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Public Act 100-0519 Public Act 0519 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 100-0519 | HB1542 Enrolled | LRB100 03404 HEP 13409 b |
| AN ACT concerning civil law.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, | represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Principal and Income Act is amended by | changing Sections 10 and 15 as follows:
| (760 ILCS 15/10) (from Ch. 30, par. 510)
| Sec. 10. Disposition of natural resources.
| (a) If any part of the principal consists of a right to | receive
royalties, overriding or limited royalties, working | interests, production
payments, net profit interests, or other | interest in minerals, oil, gas or
other natural resources in, | on or under land, except timber, water, soil,
sod, dirt, peat, | turf or mosses, the receipts from taking the natural
resources | from the land shall be allocated as follows:
| (1) if received as rent on a lease or extension | payments on a lease, the
receipts are income;
| (2) if received from a production payment, the receipts | are income to
the extent of any factor for interest or its | equivalent provided in the
governing instrument. There | shall be allocated to principal the fraction
of the balance | of the receipts which the unrecovered cost of the | production
payment bears to the balance owed on the | production payment, exclusive of
any factor for interest or |
| its equivalent. The receipts not allocated to
principal are | income;
| (3) except for oil or gas from non-coal formations, if | received as a royalty, overriding or limited royalty, or | bonus,
or from a working, net profit, or any other interest | in minerals, oil, gas,
or other natural resources, receipts | not provided for in the preceding
paragraphs of this | Section shall be apportioned on a yearly basis in
| accordance with this paragraph whether or not any natural | resource was
being taken from the land at the time the | trust was established. The
trustee shall allocate to | principal as an allowance for depletion the
greater of (i) | that portion, if any, of the gross receipts that is allowed
| as a depletion deduction for federal income tax purposes | and (ii) 10% of
the gross receipts, except that that | allocation shall not exceed 50% of the
net receipts | remaining after payment of all expenses, direct and | indirect,
computed without the allowance for depletion. | The trustee shall allocate
the balance of the gross | receipts, after payment therefrom of all expenses,
direct | and indirect, to income ; . | (4) with respect only to nontrust estates described in | Section 15 of this Act, for oil or gas from non-coal | formations, proceeds from the sale of such minerals | produced and received as royalty, overriding royalty, | limited royalty, working interest, net profit interest, |
| time-limited interest or term interest, or lease bonus | shall be deemed income.
| (b) If an item of depletable property of a type specified | in this Section
is held on the effective date of this Act, | receipts from the property shall
be allocated in the manner | used before the effective date of this Act, but
as to all | depletable property acquired after the effective date of this
| Act by an existing or new trust, the method of allocation | provided herein shall be used.
| (c) If any part of the principal consists of timber, water, | soil, sod,
dirt, peat, turf, or mosses, the receipts from those | resources shall be
allocated in accordance with Section 3.
| (Source: P.A. 87-714.)
| (760 ILCS 15/15) (from Ch. 30, par. 515)
| Sec. 15. Non-trust estates.
| (a) The provisions of this Act, as far as applicable, shall | apply to
nontrust estates subject to any agreement of the | parties or any specific
direction by statute or otherwise, and | the references to trusts and
trustees shall be read as applying | to nontrust estates and to legal tenants
(including life | tenants, tenants for terms of years, or any other period of
| tenancy) and remaindermen as the context requires; except that | if either a
legal tenant or a remainderman has incurred a | charge for his benefit
without the consent or agreement of the | other, he shall pay that charge
in full.
| (b) If the costs of an improvement, including special taxes | or
assessments, representing an addition to value of property | forming part of
the principal cannot reasonably be expected to | outlast the legal tenancy,
the costs shall be paid by the legal | tenant. If the improvement can
reasonably be expected to | outlast the legal tenancy, only a portion of the
costs shall be | paid by the legal tenant and the balance by the
remainderman. | The portion payable by the legal tenant shall be that
fraction | of the total found by dividing the present value of the legal
| tenancy by the present value of an estate of the same form as | that of the
legal tenancy but limited to a period corresponding | to the reasonably
expected duration of the improvement. The | computation of present value of
the legal tenancy shall be | computed on the basis of two-thirds of the value
determined by | use of the tables set forth under Section 7520 of the
Internal | Revenue Code of 1986 and the regulations thereunder for the
| calculation of the values of annuities, life estates, and terms | for years,
and no other evidence of duration or expectancy | shall be considered, except
that any legal tenancy or remainder | interest acquired for consideration
based on those tables shall | be computed on the basis of the tables in
effect at the time | acquired. The method of computing the present value of
a legal | tenancy established in this subsection shall apply to all legal
| tenancies and remainders created after January 1, 1992 and to | all legal
tenancies and remainders which were acquired for | consideration if the
amount of the consideration was based on |
| the tables set forth under Section
2031 or 7520 of the Internal | Revenue Code then in effect.
| (c) If a legal tenant has leased any lands for agricultural | or farming
operations and his legal tenancy terminates on or | after the day any rent
has become due and payable, he or his | representative is entitled to recover
that rent from the | lessee; and if a legal tenancy terminates before the
rent under | the lease is fully paid, the legal tenant or his representative
| is entitled to recover from the lessee:
| (1) that portion of the rent not due which the number | of days from
the beginning of the period for which the rent | is not due to the date of
the termination of the legal | tenancy bears to the total number of days in
the period for | which the rent is unpaid; and
| (2) that portion of the landlord's share of actual | expenses paid
before the termination of the legal tenancy | and not previously recovered by
him, which the number of | days in the lease period on and after the
termination bears | to the total number of days in the lease period. | (d) This Section does not apply to life estates and | remainder interests in oil or gas from non-coal formations, or | royalties or overriding royalties created under leases of such | minerals.
| (Source: P.A. 82-390; 87-714.)
Effective Date: 6/1/2018