Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 4/28/2015 2:00 PM |
Amber Alberts | Rockford Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation, Inc. | |
Ann Gillian Dearmer | Cenacle Sisters | |
ann wylder | cenacle retreat & conference center | |
Anthony Lowery | Safer Foundation | Safer Foundation |
Atty Jennifer Cacciapaglia | Rockford Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation, Inc. | |
Barbara Gaul | Sisters of Charity, BVM | |
Barbara Nelson | Project Irene | Project Irene |
Beth Johnson | Cabrini Green Legal Aid | Cabrini Green Legal Aid |
Brandon Nemec | Cook County State's Attorney's Office | Cook County State's Attorney's Office |
Cathy OKeeffe | Braking Traffik | |
Char Rivette | Chicago Children's Advocacy Center | Chicago Children's Advocacy Center |
Dorothy Pagosa | 8th Day Center for Justice | |
Gail T Smith | CLAIM | Incarcerated mothers and their families |
Janell Wheeler | CGLA | Visible Voices Cabrini Green Legal Aid |
Jo Ann Raphael | DePaul College of Law Schiller DuCanto & Fleck Family Law Center | Schiller DuCanto & Fleck Family Law Center |
Joellen Sbrissa | Congregation of St. Joseph | |
Jonathan Holmes | Chicago Coalition for the Homeless | Chicago Coalition for the Homeless |
Kathleen A Doherty | Chicago Metropolitan Battered Women's Network | Chicago Metropolitan Battered Women's Network |
Kathleen Conway | Project IRENE | |
Kelly Griffith | IL Coalition Against Sexual Assault | IL Coalition Against Sexual Assault |
Kyle Hillman | National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
Laura DeVries | Rockford Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation, Inc. | |
Lindsey Hammond | Community Renewal Society | Community Renewal Society |
Lori Johnson | Rockford Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation, Inc. | |
Lynne Johnson | Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation | End Demand Illinois |
Mara Ruff | Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago | Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago |
Marcelline Koch | Dominican Sisters | |
Mary Ann Penner | Project Irene | |
Matt Jones | State's Attorneys | Legislative Director |
Patricia CrowleyOSB | Benedictine Sisters of Chicago | Benedictine Sisters of Chicago |
Rose Mary Meyer | Project IRENE | Project IRENE |
Sam Tuttle | Heartland Alliance for Human Needs and Human Rights | Heartland Alliance for Human Needs and Human Rights |
Steve Baker | Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender | Cook County Public Defender |
Steven Serikaku | None | |
Terry Gagliano | Rockford Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation, Inc. | |
Therese MacKenzie | Society of the Holy Child Jesus | |
Todd Johnson | Self | |
Virginia Jung | Benedictine Sisters of Chicago | |
Wendy Pollack | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law |
Hearing Date and Time: Criminal Law (S) 3/11/2015 9:00 AM |
Alysha Allsman | Not representing my employer | Self |
Adekunbi Adejumo | The John Marshall Law School | End Demand |
Beth Johnson | CGLA | Cabrini Green Legal Aid |
bill lewis | lewis construction | reclaim 13 |
Cathy OKeeffe | Braking Traffik | Braking Traffik |
Courtney DelGiudice | University of Michigan Law | Not appearing on behalf of an entity |
Danielle DeWitt | Motorola Solutions | Danielle DeWitt |
George Acosta | Acosta & Associates | personal appearance only |
Greta Berna | The John Marshall Law School | Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation |
Janell Wheeler | Visible Voices | Visible Voices at CGLA |
Jody Raphael | DePaul College of Law Schiller DuCanto & Fleck Family Law Center | Schiller DuCanto & Fleck Family Law Center |
Joel Rubin | National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
John Carroll | Cook County State's Attorney | Cook County State's Attorney |
Lindsey Hammond | Community Renewal Society | Community Renewal Society |
Lynne Johnson | Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation | End Demand Illinois |
Matt Jones | State's Attorneys | Legislative Director |
Nora Collins-Mandeville | Illinois Collaboration on Youth | Illinois Collaboration on Youth |
Patricia Crowley OSB | Benedictine Sisters of Chicago | Benedictine Sisters of Chicago |
Robyn Woods | 3513183 | Robyn Woods |
Rose Mary Meyer | Project IRENE | Project IRENE |
Roxana Malene | CAASE | CAASE |
Sam Tuttle | Heartland Alliance for Human Needs and Human Rights | Heartland Alliance for Human Needs and Human Rights |
Sean J Brennan | Northwestern University | Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation |
Timothy Monkman | Self | Tim Monkman |
Tricia L Partlow | Self | Tricia Partlow |
Wendy Pollack | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty La |