5-5. Definitions. As used in this Act:
| "Agreement" means the Agreement between a Taxpayer and the | Department under
the provisions of Section 5-50 of this Act.
| "Applicant" means a Taxpayer that is operating a business | located or that
the Taxpayer plans to locate within the State | of Illinois and that is engaged
in interstate or intrastate |
| commerce for the purpose of manufacturing,
processing, | assembling, warehousing, or distributing products, conducting
| research and development, providing tourism services, or | providing services
in interstate commerce, office industries, | or agricultural processing, but
excluding retail, retail food, | health, or professional services.
"Applicant" does not include | a Taxpayer who closes or
substantially reduces an operation at | one location in the State and relocates
substantially the same | operation to another location in the State. This does
not | prohibit a Taxpayer from expanding its operations at another | location in
the State, provided that existing operations of a | similar nature located within
the State are not closed or | substantially reduced. This also does not prohibit
a Taxpayer | from moving its operations from one location in the State to | another
location in the State for the purpose of expanding the | operation provided that
the Department determines that | expansion cannot reasonably be accommodated
within the | municipality in which the business is located, or in the case | of a
business located in an incorporated area of the county, | within the county in
which the business is located, after | conferring with the chief elected
official of the municipality | or county and taking into consideration any
evidence offered | by the municipality or county regarding the ability to
| accommodate expansion within the municipality or county.
| "Committee" means the Illinois Business Investment | Committee created under
Section 5-25 of this Act within the |
| Illinois Economic Development Board.
| "Credit" means the amount agreed to between the Department | and Applicant
under this Act, but not to exceed the lesser of: | (1) the sum of (i) 50% of the Incremental Income Tax | attributable to
New Employees at the Applicant's project and | (ii) 10% of the training costs of New Employees; or (2) 100% of | the Incremental Income Tax attributable to
New Employees at | the Applicant's project. However, if the project is located in | an underserved area, then the amount of the Credit may not | exceed the lesser of: (1) the sum of (i) 75% of the Incremental | Income Tax attributable to
New Employees at the Applicant's | project and (ii) 10% of the training costs of New Employees; or | (2) 100% of the Incremental Income Tax attributable to
New | Employees at the Applicant's project. If an Applicant agrees | to hire the required number of New Employees, then the maximum | amount of the Credit for that Applicant may be increased by an | amount not to exceed 25% of the Incremental Income Tax | attributable to retained employees at the Applicant's project; | provided that, in order to receive the increase for retained | employees, the Applicant must provide the additional evidence | required under paragraph (3) of subsection (b) of Section | 5-25.
| "Department" means the Department of Commerce and Economic | Opportunity.
| "Director" means the Director of Commerce and Economic | Opportunity.
| "Full-time Employee" means an individual who is employed | for consideration
for at least 35 hours each week or who | renders any other standard of service
generally accepted by | industry custom or practice as full-time employment. An | individual for whom a W-2 is issued by a Professional Employer | Organization (PEO) is a full-time employee if employed in the | service of the Applicant for consideration for at least 35 | hours each week or who renders any other standard of service | generally accepted by industry custom or practice as full-time | employment to Applicant.
| "Incremental Income Tax" means the total amount withheld | during the taxable
year from the compensation of New Employees | and, if applicable, retained employees under Article 7 of the | Illinois
Income Tax Act arising from employment at a project | that is the subject of an
| "New Construction EDGE Agreement" means the Agreement | between a Taxpayer and the Department under the provisions of | Section 5-51 of this Act. | "New Construction EDGE Credit" means an amount agreed to | between the Department and the Applicant under this Act as | part of a New Construction EDGE Agreement that does not exceed | 50% of the Incremental Income Tax attributable to New | Construction EDGE Employees at the Applicant's project; | however, if the New Construction EDGE Project is located in an | underserved area, then the amount of the New Construction EDGE | Credit may not exceed 75% of the Incremental Income Tax |
| attributable to New Construction EDGE Employees at the | Applicant's New Construction EDGE Project. | "New Construction EDGE Employee" means a laborer or worker | who is employed by an Illinois contractor or subcontractor in | the actual construction work on the site of a New Construction | EDGE Project, pursuant to a New Construction EDGE Agreement. | "New Construction EDGE Incremental Income Tax" means the | total amount withheld during the taxable year from the | compensation of New Construction EDGE Employees. | "New Construction EDGE Project" means the building of a | Taxpayer's structure or building, or making improvements of | any kind to real property. "New Construction EDGE Project" | does not include the routine operation, routine repair, or | routine maintenance of existing structures, buildings, or real | property. | "New Employee" means:
| (a) A Full-time Employee first employed by a Taxpayer | in the project
that is the subject of an Agreement and who | is hired after the Taxpayer
enters into the tax credit | Agreement.
| (b) The term "New Employee" does not include:
| (1) an employee of the Taxpayer who performs a job | that was previously
performed by another employee, if | that job existed for at least 6
months before hiring | the employee;
| (2) an employee of the Taxpayer who was previously |
| employed in
Illinois by a Related Member of the | Taxpayer and whose employment was
shifted to the | Taxpayer after the Taxpayer entered into the tax | credit
Agreement; or
| (3) a child, grandchild, parent, or spouse, other | than a spouse who
is legally separated from the | individual, of any individual who has a direct
or an | indirect ownership interest of at least 5% in the | profits, capital, or
value of the Taxpayer.
| (c) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of subsection (b), | an employee may be
considered a New Employee under the | Agreement if the employee performs a job
that was | previously performed by an employee who was:
| (1) treated under the Agreement as a New Employee; | and
| (2) promoted by the Taxpayer to another job.
| (d) Notwithstanding subsection (a), the Department may | award Credit to an
Applicant with respect to an employee | hired prior to the date of the Agreement
| (1) the Applicant is in receipt of a letter from | the Department stating
intent to enter into a | credit Agreement;
| (2) the letter described in paragraph (1) is | issued by the
Department not later than 15 days after | the effective date of this Act; and
| (3) the employee was hired after the date the |
| letter described in
paragraph (1) was issued.
| "Noncompliance Date" means, in the case of a Taxpayer that | is not complying
with the requirements of the Agreement or the | provisions of this Act, the day
following the last date upon | which the Taxpayer was in compliance with the
requirements of | the Agreement and the provisions of this Act, as determined
by | the Director, pursuant to Section 5-65.
| "Pass Through Entity" means an entity that is exempt from | the tax under
subsection (b) or (c) of Section 205 of the | Illinois Income Tax Act.
| "Professional Employer Organization" (PEO) means an | employee leasing company, as defined in Section 206.1(A)(2) of | the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Act.
| "Related Member" means a person that, with respect to the | Taxpayer during
any portion of the taxable year, is any one of | the following:
| (1) An individual stockholder, if the stockholder and | the members of the
stockholder's family (as defined in | Section 318 of the Internal Revenue Code)
own directly, | indirectly, beneficially, or constructively, in the | aggregate,
at least 50% of the value of the Taxpayer's | outstanding stock.
| (2) A partnership, estate, or trust and any partner or | beneficiary,
if the partnership, estate, or trust, and its | partners or beneficiaries own
directly, indirectly, | beneficially, or constructively, in the aggregate, at
| least 50% of the profits, capital, stock, or value of the
| Taxpayer.
| (3) A corporation, and any party related to the | corporation in a manner
that would require an attribution | of stock from the corporation to the
party or from the | party to the corporation under the attribution rules
of | Section 318 of the Internal Revenue Code, if the Taxpayer | owns
directly, indirectly, beneficially, or constructively | at least
50% of the value of the corporation's outstanding | stock.
| (4) A corporation and any party related to that | corporation in a manner
that would require an attribution | of stock from the corporation to the party or
from the | party to the corporation under the attribution rules of | Section 318 of
the Internal Revenue Code, if the | corporation and all such related parties own
in the | aggregate at least 50% of the profits, capital, stock, or | value of the
| (5) A person to or from whom there is attribution of | stock ownership
in accordance with Section 1563(e) of the | Internal Revenue Code, except,
for purposes of determining | whether a person is a Related Member under
this paragraph, | 20% shall be substituted for 5% wherever 5% appears in
| Section 1563(e) of the Internal Revenue Code.
| "Taxpayer" means an individual, corporation, partnership, | or other entity
that has any Illinois Income Tax liability.
| "Underserved area" means a geographic area that meets one | or more of the following conditions: | (1) the area has a poverty rate of at least 20% | according to the latest federal decennial census; | (2) 75% or more of the children in the area | participate in the federal free lunch program according to | reported statistics from the State Board of Education; | (3) at least 20% of the households in the area receive | assistance under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance | Program (SNAP); or | (4) the area has
an average unemployment rate, as | determined by the Illinois Department of
Employment | Security, that is more than 120% of the national | unemployment average, as
determined by the U.S. Department | of Labor, for a period of at least 2 consecutive calendar | years preceding the date of the application. | (Source: P.A. 100-511, eff. 9-18-17; 101-9, eff. 6-5-19.)
| (35 ILCS 10/5-10)
| Sec. 5-10. Powers of the Department. The Department, in
| addition to those powers
granted under the Civil | Administrative Code of Illinois, is granted and shall
have all | the powers necessary
or convenient to carry out and effectuate | the purposes and provisions of this
Act, including, but not | limited
to, power and authority to:
| (a) Promulgate procedures, rules, or regulations deemed |
| necessary and
appropriate for the
administration of the | programs; establish forms for applications,
notifications, | contracts, or any other
agreements; and accept applications at | any time during the year.
| (b) Provide and assist Taxpayers pursuant to the
| provisions of this Act, and
cooperate with Taxpayers that are | parties to Agreements
to promote, foster, and
support economic | development, capital investment, and job creation or retention
| within the State.
| (c) Enter into agreements and memoranda of understanding | for participation
of and engage in
cooperation with agencies | of the federal government, local units of government,
| universities, research
foundations or institutions, regional | economic development corporations, or
other organizations for | the
purposes of this Act.
| (d) Gather information and conduct inquiries, in the | manner and by the
methods as it deems desirable,
including | without limitation, gathering information with respect to
| Applicants for the
purpose of making any designations or | certifications necessary or desirable or
to gather information | to
assist the Department Committee with any recommendation or | guidance in the furtherance of
the purposes of this Act.
| (e) Establish, negotiate and effectuate any term, | agreement or other
document with any person,
necessary or | appropriate to accomplish the purposes of this Act; and to
| consent, subject to the provisions
of any Agreement with |
| another party, to the modification or restructuring of
any | Agreement to which the
Department is a party.
| (f) Fix, determine, charge, and collect any premiums, | fees, charges, costs,
and expenses from Applicants,
including, | without limitation,
application fees,
commitment fees, | program fees, financing charges, or publication fees as deemed
| appropriate to pay
expenses necessary or incident to the | administration, staffing, or operation in
connection with the
| Department's or Committee's activities under this Act, or for | preparation,
implementation, and
enforcement of the terms of | the Agreement, or for consultation, advisory and
legal fees, | and other costs;
however, all fees and expenses incident | thereto shall be the responsibility of
the Applicant.
| (g) Provide for sufficient personnel to permit | administration, staffing,
operation, and related support
| required to adequately discharge its duties and | responsibilities described in
this Act from funds made
| available through charges to Applicants
or from funds as
may | be appropriated by the General Assembly for the administration | of this Act.
| (h) Require Applicants, upon written request, to
issue any | necessary
authorization to the appropriate federal, state, or | local authority for the
release of information concerning a
| project being considered under the
provisions of this Act, | with the
information requested to include, but not be limited | to, financial reports,
returns, or records relating to the
| Taxpayers' or its project.
| (i) Require that a Taxpayer shall at all times
keep proper | books
of record and account in accordance with generally | accepted accounting
principles consistently applied,
with the | books, records, or papers related to the Agreement in the | custody or
control of the Taxpayer open for
reasonable | Department inspection and audits, and including, without | limitation,
the making of copies of the
books, records, or | papers, and the inspection or appraisal of any of the
Taxpayer | or project assets.
| (j) Take whatever actions are necessary or appropriate to | protect the
State's interest in the
event of bankruptcy, | default, foreclosure, or noncompliance with the terms and
| conditions of financial
assistance or participation required | under this Act, including the power to
sell, dispose, lease, | or rent, upon
terms and conditions determined by the Director | to be appropriate, real or
personal property that the
| Department may receive as a result of these actions.
| (Source: P.A. 91-476, eff. 8-11-99.)
| (35 ILCS 10/5-25)
| Sec. 5-25. Review of Application.
| (a) (Blank). In addition to those duties granted under the | Illinois Economic
Development Board Act, the Illinois
Economic | Development Board shall form a Business Investment Committee | for the
purpose of making
recommendations for applications. At |
| the request of the Board, the Director of
Commerce and
| Economic Opportunity or his or her designee, the Director of | the
Governor's Office of Management and Budget or
his or her | designee, the
Director of Revenue or his or her designee, the | Director of Employment
Security or his or her designee,
and an | elected official of the affected locality, such as the chair | of the
county board or the mayor, may
serve as members of the | Committee to assist with its analysis and
| (b) The Department shall determine which projects will At | the Department's request, the Committee
convene, make | inquiries,
and conduct studies in the manner and by the | methods as it deems desirable,
review information with
respect | to Applicants, and make recommendations for
projects to | benefit the State. In making its recommendation that
an | Applicant's application for Credit should or should not be | accepted, which
shall occur
within a reasonable time frame
as | determined by the nature of the application, the Department | Committee shall determine
all the following conditions
| exist:
| (1) The Applicant's project intends, as required by | subsection (b) of
Section 5-20 to make
the required | investment in the State and intends to hire the required
| number of
New Employees in Illinois as a result of that | project.
| (2) The Applicant's project is economically sound and | will benefit the
people of the State of
Illinois by |
| increasing opportunities for employment and strengthen the | economy
of Illinois.
| (3) That, if not for the Credit, the project would not | occur in Illinois,
which may be demonstrated
by evidence | that receipt of the Credit is essential to the Applicant's | decision to create new jobs in the State, such as the | magnitude of the cost differential between Illinois and a | competing State; in addition, if the Applicant is seeking | an increase in the maximum amount of the Credit for | retained employees, the Applicant must provide evidence | the Applicant has
location options and
could | reasonably and efficiently locate outside of the State or | demonstrate
that at least one other
state is being | considered for the project.
| (4) A cost differential is identified, using best | available
data, in the projected costs for the Applicant's | project compared to
the costs in the competing state, | including the impact of the competing
state's incentive | programs. The competing state's incentive
programs shall | include state, local, private, and federal funds
| available.
| (5) The political subdivisions affected by the project | have
committed local incentives with respect to the | project, considering local
ability to assist.
| (6) Awarding the Credit will result in an overall | positive fiscal
impact to the State, as certified by the |
| Department Committee using
the best
available data.
| (7) The Credit is not prohibited by Section 5-35 of | this Act.
| (Source: P.A. 100-511, eff. 9-18-17.)
| (35 ILCS 10/5-70)
| Sec. 5-70. Annual report. On or before July 1 each year, | the Department Committee
shall submit a report to the | Department on the tax credit program under this
Act to the | Governor and the General Assembly. The report shall include
| information on the number of
Agreements that were entered into | under this Act during the
preceding calendar year, a | description of the project that is the
subject of each | Agreement, an update on the status of projects under
| Agreements entered into before the preceding calendar year, | and the
sum of the Credits awarded under this Act. A copy of | the report shall
be delivered to the Governor and to each
| member of the General Assembly.
| The report must include, for each Agreement: | (1) the original estimates of the value of the Credit | and the number of new jobs to be created and, if | applicable, the number of retained jobs; | (2) any relevant modifications to existing Agreements; | (3) a statement of the progress made by each Taxpayer | in meeting the terms of the original Agreement; | (4) a statement of wages paid to New Employees and, if |
| applicable, retained employees in the State; | (5) any information reported under Section 5-57 of | this Act; and | (6) a copy of the original Agreement or a link to the | Agreement on the Department's website . | (Source: P.A. 100-511, eff. 9-18-17.)
| (35 ILCS 10/5-90)
| Sec. 5-90. Program Terms and Conditions.
| (a) Any documentary materials or data made available or | received by any
member of a Committee or
any agent or employee | of the Department shall be deemed confidential and shall
not | be deemed public
records to the extent that the materials or | data consists of trade secrets,
commercial or financial
| information regarding the operation of the business conducted | by the Applicant
for or recipient of any tax
credit under this | Act, or any information regarding the competitive position of
| a business in a particular
field of endeavor.
| (b) Nothing in this Act shall be construed as creating any | rights in any
to enter into an Agreement or in any | person to challenge the terms of any
| (Source: P.A. 91-476, eff. 8-11-99.)
| (35 ILCS 10/5-40 rep.)
| Section 25. The Economic Development for a Growing Economy | Tax Credit Act is amended by repealing Section 5-40.
Effective Date: 1/1/2022