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Public Act 103-0747 Public Act 0747 103RD GENERAL ASSEMBLY | Public Act 103-0747 | SB0056 Enrolled | LRB103 04998 BMS 50010 b |
| AN ACT concerning regulation. | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, | represented in the General Assembly: | Section 5. The Illinois Insurance Code is amended by | changing Section 363 as follows: | (215 ILCS 5/363) (from Ch. 73, par. 975) | Sec. 363. Medicare supplement policies; minimum standards. | (1) Except as otherwise specifically provided therein, | this Section and Section 363a of this Code shall apply to: | (a) all Medicare supplement policies and subscriber | contracts delivered or issued for delivery in this State | on and after January 1, 1989; and | (b) all certificates issued under group Medicare | supplement policies or subscriber contracts, which | certificates are issued or issued for delivery in this | State on and after January 1, 1989. | This Section shall not apply to "Accident Only" or | "Specified Disease" types of policies. The provisions of this | Section are not intended to prohibit or apply to policies or | health care benefit plans, including group conversion | policies, provided to Medicare eligible persons, which | policies or plans are not marketed or purported or held to be | Medicare supplement policies or benefit plans. |
| (2) For the purposes of this Section and Section 363a, the | following terms have the following meanings: | (a) "Applicant" means: | (i) in the case of individual Medicare supplement | policy, the person who seeks to contract for insurance | benefits, and | (ii) in the case of a group Medicare policy or | subscriber contract, the proposed certificate holder. | (b) "Certificate" means any certificate delivered or | issued for delivery in this State under a group Medicare | supplement policy. | (c) "Medicare supplement policy" means an individual | policy of accident and health insurance, as defined in | paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of Section 355a of this | Code, or a group policy or certificate delivered or issued | for delivery in this State by an insurer, fraternal | benefit society, voluntary health service plan, or health | maintenance organization, other than a policy issued | pursuant to a contract under Section 1876 of the federal | Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 1395 et seq.) or a | policy issued under a demonstration project specified in | 42 U.S.C. Section 1395ss(g)(1), or any similar | organization, that is advertised, marketed, or designed | primarily as a supplement to reimbursements under Medicare | for the hospital, medical, or surgical expenses of persons | eligible for Medicare. |
| (d) "Issuer" includes insurance companies, fraternal | benefit societies, voluntary health service plans, health | maintenance organizations, or any other entity providing | Medicare supplement insurance, unless the context clearly | indicates otherwise. | (e) "Medicare" means the Health Insurance for the Aged | Act, Title XVIII of the Social Security Amendments of | 1965. | (3) No Medicare supplement insurance policy, contract, or | certificate, that provides benefits that duplicate benefits | provided by Medicare, shall be issued or issued for delivery | in this State after December 31, 1988. No such policy, | contract, or certificate shall provide lesser benefits than | those required under this Section or the existing Medicare | Supplement Minimum Standards Regulation, except where | duplication of Medicare benefits would result. | (4) Medicare supplement policies or certificates shall | have a notice prominently printed on the first page of the | policy or attached thereto stating in substance that the | policyholder or certificate holder shall have the right to | return the policy or certificate within 30 days of its | delivery and to have the premium refunded directly to him or | her in a timely manner if, after examination of the policy or | certificate, the insured person is not satisfied for any | reason. | (5) A Medicare supplement policy or certificate may not |
| deny a claim for losses incurred more than 6 months from the | effective date of coverage for a preexisting condition. The | policy may not define a preexisting condition more | restrictively than a condition for which medical advice was | given or treatment was recommended by or received from a | physician within 6 months before the effective date of | coverage. | (6) An issuer of a Medicare supplement policy shall: | (a) not deny coverage to an applicant under 65 years | of age who meets any of the following criteria: | (i) becomes eligible for Medicare by reason of | disability if the person makes application for a | Medicare supplement policy within 6 months of the | first day on which the person enrolls for benefits | under Medicare Part B; for a person who is | retroactively enrolled in Medicare Part B due to a | retroactive eligibility decision made by the Social | Security Administration, the application must be | submitted within a 6-month period beginning with the | month in which the person received notice of | retroactive eligibility to enroll; | (ii) has Medicare and an employer group health | plan (either primary or secondary to Medicare) that | terminates or ceases to provide all such supplemental | health benefits; | (iii) is insured by a Medicare Advantage plan that |
| includes a Health Maintenance Organization, a | Preferred Provider Organization, and a Private | Fee-For-Service or Medicare Select plan and the | applicant moves out of the plan's service area; the | insurer goes out of business, withdraws from the | market, or has its Medicare contract terminated; or | the plan violates its contract provisions or is | misrepresented in its marketing; or | (iv) is insured by a Medicare supplement policy | and the insurer goes out of business, withdraws from | the market, or the insurance company or agents | misrepresent the plan and the applicant is without | coverage; | (b) make available to persons eligible for Medicare by | reason of disability each type of Medicare supplement | policy the issuer makes available to persons eligible for | Medicare by reason of age; | (c) not charge individuals who become eligible for | Medicare by reason of disability and who are under the age | of 65 premium rates for any medical supplemental insurance | benefit plan offered by the issuer that exceed the | issuer's highest rate on the current rate schedule filed | with the Division of Insurance for that plan to | individuals who are age 65 or older; and | (d) provide the rights granted by items (a) through | (d), for 6 months after the effective date of this |
| amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly, to any person | who had enrolled for benefits under Medicare Part B prior | to this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly who | otherwise would have been eligible for coverage under item | (a). | (7) The Director shall issue reasonable rules and | regulations for the following purposes: | (a) To establish specific standards for policy | provisions of Medicare policies and certificates. The | standards shall be in accordance with the requirements of | this Code. No requirement of this Code relating to minimum | required policy benefits, other than the minimum standards | contained in this Section and Section 363a, shall apply to | Medicare supplement policies and certificates. The | standards may cover, but are not limited to the following: | (A) Terms of renewability. | (B) Initial and subsequent terms of eligibility. | (C) Non-duplication of coverage. | (D) Probationary and elimination periods. | (E) Benefit limitations, exceptions and | reductions. | (F) Requirements for replacement. | (G) Recurrent conditions. | (H) Definition of terms. | (I) Requirements for issuing rebates or credits to | policyholders if the policy's loss ratio does not |
| comply with subsection (7) of Section 363a. | (J) Uniform methodology for the calculating and | reporting of loss ratio information. | (K) Assuring public access to loss ratio | information of an issuer of Medicare supplement | insurance. | (L) Establishing a process for approving or | disapproving proposed premium increases. | (M) Establishing a policy for holding public | hearings prior to approval of premium increases. | (N) Establishing standards for Medicare Select | policies. | (O) Prohibited policy provisions not otherwise | specifically authorized by statute that, in the | opinion of the Director, are unjust, unfair, or | unfairly discriminatory to any person insured or | proposed for coverage under a medicare supplement | policy or certificate. | (b) To establish minimum standards for benefits and | claims payments, marketing practices, compensation | arrangements, and reporting practices for Medicare | supplement policies. | (c) To implement transitional requirements of Medicare | supplement insurance benefits and premiums of Medicare | supplement policies and certificates to conform to | Medicare program revisions. |
| (8) If an individual is at least 65 years of age but no | more than 75 years of age and has an existing Medicare | supplement policy, the individual is entitled to an annual | open enrollment period lasting 45 days, commencing with the | individual's birthday, and the individual may purchase any | Medicare supplement policy with the same issuer or any | affiliate authorized to transact business in this State that | offers benefits equal to or lesser than those provided by the | previous coverage. During this open enrollment period, an | issuer of a Medicare supplement policy shall not deny or | condition the issuance or effectiveness of Medicare | supplemental coverage, nor discriminate in the pricing of | coverage, because of health status, claims experience, receipt | of health care, or a medical condition of the individual. An | issuer shall provide notice of this annual open enrollment | period for eligible Medicare supplement policyholders at the | time that the application is made for a Medicare supplement | policy or certificate. The notice shall be in a form that may | be prescribed by the Department. | (Source: P.A. 102-142, eff. 1-1-22 .) | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect January | 1, 2026. |
Effective Date: 1/1/2026