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Public Act 103-0106 Public Act 0106 103RD GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 103-0106 | HB2296 Enrolled | LRB103 27672 AMQ 54049 b |
| AN ACT concerning regulation.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Department of Insurance Law is amended by | adding Section 1405-50 as follows: | (20 ILCS 1405/1405-50 new) | Sec. 1405-50. Health insurance coverage, affordability, | and cost transparency annual report. | (a) On or before May 1, 2026, and each May 1 thereafter, | the Department of Insurance shall report to the Governor and | the General Assembly on health insurance coverage, | affordability, and cost trends, including: | (1) medical cost trends by major service category, | including prescription drugs; | (2) utilization patterns of services by major service | categories; | (3) impact of benefit changes, including essential | health benefits and non-essential health benefits; | (4) enrollment trends; | (5) demographic shifts; | (6) geographic factors and variations, including | changes in provider availability; | (7) health care quality improvement initiatives; |
| (8)inflation and other factors impacting this State's | economic condition; | (9) the availability of financial assistance and tax | credits to pay for health insurance coverage for | individuals and small businesses; | (10) trends in out-of-pocket costs for consumers; and | (11) factors contributing to costs that are not | otherwise specified in paragraphs (1) through (10) of this | subsection. | (b) This report shall not attribute any information or | trend to a specific company and shall not disclose any | information otherwise considered confidential or proprietary. | Section 10. The Illinois Insurance Code is amended by | changing Section 355 as follows:
| (215 ILCS 5/355) (from Ch. 73, par. 967)
| Sec. 355. Accident
and health policies; provisions. | policies-Provisions.)
| (a) As used in this Section: | "Inadequate rate" means a rate: | (1) that is insufficient to sustain projected losses | and expenses to which the rate applies; and | (2) the continued use of which endangers the solvency | of an insurer using that rate. | "Large employer" has the meaning provided in the Illinois |
| Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. | "Plain language" has the meaning provided in the federal | Plain Writing Act of 2010 and subsequent guidance documents, | including the Federal Plain Language Guidelines. | "Unreasonable rate increase" means a rate increase that | the Director determines to be excessive, unjustified, or | unfairly discriminatory in accordance with 45 CFR 154.205. | (b) No policy of insurance against loss or damage from the | sickness, or from
the bodily injury or death of the insured by | accident shall be issued or
delivered to any person in this | State until a copy of the form thereof and
of the | classification of risks and the premium rates pertaining | thereto
have been filed with the Director; nor shall it be so | issued or delivered
until the Director shall have approved | such policy pursuant to the provisions
of Section 143. If the | Director
disapproves the policy form , he or she shall make a | written decision stating the
respects in which such form does | not comply with the requirements of law
and shall deliver a | copy thereof to the company and it shall be unlawful
| thereafter for any such company to issue any policy in such | form. On and after January 1, 2025, any form filing submitted | for large employer group accident and health insurance shall | be automatically deemed approved within 90 days of the | submission date unless the Director extends by not more than | an additional 30 days the period within which the form shall be | approved or disapproved by giving written notice to the |
| insurer of such extension before the expiration of the 90 | days. Any form in receipt of such an extension shall be | automatically deemed approved within 120 days of the | submission date. The Director may toll the filing due to a | conflict in legal interpretation of federal or State law as | long as the tolling is applied uniformly to all applicable | forms, written notification is provided to the insurer prior | to the tolling, the duration of the tolling is provided within | the notice to the insurer, and justification for the tolling | is posted to the Department's website. The Director may | disapprove the filing if the insurer fails to respond to an | objection or request for additional information within the | timeframe identified for response. As used in this subsection, | "large employer" has the meaning given in Section 5 of the | federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. | (c) For plan year 2026 and thereafter, premium rates for | all individual and small group accident and health insurance | policies must be filed with the Department for approval. | Unreasonable rate increases or inadequate rates shall be | modified or disapproved. For any plan year during which the | Illinois Health Benefits Exchange operates as a full | State-based exchange, the Department shall provide insurers at | least 30 days' notice of the deadline to submit rate filings.
| (d) For plan year 2025 and thereafter, the Department | shall post all insurers' rate filings and summaries on the | Department's website 5 business days after the rate filing |
| deadline set by the Department in annual guidance. The rate | filings and summaries posted to the Department's website shall | exclude information that is proprietary or trade secret | information protected under paragraph (g) of subsection (1) of | Section 7 of the Freedom of Information Act or confidential or | privileged under any applicable insurance law or rule. All | summaries shall include a brief justification of any rate | increase or decrease requested, including the number of | individual members, the medical loss ratio, medical trend, | administrative costs, and any other information required by | rule. The plain writing summary shall include notification of | the public comment period established in subsection (e). | (e) The Department shall open a 30-day public comment | period on the rate filings beginning on the date that all of | the rate filings are posted on the Department's website. The | Department shall post all of the comments received to the | Department's website within 5 business days after the comment | period ends. | (f) After the close of the public comment period described | in subsection (e), the Department, beginning for plan year | 2026, shall issue a decision to approve, disapprove, or modify | a rate filing within 60 days. Any rate filing or any rates | within a filing on which the Director does not issue a decision | within 60 days shall automatically be deemed approved. The | Director's decision shall take into account the actuarial | justifications and public comments. The Department shall |
| notify the insurer of the decision, make the decision | available to the public by posting it on the Department's | website, and include an explanation of the findings, actuarial | justifications, and rationale that are the basis for the | decision. Any company whose rate has been modified or | disapproved shall be allowed to request a hearing within 10 | days after the action taken. The action of the Director in | disapproving a rate shall be subject to judicial review under | the Administrative Review Law. | (g) If, following the issuance of a decision but before | the effective date of the premium rates approved by the | decision, an event occurs that materially affects the | Director's decision to approve, deny, or modify the rates, the | Director may consider supplemental facts or data reasonably | related to the event. | (h) The Department shall adopt rules implementing the | procedures described in subsections (d) through (g) by March | 31, 2024. | (i) Subsection (a) and subsections (c) through (h) of this | Section do not apply to grandfathered health plans as defined | in 45 CFR 147.140; excepted benefits as defined in 42 U.S.C. | 300gg-91; student health insurance coverage as defined in 45 | CFR 147.145; the large group market as defined in Section 5 of | the Illinois Health Insurance Portability and Accountability | Act; or short-term, limited-duration health insurance coverage | as defined in Section 5 of the Short-Term, Limited-Duration |
| Health Insurance Coverage Act. For a filing of premium rates | or classifications of risk for any of these types of coverage, | the Director's initial review period shall not exceed 60 days | to issue informal objections to the company that request | additional clarification, explanation, substantiating | documentation, or correction of concerns identified in the | filing before the company implements the premium rates, | classifications, or related rate-setting methodologies | described in the filing, except that the Director may extend | by not more than an additional 30 days the period of initial | review by giving written notice to the company of such | extension before the expiration of the initial 60-day period. | Nothing in this subsection shall confer authority upon the | Director to approve, modify, or disapprove rates where that | authority is not provided by other law. Nothing in this | subsection shall prohibit the Director from conducting any | investigation, examination, hearing, or other formal | administrative or enforcement proceeding with respect to a | company's rate filing or implementation thereof under | applicable law at any time, including after the period of | initial review. | (Source: P.A. 79-777.)
| Section 15. The Health Maintenance Organization Act is | amended by changing Section 4-12 as follows:
| (215 ILCS 125/4-12) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 1409.5)
| Sec. 4-12. Changes in Rate Methodology and Benefits, | Material
Modifications. A health maintenance organization | shall file with the
Director, prior to use, a notice of any | change in rate methodology, or
benefits and of any material | modification of any matter or document
furnished pursuant to | Section 2-1, together with such supporting documents
as are | necessary to fully explain the change or modification.
| (a) Contract modifications described in subsections | (c)(5), (c)(6) and
(c)(7) of Section 2-1 shall include all | form agreements between the
organization and enrollees, | providers, administrators of services and
insurers of health | maintenance organizations.
| (b) Material transactions or series of transactions other | than those
described in subsection (a) of this Section, the | total annual value of
which exceeds the greater of $100,000 or | 5% of net earned subscription
revenue for the most current | 12-month twelve month period as determined from filed
| financial statements.
| (c) Any agreement between the organization and an insurer | shall be
subject to the provisions of the laws of this State | regarding reinsurance
as provided in Article XI of the | Illinois Insurance Code. All reinsurance
agreements must be | filed. Approval of the Director is required for all
agreements | except the following: individual stop loss, aggregate excess,
| hospitalization benefits or out-of-area of the participating |
| providers
unless 20% or more of the organization's total risk | is reinsured, in which
case all reinsurance agreements require | approval. | (d) In addition to any applicable provisions of this Act, | premium rate filings shall be subject to subsections (a) and | (c) through (i) of Section 355 of the Illinois Insurance Code.
| (Source: P.A. 86-620.)
| Section 20. The Limited Health Service Organization Act is | amended by changing Section 3006 as follows:
| (215 ILCS 130/3006) (from Ch. 73, par. 1503-6)
| Sec. 3006.
Changes in rate methodology and benefits; | material modifications;
addition of limited health services.
| (a) A limited health service organization shall file with | the Director
prior to use, a notice of any change in rate | methodology, charges or
benefits and of any material | modification of any matter or document
furnished pursuant to | Section 2001, together with such supporting documents
as are | necessary to fully explain the change or modification.
| (1) Contract modifications described in paragraphs (5) | and (6) of
subsection (c) of Section 2001 shall include | all agreements between the
organization and enrollees, | providers, administrators of services and
insurers of | limited health services; also other material transactions | or
series of transactions, the total annual value of which |
| exceeds the greater
of $100,000 or 5% of net earned | subscription revenue for the most current
12 month period | as determined from filed financial statements.
| (2) Contract modification for reinsurance. Any | agreement between the
organization and an insurer shall be | subject to the provisions of Article
XI of the Illinois | Insurance Code, as now or hereafter amended. All
| reinsurance agreements must be filed with the Director. | Approval of the
Director in required agreements must be | filed. Approval of the director is
required for all | agreements except individual stop loss, aggregate excess,
| hospitalization benefits or out-of-area of the | participating providers,
unless 20% or more of the | organization's total risk is reinsured, in which
case all | reinsurance agreements shall require approval.
| (b) If a limited health service organization desires to | add one or more
additional limited health services, it shall | file a notice with the Director
and, at the same time, submit | the information required by Section
2001 if different from | that filed with the prepaid limited health service
| organization's application. Issuance of such an amended | certificate of
authority shall be subject to the conditions of | Section 2002 of this Act. | (c) In addition to any applicable provisions of this Act, | premium rate filings shall be subject to subsection (i) of | Section 355 of the Illinois Insurance Code.
Effective Date: 1/1/2024