Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Labor (S) 4/26/2017 10:30 AM |
Jason Keller | IL AFL-CIO | Labor |
Joanna Webb-Gauvin | AFSCME Council 31 | AFSCME Council 31 |
Hearing Date and Time: Labor (S) 3/29/2017 10:30 AM |
Aisha Noble | SELF | North Side Action & Resistance |
Alessandra Stevens | Mujeres Latinas en Accion | Mujeres Latinas en Accion |
Anna Ha | Self | Self |
Anna Ha | Self | Self |
Anthony Garcia | UAW | UAW |
Ariel Thomas | self | self |
Bernadette Dvorscak | Retired | Self |
Beth Berendsen | Illinois Choice Action Team | Illinois Choice Action Team |
Bridget Early | Chicago Federation of Labor | Chicago Federation o f Labor |
Carole Levine | Levine Partners | Self |
Caroline Reid | Self | Self |
Carollina Song | NA | self |
Carollina Song | NA | self |
Carrie Boyd | Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence | Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence |
Cathy Foster | self | self |
Cristina Pacione-Zayas | Erikson Institute | Erikson Institute |
Dave Comerford | Illinois Federation of Teachers | Illinois Federation of Teachers |
David Bietila | self | self |
Debby Spertus | Spertus Studios | Self |
Deloris Manny | self | self |
Donna Fishman | National Council of Jewish Women IL State Policy Advocacy Network | 2000 members and supporters of the National Council of Jewish Women in Illinois |
Dr Kirk E Harris | Fathers, Families and Healthy Communities | Fathers, Families and Healthy Communities |
Eric Halvorson | Chicago Jobs Council | Chicago Jobs Council |
Erin Kirk | Self | None |
Gerri Rode | Self | Self |
Janice E Rodgers | Self | Self |
Jason Keller | IL AFL-CIO | Labor |
Jennie Pinkwater | Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics | Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics |
Joan Zahnle | National Council of Jewish Women | NCJW |
Joanna Webb-Gauvin | AFSCME Council 31 | AFSCME Council 31 |
Josephine Longo | None | Self |
Karen Barron | Self | National Council of Jewish Women |
Keelie Fallon | self | self |
Keith Southam | self | none |
Khadine Bennett | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
Kimberly Drew | Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights | Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights |
Linda Lunt | Action for a Better Tomorrow Elmhurst | Action for a Better Tomorrow Elmhurst |
Lindsay Morrison | self | self |
Louis Bernstein | Self | Self |
Margaret Redlich | CounselEAR, LLC | Self |
Mary Shapiro | Accurate Process Consulting | Mary Shapiro |
Maryellen Schwartz | Taxpayer | Taxpayer |
Maureen Hickey | Self | Self |
Maureen Keane | Self | Indivisible |
Melissa Banerjee | Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation | Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation |
Melissa Josephs | Women Employed | Women Employed |
Nadeen Israel | EverThrive Illinois | EverThrive Illinois |
nancy shier | retired | Myself |
Nathan La Porte | Self | Self |
Polly Poskin | Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault | Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault |
Ram Villivalam | SEIU Healthcare Illinois | SEIU Healthcare Illinois |
Rianne Hawkins | Planned Parenthood of Illinois | Planned Parenthood of Illinois |
Rose Mary Meyer | Project IRENE | Project IRENE |
Samantha Lee | Hopewell Brewing Company | Samantha Lee |
Sarah Layden | Rape Victim Advocates | Rape Victim Advocates |
Susan Bramlet Lavin | Illinois National Organization for Women | Illinois National Organization for Women |
Todd Rapp | None | Self |
Trevor Clatfelter | International Brotherhood of Teamsters | International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 916 |
Wendy Pollack | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law |
Wesley Epplin | Health & Medicine Policy Research Group | Health & Medicine Policy Research Group |
William Potts Jr | SEIU Local 73 | SEIU Local 73 |
Zach Koutsky | Local 881 UFCW | Local 881 United Food and Commercial Workers |
Zach Zarnow | Self | Self |
Hearing Date and Time: Labor (S) 3/15/2017 10:30 AM |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Amanda Hasseltine | self | none |
Andrea Craft | self | self |
Anjum Siddiqui | none | self |
Aviva Futorian | Project I-11 | Project I-11 |
Barbara Stranger | Self | Self |
Becky Marshall | Self | Self |
Brecken Cutler | none | Indivisible La Grange La Grange Park |
Brigid Leahy | Planned Parenthood of Illinois | Planned Parenthood of Illinois |
Caitlin Groh | Illinois Attorney General's Office | Illinois Attorney General's Office |
Carol Mancini | NA | Self |
Carrie Boyd | Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence | Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence |
Cristina Pacione-Zayas | Erikson Institute | Erikson Institute |
David Zehner | Clarity Partners | None |
Debby Brauer | self | self |
Diane Herrmann | self | self |
Dr Kirk E Harris | Fathers, Families and Healthy Communities | Fathers, Families and Healthy Communities |
Elizabeth Lehman | Self | Self |
Eric Danley | Self | Self |
Erin Sowers | self | self |
fanny moy | home | self |
Hal Snyder | NA | Myself |
Isabelle Badillo | USACS | Self |
James Povijua | Self | Self |
Jamie Winchell | self | self |
Janice E Rodgers | Self | NA |
Jennifer LaDuke | Self | Self |
Jennifer Wester | Self | self |
Jessica Meister | Self | Self |
Jessica Royer Ocken | self | self |
Joanna Webb-Gauvin | AFSCME Council 31 | AFSCME Council 31 |
Julie Root | self | self |
Kathleen Lerner | Ms. | self |
Khadine Bennett | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
Kim Cavill | NA | self |
Kimberly Drew | Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights | Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights |
Kimberly Stephen | None | Self |
Laura Sakiyama | NA | Self |
Linda Chandler | None | Self |
Lindsey Croasdale | Self | Self |
Lisa Goranson | Private citizen | Private citizen. |
Lynn Robertson | NA | NA |
Maggie Needham | None | Self |
Margaret Fulkerson | self | elf |
Margaret Redlich | CounselEAR, LLC | Self |
Marie Jones | none | none |
Mary Jane Shroyer | None | Self |
Maryellen Schwartz | Self | None |
Meaghan Fritz | None | Self |
Megan Grandstaff | Self | Self |
Melissa Chen | self | self |
Melissa Josephs | Women Employed | Women Employed |
Melissa Stoeger | Self | None |
Meredith Payne | Self | Self |
Michele Haptonstahl | Self | Self |
Michelle Roskens | Self | Self |
Miguel Bautista | Citizen | Citizen |
Monica Velez | None | Self |
Nadeen Israel | EverThrive Illinois | EverThrive Illinois |
Nancy Soren | none | myself |
Nathan La Porte | Self | Self |
Patricia Fragen | Self | Self |
Peter Kaplan | -- | self |
Polly Poskin | Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault | Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault |
Ram Villivalam | SEIU Healthcare Illinois | More than 90,000 Home Care Providers, Child Care Providers, Nursing Home Workers, and Health Systems Workers |
Rasa Gierstikas | Self | Self |
Rasa Gierstikas | Self | Self |
Rose Mary Meyer | Project IRENE | Project IRENE |
Ruth Olech | Private | Individual |
Sandra Simonis | none | self |
Sara Strother | Self | Self |
Sarah Layden | Rape Victim Advocates | Rape Victim Advocates |
Shailushi Ritchie | Self | Self |
Shalini Chadha | NA | Myself |
Sharon E Wolfson | self | self |
Siobhan Moffitt | none | self |
Susan Bramlet Lavin | Illinois National Organization for Women | Illinois National Organization for Women |
Susan Singer | none | none |
Susan Walker | Self | Self |
Todd Rapp | None | Self |
Valerie Shull | self | self |
Wendy Pollack | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law |
Wesley Epplin | Health & Medicine Policy Research Group | Health & Medicine Policy Research Group |
William Potts Jr | SEIU Local 73 | SEIU Local 73 |
Zach Zarnow | Self | Self |
Hearing Date and Time: Labor (S) 3/8/2017 3:00 PM |
Anne Sills | Self | Self |
Anya Tanyavutti | Self | Self |
Barbara Sittler | Self | Self |
Brigid Leahy | Planned Parenthood of Illinois | Planned Parenthood of Illinois |
Carla Frisch | Self | Self |
Carol Friedman | Self | Self |
Carrie Boyd | Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence | Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence |
Cecilia Ackmann | Self | Self |
Crystal Bell | Self | Self |
Dave Lowitzki | Lowitzki Consulting, LLC | SEIU Healthcare IL IN |
Debra Shore | Self | Self |
Dubin Terri | Self | Self |
Gina Speckman | Self | Self |
Jennie Pinkwater | Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics | Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics |
Joanna Webb-Gauvin | AFSCME Council 31 | AFSCME Council 31 |
Joanne Zolomij | Self | Self |
Joyce bartz | Self | Self |
Judith Cottle | self | self |
Julia Cottle | Self | Self |
Karli Butler | Self | Karli Butler |
Lilah R Handler | Self | Self |
Malik Turley | Hip Circle Studio, Inc. | Hip Circle Studio, Inc |
Margaret Redlich | CounselEAR, LLC | Self |
Marge Gambow | Self | Self |
Megan Grandstaff | Self | Self |
Megan Grandstaff | Self | Self |
Nadeen Israel | EverThrive Illinois | EverThrive Illinois |
Niki moe horrell | self | Selfbrimshot |
Polly Poskin | Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault | Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault |
Susan Bramlet Lavin | Illinois National Organization for Women | Illinois National Organization for Women |
Susan trieschmann | Individual | Self |
Susanne Loellbach | Self | Self |
Wendy Pollack | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law |
William Potts Jr | SEIU Local 73 | SEIU Local 73 |
Hearing Date and Time: Labor (S) 3/1/2017 10:30 AM |
Victoria Carlee | Retired | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Adriana Gabriel | None | Self |
Alessandra Stevens | Mujeres Latinas en Accion | Mujeres Latinas en Accion |
Alexandra Pedersen | Self | SelfPOPULAIRE |
Allison Van Dyke | Self | Self |
Allyson Behm | Self | Self |
Ame Kaplan | Self | Self |
Amy Melnick | Self | Self |
Amy Zimmerman | Legal Council for Health Justice | Legal Council for Health Justice |
Amy Zimmerman | Legal Council for Health Justice | Legal Council for Health Justice |
Andrea Malitz | Self | Self |
Andrew Daglas | Self | Self |
Anne Downes | Ms. | self |
Annie Williams | NONE | NONE |
Ariel Thomas | Metropolitan Chicago Breast Cancer Task Force | Metropolitan Chicago Breast Cancer Task Force |
Ashley Meunier | Self | Self |
Becky Marshall | Self | Self |
Beth Berendsen | Illinois Choice Action Team | Illinois Choice Action Team |
Betty Virginia Holcomb | Holcomb Consulting | Betty Virginia Holcomb |
Brigid Leahy | Planned Parenthood of Illinois | Planned Parenthood of Illinois |
carol byrne | none | self |
Carol Mancini | NA | Self |
Carole Levine | Levine Partners, LLP | self |
Carolyn Lopez | Representing self | Self |
Carolyn Sharkey | NA | Self |
Carolyn Sharkey | NA | Self |
Carrie Boyd | Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence | Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence |
Carrie Felix | NA | self |
Charity Haines | Self | self |
Colleen Gillis | self | self |
Corrbette Pasko | Corrbette Pasko, Inc. | Concerned Citizens and Employee |
courtney ashenbrenner | none | self |
Cristina Pacione-Zayas | Erikson Institute | Erikson Institute |
Crystal Bell | Self | Self |
Dave Lowitzki | Lowitzki Consulting, LLC | SEIU Healthcare IL IN |
Dawn Goulet | none | myself |
Deanna Doohaluk | Self | self |
Deborah Kadin | National Council of Jewish Women | National Council of Jewish Women |
Dennis Barker | On Behalf of Self | Self |
Donna Fishman | National Council of Jewish Women IL State Policy Advocacy Network | 2000 members and supporters of the National Council of Jewish Women in Illinois |
Elizabeth Gonzalez | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Kline | self | self |
Elizabeth Rooney | none | none |
Emily craven | None | Self |
Emily Graber | None | Self |
Emily Werth | Self | Self |
Erin Benincasa | None | Self |
Erin Kissick | Dr. | Myself |
Erin R Updegraff | Self | Self |
Erin Sowers | self | self |
Gabrielle Lyon | self | self |
Heather Colburn | none | Self |
Heather Resnick | common sense common ground | self |
Hedy M Ratner | Self | Self |
Herbert Brenner | Self | Self |
Holly Barnes | self | self |
Holly Vanzant | Self | Self |
Iris saavedra | Self | None |
Iris Schrey | retired. | none |
Jan Szostek | Retired | Evanston resident |
Jenna Leving Jacobson | self | self |
Jennifer Hartsig | None | Self |
Jennifer LaDuke | Self | Self |
Jennifer Linton | self | self |
Jessica Boland | Esperanza Health Centers | Self |
Jessica Van Aalst | Self | Self |
Joan Reed | NA | NA |
Joan Zahnle | Self | Self |
Joanna Webb-Gauvin | AFSCME Council 31 | AFSCME Council 31 |
Jodi Lacy | None | None |
Joy Backman | John Irving DDS | Self |
Judy Feinberg | Owner | self |
Julia Dunn | Northwestern University | self |
Katherine Burton | Self | Self |
Katherine Marek | Self | Self |
Katherine Wier | Self | Self |
Kathleen Maher Lipinski | None | Self |
Kathy Johnson | self | self |
Kathy Lombardino | None | Self |
Kazuko Suzuki | none | self |
Kelly Benkert | NA | Self |
Kelly Leffler | none | none |
Kelly S Lakas | self | self |
Khadine Bennett | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
Kimberly Drew | Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights | Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights |
Kimberly Fraher | self | self |
Kirsten Anderson | NA | SELF |
Larinda Di Gioia | self | self |
Laura Kratz | Self | Self |
Laura Sakiyama | NA | Self |
Lauren m Ross | Self | SELF |
Lee DeLong | self | None |
Lesley Grill | Common Threads | self |
Lindsay Morrison | self | self |
Lindsay Olson | Does not apply | Women Moving Forward |
Lindsey Butler | Filling out on behalf of self | Filling out on behalf of self |
Lindsey Croasdale | Self | Self |
Lisa Havey | NA | Myself |
Lisa May Simpson | Self | Self |
Lorena Neal | none | self |
Lori Hendren | AARP | AARP |
Louis Bernstein | Self | Self |
Louis Larsson | Self | Self |
Lynn Hamsen | Life Recovery Services, Ltd | Self |
Margaret Huyck | Self | SELF |
Marie Angelique Cabiya | Self | Self |
Marion Nowak | self | self |
Marsha Belcher | sb 1296 | Marsha Belcher |
Mary Conway | Self | registered voter |
Mary Ellen Guest | self | self |
Mary Ellen Jones | self | Self |
Mary Patricia Byrne Pash | None | Self |
Megan Grandstaff | Self | Self |
Megan Lindsey | Self | Self |
Melanie Sivley | Self | Self |
Melissa Josephs | Women Employed | Women Employed |
Melissa Paraf | representing self | representing self |
Meredith George | None | None |
Morgen Alexander-Young | None | None |
Musette Michael | Musette Michael | myself |
Nadeen Israel | EverThrive Illinois | EverThrive Illinois |
Nancy A Matthews | self | self |
Nancy Soren | none | myself |
Nancy Syburg | NONE | self |
Pam Edelmann Sall | self | self |
Pamela sourelis | NONE | Self |
Patricia Browne | Self | none |
Patricia F Turner | Home Team Marketing | Self |
Patricia Vile | Self | Self |
Paul Zakrzewski | Self | Self |
Rachel Weaver | The Book Table | Self |
Rae Brown | Mrs. | SELF |
Rebecca Mueller | self | self |
rhoda bernstein | none | none |
Richard Basofin | Self | Self |
Robin Dusek | Me | self |
Rose Mary Meyer | ProjectI IRENE | Project IRENE |
Ruth Fink-Winter | self | Self |
Ruth Olech | Self | Self |
Ryan Burgess | Individual | Myself |
Sandra Burke | Self | Self |
Sara Horan | na | self |
Sarah Coleman | None | Self |
Sessy Nyman | Illinois Action for Children | Illinois Action for Children |
Shama Patel | none | none |
Steve Krasinsky | Self | Self |
Susan Bramlet Lavin | Illinois National Organization For Women | Illinois NOW |
Susan Tyksinski | self | self |
Tammy Leanne Green | Self | Self |
Teresa Wisner | Self | Self |
Teri Gidwitz | Self | Self |
Theodora Rand | Woodstock Institute | Woodstock Institute |
Valerie Ihara | When sleeping women wake mountains move | When sleeping women wake mountains move |
Valerie Shull | self | self |
Wendy Pollack | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law |
Whitney Waters | none | self |
William McNary | Citizen Action Illinois | Citizen Action Illinois |
Zach Zarnow | Self | Self |