Public Act 103-0658
HB3886 EnrolledLRB103 31026 JDS 57644 b

    AN ACT concerning State government.
    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
    Section 5. The Department of Public Health Powers and
Duties Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is
amended by adding Section 2310-257 as follows:
    (20 ILCS 2310/2310-257 new)
    Sec. 2310-257. Crisis standards of care plan.
    (a) The Department shall develop and implement a crisis
standards of care plan as an annex to the Department of Public
Health's Essential Support Function (ESF-8) Plan for Public
Health and Medical Services, to assist health care facilities
and provide support in situations in which local medical
resources are overwhelmed, including, but not limited to,
public health emergencies, as that term is defined in Section
4 of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act.
    (b) In developing a crisis standards of care plan, the
Department shall:
        (1) collaborate with the entities listed in Sections
    2310-50.5 and 2310-620 of the Department of Public Health
    Powers and Duties Law of the Civil Administrative Code of
        (2) ensure the crisis standards of care plan addresses
    situations in which a conventional response moves to a
    crisis response and key resources may be affected;
        (3) establish a multi-disciplinary planning committee
    with representation from the following, as applicable:
            (A) the Department and local public health
            (B) emergency medical services;
            (C) healthcare providers and facilities, including
        representation of rural, urban, and critical access
        and municipal healthcare providers and facilities;
            (D) medical ethicists;
            (E) healthcare coalitions, including, but not
        limited to, a statewide association representing
        hospitals; and
            (F) other members from across the State with
        expertise within their disciplines, as necessary, to
        inform and develop an emergency medical disaster plan;
        (4) conduct literature reviews to develop an
    inclusive, culturally sensitive, and ethical framework for
    the Emergency Medical Disaster Plan Crisis Standards of
    Care Annex, which considers, among other factors, ethical
    healthcare decision making, health equity, and social
    determinants of health, and the equitable distribution of
    patients and critical healthcare resources in a manner
    that, to the maximum extent possible and given resources
    available at the time, reduces shortages of healthcare
    resources to preserve lives during a public health
    emergency; and
        (5) disseminate the crisis standards of care plan
    among healthcare providers and facilities, emergency
    management officials, public safety communities, and other
    stakeholders, including, but not limited to, disseminating
    information about, and gathering feedback on, the
    emergency medical disaster plan, including gathering
    general information and data, assessing regional needs,
    perspectives, specific capabilities and potential
    challenges, to ensure a structured, ethical, culturally
    sensitive, and integrated framework and approach to
    equitable distribution of resources during public health
    (c) The Department may adopt rules necessary to implement
this Section.
    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
becoming law.

Effective Date: 7/19/2024