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Public Act 102-1051 Public Act 1051 102ND GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 102-1051 | HB4430 Enrolled | LRB102 22176 SPS 31305 b |
| AN ACT concerning regulation.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Illinois Clinical Laboratory and Blood Bank | Act is amended by changing Sections 7-101 and 7-102 as | follows:
| (210 ILCS 25/7-101) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 627-101)
| Sec. 7-101. Examination of specimens. A clinical | laboratory shall examine
specimens only at the request of (i) | a licensed physician, (ii) a
licensed dentist, (iii) a | licensed podiatric physician, (iv) a licensed
(v) | a licensed
physician assistant,
(v-A) a licensed advanced | practice registered nurse,
(vi) an authorized law enforcement | agency or, in the case of blood
alcohol, at the request of the | individual for whom the test is to be performed
in compliance | with Sections 11-501 and 11-501.1 of the Illinois Vehicle | Code, or (vii) a genetic counselor with the specific authority | from a referral to order a test or tests pursuant to subsection | (b) of Section 20 of the Genetic Counselor Licensing Act , or | (viii) a pharmacist in accordance with Section 43.5 of the | Pharmacy Practice Act .
If the request to a laboratory is oral, | the physician or other authorized
person shall submit a | written request to the laboratory within 48 hours. If
the |
| laboratory does not receive the written request within that | period, it
shall note that fact in its records. For purposes of | this Section, a request
made by electronic mail or fax | constitutes a written request.
| (Source: P.A. 99-173, eff. 7-29-15; 100-513, eff. 1-1-18 .)
| (210 ILCS 25/7-102) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 627-102)
| Sec. 7-102. Reports of test results. | (a) Clinical laboratory test results may be reported or | transmitted to: | (1) the licensed physician or other authorized person | who requested the test, their designee, or both; | (2) any health care provider who is providing | treatment to the patient; | (3) an electronic health information exchange for the | purposes of transmitting, using, or disclosing clinical | laboratory test results in any manner required or | permitted by HIPAA ; and .
| (4) a pharmacist in accordance with Section 43.5 of | the Pharmacy Practice Act. | (b) No interpretation, diagnosis, or prognosis or | suggested treatment shall appear
on the laboratory report | form, except that a report made by a physician licensed
to | practice medicine in Illinois, a dentist licensed in Illinois, | or an optometrist licensed in Illinois may
include such | information. |
| (c) Nothing in this Act prohibits the sharing of | information as authorized in Section 2.1 of the Department of | Public Health Act.
| (Source: P.A. 98-185, eff. 1-1-14; 98-1046, eff. 1-1-15 .)
| Section 10. The Illinois Insurance Code is amended by | adding Section 356z.45 as follows:
| (215 ILCS 5/356z.45)
| Sec. 356z.45 356z.43 . Coverage for patient care services | provided by a pharmacist. A group or individual policy of | accident and health insurance or a managed care plan that is | amended, delivered, issued, or renewed on or after January 1, | 2023 shall provide coverage for health care or patient care | services provided by a pharmacist if: | (1) the pharmacist meets the requirements and scope of | practice as set forth in Section 43 or Section 43.5 of the | Pharmacy Practice Act; | (2) the health plan provides coverage for the same | service provided by a licensed physician, an advanced | practice registered nurse, or a physician assistant; | (3) the pharmacist is included in the health benefit | plan's network of participating providers; and | (4) a reimbursement has been successfully negotiated | in good faith between the pharmacist and the health plan.
| (Source: P.A. 102-103, eff. 1-1-23; revised 10-26-21.)
| Section 15. The Pharmacy Practice Act is amended by | changing Sections 3 and 9 and by adding Section 43.5 as | follows:
| (225 ILCS 85/3)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2023)
| Sec. 3. Definitions. For the purpose of this Act, except | where otherwise
limited therein:
| (a) "Pharmacy" or "drugstore" means and includes every | store, shop,
pharmacy department, or other place where | pharmacist
care is
by a pharmacist (1) where drugs, | medicines, or poisons are
dispensed, sold or
offered for sale | at retail, or displayed for sale at retail; or
| prescriptions of physicians, dentists, advanced practice | registered nurses, physician assistants, veterinarians, | podiatric physicians, or
optometrists, within the limits of | their
licenses, are
compounded, filled, or dispensed; or (3) | which has upon it or
displayed within
it, or affixed to or used | in connection with it, a sign bearing the word or
words | "Pharmacist", "Druggist", "Pharmacy", "Pharmaceutical
Care", | "Apothecary", "Drugstore",
"Medicine Store", "Prescriptions", | "Drugs", "Dispensary", "Medicines", or any word
or words of | similar or like import, either in the English language
or any | other language; or (4) where the characteristic prescription
| sign (Rx) or similar design is exhibited; or (5) any store, or
| shop,
or other place with respect to which any of the above | words, objects,
signs or designs are used in any | advertisement.
| (b) "Drugs" means and includes (1) articles recognized
in | the official United States Pharmacopoeia/National Formulary | (USP/NF),
or any supplement thereto and being intended for and | having for their
main use the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, | treatment or prevention of
disease in man or other animals, as | approved by the United States Food and
Drug Administration, | but does not include devices or their components, parts,
or | accessories; and (2) all other articles intended
for and | having for their main use the diagnosis, cure, mitigation,
| treatment or prevention of disease in man or other animals, as | approved
by the United States Food and Drug Administration, | but does not include
devices or their components, parts, or | accessories; and (3) articles
(other than food) having for | their main use and intended
to affect the structure or any | function of the body of man or other
animals; and (4) articles | having for their main use and intended
for use as a component | or any articles specified in clause (1), (2)
or (3); but does | not include devices or their components, parts or
| (c) "Medicines" means and includes all drugs intended for
| human or veterinary use approved by the United States Food and | Drug
| (d) "Practice of pharmacy" means: | (1) the interpretation and the provision of assistance |
| in the monitoring, evaluation, and implementation of | prescription drug orders; | (2) the dispensing of prescription drug orders; | (3) participation in drug and device selection; | (4) drug administration limited to the administration | of oral, topical, injectable, and inhalation as follows: | (A) in the context of patient education on the | proper use or delivery of medications; | (B) vaccination of patients 7 years of age and | older pursuant to a valid prescription or standing | order, by a physician licensed to practice medicine in | all its branches, upon completion of appropriate | training, including how to address contraindications | and adverse reactions set forth by rule, with | notification to the patient's physician and | appropriate record retention, or pursuant to hospital | pharmacy and therapeutics committee policies and | procedures. Eligible vaccines are those listed on the | U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | Recommended Immunization Schedule, the CDC's Health | Information for International Travel, or the U.S. Food | and Drug Administration's Vaccines Licensed and | Authorized for Use in the United States. As applicable | to the State's Medicaid program and other payers, | vaccines ordered and administered in accordance with | this subsection shall be covered and reimbursed at no |
| less than the rate that the vaccine is reimbursed when | ordered and administered by a physician; | (B-5) following the initial administration of | long-acting or extended-release form opioid | antagonists by a physician licensed to practice | medicine in all its branches, administration of | injections of long-acting or extended-release form | opioid antagonists for the treatment of substance use | disorder, pursuant to a valid prescription by a | physician licensed to practice medicine in all its | branches, upon completion of appropriate training, | including how to address contraindications and adverse | reactions, including, but not limited to, respiratory | depression and the performance of cardiopulmonary | resuscitation, set forth by rule, with notification to | the patient's physician and appropriate record | retention, or pursuant to hospital pharmacy and | therapeutics committee policies and procedures; | (C) administration of injections of | alpha-hydroxyprogesterone caproate, pursuant to a | valid prescription, by a physician licensed to | practice medicine in all its branches, upon completion | of appropriate training, including how to address | contraindications and adverse reactions set forth by | rule, with notification to the patient's physician and | appropriate record retention, or pursuant to hospital |
| pharmacy and therapeutics committee policies and | procedures; and | (D) administration of injections of long-term | antipsychotic medications pursuant to a valid | prescription by a physician licensed to practice | medicine in all its branches, upon completion of | appropriate training conducted by an Accreditation | Council of Pharmaceutical Education accredited | provider, including how to address contraindications | and adverse reactions set forth by rule, with | notification to the patient's physician and | appropriate record retention, or pursuant to hospital | pharmacy and therapeutics committee policies and | procedures. | (5) (blank); | (6) drug regimen review; | (7) drug or drug-related research; | (8) the provision of patient counseling; | (9) the practice of telepharmacy; | (10) the provision of those acts or services necessary | to provide pharmacist care; | (11) medication therapy management; | (12) the responsibility for compounding and labeling | of drugs and devices (except labeling by a manufacturer, | repackager, or distributor of non-prescription drugs and | commercially packaged legend drugs and devices), proper |
| and safe storage of drugs and devices, and maintenance of | required records; and | (13) the assessment and consultation of patients and | dispensing of hormonal contraceptives ; and . | (14) the initiation, dispensing, or administration of
| drugs, laboratory tests, assessments, referrals, and
| consultations for human immunodeficiency virus | pre-exposure prophylaxis and human immunodeficiency virus
| post-exposure prophylaxis under Section 43.5. | A pharmacist who performs any of the acts defined as the | practice of pharmacy in this State must be actively licensed | as a pharmacist under this Act.
| (e) "Prescription" means and includes any written, oral, | facsimile, or
electronically transmitted order for drugs
or | medical devices, issued by a physician licensed to practice | medicine in
all its branches, dentist, veterinarian, podiatric | physician, or
optometrist, within the
limits of his or her | license, by a physician assistant in accordance with
| subsection (f) of Section 4, or by an advanced practice | registered nurse in
accordance with subsection (g) of Section | 4, containing the
following: (1) name
of the patient; (2) date | when prescription was issued; (3) name
and strength of drug or | description of the medical device prescribed;
and (4) | quantity; (5) directions for use; (6) prescriber's name,
| address,
and signature; and (7) DEA registration number where | required, for controlled
The prescription may, but |
| is not required to, list the illness, disease, or condition | for which the drug or device is being prescribed. DEA | registration numbers shall not be required on inpatient drug | orders. A prescription for medication other than controlled | substances shall be valid for up to 15 months from the date | issued for the purpose of refills, unless the prescription | states otherwise.
| (f) "Person" means and includes a natural person, | partnership,
association, corporation, government entity, or | any other legal
| (g) "Department" means the Department of Financial and
| Professional Regulation.
| (h) "Board of Pharmacy" or "Board" means the State Board
| of Pharmacy of the Department of Financial and Professional | Regulation.
| (i) "Secretary"
means the Secretary
of Financial and | Professional Regulation.
| (j) "Drug product selection" means the interchange for a
| prescribed pharmaceutical product in accordance with Section | 25 of
this Act and Section 3.14 of the Illinois Food, Drug and | Cosmetic Act.
| (k) "Inpatient drug order" means an order issued by an | authorized
prescriber for a resident or patient of a facility | licensed under the
Nursing Home Care Act, the ID/DD Community | Care Act, the MC/DD Act, the Specialized Mental Health | Rehabilitation Act of 2013, the Hospital Licensing Act, or the |
| University of Illinois Hospital Act, or a facility which is | operated by the Department of Human
Services (as successor to | the Department of Mental Health
and Developmental | Disabilities) or the Department of Corrections.
| (k-5) "Pharmacist" means an individual health care | professional and
provider currently licensed by this State to | engage in the practice of
| (l) "Pharmacist in charge" means the licensed pharmacist | whose name appears
on a pharmacy license and who is | responsible for all aspects of the
operation related to the | practice of pharmacy.
| (m) "Dispense" or "dispensing" means the interpretation, | evaluation, and implementation of a prescription drug order, | including the preparation and delivery of a drug or device to a | patient or patient's agent in a suitable container | appropriately labeled for subsequent administration to or use | by a patient in accordance with applicable State and federal | laws and regulations.
"Dispense" or "dispensing" does not mean | the physical delivery to a patient or a
patient's | representative in a home or institution by a designee of a | pharmacist
or by common carrier. "Dispense" or "dispensing" | also does not mean the physical delivery
of a drug or medical | device to a patient or patient's representative by a
| pharmacist's designee within a pharmacy or drugstore while the | pharmacist is
on duty and the pharmacy is open.
| (n) "Nonresident pharmacy"
means a pharmacy that is |
| located in a state, commonwealth, or territory
of the United | States, other than Illinois, that delivers, dispenses, or
| distributes, through the United States Postal Service, | commercially acceptable parcel delivery service, or other | common
carrier, to Illinois residents, any substance which | requires a prescription.
| (o) "Compounding" means the preparation and mixing of | components, excluding flavorings, (1) as the result of a | prescriber's prescription drug order or initiative based on | the prescriber-patient-pharmacist relationship in the course | of professional practice or (2) for the purpose of, or | incident to, research, teaching, or chemical analysis and not | for sale or dispensing. "Compounding" includes the preparation | of drugs or devices in anticipation of receiving prescription | drug orders based on routine, regularly observed dispensing | patterns. Commercially available products may be compounded | for dispensing to individual patients only if all of the | following conditions are met: (i) the commercial product is | not reasonably available from normal distribution channels in | a timely manner to meet the patient's needs and (ii) the | prescribing practitioner has requested that the drug be | compounded.
| (p) (Blank).
| (q) (Blank).
| (r) "Patient counseling" means the communication between a | pharmacist or a student pharmacist under the supervision of a |
| pharmacist and a patient or the patient's representative about | the patient's medication or device for the purpose of | optimizing proper use of prescription medications or devices. | "Patient counseling" may include without limitation (1) | obtaining a medication history; (2) acquiring a patient's | allergies and health conditions; (3) facilitation of the | patient's understanding of the intended use of the medication; | (4) proper directions for use; (5) significant potential | adverse events; (6) potential food-drug interactions; and (7) | the need to be compliant with the medication therapy. A | pharmacy technician may only participate in the following | aspects of patient counseling under the supervision of a | pharmacist: (1) obtaining medication history; (2) providing | the offer for counseling by a pharmacist or student | pharmacist; and (3) acquiring a patient's allergies and health | conditions.
| (s) "Patient profiles" or "patient drug therapy record" | means the
obtaining, recording, and maintenance of patient | prescription
information, including prescriptions for | controlled substances, and
personal information.
| (t) (Blank).
| (u) "Medical device" or "device" means an instrument, | apparatus, implement, machine,
contrivance, implant, in vitro | reagent, or other similar or related article,
including any | component part or accessory, required under federal law to
| bear the label "Caution: Federal law requires dispensing by or |
| on the order
of a physician". A seller of goods and services | who, only for the purpose of
retail sales, compounds, sells, | rents, or leases medical devices shall not,
by reasons | thereof, be required to be a licensed pharmacy.
| (v) "Unique identifier" means an electronic signature, | handwritten
signature or initials, thumb print, or other | acceptable biometric
or electronic identification process as | approved by the Department.
| (w) "Current usual and customary retail price" means the | price that a pharmacy charges to a non-third-party payor.
| (x) "Automated pharmacy system" means a mechanical system | located within the confines of the pharmacy or remote location | that performs operations or activities, other than compounding | or administration, relative to storage, packaging, dispensing, | or distribution of medication, and which collects, controls, | and maintains all transaction information. | (y) "Drug regimen review" means and includes the | evaluation of prescription drug orders and patient records for | (1)
known allergies; (2) drug or potential therapy | contraindications;
(3) reasonable dose, duration of use, and | route of administration, taking into consideration factors | such as age, gender, and contraindications; (4) reasonable | directions for use; (5) potential or actual adverse drug | reactions; (6) drug-drug interactions; (7) drug-food | interactions; (8) drug-disease contraindications; (9) | therapeutic duplication; (10) patient laboratory values when |
| authorized and available; (11) proper utilization (including | over or under utilization) and optimum therapeutic outcomes; | and (12) abuse and misuse.
| (z) "Electronically transmitted prescription" means a | prescription that is created, recorded, or stored by | electronic means; issued and validated with an electronic | signature; and transmitted by electronic means directly from | the prescriber to a pharmacy. An electronic prescription is | not an image of a physical prescription that is transferred by | electronic means from computer to computer, facsimile to | facsimile, or facsimile to computer.
| (aa) "Medication therapy management services" means a | distinct service or group of services offered by licensed | pharmacists, physicians licensed to practice medicine in all | its branches, advanced practice registered nurses authorized | in a written agreement with a physician licensed to practice | medicine in all its branches, or physician assistants | authorized in guidelines by a supervising physician that | optimize therapeutic outcomes for individual patients through | improved medication use. In a retail or other non-hospital | pharmacy, medication therapy management services shall consist | of the evaluation of prescription drug orders and patient | medication records to resolve conflicts with the following: | (1) known allergies; | (2) drug or potential therapy contraindications; | (3) reasonable dose, duration of use, and route of |
| administration, taking into consideration factors such as | age, gender, and contraindications; | (4) reasonable directions for use; | (5) potential or actual adverse drug reactions; | (6) drug-drug interactions; | (7) drug-food interactions; | (8) drug-disease contraindications; | (9) identification of therapeutic duplication; | (10) patient laboratory values when authorized and | available; | (11) proper utilization (including over or under | utilization) and optimum therapeutic outcomes; and | (12) drug abuse and misuse. | "Medication therapy management services" includes the | following: | (1) documenting the services delivered and | communicating the information provided to patients' | prescribers within an appropriate time frame, not to | exceed 48 hours; | (2) providing patient counseling designed to enhance a | patient's understanding and the appropriate use of his or | her medications; and | (3) providing information, support services, and | resources designed to enhance a patient's adherence with | his or her prescribed therapeutic regimens. | "Medication therapy management services" may also include |
| patient care functions authorized by a physician licensed to | practice medicine in all its branches for his or her | identified patient or groups of patients under specified | conditions or limitations in a standing order from the | physician. | "Medication therapy management services" in a licensed | hospital may also include the following: | (1) reviewing assessments of the patient's health | status; and | (2) following protocols of a hospital pharmacy and | therapeutics committee with respect to the fulfillment of | medication orders.
| (bb) "Pharmacist care" means the provision by a pharmacist | of medication therapy management services, with or without the | dispensing of drugs or devices, intended to achieve outcomes | that improve patient health, quality of life, and comfort and | enhance patient safety.
| (cc) "Protected health information" means individually | identifiable health information that, except as otherwise | provided, is:
| (1) transmitted by electronic media; | (2) maintained in any medium set forth in the | definition of "electronic media" in the federal Health | Insurance Portability and Accountability Act; or | (3) transmitted or maintained in any other form or | medium. |
| "Protected health information" does not include | individually identifiable health information found in: | (1) education records covered by the federal Family | Educational Right and Privacy Act; or | (2) employment records held by a licensee in its role | as an employer. | (dd) "Standing order" means a specific order for a patient | or group of patients issued by a physician licensed to | practice medicine in all its branches in Illinois. | (ee) "Address of record" means the designated address | recorded by the Department in the applicant's application file | or licensee's license file maintained by the Department's | licensure maintenance unit. | (ff) "Home pharmacy" means the location of a pharmacy's | primary operations.
| (gg) "Email address of record" means the designated email | address recorded by the Department in the applicant's | application file or the licensee's license file, as maintained | by the Department's licensure maintenance unit. | (Source: P.A. 101-349, eff. 1-1-20; 102-16, eff. 6-17-21; | 102-103, eff. 1-1-22; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; revised | 10-26-21.)
| (225 ILCS 85/9) (from Ch. 111, par. 4129)
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2023)
| Sec. 9. Licensure as registered pharmacy technician. |
| (a) Any person shall be entitled
to licensure as a | registered pharmacy technician who is of the age of 16
or over, | has not engaged in conduct or behavior determined to be | grounds for
discipline under this Act, is attending or has
| graduated from an accredited high school or comparable school | or educational
institution or received a high school | equivalency certificate, and has filed a written or electronic | application for licensure on a form
to be prescribed and | furnished by the Department for that purpose. The
Department | shall issue a license as a registered pharmacy technician to | any applicant who has
qualified as aforesaid, and such license | shall be the sole authority
required to assist licensed | pharmacists in the practice of pharmacy, under
the supervision | of a licensed pharmacist. A registered pharmacy technician may | be delegated to perform any task within the practice of | pharmacy if specifically trained for that task, except for | patient counseling, drug regimen review, or clinical conflict | resolution , or providing patients prophylaxis drugs for human | immunodeficiency virus pre-exposure prophylaxis or | post-exposure prophylaxis . | (b) Beginning on January 1, 2017, within 2 years after | initial licensure as a registered pharmacy technician, the | licensee must meet the requirements described in Section 9.5 | of this Act and become licensed as a registered certified | pharmacy technician. If the licensee has not yet attained the | age of 18, then upon the next renewal as a registered pharmacy |
| technician, the licensee must meet the requirements described | in Section 9.5 of this Act and become licensed as a registered | certified pharmacy technician. This requirement does not apply | to pharmacy technicians registered prior to January 1, 2008.
| (c) Any person registered
as a pharmacy technician who is | also enrolled in a first professional
degree program in | pharmacy in a school or college of pharmacy or a
department of | pharmacy of a university approved by the Department or has | graduated from such a program within the last 18 months, shall | be
considered a "student pharmacist"
and entitled to use the | title "student pharmacist". A student pharmacist must meet all | of the requirements for licensure as a registered pharmacy | technician set forth in this Section excluding the requirement | of certification prior to the second license renewal and pay | the required registered pharmacy technician license fees. A | student pharmacist may, under the supervision of a pharmacist, | assist in the practice of pharmacy and perform any and all | functions delegated to him or her by the pharmacist. | (d) Any person seeking licensure as a pharmacist who has | graduated from a pharmacy program outside the United States | must register as a pharmacy technician and shall be considered | a "student pharmacist" and be entitled to use the title | "student pharmacist" while completing the 1,200 clinical hours | of training approved by the Board of Pharmacy described and | for no more than 18 months after completion of these hours. | These individuals are not required to become registered |
| certified pharmacy technicians while completing their Board | approved clinical training, but must become licensed as a | pharmacist or become licensed as a registered certified | pharmacy technician before the second pharmacy technician | license renewal following completion of the Board approved | clinical training. | (e) The Department shall not renew the registered pharmacy | technician license of any person who has been licensed as a | registered pharmacy technician with the designation "student | pharmacist" who: (1) has dropped out of or been expelled from | an ACPE accredited college of pharmacy; (2) has failed to | complete his or her 1,200 hours of Board approved clinical | training within 24 months; or (3) has failed the pharmacist | licensure examination 3 times. The Department shall require | these individuals to meet the requirements of and become | licensed as a registered certified pharmacy technician. | (f) The Department may
take any action set forth in | Section 30 of this Act with regard to a license
pursuant to | this Section.
| (g) Any person who is enrolled in a non-traditional | Pharm.D.
program at an ACPE accredited college of pharmacy and | is licensed as a registered pharmacist
under the laws of | another United States jurisdiction shall be permitted to
| engage in the program of practice experience required in the | academic program
by virtue of such license. Such person shall | be exempt from the requirement
of licensure as a registered |
| pharmacy technician or registered certified pharmacy | technician while engaged in the
program of practice experience | required in the academic program.
| An applicant for licensure as a registered pharmacy | technician may assist a
pharmacist in the practice of pharmacy | for a period of up to
60 days prior to the issuance of a | license if the
applicant has submitted the required fee and an | application for licensure
to the Department. The applicant | shall keep a copy of the submitted
application on the premises | where the applicant is assisting in the
practice of pharmacy. | The Department shall forward confirmation of receipt of the | application with start and expiration dates of practice | pending licensure.
| (Source: P.A. 100-497, eff. 9-8-17; 101-621, eff. 1-1-20.)
| (225 ILCS 85/43.5 new) | Sec. 43.5. HIV prophylaxis. In accordance with a standing | order by a physician licensed to practice medicine in all its | branches or the medical director of a county or local health | department, a pharmacist may provide patients with prophylaxis | drugs for human immunodeficiency virus pre-exposure | prophylaxis or post-exposure prophylaxis. | A pharmacist may provide initial assessment and dispensing | of prophylaxis drugs for human immunodeficiency virus | pre-exposure prophylaxis or post-exposure prophylaxis. If a | patient's HIV test results are reactive, the pharmacist shall |
| refer the patient to an appropriate health care professional | or clinic. If the patient's HIV test results are nonreactive, | the pharmacist may initiate human immunodeficiency virus | pre-exposure prophylaxis or post-exposure prophylaxis to | eligible patients. | The standing order must be consistent with the current | version of the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control | and Prevention, guidelines of the United States Preventive | Services Task Force, or generally recognized evidence-based | clinical guidelines. | A pharmacist must communicate the services provided under | this Section to the patient and the patient's primary health | care provider or other health care professional or clinic, if | known. If there is no primary health care provider provided by | the patient, then the pharmacist shall give the patient a list | of primary health care providers, other health care | professionals, and clinics in the area. | The services provided under this Section shall be | appropriately documented and retained in a confidential manner | consistent with State HIV confidentiality requirements. | The services provided under this Section shall take place | in a private manner. | A pharmacist shall complete an educational training | program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy | Education and approved by the Department that is related to | the initiation, dispensing, or administration of drugs, |
| laboratory tests, assessments, referrals, and consultations | for human immunodeficiency virus pre-exposure prophylaxis and | human immunodeficiency virus post-exposure prophylaxis. | Section 20. The Illinois Public Aid Code is amended by | changing Section 5-5.12d as follows: | (305 ILCS 5/5-5.12d) | Sec. 5-5.12d. Coverage for patient care services for | hormonal contraceptives , human immunodeficiency virus | pre-exposure prophylaxis, and human immunodeficiency virus | post-exposure prophylaxis provided by a pharmacist. | (a) Subject to approval by the federal Centers for | Medicare and Medicaid Services, the medical assistance | program, including both the fee-for-service and managed care | medical assistance programs established under this Article, | shall cover patient care services provided by a pharmacist for | hormonal contraceptives , human immunodeficiency virus | pre-exposure prophylaxis, and human immunodeficiency virus | post-exposure prophylaxis assessment and consultation. | (b) The Department shall establish a fee schedule for | patient care services provided by a pharmacist under Sections | 43 and 43.5 of the Pharmacy Practice Act and shall be covered | and reimbursed at no less than 85% of the rate that the | services are reimbursed when provided by a physician for | hormonal contraceptives assessment and consultation . |
| (c) The rate of reimbursement for patient care services | provided by a pharmacist for hormonal contraceptives , human | immunodeficiency virus pre-exposure prophylaxis, and human | immunodeficiency virus post-exposure prophylaxis assessment | and consultation shall be at 85% of the fee schedule for | physician services by the medical assistance program. | (d) A pharmacist must be enrolled in the medical | assistance program as an ordering and referring provider prior | to providing patient care services for hormonal | contraceptives , human immunodeficiency virus pre-exposure | prophylaxis, and human immunodeficiency virus post-exposure | prophylaxis assessment and consultation that is submitted by a | pharmacy or pharmacist provider for reimbursement pursuant to | this Section. | (e) The Department shall apply for any necessary federal | waivers or approvals to implement this Section by January 1, | 2023 2022 . | (f) This Section does not restrict or prohibit any | services currently provided by pharmacists as authorized by | law, including, but not limited to, pharmacist services | provided under this Code or authorized under the Illinois | Title XIX State Plan. | (g) The Department shall submit to the Joint Committee on | Administrative Rules administrative rules for this Section as | soon as practicable but no later than 6 months after federal | approval is received.
| (Source: P.A. 102-103, eff. 1-1-22.)
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect January | 1, 2023.
Effective Date: 1/1/2023