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Public Act 102-0574 Public Act 0574 102ND GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 102-0574 | HB3763 Enrolled | LRB102 13131 AWJ 18474 b |
| AN ACT concerning local government.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Fire Protection District Act is amended by | changing Sections 14.14, 15c, 16d, 20, and 21.1 and by adding | Section 28 as follows:
| (70 ILCS 705/14.14) (from Ch. 127 1/2, par. 34.14)
| Sec. 14.14.
(a) In a county having a population of between | 500,000 and
750,000, territory within the boundaries of a | non-home rule municipality
that receives fire protection | services from more than a single fire
protection district may | be disconnected from one fire protection district
and | transferred to the district that provides services to the area
| comprising more than 80% of the municipality's assessed | valuation. To
disconnect that territory, the board of trustees | of one of the affected
districts, the corporate authorities of | the municipality, or 5% of the
owners of property within the | territory to be disconnected may file a
petition in the court | in which the district (from which disconnection is
sought) was | organized, setting forth the following:
| (1) The description of the territory sought to be | transferred.
| (2) A statement that:
| (A) more than 80% of the assessed valuation of the | municipality lies
within one district;
| (B) more than 90% of the residents of the | municipality reside within
that same district;
| (C) the territory to be transferred contains less | than 10% of the
total assessed valuation and total | number of residents of the affected
| (D) the territory to be transferred consists of | all the territory
within the municipality serviced by | the district from which disconnection
is sought;
| (E) the district to which the territory is to be | transferred agrees
to the transfer, as evidenced by | passage of a resolution by its board of
| (F) the transfer will not impair the ability of | the affected
districts to render fully adequate fire | protection services to their
residents; and
| (G) the transfer will not cause the territory | within the affected
districts to be noncontiguous.
| (3) That a response-time study has been conducted and | the study is attached to the petition. The study must, at a | minimum, provide estimated response times from the current | fire protection district to the territory and estimated | response times of the other fire protection district to | the territory. | (b) The petition praying that the territory be transferred | shall be
signed and sworn to by the petitioner or petitioners. |
| Upon the filing of
the petition, the court shall set the | petition for hearing on a day not
less than 2 weeks or more | than 4 weeks from the date of filing the
petition. The court | shall give 2 weeks notice of the hearing in the manner
provided | in Section 1 of this Act. The municipality and affected | districts
shall be necessary parties to the proceedings and | shall be served with
summons in the manner prescribed for a | party defendant under the Civil
Practice Law.
| (c) Any property owner in the municipality or the affected | districts
may file objections and at the hearing may appear | and contest the transfer
and the matters averred in the | petition, and both the objectors and
petitioners may offer any | competent evidence in regard to the petition.
| (d) If the court, upon hearing the petition, finds that | the allegations
contained in the petition are true, then the | court shall enter an order
transferring the property. | Thereupon, the territory shall cease to be a
part of the fire | protection district in which the territory lies. The
circuit | clerk shall transmit a certified copy of the order to the | county
clerk and to the Office of the State Fire Marshal.
| (e) The territory to be transferred shall remain liable | for its
proportionate share of outstanding bonded | indebtedness, if any, of the
district from which it is | transferred as of the date of transfer.
| (Source: P.A. 87-825.)
| (70 ILCS 705/15c) | Sec. 15c. Disconnection of fire protection district | territory within a home rule municipality. Whenever any | property within a fire protection district is located in a | home rule municipality that provides fire service to at least | 80% of the territory within the municipality's corporate | limits, the home rule municipality may detach and disconnect | that property from the fire protection district in the | following manner: | The municipality may petition the court, setting forth in | the petition the following: a description of the property | sought to be detached and disconnected; a statement that the | detachment and disconnection will not cause the property | remaining in the district to be noncontiguous, that the loss | of assessed valuation by reason of the disconnection of the | described property will not impair the ability of the district | to render fully adequate fire protection service to the | property remaining with the district, that the property to be | detached and disconnected will remain liable for its | proportionate share of any outstanding bonded indebtedness of | the district, that a response-time study has been conducted | and the study is attached to the petition showing, at a | minimum, estimated response times from the fire protection | district to the territory and estimated response times of the | municipal fire department to the territory, and that it is a | home rule municipality that provides for its own fire service |
| to at least 80% of the territory within the municipality; and | asking that the described property be detached and | disconnected from the fire protection district. The petition | shall be signed and sworn to by the mayor or village president | pursuant to a resolution of the corporate authorities of the | municipality authorizing the filing of the petition. | For the purpose of meeting the requirement of this Section | that the detachment and disconnection will not cause the | remaining property to be noncontiguous, property shall be | considered to be contiguous if the only separation between | parts of the property is land owned by the United States, the | State, or any agency or instrumentality of either, or any | regional airport authority. | Upon the filing of the petition, the court shall set the | same for hearing on a day not less than 2 weeks nor more than 4 | weeks from the filing thereof and shall give 2 weeks' notice of | such hearing in the manner provided in Section 1 of this Act. | The fire protection district shall be a necessary party to the | proceedings and it shall be served with summons in the manner | prescribed for a party defendant under the Civil Practice Law. | All property owners in such district, the district from which | the transfer of property is to be made, and all persons | interested therein may file objections, and at the hearing may | appear and contest the detachment and disconnection of the | property from the fire protection district, and both objectors | and petitioners may offer any competent evidence in regard |
| thereto. If the court, upon hearing such petition, finds that | the petition complies with this Section 15c and that the | allegations of the petition are true, the court shall enter an | order detaching and disconnecting the property from the | district, and upon entry of the order the property shall cease | to be a part of the fire protection district and shall be | serviced by the home rule municipality, except that the | property remains liable for its proportionate share of any | outstanding bonded indebtedness of the district. The circuit | clerk shall transmit a certified copy of the order to the | county clerk of each county in which any of the affected | property is situated and to the Office of the State Fire | Marshal.
| (Source: P.A. 100-1072, eff. 1-1-19 .) | (70 ILCS 705/16d)
| Sec. 16d. Transfer of property between districts. When a | fire protection district has another fire protection district | adjoining it and the adjoining district can provide better | fire protection to an area of land
of no more than 60 acres, | consisting of one or more tracts, that is within the corporate | limits of
the fire protection district, the area may be | disconnected from the district and
annexed to the adjacent | district when each district adopts an ordinance to accomplish | the disconnection and annexation. | At least 60 days before the property is disconnected from |
| a district, the disconnecting district must send notice to the | owner or owners of record of the area of land stating that the | disconnecting and annexing districts intend to adopt | ordinances that would disconnect and annex the area under this | Section. The notice shall name the annexing district and | include a description of the territory to be disconnected and | annexed, the reason for doing so, and a map of the territory , | and shall include a response-time study that has been | conducted showing, at a minimum, estimated response times from | the current fire protection district to the property and | estimated response times of the adjoining district to the | property . The notice must also set forth the time and place of | each meeting at which the ordinance will be an agenda item and | must state that there will be an opportunity for public | comment at each of those meetings. The notice shall be sent by | certified mail return receipt requested, but if the name or | address of an owner is not known, then the district must | publish the notice once a week for 2 successive weeks. The | notice shall be published in a newspaper published in the | county where the area is located. Each district's ordinance | shall designate the same date for the effective date of the | disconnection and annexation. | No earlier than 60 days after the delivery of the notice to | the last of the owners involved or 60 days after the date of | the first publication of the notice, whichever is later, the | disconnecting and annexing districts may adopt an ordinance |
| accomplishing the disconnection and annexation. | After it adopts the ordinance, each fire protection | district shall send a certified copy of the ordinance to the | proper county clerk or clerks for filing and to the office of | the State Fire Marshal.
| (Source: P.A. 94-337, eff. 1-1-06.)
| (70 ILCS 705/20) (from Ch. 127 1/2, par. 38.3)
| Sec. 20. Disconnection by operation of law.
| (a) Any territory within a fire protection district that | is or
has been annexed to a municipality a city, village or | incorporated town that provides
fire protection for property | within such city, village or incorporated
town is, by | operation of law, disconnected from the fire protection
| district as of the January first after such territory is | annexed to the municipality as long as the municipality has | conducted a response-time study that shows, at a minimum, | estimated response times from the fire protection district to | the territory and estimated response times of the municipal | fire department from the territory
city, village or | incorporated town, or in case any such territory has
been so | annexed prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of
| 1965, as of January 1, 1966.
| (b) The disconnection by operation of law does
not occur | if, within 60 days after such annexation or after the
| effective date of this amendatory Act of 1965, whichever is |
| later, the
fire protection district files with the appropriate | court and with the
County Clerk of each county in which the | fire protection
district is located, a petition
alleging that | such disconnection will cause the territory remaining in
the | district to be noncontiguous or that the loss of assessed | valuation
by reason of such disconnection will impair the | ability of the district
to render fully adequate fire | protection service to the territory
remaining with the | district. When such a petition is filed, with the
court and | with the County Clerk of each county in which the fire
| protection district is located, the court
shall set it for | hearing, and further proceedings shall be held, as
provided in | Section 15 of this Act, except that the city, village or | incorporated
town that annexed the territory shall be a | necessary party to the proceedings,
and it shall be served | with summons in the manner for a party defendant
under the | Civil Practice Law. At such hearing, the district has
the | burden of proving the truth of the allegations in its | petition.
| (c) If disconnection
does not occur, then the city, | village or incorporated town in which part
of a fire | protection district's territory is located, is prohibited from
| levying the tax provided for by Section 11-7-1 of the | "Illinois Municipal
Code" in such fire protection district | territory for services provided to
the residents of such | territory by the fire protection district.
| (d) If
there are any general obligation bonds of the fire | protection district
outstanding and unpaid at the time such | territory is disconnected from
the fire protection district by | operation of this Section, such
territory shall remain liable | for its proportionate share of such bonded
indebtedness and | the fire protection district may continue to levy and
extend | taxes upon the taxable property in such territory for the | purpose
of amortizing such bonds until such time as sufficient | funds to retire
such bonds have been collected.
| (e) On and after the effective date of this amendatory Act | of
the 91st General Assembly, when territory is disconnected | from a fire
protection district under this Section, the | annexing municipality shall pay, on
or before December 31 of | each year for a period of 5 years after the effective
date of | the
disconnection, to the fire
protection district from which | the territory was disconnected, an amount as
| (1) In the first year after the disconnection, an | amount equal to the real
estate tax collected on the | property in the disconnected territory by the fire
| protection district in the tax year immediately preceding | the year in which the
disconnection took effect.
| (2) In the second year after the disconnection, an | amount equal to 80% of
the real estate tax collected on the | property in the disconnected territory by
fire | protection district in the tax year immediately preceding | the year in
which the
disconnection took effect.
| (3) In the third year after the disconnection, an | amount equal to 60% of
real estate tax collected on the | property in the disconnected territory by the
| protection district in the tax year immediately preceding | the year in which the
disconnection took effect.
| (4) In the fourth year after the disconnection, an | amount equal to 40% of
the real estate tax collected on the | property in the disconnected territory by
fire | protection district in the tax year immediately preceding | the year in
which the
disconnection took effect.
| (5) In the fifth year after the disconnection, an | amount equal to 20% of
real estate tax collected on the | property in the disconnected territory by the
| protection district in the tax year immediately preceding | the year in which the
disconnection took effect.
| This subsection (e) applies to a fire protection district | only if the
corporate authorities of the district do not file a | petition against the
disconnection under subsection (b).
| (Source: P.A. 91-307, eff. 1-1-00; 91-917, eff. 1-1-01.)
| (70 ILCS 705/21.1) (from Ch. 127 1/2, par. 38.4-1)
| Sec. 21.1.
Any resident of a county containing a fire | protection
district which has no legal voters residing therein | may file a petition
to dissolve the fire protection
district | in the circuit court of the county where the district was
| organized.
| The petition shall set forth: (a) the description of the | territory
comprising the district sought to be dissolved; (b) | that no legal voters
reside within such district; (c) that | there is no outstanding bonded
indebtedness; and (d) that
| adequate fire protection is reasonably available to all | affected
property without maintaining the district ; and (e) a | response-time study has been conducted that shows, at a | minimum, estimated response times from the fire protection | district to the territory and estimated response times to that | territory after closure of the fire station .
| Upon filing the petition, the provisions of Section 21 | concerning a
hearing, notice thereof and the filing of | objections shall apply. If the
court finds that any of the | conditions set forth in the petition as
required herein do not | exist, it shall enter an order dismissing the
petition. If the | court finds that all of the conditions set forth in the
| petition as required herein exist, it shall enter an | appropriate order
to dissolve the district.
| Any assets remaining after settlement of all district | affairs shall
be turned over to the county in which the | district lies and if the
district lies in more than one county | the share of each shall be in the
same proportion as the | percentage of district land lying in such county,
except that | real estate shall become the property of the county in which
it | is located.
| The circuit clerk shall transmit a certified copy of each |
| order
dissolving a district to the county clerk of each county | in which any
of the territory is situated, the State Fire | Marshal
and the
Department of Revenue.
| (Source: P.A. 85-556.)
| (70 ILCS 705/28 new) | Sec. 28. Response-time study before closure of fire | station or district. Before a fire station of a fire | protection district may close or the district be dissolved, a | response-time study must be conducted that shows, at a | minimum, estimated response times to the territory currently | served by the fire station or district and estimated response | times to that territory after closure of the fire station or | district.
Effective Date: 1/1/2022