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Public Act 100-1090 Public Act 1090 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 100-1090 | HB5749 Enrolled | LRB100 18124 LNS 33319 b |
| AN ACT concerning transportation.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by changing | Sections 15-301 and 15-312 as follows:
| (625 ILCS 5/15-301) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 15-301)
| Sec. 15-301. Permits for excess size and weight.
| (a) The Department with respect to highways under its | jurisdiction
and local authorities with respect to highways | under their jurisdiction
may, in their discretion, upon | application and good cause being shown
therefor, issue a | special permit authorizing the applicant to operate or
move a | vehicle or combination of vehicles of a size or weight of | vehicle or
load exceeding the maximum specified in this Act or | otherwise not in
conformity with this Act upon any highway | under the jurisdiction of the
party granting such permit and | for the maintenance of which the party is
responsible. | Applications and permits other than those in written or
printed | form may only be accepted from and issued to the company or
| individual making the movement. Except for an application to | move directly
across a highway, it shall be the duty of the | applicant to establish in the
application that the load to be | moved by such vehicle or combination cannot reasonably be
| dismantled or
disassembled, the reasonableness of which shall | be determined by the Secretary of the Department. For the | purpose of
over length movements,
more than one object may be | carried side by side as long as the height, width,
and weight | laws are not exceeded and the cause for the over length is not | due
to multiple objects. For the purpose of over height | movements, more than one
object may be carried as long as the | cause for the over height is not due to
multiple objects and | the length, width, and weight laws are not exceeded. For
the | purpose of an over width movement, more than one object may be | carried as
long as the cause for the over width is not due to | multiple objects and length,
height, and weight laws are not | exceeded. Except for transporting fluid milk products, no State | or local agency shall
authorize the issuance of excess size or | weight permits for vehicles and loads
that are divisible and | that can be carried, when divided, within the existing
size or | weight maximums specified in this Chapter. Any excess size or | weight
permit issued in violation of the provisions of this | Section shall be void at
issue and any movement made thereunder | shall not be authorized under the terms
of the void permit. In | any prosecution for a violation of this Chapter when
the | authorization of an excess size or weight permit is at issue, | it is the
burden of the defendant to establish that the permit | was valid because the load
to be moved could not reasonably be | dismantled or disassembled, or was
otherwise nondivisible.
| (b) The application for any such permit shall: (1) state |
| whether
such permit is requested for a single trip or for | limited continuous
operation; (2) state if the applicant is an | authorized carrier under the
Illinois Motor Carrier of Property | Law, if so, his certificate,
registration or permit number | issued by the Illinois Commerce
Commission; (3) specifically | describe and identify the vehicle or
vehicles and load to be | operated or moved except that for vehicles or
vehicle | combinations registered by the Department as provided in | Section
15-319 of this Chapter, only the Illinois Department of | Transportation's
(IDT) registration number or classification | need be given; (4) state the
routing requested including the | points of origin and destination, and may
identify and include | a request for routing to the nearest certified scale
in | accordance with the Department's rules and regulations, | provided the
applicant has approval to travel on local roads; | and (5) state if the
vehicles or loads are being transported | for hire. No permits for the
movement of a vehicle or load for | hire shall be issued to any applicant who
is required under the | Illinois Motor Carrier of Property Law to have a
certificate, | registration or permit and does not have such certificate,
| registration or permit.
| (c) The Department or local authority when not inconsistent | with
traffic safety is authorized to issue or withhold such | permit at its
discretion; or, if such permit is issued at its | discretion to prescribe
the route or routes to be traveled, to | limit the number of trips, to
establish seasonal or other time |
| limitations within which the vehicles
described may be operated | on the highways indicated, or otherwise to
limit or prescribe | conditions of operations of such vehicle or vehicles,
when | necessary to assure against undue damage to the road | foundations,
surfaces or structures, and may require such | undertaking or other
security as may be deemed necessary to | compensate for any injury to any
roadway or road structure. The | Department shall maintain a daily record of
each permit issued | along with the fee and the stipulated dimensions,
weights, | conditions and restrictions authorized and this record shall be
| presumed correct in any case of questions or dispute. The | Department shall
install an automatic device for recording | applications received and permits
issued by telephone. In | making application by telephone, the Department and
applicant | waive all objections to the recording of the conversation.
| (d) The Department shall, upon application in writing from | any local
authority, issue an annual permit authorizing the | local authority to
move oversize highway construction, | transportation, utility and maintenance
equipment over roads | under the jurisdiction of the Department. The permit
shall be | applicable only to equipment and vehicles owned by or | registered
in the name of the local authority, and no fee shall | be charged for the
issuance of such permits.
| (e) As an exception to subsection paragraph (a) of this | Section, the Department
and local authorities, with respect to | highways under their respective
jurisdictions, in their |
| discretion and upon application in writing may
issue a special | permit for limited continuous operation, authorizing the
| applicant to move loads of agricultural commodities on a 2-axle | 2 axle single
vehicle registered by the Secretary of State with | axle loads not to exceed
35%, on a 3-axle or 4-axle 3 or 4 axle
| vehicle registered by the Secretary of State with axle loads
| not to exceed 20%, and on a 5-axle 5 axle vehicle registered by | the
Secretary of State not to exceed 10% above those provided | in Section 15-111. The total gross weight of the vehicle, | however,
may not exceed the maximum gross weight of the | registration class of the vehicle allowed under Section 3-815 | or 3-818 of this Code. | As used in this Section, "agricultural commodities"
means: | (1) cultivated plants or agricultural produce grown
| including, but is not limited to, corn, soybeans, wheat, | oats, grain sorghum, canola, and rice; | (2) livestock, including , but not limited to , hogs, | equine, sheep, and poultry; | (3) ensilage; and | (4) fruits and vegetables.
| Permits may be issued for a
period not to exceed 40 days | and moves may be made of a distance not to
exceed 50 miles from | a field, an on-farm grain storage facility, a warehouse as | defined in the Illinois Grain Code, or a livestock management | facility as defined in the Livestock Management Facilities Act | over any
highway except the National System of Interstate and |
| Defense Highways. The operator of the vehicle,
however, must | abide by posted bridge and posted highway weight limits. All | implements of husbandry operating under this Section between | sunset and sunrise shall be equipped as prescribed in Section | 12-205.1.
| (e-1) A Upon a declaration by the Governor that an | emergency harvest situation
exists, a special permit shall be | issued by the Department under this Section and shall
be | required from September 1 through December 31 during harvest | season
emergencies for a vehicle that exceeds the maximum axle | weight and gross weight limits under Section 15-111 of this | Code or exceeds the vehicle's registered gross weight, provided | that the vehicle's axle weight and gross weight do not exceed | 10% above the maximum limits under Section 15-111 of this Code | and does not exceed the vehicle's registered gross weight by | 10%. All other restrictions that apply to permits issued under | this Section shall apply during the declared time period and no | fee shall be charged for the issuance of those permits. Permits | issued by the Department under this subsection (e-1) are only | valid on federal and State highways under the jurisdiction of | the Department, except interstate highways. With
respect to | highways under the jurisdiction of local authorities, the local
| authorities may, at their discretion, waive special permit | requirements during
harvest season emergencies , and set a | divisible load weight limit not to exceed 10% above a vehicle's | registered gross weight, provided that the vehicle's axle |
| weight and gross weight do not exceed 10% above the maximum | limits specified in Section 15-111. Permits issued under this | subsection (e-1) shall apply to all registered vehicles
| eligible to obtain permits under this Section, including | vehicles used in private or for-hire movement of divisible load | agricultural commodities during the declared time period.
| (f) The form and content of the permit shall be determined | by the
Department with respect to highways under its | jurisdiction and by local
authorities with respect to highways | under their jurisdiction. Every permit
shall be in written form | and carried in the vehicle or combination of
vehicles to which | it refers and shall be open to inspection by any
police officer | or authorized agent of any authority granting the permit
and no | person shall violate any of the terms or conditions of such
| special permit. Violation of the terms and conditions of the | permit
shall not be deemed a revocation of the permit; however, | any vehicle and load
found to be off the route prescribed in | the permit shall be held to be
operating without a permit. Any | off route vehicle and load shall be required
to obtain a new | permit or permits, as necessary, to authorize the movement back
| onto the original permit routing. No rule or regulation, nor | anything herein
shall be construed to authorize any police | officer, court, or authorized agent
of any authority granting | the permit to remove the permit from the possession
of the | permittee unless the permittee is charged with a fraudulent | permit
violation as provided in subsection paragraph (i). |
| However, upon arrest for an offense of
violation of permit, | operating without a permit when the vehicle is off route,
or | any size or weight offense under this Chapter when the | permittee plans to
raise the issuance of the permit as a | defense, the permittee, or his agent,
must produce the permit | at any court hearing concerning the alleged offense.
| If the permit designates and includes a routing to a | certified scale, the permittee, while enroute to the designated | scale, shall be deemed in compliance
with the weight provisions | of the permit provided the axle or gross weights
do not exceed | any of the permitted limits by more than the following amounts:
| Single axle 2000 pounds
| Tandem axle 3000 pounds
| Gross 5000 pounds
| (g) The Department is authorized to adopt, amend, and to | make
available to interested persons a policy concerning | reasonable rules,
limitations and conditions or provisions of | operation upon highways
under its jurisdiction in addition to | those contained in this Section
for the movement by special | permit of vehicles, combinations, or loads
which cannot | reasonably be dismantled or disassembled, including
| manufactured and modular home sections and portions thereof. | All rules,
limitations and conditions or provisions adopted in | the policy shall
have due regard for the safety of the | traveling public and the protection
of the highway system and | shall have been promulgated in conformity with
the provisions |
| of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act. The
requirements | of the policy for flagmen and escort vehicles shall be the
same | for all moves of comparable size and weight. When escort | vehicles are
required, they shall meet the following | requirements:
| (1) All operators shall be 18 years of age or over and | properly
licensed to operate the vehicle.
| (2) Vehicles escorting oversized loads more than | 12-feet wide must
be equipped with a rotating or flashing | amber light mounted on top as specified
under Section | 12-215.
| The Department shall establish reasonable rules and | regulations
regarding liability insurance or self insurance | for vehicles with
oversized loads promulgated under the | Illinois Administrative Procedure
Act. Police vehicles may be | required for escort under circumstances as
required by rules | and regulations of the Department.
| (h) Violation of any rule, limitation or condition or | provision of
any permit issued in accordance with the | provisions of this Section
shall not render the entire permit | null and void but the violator shall
be deemed guilty of | violation of permit and guilty of exceeding any size,
weight or | load limitations in excess of those authorized by the permit.
| The prescribed route or routes on the permit are not mere | rules, limitations,
conditions, or provisions of the permit, | but are also the sole extent of the
authorization granted by |
| the permit. If a vehicle and load are found to be
off the route | or routes prescribed by any permit authorizing movement,
the | vehicle and load are operating without a permit. Any off-route | off route movement
shall be subject to the size and weight | maximums, under the applicable
provisions of this Chapter, as | determined by the type or class highway upon
which the vehicle | and load are being operated.
| (i) Whenever any vehicle is operated or movement made under | a
fraudulent permit the permit shall be void, and the person, | firm, or
corporation to whom such permit was granted, the | driver of such vehicle
in addition to the person who issued | such permit and any accessory,
shall be guilty of fraud and | either one or all persons may be prosecuted
for such violation. | Any person, firm, or corporation committing such
violation | shall be guilty of a Class 4 felony and the Department shall
| not issue permits to the person, firm or corporation convicted | of such
violation for a period of one year after the date of | conviction.
Penalties for violations of this Section shall be | in addition to any
penalties imposed for violation of other | Sections of this Code Act .
| (j) Whenever any vehicle is operated or movement made in | violation
of a permit issued in accordance with this Section, | the person to whom
such permit was granted, or the driver of | such vehicle, is guilty of
such violation and either, but not | both, persons may be prosecuted for
such violation as stated in | this subsection (j). Any person, firm or
corporation convicted |
| of such violation shall be guilty of a petty
offense and shall | be fined for the first offense, not less than $50 nor
more than | $200 and, for the second offense by the same person, firm or
| corporation within a period of one year, not less than $200 nor | more
than $300 and, for the third offense by the same person, | firm or
corporation within a period of one year after the date | of the first
offense, not less than $300 nor more than $500 and | the Department shall
not issue permits to the person, firm or | corporation convicted of a
third offense during a period of one | year after the date of conviction
for such third offense.
| (k) Whenever any vehicle is operated on local roads under | permits
for excess width or length issued by local authorities, | such vehicle may
be moved upon a State highway for a distance | not to exceed one-half mile
without a permit for the purpose of | crossing the State highway.
| (l) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, | the Department,
with respect to highways under its | jurisdiction, and local authorities, with
respect to highways | under their jurisdiction, may at their discretion authorize
the | movement of a vehicle in violation of any size or weight | requirement, or
both, that would not ordinarily be eligible for | a permit, when there is a
showing of extreme necessity that the | vehicle and load should be moved without
unnecessary delay.
| For the purpose of this subsection, showing of extreme | necessity shall be
limited to the following: shipments of | livestock, hazardous materials, liquid
concrete being hauled |
| in a mobile cement mixer, or hot asphalt.
| (m) Penalties for violations of this Section shall be in | addition to any
penalties imposed for violating any other | Section of this Code.
| (n) The Department with respect to highways under its | jurisdiction and
authorities with respect to highways | under their jurisdiction, in their
discretion and upon
| application in writing, may issue a special permit for | continuous limited
authorizing the applicant to | operate a tow truck tow-truck that exceeds the weight limits
| provided
for in subsection (a) of Section 15-111, provided:
| (1) no rear single axle of the tow truck tow-truck | exceeds 26,000 pounds;
| (2) no rear tandem axle of the tow truck tow-truck | exceeds 50,000 pounds;
| (2.1) no triple rear axle on a manufactured recovery | unit exceeds 60,000
pounds; | (3) neither the disabled vehicle nor the disabled | combination of vehicles
exceed the
weight restrictions | imposed by this Chapter 15, or the weight limits imposed
| under a
permit issued by the Department prior to hookup;
| (4) the tow truck tow-truck prior to hookup does not | exceed the weight restrictions
by this Chapter 15;
| (5) during the tow operation the tow truck tow-truck | does not violate any weight
| (6) the tow truck tow-truck is equipped with flashing, |
| rotating, or oscillating
visible for at least | 500 feet in all directions;
| (7) the tow truck tow-truck is specifically designed | and licensed as a tow truck tow-truck ;
| (8) the tow truck tow-truck has a gross vehicle weight | rating of sufficient
capacity to safely
handle the load;
| (9) the tow truck tow-truck is equipped with air | brakes;
| (10) the tow truck tow-truck is capable of utilizing | the lighting and braking
systems of the
disabled vehicle or | combination of vehicles;
| (11) the tow commences at the initial point of wreck or | disablement and terminates at a point where the repairs are | actually to occur;
| (12) the permit issued to the tow truck tow-truck is | carried in the tow truck tow-truck
exhibited on demand | by a police officer; and
| (13) the movement shall be valid only on State state | routes approved by the
| (o) (Blank).
| (p) In determining whether a load may be reasonably | dismantled or disassembled for the purpose of subsection | paragraph (a), the Department shall consider whether there is a | significant negative impact on the condition of the pavement | and structures along the proposed route, whether the load or | vehicle as proposed causes a safety hazard to the traveling |
| public, whether dismantling or disassembling the load promotes | or stifles economic development and whether the proposed route | travels less than 5 miles. A load is not required to be | dismantled or disassembled for the purposes of subsection | paragraph (a) if the Secretary of the Department determines | there will be no significant negative impact to pavement or | structures along the proposed route, the proposed load or | vehicle causes no safety hazard to the traveling public, | dismantling or disassembling the load does not promote economic | development and the proposed route travels less than 5 miles.
| The Department may promulgate rules for the purpose of | establishing the divisibility of a load pursuant to subsection | paragraph (a). Any load determined by the Secretary to be | nondivisible shall otherwise comply with the existing size or | weight maximums specified in this Chapter. | (Source: P.A. 99-717, eff. 8-5-16; 100-70, eff. 8-11-17; | revised 10-12-17.)
| (625 ILCS 5/15-312) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 15-312)
| Sec. 15-312. Fees for Police Escort. When State Police | escorts are required by the Department of Transportation for | the
safety of the motoring public, the following fees shall be | paid by the
applicant: | (1) to the Department of Transportation: $40 per hour | per vehicle based upon the
pre-estimated time of the | movement to be agreed upon
between the Department and the |
| applicant, with a minimum fee of $80 per vehicle; and | (2) to the Illinois State Police: $75 $60 per hour per | State Police vehicle based upon the actual time of the | movement, with a minimum fee of $300 per State Police | vehicle. The Illinois State Police shall remit the moneys | to the State Treasurer, who shall deposit the moneys into | the Over Dimensional Load Police Escort Fund.
| The actual time of the movement shall be the time the | police escort is required to pick up the movement to the time | the movement is completed. Any delays or breakdowns shall be | considered part of the movement time. Any fraction of an hour | shall be rounded up to the next whole hour. | (Source: P.A. 95-787, eff. 1-1-09.)
Effective Date: 1/1/2019