State of Illinois
Public Acts
92nd General Assembly

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Public Act 92-0504

HB3426 Enrolled                                LRB9207403RHrh

    AN ACT making appropriations.

    Be it enacted by the People of  the  State  of  Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:

    Section  1.   "AN  ACT making appropriations," Public Act
92-8, approved June 11, 2001, is amended by changing  Section
13 of Article 34 as follows:

    (P.A. 92-8, Art.  34, Sec. 13)
    Sec. 13.  The following named amounts, or so much thereof
as  may  be necessary, respectively, for payments for care of
children served by the  Department  of  Children  and  Family
                      REGIONAL OFFICES
  For Foster Homes and Specialized
   Foster Care and Prevention .................. $221,100,200
  For Counseling and Auxiliary Services ........   20,907,700
  For Homemaker Services .......................    7,507,400
  For Institution and Group Home Care and
   Prevention ..................................  150,215,000
  For Services Associated with the Foster
   Care Initiative .............................    6,413,700
  For Purchase of Adoption and
   Guardianship Services .......................  150,619,000
  For Health Care Network ......................    4,657,900
  For Cash Assistance and Housing
   Locator Service to Families in the
   Class Defined in the Norman Consent Order ...    3,565,600
  For Youth in Transition Program ..............      719,100
  For Children's Personal and
   Physical Maintenance ........................    5,359,000
  For MCO Technical Assistance and
   Program Development .........................    1,701,800
  For Pre Admission/Post Discharge
   Psychiatric Screening .......................    8,257,600
  For Counties to Assist in the Development
   of Children's Advocacy Centers ..............    2,781,800
  For Psychological Assessments
   including Operations and
   Administrative Expenses .....................    5,011,900
    Total                                        $588,817,700
  For Foster Homes and Specialized
   Foster Care and Prevention .... $164,680,600  $156,080,600
  For Counseling and Auxiliary Services ........    9,646,800
  For Homemaker Services .......................    1,119,400
  For Institution and Group Home Care and
   Prevention (up to $1,000,000
   of this appropriation is
   authorized to pay expenses
   from prior fiscal years).......   97,401,500    96,401,500
  For Additional Grant to the Chicago
   Child Advocacy Center........................      540,000
  For Services Associated with the Foster
   Care Initiative .............................    1,958,000
  For Purchase of Adoption and
   Guardianship Services .........  108,008,600   102,608,600
  For Family Preservation Services..............   23,182,100
  For Purchase of Children's Services...........      726,300
  For Family Centered Services Initiative ......   13,200,000
    Total                                        $405,463,300

    Section  2.   "AN  ACT making appropriations," Public Act
92-8, approved June 11, 2001, is amended by changing  Section
81 of Article 44 as follows:
    (P.A. 92-8, Art. 44, Sec. 81)
    Sec. 81.  The following named sums, or so much thereof as
may   be   necessary,   respectively,   herein   made  either
independently or in cooperation with the  Federal  Government
or   any   agency  thereof,  any  municipal  corporation,  or
political subdivision of the State, or  with  any  public  or
private   corporation,   organization,   or  individual,  are
appropriated to  the  Department  of  Natural  Resources  for
refunds and the purposes stated:
Payable from Land and Water Recreation Fund:
  For Outdoor Recreation Programs .............. $  6,200,000
Payable from Forest Reserve Fund:
  For U.S. Forest Service Program ..............      500,000
Payable from Federal Title IV Fire
 Protection Assistance Fund:
  For Rural Community Fire Protection
   Programs ......................      261,900  <L     161,900>¿
    Total                                          $6,861,900

    Section  3.   "AN  ACT making appropriations," Public Act
92-8, approved June 11, 2001, is amended by changing  Section
13 of Article 46 as follows:

    (P.A. 92-8, Art. 46, Sec. 13)
    Sec.  13.   The amount of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the   Registered
Certified Public Accountants' Administration and Disciplinary
Fund  Public Accountant's Regulation and Disciplinary Fund to
the Department of Professional Regulation  to  contract  with
the   Illinois   CPA  Society  for  a  feasibility  study  on
implementation of a mandatory  peer  review  requirement  for
licensure of public accounting time.

    Section  4.   "AN  ACT making appropriations," Public Act
92-8, approved June 11, 2001, is amended by changing  Section
3 of Article 47 as follows:

    (P.A. 92-8, Art. 47, Sec. 3)
    Sec.   3.    In   addition   to  any  amounts  heretofore
appropriated, the following named amounts, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, respectively, are  appropriated  to  the
Department of Public Aid for Medical Assistance:
Payable from Drug Rebate Fund:
  For Prescribed Drugs ........... $200,000,000  $170,000,000

    Section  5.   "AN  ACT making appropriations," Public Act
92-8, approved June 11, 2001, is amended by changing  Section
4 of Article 49 as follows:

    (P.A. 92-8, Art. 49, Sec. 4)
    Sec.  4.  The following named amounts, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, are appropriated to  the  Department  of
Revenue as follows:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For the State's Share of County
   Supervisors of Assessments' or
   County Assessors' salaries,
   as provided by law .......................... $  2,150,000
  For additional compensation for local
   assessors, as provided by Sections 2.3
   and 2.6 of the "Revenue Act of 1939",
   as amended ..................................      672,000
  For additional compensation for local
   assessors, as provided by Section 2.7
   of the "Revenue Act of 1939", as
   amended .....................................      600,000
  For additional compensation for county
   treasurers, pursuant to Public Act
   84-1432, as amended .........................      663,000
  For payments under the Senior Citizens
   and Disabled Persons Property Tax Relief
   and Pharmaceutical Assistance Act,
   including prior year costs ..................   84,800,000
    Total                                         $88,885,000
Payable from State and Local Sales
 Tax Reform Fund:
  For Allocation to Chicago for
   additional 1.25% Use Tax Pursuant
   to P.A. 86-0928 ..............................$ 48,342,700
Payable from Local Government Distributive Fund:
  For Allocation of the .4% Sales
   Tax to Units of Local Government
   Pursuant to P.A. 86-0928 .....................$ 31,185,300
  For Allocation to Local Governments of
   additional 1.25% Use Tax Pursuant to
   P.A. 86-0928 ................................$ 122,882,400
Payable from Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund:
  For Payments under Senior Citizen and
   Disabled Persons Property Tax Relief
   and Pharmaceutical Assistance Act,
   including prior year costs ....$136,700,000   $106,700,000
Payable from R.T.A. Occupation and Use
 Tax Replacement Fund:
  For Allocation to RTA for 10% of the
   1.25% Use Tax Pursuant to P.A. 86-0928 .......$ 23,330,200
Payable from Senior Citizens' Real Estate
 Deferred Tax Revolving Fund:
  For Payments to Counties as Required
   by the Senior Citizens Real
   Estate Tax Deferral Act .......................$ 4,700,000
Payable from Illinois Tax
 Increment Fund:
  For Distribution to Local Tax
   Increment Finance Districts ..................$ 20,022,100
Payable from the Do-It-Yourself
 School Funding Fund:
  For Distribution of Income Tax
  Exemptions Forgone pursuant to
  Public Act 90-0553 ................................$ 10,000

Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For payment of refunds pursuant to the
   provisions of the Senior Citizens and
   Disabled Persons Property Tax Relief
   and Pharmaceutical Assistance Act ................$150,000

    Section  6.   "AN  ACT making appropriations", Public Act
92-8, approved June  11,  2001,  is  amended  by  adding  new
Section 47a to Article 67 as follows:

    (P.A. 92-8, Art. 67, new Sec. 47a)
    Sec.  47a.  The  sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  Water  Revolving
Fund  to  the  Environmental  Protection Agency for all costs
associated with providing assistance to public water supplies
for wellhead protection, capacity development  and  technical

    Section  7.   "AN  ACT making appropriations", Public Act
92-8, approved June 11, 2001, is amended by changing Sections
3 and 6a of Article 75 as follows:

    (P.A. 92-8, Art. 75, Sec. 3)
    Sec. 3.  The following named amounts, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  to  the  Illinois
Emergency  Management  Agency  for  the  objects and purposes
hereinafter named:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Training and Education ...................  $   146,500
  For Planning and Analysis ....................       75,000
Payable from Nuclear Civil Protection
 Planning Fund:
  For Clean Air ................................      100,000
  For Federal Projects .........................      700,000
  For Flood Mitigation .........................    1,500,000
Payable from Federal Civil Preparedness
  Administrative Fund:
  For Training and Education ...................    2,261,300
  For Terrorism Preparedness and
   Training ......................    7,800,000  <L   2,000,000>¿
    Total                                          $6,782,800

    (P.A. 92-8, Art. 75, Sec. 6a)
    Sec. 6a.  The sum of  $1,810,000  $310,000,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the
close of business on June 30, 2001,  from  the  appropriation
heretofore  made  in  Article  28,  Section  3  of Public Act
91-706, is reappropriated from the Federal Civil Preparedness
Administrative Fund for terrorism preparedness and training.

    Section 8.  "AN ACT making  appropriations",  Public  Act
92-8,  approved June 11, 2001, is amended by changing Section
10 of Article 3 as follows:

    (P.A. 92-8, Art. 3, Sec. 10)
    Sec. 10.  The amount of $51,042,000  $44,042,000,  or  so
much  thereof  as  may be necessary, is appropriated from the
General Revenue Fund to the Teachers'  Retirement  System  of
the  State of Illinois for transfer into the Teachers' Health
Insurance Security  Fund  as  the  State's  Contribution  for
teachers' health benefits.

    Section  9.   "AN  ACT making appropriations," Public Act
92-8, approved June  11,  2001,  is  amended  by  adding  new
Section 21 to Article 32 as follows:

    (P.A. 92-8, Art.  32, new Sec. 21)
    Sec.  21.  The sum of $340,000, or so much thereof as may
be necessary, is appropriated from the General  Revenue  Fund
to   the   Department   of   Agriculture  for  a  biosecurity
laboratory,  carcass  disposal,  tanks,   and   other   costs
associated with homeland security.

    Section  10.   "AN ACT making appropriations," Public Act
92-8, approved June  11,  2001,  is  amended  by  adding  new
Section 301 to Article 35 as follows:

    (P.A. 92-8, Art. 35, new Sec. 301)
    Sec.  301.  The  sum of $5,000,000, or so much thereof as
may be  necessary,  is  appropriated  to  the  Department  of
Commerce  and  Community  Affairs  from the Tourism Promotion
Fund for grants pursuant to Section 605-710 of the Department
of  Commerce  and  Community  Affairs  Law   of   the   Civil
Administrative Code of Illinois.

    Section  11.   "AN ACT making appropriations," Public Act
92-8, approved June  11,  2001,  is  amended  by  adding  new
Sections 14, 15, 16 and 17 to Article 48 as follows:
    (P.A. 92-8, Art. 48, new Sec. 14)
    Sec. 14.  The amount of $1,000,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Department of Public Health for development of  a
consolidated laboratory information system.

    (P.A. 92-8, Art. 48, new Sec. 15)
    Sec. 15.  The amount of $2,850,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund  to  the  Department  of  Public  Health  for   expanded
laboratory  capacity  and  enhanced  statewide  communication
capabilities associated with homeland security.

    (P.A. 92-8, Art. 48, new Sec. 16)
    Sec.  16.   The  sum of $2,500,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to the Department of Public Health for costs associated
with creating a  Pharmaceutical  Cache  related  to  homeland
security purposes.

    (P.A. 92-8, Art. 48, new Sec. 17)
    Sec.  17.   The amount of $120,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to  the  Department  of  Public Health for the Illinois
Mobile Emergency Response  Team  for  costs  associated  with
homeland security.

    Section  12.   "AN ACT making appropriations," Public Act
92-8, approved June  11,  2001,  is  amended  by  adding  new
Sections 8 and 9 to Article 75 as follows:

    (P.A. 92-8, Art. 75, new Sec. 8)
    Sec.  8.   The  amount of $370,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund   to   the  Illinois  Emergency  Management  Agency  for
additional equipment for the State Interagency Response  Team
for costs associated with homeland security.

    (P.A. 92-8, Art. 75, new Sec. 9)
    Sec.  9.  The amount of $7,000,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund   to   the  Illinois  Emergency  Management  Agency  for
providing services and for  costs  associated  with  Homeland
Security  and  for  grants to the Department of State Police,
the Department of Military Affairs, the Office of  the  State
Fire Marshal and other state agencies for such purposes.

    Section  13.   "AN ACT making appropriations," Public Act
92-8, approved June  11,  2001,  is  amended  by  adding  new
Sections 13 and 14 to Article 89 as follows:

    (P.A. 92-8, Art. 89, new Sec. 13)
    Sec.  13.   The amount of $700,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to  the  Office  of  the State Fire Marshal for radios,
computers,  generators,  and  other  costs  associated   with
homeland security.

    (P.A. 92-8, Art. 89, new Sec. 14)
    Sec.  14.   The amount of $2,000,000,  or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Office of the State Fire Marshal for Fire Service
Institute training costs associated with homeland security.

    Section 14.  "AN ACT making appropriations,"  Public  Act
92-8,  approved June 11, 2001, is amended by changing Section
35 of Article 1 as follows:
    (P.A. 92-8, Art. 1, Sec. 35)
    Sec. 35.  The following amounts,  or  so  much  of  those
amounts  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
from the General Revenue Fund to the State Board of Education
for the objects and purposes named:
For all costs associated with Regional
    Offices of Education, including, but  not limited to:
    ROE School Bus Driver Training, ROE School
    Services, and ROE Supervisory Expense.......  $12,512,000
For operational costs
    and grants for Mathematics Statewide........   $1,000,000
For costs associated with the
    Reading Improvement Statewide Program.......   $4,000,000
For all costs, including prior year claims,
    associated with Special Education lawsuits,
    including Corey H...........................   $1,000,000
For grants for
    career awareness and development
    programs, including, but not limited to:
    Career Awareness & Development,
    Jobs for Illinois Graduates, and
    Illinois Governmental Internship Program....   $7,247,700
For operational costs and grants
    for Family Literacy.........................   $1,000,000
For all costs associated with teacher education programs,
    including, but not limited to:  National Board
    Certification, Teacher of the Year, and
    Teacher Framework Implementation............   $1,740,000
For costs associated with regional
    and local Optional Education Programs for
    dropouts, those at risk of dropping out, and Alternative
    Education Programs for chronic truants......  $19,660,000
For costs associated with the Metro East Consortium for
    Child Advocacy..............................     $250,000
For all costs associated with
    Professional Development Statewide..........   $2,000,000
For costs associated with funding Vocational Education
    Staff Development...........................   $1,299,800
For costs associated with the Certificate Renewal
    Administrative Payment Program..............   $1,000,000
For operational costs and grants associated with
    the Summer Bridges Program to assist
    school districts that had one or more schools
    with a significant percentage of third
    and sixth grade students in the "does not meet" category
    on the 1998 State reading scores
    to achieve standards in reading.............  $26,000,000
For costs associated with the
    Parental Involvement Campaign Program.......   $1,500,000
For all costs associated with standards,
    assessment, and accountability programs,
    including, but not limited to:
    Arts Planning K-6, Assessment Programs,
    Learning Improvement and Quality Assurance
    and Learning Standards......................  $31,309,700
For operational costs associated with
    administering the Reading
    Improvement Block Grant.....................     $389,500
For costs associated with the transition
    of minority students
    to college and teaching careers.............     $600,000
For funding the Golden Apple Scholars Program...   $2,554,300
For all costs associated with
    career and technical education programs.....  $53,874,500
For all costs associated with
    student at-risk programs,
    including, but not limited to:
    Hispanic Student Dropout Prevention Programs,
    Project Impact, Illinois Partnership Academy, and Urban
    Education Partnership Programs..............   $2,649,600
For operational costs and grants associated with
    Scientific Literacy, Mathematics, and
    the Center on Scientific Literacy...........   $8,583,000
For operational costs and grants
    associated with the Substance
    Abuse and Violence Prevention Programs......   $2,750,000
For operational expenses of administering the
    Early Childhood Block Grant.................     $685,600
For operational costs and reimbursement to a parent
    or guardian under the transportation provisions
    of Section 29-5.2 of the School Code........  $15,120,000
For funding the Teachers'
    Academy for Math and Science................   $7,001,900
For operational costs of the Residential Services
    Authority for Behavior Disorders and Severely
    Emotionally Disturbed
    Children and Adolescents....................     $500,000
For all costs associated with administering Alternative
    Education Programs for disruptive students pursuant to
    Article 13A of the School Code..............  $17,852,000
For operational costs and grants for
    Alternative Learning Opportunities Program..   $1,000,000
For operational costs and grants
    for schools associated with the
    Academic Early Warning List
    and other at-risk schools...................   $4,350,000
For all costs associated with ISBE regional services,
    including, but not limited to:
    ROE Audits, ISBE Services as ROE, ROE Technology,
    GED Testing, Administrators Academy, and the
    Leadership Development Institute............   $3,444,300
For costs associated with the Association of Illinois
    Middle-Level Schools Program................     $100,000
For funding the Illinois State
    Board of Education Technology Program.......     $256,300
For all costs associated with providing
    the loan of textbooks to students under
    Section 18-17 of
    the School Code...............  $30,192,100   $21,641,900
For Payment to the Early Intervention
    Revolving Fund for costs associated with
    Early Intervention Program at the Department
    of Human Services.  Payments shall be made
    in 12 equal amounts on or about the 15th
    of each month...............................  $71,480,000
For grants associated with the
    Illinois Economic Education program.........     $150,000
Total, this Section............................. $283,125,100

    Section  99.  Effective  date.   This  Act  takes  effect
immediately upon becoming law.
    Passed in the General Assembly November 29, 2001.
    Approved December 19, 2001.

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