Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (H) 3/8/2023 10:00 AM |
Alejandro Segura | NA | SELF |
Brent Hasert | Brent Hassert Consulting | Will County Forest Preserve |
Brent Hassert | Brent Hassert Consulting | Forest Preserve District of Will County |
Brian Walaszek | Self | Self |
BROOK MCDONALD | individual | self |
Brook McDonald | The Conservation Foundation | The Conservation Foundation |
Carole Martz | self | self |
Carolyn Bendel | Environmental Defenders of McHenry County | Environmental Defenders of McHenry County |
Carolyn Bendel | Environmental Defenders of McHenry County | Environmental Defenders of McHenry County |
Chris Benda | individual | |
Chris Viebach | Self | Self |
Christopher Brown | None | Self |
Christopher Kessler | Openlands | Openlands |
Dan Deneen | Private | |
Dan Garvy | Lisle Park District | Self |
Dan Lobbes | The Conservation Foundation | |
Dave Knutte | Self | |
David Lunardini | Self | Illinois Council of Trout Unlimited |
David M Carlson | Trout Unlimited Oak Brook Chapter | NA |
David McEllis | Environmental Law and Policy Center | Environmental Law and Policy Center |
David Schwartz | Self | Self |
Deanna Doohaluk | Self | Self |
Deborah Halpern | League of Women Voters Chicago | LWV Chicago |
Douglas Kaufman-Dickson | Self | |
Drew Kazenski | Backcountry Hunters & Anglers | Backcountry Hunters & Anglers |
Edward Kaczmarski | Engineering | |
Edward L Michael | Illinois Council Trout Unlimited | Illinois Council Trout Unlimited |
Eliot Clay | Illinois Environmental Council | Illinois Environmental Council |
Elizabeth Milz | Self | |
Eric Freyfogle | University of Illinois College of Law | Illinois Environmental Council and Prairie Rivers Network |
frank clifford | self | Person |
Frank Koehler | Potawatomi Paddlers Association, Inc. | Potawatomi Paddlers Association |
GREG R SPYREAS | Prairie State Conservation Coalition | |
harold ragland | Self | |
Heidi Thorp | Constituent | Self |
Hugh OHara | Will County Governmental League | Will County Governmental League |
James Tracy | | |
Jamie Viebach | Self | Self |
Jeffery Reinke | Gary Borger Chapter of Trout Unlimited | GBTU as mentioned above |
Jessica Mino | Self | Self |
Jill Johnson | The Conservation Foundation | |
Jim Johannsen | Self | Self |
Joanne Fessett | Illinois Audubon Society | Organization |
John Slack | Self | |
John Viebach | ZipGrade LLC | SELF |
JoLynn Doerr | self | self |
Joseph T Vitti | Illinois Council of Trout Unlimited | |
Katie Logsdon | Self | Self |
Kelly Schwerzler | MayFair | |
Kelsey Ranieri | PRT | Myself |
Keven Graham | TERRA Engineering | |
Kimberli Nelson | NA | Self |
Kris Most | Plainfield River Tubing | Plainfield River Tubing |
Kristen Nicole Kucharski | Not applicable | Self |
Kyla Muhammad | Self | Self |
Lisa Gilmore | self | |
Lisa Haderlein | The Land Conservancy of McHenry County | The Land Conservancy of McHenry County |
Lydia Brazeau | Garage Band Brewing | Plainfield River Tubing |
Mark Milz | Self | |
Mark Pawlowski | Winfield Park District | Winfield Park District |
Mary Mathews | self | self |
Matthew Grabowski | NA | Myself |
Michael D Lesiak | OBTU | Self |
Michael Grossman | Self | Self |
Mike Darm | self | self |
Nancy Schietzelt | Myself | myself |
Nicole Denise Saulsberry | Sierra Club-IL Chapter | Sierra Club, Illinois Chapter |
Nicole Denise Saulsberry | sierra club-IL Chapter | Sierra Club, Illinois Chapter |
Princess Harris | Faith in Place | |
Ralph Osuch | Self | |
Ralph Osuch | Self | Self |
Renae Frigo | Citizen | |
Renee Patten | Edgewater Environmental Coalition | NA |
Robert Rowe | Self | self |
Roger Finnell | NA | |
Sandy Kaczmarski | Sanderella Media | |
Sarah Breeden | None | Self |
Scott Most | self | |
Scott P Hays | Illinois Paddling Council | Members of the Illinois Paddling Council, Canoeists, kayakers and paddleboarders statewide. |
Shannon Fulton | Self | |
Shannon Millikin | Northwestern University | self |
Sonya Curry | Self | |
Teresa Viebach | At Last Treasures | |
Terrence Leonard | Self | Self |
Vincent Nylin | Gunner's Gear | Myself |
William Dwyer | Self | Self |
William Koehl | Self | Self |
William Nissen | Self | Self |
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (H) 3/1/2023 10:00 AM |
Christopher Kessler | Openlands | Openlands |
Drew Kazenski | Backcountry Hunters & Anglers | Backcountry Hunters & Anglers |
Eliot Clay | Illinois Environmental Council | Illinois Environmental Council |
Matthew Slade | Myself | Self |
Olivia Dorothy | American Rivers | American Rivers |