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Public Act 096-1108 Public Act 1108 96TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 096-1108 | HB4587 Enrolled | LRB096 13256 RPM 27918 b |
| AN ACT concerning public health.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Lupus | Education and Awareness Act. | Section 5. Legislative findings and purpose. | (a) The General Assembly finds the following: | (1) Lupus is an urgent national health issue. Lupus is | the result of an immune system that is unbalanced and can | become destructive to any organ or tissue in the body. | Lupus is unpredictable and potentially fatal, yet no | satisfactory treatment exists. Its health consequences | include heart attacks, strokes, seizures, and organ | failure. | (2) National data indicates that more than 1.5 million | Americans live with some form of lupus; lupus affects women | 9 times more often than men, and 80% of newly diagnosed | cases of lupus develop among women of childbearing age. An | estimated 65,000 people with lupus reside in Illinois. | (3) Lupus disproportionately affects women of color; | it is 2 to 3 times more common among African Americans, | Hispanics and Latinos, Asians, and Native Americans and is | generally more prevalent in minority populations, a health |
| disparity that remains unexplained. | (4) No new drugs have been approved by the U.S. Food | and Drug Administration specifically for lupus in 50 years | and, while current treatments for the disease can be | effective, they can lead to damaging side effects. | (5) The pain and fatigue associated with lupus can | threaten one's ability to live independently, make it | difficult to maintain employment, and lead normal lives. | One in 5 people with lupus is disabled by the disease and | consequently receives support from government programs, | including Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security Disability, | and Social Security Supplemental Income. | (6) The estimated average annual total of direct and | indirect costs for an individual with lupus is $21,000; for | people who have the most serious form of lupus, medical | costs can greatly exceed this amount, causing a significant | economic, emotional, and social burden to the entire family | and society. | (b) The purpose of this Act is to create a multi-pronged, | statewide program to promote public and health professional | awareness among State and local health and human services | officials, physicians, nurses, and other health care providers | and increase knowledge concerning the causes and consequences | of lupus, the importance of early diagnosis and appropriate | management, and effective treatment and management strategies | by taking the following actions: |
| (1) Conducting educational and training programs for | health professionals on lupus diagnosis and management.
| (2) Disseminating medically sound educational | materials and information on lupus research findings to | patients and health care professionals.
| (3) Fostering greater public understanding and | awareness of lupus statewide.
| Section 10. Definitions. For the purpose of this Act: | "Department" means the Department of Public Health. | "Director" means the Director of Public Health. | "Panel" means the Interagency and Partnership Advisory | Panel on Lupus. | "Program" means the Lupus Education and Awareness Program | (LEAP).
| Section 15. Establishment of the Lupus Education and | Awareness Program.
| (a) Subject to appropriation, there is created within the | Department of Public Health the Lupus Education and Awareness | Program (LEAP). The Program shall be composed of various | components, including, but not limited to, public awareness | activities and professional education programs. Subject to | appropriation, the Interagency and Partnership Advisory Panel | on Lupus is created to oversee LEAP and advise the Department | in implementing LEAP. |
| (b) The Department shall establish, promote, and maintain | the Lupus Education and Awareness Program with an emphasis on | minority populations and at-risk communities in order to raise | public awareness, educate consumers, and educate and train | health professionals, human service providers, and other | audiences. | The Department shall work with a national organization that | deals with lupus to implement programs to raise public | awareness about the symptoms and nature of lupus, personal risk | factors, and options for diagnosing and treating the disease, | with a particular focus on populations at elevated risk for | lupus, including women and communities of color. | The Program shall include initiatives to educate and train | physicians, health care professionals, and other service | providers on the most up-to-date and accurate scientific and | medical information regarding lupus diagnosis, treatment, | risks and benefits of medications, research advances, and | therapeutic decision making, including medical best practices | for detecting and treating the disease in special populations. | These activities shall include, but not be limited to, all of | the following: | (1) Distribution of medically-sound health information | produced by a national organization that deals with lupus | and government agencies, including, but not limited to, the | National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease | Control and Prevention, and the Social Security |
| Administration, through local health departments, schools, | agencies on aging, employer wellness programs, physicians | and other health professionals, hospitals, health plans | and health maintenance organizations, women's health | programs, and nonprofit and community-based organizations. | (2) Development of educational materials for health | professionals that identify the latest scientific and | medical information and clinical applications. | (3) Working to increase knowledge among physicians, | nurses, and health and human services professionals about | the importance of lupus diagnosis, treatment, and | rehabilitation.
| (4) Support of continuing medical education programs | presented by the leading State academic institutions by | providing them with the most up-to-date information.
| (5) Providing statewide workshops and seminars for | in-depth professional development regarding the care and | management of patients with lupus in order to bring the | latest information on clinical advances to care providers.
| (6) Development and maintenance of a directory of | lupus-related services and lupus health care providers | with specialization in services to diagnose and treat | lupus. The Department shall disseminate this directory to | all stakeholders, including, but not limited to, | individuals with lupus, families, and representatives from | voluntary organizations, health care professionals, health |
| plans, and State and local health agencies. | (c) The Director shall do all of the following: | (1) Designate a person in the Department to oversee the | Program.
| (2) Identify the appropriate entities to carry out the | Program, including, but not limited to, the following: | local health departments, schools, agencies on aging, | employer wellness programs, physicians and other health | professionals, hospitals, health plans and health | maintenance organizations, women's health organizations, | and nonprofit and community-based organizations.
| (3) Base the Program on the most current scientific | information and findings.
| (4) Work with governmental entities, community and | business leaders, community organizations, health care and | human service providers, and national, State, and local | organizations to coordinate efforts to maximize State | resources in the areas of lupus education and awareness.
| (5) Use public health institutions for dissemination | of medically sound health materials.
| (d) The Department shall establish and coordinate the | Interagency and Partnership Advisory Panel on Lupus consisting | of 15 members, one of whom shall be appointed by the Director | as the chair.
The Panel shall be composed of: | (1) at least 3 individuals with lupus;
| (2) three representatives from relevant State agencies |
| including the Department;
| (3) three scientists with experience in lupus who | participate in various fields of scientific endeavor, | including, but not limited to, biomedical research, | social, translational, behavioral, and epidemiological | research, and public health;
| (4) two medical clinicians with experience in treating | people with lupus; and
| (5) four representatives from relevant nonprofit | women's and health organizations, including one | representative from a national organization that deals | with the treatment of lupus. | Individuals and organizations may submit nominations to | the Director to be named to the Panel. Such nominations may | include the following: | (i) representatives from appropriate State departments | and agencies, such as entities with responsibility for | health disparities, public health programs, education, | public welfare, and women's health programs; | (ii) health and medical professionals with expertise | in lupus; and | (iii) individuals with lupus, and recognized experts | in the provision of health services to women, lupus | research, or health disparities. | All members of the panel shall serve terms of 2 years. A | member may be appointed to serve not more than 2 terms, whether |
| or not consecutive.
A majority of the members of the panel | shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote of a quorum shall be | required for any official action of the Panel.
The Panel shall | meet at the call of the chair, but not less than 2 times per | year. All members shall serve without compensation, but shall | be entitled to actual, necessary expenses incurred in the | performance of their business as members of the Panel in | accordance with the reimbursement polices for the State. | Section 20. Funding. Subject to the availability of funds, | the Department may make expenditures of up to $2,500 for fiscal | year 2010 for use toward providing educational materials to | clinics serving a high percentage of minorities in this State. | The Director may accept grants, services, and property from the | federal government, foundations, organizations, medical | schools, and other entities as may be available for the | purposes of fulfilling the obligations of this Program. Any | such funds shall only supplement any appropriations made for | the implementation of this Act. The Director shall seek any | federal waiver or waivers that may be necessary to maximize | funds from the federal government to implement the Program. | Section 25. Staffing. The Department of Public Health shall | provide staffing and administrative support for the | implementation of the provisions of this Act.
Effective Date: 1/1/2011