Illinois General Assembly - SB1430Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For SB1430  103rd General Assembly

Senate Amendment 001
Bill Status

Legislation: SB1430
Proponents: 70Opponents: 6No Position: 0
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Local Government (S) 3/8/2023 3:30 PM
Austin HopkinsTownship Officials of Cook CountyTownship Officials of Cook County
Bonnie Kahn OgnisantiNiles TownshipNiles Township
Brian McGuireHanover TownshipHanover Township
Debbie StilwellCity of Bloomington TownshipCity of Bloomington Townshp
Debra YoungCentralia TownshipTownship
Gail Schnitzer EisenbergNew Trier Townshipself
Jennifer AraqueNiles TownshipNiles Township
Jennifer M CurtissCity of Bloomington TownshipCity of Bloomington Township
Jerry B CrabtreeTownship Officials of IllinoisTownship Officials of Illinois
Kathleen KendrickNiles Township GovernmentSelf
Kathleen KendrickNiles Township GovernmentSelf
Margaret L TollesonNiles TownshipSelf
Richard KrierNiles Township GovernmentNilesTownship
Robert BrookeNiles TownshipNiles Township & myself
Scott BealWest Township, Effingham CountyWest Township
Taylor AndersonAnderson Legislative ConsultingTownship Officials of Illinois
Tom KuttenbergMetropolitan Township AssociationMetropolitan Township Associaiton
William CatchingAurora TownshipAurora Township
Hearing Date and Time: Local Government (S) 2/22/2023 3:00 PM
Amanda BeanMount Vernon TownshipMount Vernon Towhship elected officials
Amy MatheySycamore TownshipTownships of Illinois
Amy VictorManlius Township of LaSalle CountyManlius Township of LaSalle County
April DugalOak Park TownshipOak Park Township
Arnold VegterUnion Grove TownshipHighway Commissioner
Austin HopkinsTownship Officials of Cook CountyTownship Officials of Cook County
Brian McGuireHanover TownshipHanover Township
Carla SloanRiver Forest TownshipTownship Officials of Illinois
Catherine DavisnoneKim & Catherine Davis
Christopher ValdiviesoSelfSelf
Chuck LayerBlackhawk Townshipnone
Cliff FryeLocust Township, Christian County, ILTOI, Locust Township
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Debi SavageDuPage TownshipDuPage Township Trustee
E Renee HillSelfSelf
Gary RoseIndividualMyself
Ivan ValdiviesoSelfSelf
James HendrixBOWDRE TOWNSHIPJames Hendrix
Jane NolanPalos TownshipPalos Township
Jasper St AngelRockford TownshipRockford Township
Jennifer M CurtissIllinois CitizenRegistered Voter
jerome BrownElm Grove TownshipTOI
Jerry B CrabtreeTownship Officials of IllinoisTownship Officials of Illinois
Jim BremnerWashington TownshipWashington Township Tazewell County
Jimmy CaporussoLeyden TownshipLeyden Township
Joanna M Vazquez-DrexlerLisle TownshipMyself
John H Gardner JrFrankfort TownshipFrankfort Township
Justin BagleyNew Salem Township Road DistrictNew Salem Township
Kevin BirdSelfSelf
Lisa L HodgeBlackberry TownshipTOI
Lisa RoseNoneNone
Margaret BridgewaterRockbridge TownshipResidents
Mary BohartAlton Township SupervisorAlton Township
Mary CampbellCarbondale TownshipCarbondale Township
Mary HessDeKalb TownshipDeKalb Township
Michelle JasmerNoneMyself
Michelle SpadavecchiaLisle TownshipMyself
Norman E DavisChampaign TownshipChampaign Township
Paula LindRockford TownshipRockford Township
Ralph KuhlBreese Township, Clinton CountyBreese Township, Clinton County
Randy RameyWayne TownshipWayne Township
Robert P HillSelfSelf
Rocco D BiscaglioLeyden TownshipLeyden Township
Scott BealWest Township, Effingham CountyMyself
SHERRILL KNORRReed TownshipSherrill Knorr
Sonja ValdiviesoSelfSelf
Susan J BrokawDorr TownshipDorr Township
Tom KuttenbergMetropolitan Township AssociationMetropolitan Township Associaiton
Vera WiltRiverside TownshipRiverside Township
Vicky CarlsonRockford TownshipRockford Township
william ingrumparis townshipparis township