Illinois General Assembly - SB1360Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For SB1360  103rd General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: SB1360
Proponents: 75Opponents: 0No Position: 0
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Agriculture & Conservation (H) 4/25/2023 2:00 PM
Amy Bartucciselfself
Christina KrostFaith in Place Action Fundself
Cindy ShepherdFaith in PlaceSelf
Cynthia KannerPrairie State Conservation CoalitionPrairie State Conservation Coalition
Cynthia KannerPrairie State Conservation CoalitionPrairie State Conservation Coalition
Dan HuntshaSelfSelf
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Deborah HalpernLeague of Women Voters ChicagoLWV Chicago
Donald ViecelliClimate Reality Project Chicago Metro ChapterSelf
Eliot ClayIllinois Environmental CouncilIllinois Environmental Council
Emily Perone HallIllinois Farm BureauIllinois Farm Bureau
Genevieve KwanEnvironmental Law and Policy CenterEnvironmental Law and Policy Center
Ginnie Juddselfself
Jen Packheiserselfself
Jerry M HerstSelfSelf
Karen DaiterCllimate Reality Project- Chicago Metro Chapterself
Karen DaiterCllimate Reality Project- Chicago Metro Chapterself
Kathryn BalkNAself
Katie MaxwellSelfSelf
Kim StoneSelfSelf
Marilou GervacioCatholic Conference of IllinoisCatholic Conference of Illinois
Michelle LuuSelfSelf
Mrs Beverly GrahamLeague of women VotersLeague of Women Voters
Nicole KurekSelfSelf
Nicole Saulsberrysierra club IllinoisSierra Club, Illinois Chapter
Patricia IversonClimate Reality Chicago Metro ChapterSelf
Rachel Fredericksselfself
Shawn Stacey-ChoinardSelfSelf
Steve AnderssonNekritz, Amdor, Andersson GroupIllinois Public Health Institute
Hearing Date and Time: Agriculture & Conservation (H) 4/18/2023 3:00 PM
Amy Bartucciselfself
Brock IngmireMeridian Health Plan of IllinoisMeridian Health Plan of Illinois
Claudia JacksonChicago League of Women Voters, Coalition for Plastic ReductionSelf
Claudia JacksonChicago League of Women Voters, Coalition for Plastic ReductionSelf
Cynthia KannerPrairie State Conservation CoalitionPrairie State Conservation Coalition
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Donna L TwicklerSelfSelf
Eliot ClayIllinois Environmental CouncilIllinois Environmental Council
Emily Perone HallIllinois Farm BureauIllinois Farm Bureau
Jennifer Lintonselfself
Karen DaiterCllimate Reality Project- Chicago Metro Chapterself
Kim StoneSelfSelf
Marilou GervacioCatholic Conference of IllinoisCatholic Conference of Illinois
Michael LuebbersIllinois Freedom Civic Coalition-Illinois Freedom Allianceself
Miguel GutierrezNoneNone
Nicole Saulsberrysierra club IllinoisSierra Club Illinois
Nicole StackSelfSelf
Nina D NewhouserSelfSelf
Pamela TateThe Climate Reality Project Chicago Metro ChapterSelf
Patricia IversonClimate Reality Chicago Metro ChapterSelf
Rachel Fredericksselfself
Stephen CampbellLocal 881 UFCWLocal 881 UFCW
Susan CulbertsonStop stealing our freedomsStop corruption in Illinois
Thomas ColemanClimate Reality Chicago MetroClimate Reality Chicago Metro
William KoehlSelfSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Agriculture (S) 3/9/2023 8:30 AM
David KubikIL Soybean GrowersIL Soybean Growers
Deborah HalpernLeague of Women Voters ChicagoLWV Chicago
Eliot ClayIllinois Environmental CouncilIllinois Environmental Council
Jeffrey IsbellMeridian Health Plan of IllinoisMeridian Health Plan of Illinois
Karen DaiterCllimate Reality Project- Chicago Metro ChapterCllimate Reality Project- Chicago Metro Chapter
Marilou GervacioCatholic Conference of IllinoisCatholic Conference of Illinois
Nicole Denise SaulsberrySierra Club-IL ChapterSierra Club, Illinois Chapter
Renee PattenEdgewater Environmental CoalitionNA
William KoehlSelfSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Agriculture (S) 2/23/2023 8:30 AM
Cynthia Lintonselfself
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Deborah HalpernLeague of Women Voters ChicagoLWV Chicago
Jeffrey IsbellMeridian Health Plan of IllinoisMeridian Health Plan of Illinois
Julia UtsetSelfSelf
Margaret AliSelfSelf
Mary Groseselfself
Nicole Denise SaulsberrySierra Club-IL ChapterSierra Club, Illinois Chapter