Illinois General Assembly - HB1568Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB1568  103rd General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: HB1568
Proponents: 93Opponents: 23No Position: 0
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (H) 3/8/2023 10:00 AM
Alejandro SeguraNASELF
Brent HasertBrent Hassert ConsultingWill County Forest Preserve
Brent HassertBrent Hassert ConsultingForest Preserve District of Will County
Brian WalaszekSelfSelf
BROOK MCDONALDindividualself
Brook McDonaldThe Conservation FoundationThe Conservation Foundation
Carole Martzselfself
Carolyn BendelEnvironmental Defenders of McHenry CountyEnvironmental Defenders of McHenry County
Carolyn BendelEnvironmental Defenders of McHenry CountyEnvironmental Defenders of McHenry County
Chris Bendaindividual
Chris ViebachSelfSelf
Christopher BrownNoneSelf
Christopher KesslerOpenlandsOpenlands
Dan DeneenPrivate
Dan GarvyLisle Park DistrictSelf
Dan LobbesThe Conservation Foundation
Dave KnutteSelf
David LunardiniSelfIllinois Council of Trout Unlimited
David M CarlsonTrout Unlimited Oak Brook ChapterNA
David McEllisEnvironmental Law and Policy CenterEnvironmental Law and Policy Center
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Deanna DoohalukSelfSelf
Deborah HalpernLeague of Women Voters ChicagoLWV Chicago
Douglas Kaufman-DicksonSelf
Drew KazenskiBackcountry Hunters & AnglersBackcountry Hunters & Anglers
Edward KaczmarskiEngineering
Edward L MichaelIllinois Council Trout UnlimitedIllinois Council Trout Unlimited
Eliot ClayIllinois Environmental CouncilIllinois Environmental Council
Elizabeth MilzSelf
Eric FreyfogleUniversity of Illinois College of LawIllinois Environmental Council and Prairie Rivers Network
frank cliffordselfPerson
Frank KoehlerPotawatomi Paddlers Association, Inc.Potawatomi Paddlers Association
GREG R SPYREASPrairie State Conservation Coalition
harold raglandSelf
Heidi ThorpConstituentSelf
Hugh OHaraWill County Governmental LeagueWill County Governmental League
Jamie ViebachSelfSelf
Jeffery ReinkeGary Borger Chapter of Trout UnlimitedGBTU as mentioned above
Jessica MinoSelfSelf
Jill JohnsonThe Conservation Foundation
Jim JohannsenSelfSelf
Joanne FessettIllinois Audubon SocietyOrganization
John SlackSelf
John ViebachZipGrade LLCSELF
JoLynn Doerrselfself
Joseph T VittiIllinois Council of Trout Unlimited
Katie LogsdonSelfSelf
Kelly SchwerzlerMayFair
Kelsey RanieriPRTMyself
Keven GrahamTERRA Engineering
Kimberli NelsonNASelf
Kris MostPlainfield River TubingPlainfield River Tubing
Kristen Nicole KucharskiNot applicableSelf
Kyla MuhammadSelfSelf
Lisa Gilmoreself
Lisa HaderleinThe Land Conservancy of McHenry CountyThe Land Conservancy of McHenry County
Lydia BrazeauGarage Band BrewingPlainfield River Tubing
Mark MilzSelf
Mark PawlowskiWinfield Park DistrictWinfield Park District
Mary Mathewsselfself
Matthew GrabowskiNAMyself
Michael D LesiakOBTUSelf
Michael GrossmanSelfSelf
Mike Darmselfself
Nancy SchietzeltMyselfmyself
Nicole Denise SaulsberrySierra Club-IL ChapterSierra Club, Illinois Chapter
Nicole Denise Saulsberrysierra club-IL ChapterSierra Club, Illinois Chapter
Princess HarrisFaith in Place
Ralph OsuchSelf
Ralph OsuchSelfSelf
Renae FrigoCitizen
Renee PattenEdgewater Environmental CoalitionNA
Robert RoweSelfself
Roger FinnellNA
Sandy KaczmarskiSanderella Media
Sarah BreedenNoneSelf
Scott Mostself
Scott P HaysIllinois Paddling CouncilMembers of the Illinois Paddling Council, Canoeists, kayakers and paddleboarders statewide.
Shannon FultonSelf
Shannon MillikinNorthwestern Universityself
Sonya CurrySelf
Teresa ViebachAt Last Treasures
Terrence LeonardSelfSelf
Vincent NylinGunner's GearMyself
William DwyerSelfSelf
William KoehlSelfSelf
William NissenSelfSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (H) 3/1/2023 10:00 AM
Christopher KesslerOpenlandsOpenlands
Drew KazenskiBackcountry Hunters & AnglersBackcountry Hunters & Anglers
Eliot ClayIllinois Environmental CouncilIllinois Environmental Council
Matthew SladeMyselfSelf
Olivia DorothyAmerican RiversAmerican Rivers