Illinois General Assembly - SB2026Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For SB2026  103rd General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: SB2026
Proponents: 3443Opponents: 4No Position: 11
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Approp- Health and Human (S) 4/26/2023 5:30 PM
Carol SveinssonSt. Coletta of Wi.St. Coletta of Wi Parent
Brianne WellenCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Charlotte BlairStreator UnlimitedStreator Unlimited
Dedra PetersCommunity Link Inc.I care for people with disabilities
fay A huegelmannCommunity Support Services, Inc.IStaff at a provide agency. I support the institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Robert K MyersMisericordiaMisericordia
A Fernando FreireNoneA Fernando Freire
Aage ChristensenSelfSelf
Aage ChristensenSelfSelf
Abbey BuezaTrinity ServicesProfessional who supports individuals with intellectual disabilities; in support of They Deserve More
Abby SchadeFutures Unlimited Incstaff at a provider agency and I support They Deserve More
Abigail GleasonCommunity Living Optionso Residential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Abygail FranklinRAMP Center for independent Livingindividual with a disability, staff at a provider agency, support individuals with disabilities
Adam C TomasikNAMisericordia
Adam CasarioDSCstaff at a provider agency
Adam HillUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoSupporter of They Deserve More
Adam KolackiSelfParent of disabled child
Adam MancusoSpencer StuartStaff at Good Shepard Manor where my brother Eric Mancuso lives
Adam SchulzMarklundstaff at a provider agency
Addiah BuckhoySearch Inc.Search Inc.
Adeana FoxFutures UnlimitedStaff
Adela ReyesRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Adia HulonGlenkirkI am a staff at a provider agency
Adrian GonzalezUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff at a provider agency
Adrian Townsenducp Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP SEGUIN OF GREATER CHICAGO
Adriann EvansCommunity Support SystemsStaff
Adrienne AustinAlvin Eades Center, Inc.Alvin Eades Center, Inc.
Adrienne EastSearch Inc.Search Inc.
Adrienne EastSearch Inc.Search Inc.
Adrienne WarkinsMisericordiaMisericordia
Agnes CiamettiCornerstone ServicesStaff at Cornerstone Services
Agnes WardaAvenues to independencePeople with disabilities and those who support them
aimee echevarriaHope with Me, LLCThey Deserve More
Aimee GoodmanCornerstone Services Incstaff at provider agency
Aimee PfisterParentAimee Pfister
Aisha ParkerbusinessTrinity Service ; They deserve more
AJ ZwettlerDSCStaff at a provider agency
Alan AdamsNoneVoter
Alan GoldbergParent of an Adult Individual with a developmental disabilityParent of an Adult Individual with a developmental disability
Alan GrossmanMisericordiaMisericordia
Alan HarafSertoma CentreFamily member of individual with disabilites
Alan ShermanMisericordiaMisericordia
Alan TaylorRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association, advocate
Alana HuntThey Deserve More CoalitionLane Waters (disabled individual), They Deserve More Coalition
Alaya MatskoFAYCO EnterprisesFAYCO Enterprise
Alberta ReedUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff at a provider agency that support They Deserve More.
Alec S McGowanTrinity ServicesTrinity Services
Alejandro PadillaMisericordiaMisericordia
Alex DracastleCommunity Living OptionsResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Alex K BurnettOpendoor rehabilitation centerStaff at a provider agency
Alexander PiliaSearch IncThey deserve more.
alexandra ferrisResCareCommunity Alternatives of Illinois
alexisMosaicstaff at pontiac agency
Alexis BlackwellCommunity Support SystemsStaff at a provider agency
Alexis BlackwellCommunity Support SystemsStaff at a provider agency
Alexis DruseTrinity Services, Inc.staff at a provider agency whom supports They Deserve More;
Alexis HaaseTrinity Services Incstaff, support they deserve more
Alexis N SnowResidential DevelopersStaff at a provider agency
Alexus GravesCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Alexxa StiefelSelf EmployedFriend of disabled person living at Riverside Foundation. In favor of They Deserve More
Aley ManiUCP SeguinStaff at a provider agency
Alice EysenbachMisericordiaParents
Alice Palach-SperaSpera familyParent of adult child with a disability
Alice Roth-DeanRoth-Dean FamilyLegal Guardian
Alice SheaMisericordiaMisericordia
Alicia SalesTrinity ServicesThey Deserve More and staff of a provider agency
Alicia ChurchmanBeverly Farm FoundationStaff at provider agency
Alicia LasleyMosaicStaff
Alicia MartinDSCStaff at provider agency
Alicia McCabeMosaicStaff at a provider agnecy
Alicia NelsonOpen Door Rehab CenterStaff at Open Door Rehab Center
Alicia VillagomezPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Alicia ZieglerKaskaskia Workshop Inc.Staff at provider agency
Alison HintonBellefontaine PlaceResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Alix WilliamsCornerstone ServicesCornerstone Services
Aliza BaronSelfSelf
Allan I BergmanParentmy family
Allen WagnerSelfself
Allison BrownOpportunity House incStaff at Provider Agency
Allison ShortAssociation for Individual DevelopmentAssociation for Individual Development
Allyson R FeltenzKreider ServicesStaff at Kreider Services Dixon, Illinois.
Alma FunchesAvenues to IndependenceAvenues to Independence
Alma WatsonCommunity Support ServicesDSP
Althea GrudemSelfParent Advocate
Alvida T BaukusThey Deserve MoreGuardian for person with disabilities, I support They Deserve More
Alyson F KnightMarklundMarklund staff
Alyssa HansonTrinity ServicesStaff at provider
Alyssa JohnsonWalsh TerraceResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Alyssa MariasyCTF IllinoisAssistant Regional Network Director for CTF Illinois
Amanda BenezeBeverly Farm FoundationBeverly Farm Foundation
Amanda BodaCommunity living options, inc.Residential programs for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities
Amanda BulgrinSearch IncStaff at Provider Agency
Amanda CarrollKreider Services, Inc.staff at Kreider Services and I support They Deserve More
Amanda ChasteenHorizon House of Illinois ValleyStaff at a provider agency
Amanda ClarkWorksource EnterprisesStaff
Amanda DeMentAgencyDSP at an agency
Amanda ElmoreCommunity Support Systemspeople with disbilities
Amanda J RolihTrinity ServicesStaff. I support They Deserve More
Amanda J RolihTrinity ServicesStaff. I support They Deserve More
Amanda KahlerOur Directions, Inc.Staff at Provider Agency
Amanda KahlerOur Directions, Inc.Staff at Provider Agency
Amanda KendrickTrinity Services, INCStaff at an agency and I support They Deserve More
Amanda McKittrickUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoFamily member supporting They Deserve More
Amanda MorrisonStreator UnlimitedStreator Unlimited
Amanda NordmeyerMarklund Day SchoolStaff at a provider agency
Amanda PieperTrinity ServicesPersons with Mental Illness
Amanda RuffCommunity Living Optionso Residential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Amanda SchroederMilestone, Inc.Staff member that supports The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
AmberKaskaskia Workshop Incstaff member at a provider agency
Amber BoldtCommunity Living Options, Inc.Residential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Amber ChestnutSelfStaff at a provider agency
Amber GrzedaUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff from UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago and I support They Deserve More
Amber GrzedaUCP Seguin of greater ChicagoStaff from UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago and I support They Deserve More
Amber GrzedaUCP Seguin of Greater Chicagostaff at UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago and I support They Deserve More
AMBER HODGERescare community alternativesStaff at a provider agency
Amber L ParkinsMarklund hyde centerPSP's
Amber LoweEncore Developmental ServicesQIDP
Amber MastenAchievement UnlimitedAmber Masten
amber rossgoldie flobergdsp
Amber VignieriIndividual, They Deserve More CoalitionFamily member of an individual with a disability; They Deserve More Coalition
Ami FosterCTF IllinoisStaff at provider agency
Amie HoffmanTrinity Services IncStaff at provider agency
Amie LulinskiThe Arc of IllinoisThe Arc of Illinois
Amy ArnoldKCCDDstaff
Amy B VossSelfSelf
Amy BernahlFAYCO Enterprises, IncStaff member at FAYCO Enterprises, Inc
Amy BliefnickMacon Resources IncInstitute for Public Policy
Amy CahnOpen DoorOpen Door
Amy CarboneMisericordiaMisericordia
AMY ClarkAIDMother of Brandon Clark
AMY ClarkAIDMother of Brandon Clark
Amy CordsTrinity Services, Inc.staff at a provider agency and include that you support They Deserve More
Amy DavisIndividual Advocacy GroupSupport Staff
Amy GiacaloneUCP SeguinUCP Seguin
Amy HernandezindividualI am a parent
Amy HoganStreator UnlimitedStreator Unlimited
Amy JohnstonMisericordiaMisericordia
Amy L StinemanSouth Chicago Parents and FriendsSouth Chicago Parents and Friends
Amy LandrethAvenues to IndependenceAvenues to Independence and all persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Amy McGeeCommunity Support Systemssupport worker, advocate
Amy McGeeCommunity Support Systemssupport worker, advocate
Amy MillmanParentfamily of person with a disability
Amy MillsDevelopmental Services CenterStaff at a provider agency
Amy MorrisRAMPStaff at a provider agency
Amy NettlesCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Amy NewellThe Arc of Winnebago Boone and Ogle Countiesindividuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Amy PetersonEPICEPIC
Amy RobertsTrinity Services, IncStaff at a provider agency
Amy SwansonService, Inc. of IllinoisService, Inc. of Illinois
Amy VonderembseMisericordiastaff at agency
Amy WenzlAvenues To IndependenceDSPs at Avenues To Independence
Amy YoungbergTrinity Services,IncTrinity Services,Inc
Amy ZimmermanJewish United Fund - Jewish Federation of ChicagoJewish United Fund on behalf of our community-based partners that service individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Andre F LoganClearbrookClearbrook
Andrea BauersEmployee of NSSEOPrior Nurse to a Person of Disabilities; Current Building Nurse at a Therapeutic Day School for HighSchool and Transition level individuals with Disabilities
Andrea DiazGateway ServicesStaff at Gateway Services and I support They Deserve More
Andrea DurbinIllinois Collaboration on YouthIllinois Collaboration on Youth
ANDREA L KORTEKorte Architectureself
Andrea L TomasikMisericordiaMisericordia
Andrea Needlmanselfparent of individual with a disability that supports They Deserve More
Andrea PalmUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff at a provider agency and I support They Deserve More
Andrea R GriggCTF IllinoisBoard Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst
Andrea Ramirez-JustinSt Colettas of IllinoisThe Institute and public policy for people with disabilities
Andrea RosendahlOpen Door Rehabilitation CenterStaff at a provider
Andrea SiwikSelfEducator of a person with a disability
Andrea TortoraTurtledove CommunicationsEPIC
Andrea YargerUCPseguindisabled individuals support. Increasing funding to pay direct care workers a living wage
Andres GutierrezUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin Of Greater Chicago
Andrew CoxCox Movement & PilatesNon-disabled person in support of They Deserve More campaign.
Andrew D KistlerCommunity Support SystemsEmployee of a provider agency
Andrew DeeringNoneRay Graham Association advocate
Andrew ParkerNestiddNestidd
Angel LeeMRIStaff at a provider agency
Angel VangIl Mentor Community ServicesProvider Agency Staff
Angela AsuncionCommunity AlternativesSTAFF AT A PROVIDER AGENCY
Angela AtwellOpen Door Rehab CenterADSP
Angela BassiSearch IncI work for a agency that provides services to adults with developmental disabilities. I support They Deserve More.
Angela BrooksCCAR Industriesstaff at a provider agency
Angela HallsAnixterAnixter center and DHS, DOORS
Angela HunterBeardstown TerraceResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Angela IsitEnvision UnlimitedAgency staff supporting They Deserve More
Angela IsitEnvision UnlimitedMyself
Angela IsitNot ApplicableMyself
Angela kalasRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Angela KingCCAR IndustriesQIDP at CCAR Industries
angela kizerCenterstoneStaff at a provider agency
Angela M ReynoldsSearch Inc.Search Inc.
Angela MashburnMacon Resourcesmacon resources
Angela O'SabenTrinity ServicesTrinity Services
Angela PayneAnixterStaff
Angela ShieldsMacon ResourcesDSP at Macon Resources I support The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Angela TurnerMacon Resources Incstaff at provider agency
Angela WilhelmsGoldie Floberg CenterStaff at provider agency
Angela ZgoninaCommunity Link Inc.Family and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Angeli JohnsonGoldie flobergGoldie floberg
Angelia RobinsonCornerstone ServicesStaff at a provider agency
angelo sturinoThey Deserve Moreself
Angie RobisonCenterstonestaff
Angie ToenniesCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Anita CallahanRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Anita CohenRiverside FoundationParent
Anita J SeilerCommunity Support SystemsCommunity Support Systems
Anita M KranzClearbrookStaff at provider agency, Clearbrook West of Illinois.
Anjelica JordineMosaicStaff at a group home
annGarden Center Servicesstaff at a provider agency
Ann Blake ParsonsMisericordia HomeMisericordia
Ann HickeyMisericordiaMisericordia
Ann LeggSelfSelf
Ann M TiemanMemorial Behavioral Health Lincoln CenterParent of an adult with a disability and staff at a Community Day Treatment Center
Ann RubinTrinityTrinity
Ann RutherfordKreider Services, IncI am staff at a provider agency. I work with and provide basic care and everyday living skills, as well as guidance to outside work opportunity to my individuals. I support They Deserve More.
Ann SeiglerBeverly Farm FoundationDSP staff at Beverly Farm Foundation
Ann WeithersMisericordiaMisericordia
Anna AndersonTrinity ServicesStaff at provider agency
Anna BowenClearbrookStaff at a provider agency
Anna BuckinghamBig Brothers Big Sisters of McHenry CountyMother of a child with a disability
Anna HendersonSertoma Centre, Inc.Staff at a provider agency, I support The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Anna HoltschultBridgewayStaff at Bridgeay
Anna LampleyCenterstonestaff at a provider agency as the residential coordinator.
Anna M BradshawPersonal support workerMother
Anna M BradshawPersonal support workerAnna Bradshaw
Anna M WolkGuardian Families Building DreamsGuardian of client at Families Building Dreams
Anna Maria Kisselselfindividual
Anna Marie OrrivoParent of individual with disabilityThey Deserve More
Anna OrricoParent of disabledClearbrook
Anna stackSEARCHanna adamczyk-stack , parent of disable son
Anna StithNoneParent of individual with a disability
Annamariaa DorseyCornerstone Services Inc.I am a Staff at a provider agency
Anne HellmerEsperanza Community ServicesI am a staff member at Esperanza Community Services, and I support The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Anne LevinRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Anne LombardiIndividualSearch.Inc
anne maddockmisericordiaMisericordia
Anne Marie WesterholdadvocateRay Graham Association
Anne PateSt.ColettaSt.Coletta ----parent. Support They Deserve More Coalition
Anne PateSt.ColettaSt.Coletta ----parent. Support They Deserve More Coalition
Anne ReddingMisericordiaMisericordia
anne russellIDHSparent of a person with a disability
Anne Tillery-McferronGarden Center ServicesStaff at an agency that provides services to adults with developmental disabilities
Anne tyreeCenterstone IllinoisCenterstone of Illinois, Inc., IARF
Anne WeigandMisericordiaMisericordia
Anne WoodsCommunity Living Options, IncResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Anne ZiegenhornMisericordiaMisericordia
Annemarie GlasseyMisericordiaMisericordia
AnneMarie MillsMisericordiaMisericordia
Annette HammortreeClearbrookparents and Clearbrook
Annette L DavisSelfSelf
Annette WhitlockCommunity Living Options, Inc.Residential programs for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities
Annie BrunoThe Autism Program at UIUCAnnie Bruno
Annie HawkinsLester & Rosalie Anixter CenterStaff at a provider agency
Anoosheh sahebi-KashaniMisericordiaMisericordia
Anthony DiVittorioClearbrookStaff at Provider Agency
Anthony J TayfelIndividualThey Deserve More
Anthony MontanaroHome CaregiverParent and Caregiver
Anthony SandovalUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Antoinette HarveyFrances House IncResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Antonio LomeliUCP Seguinstaff at provider agency
April DearUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff at provider agency - UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
April DearUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff at provider agency - UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
April DearUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff at provider agency - UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
April E DearUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff at provider agency - UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
April E DearUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff at provider agency - UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
April MorganGateway Services, INC.Current staff at the agency for individuals with disabilities. And I support They (We) Deserve More.
April PiperCenterStone of Illiniosstaff at a provider agency
ArielAplus Autism SolutionsStaff at provider agency
Ariel CampbellHorizon HouseEmployee at Horizon House
Aristides P SmithMarklund Childrens HomeParent & Family Member With a Disability
Arles J Hendershott-LoveMilestoneMilestone
Arthur Glen FessGlenkirkArthur Glen Fess
Asher HeidtNoneSelf
Asher HeidtNoneSelf
Ashlee KeenerHorizon House of the Illinois ValleyStaff at a provider agency
Ashley BoudreauOpen Door Rehabilitation Centerstaff at a provider agency
Ashley ColemanSearch, Inc.Staff at provider agency
Ashley GilbertTrinity Services, Inc.Staff at a provider agency, parent to individual with disabilities. I support they deserve more
Ashley GramannHSHSFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Ashley Hurnkaskaskia workshopStaff
Ashley KoblerCommunity Support SystemsCommunity Support Systems
Ashley RandallAchievement Unlimited Inc.Residential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Ashley SchreckEPICEPIC
Ashley ThomasSearch,
Ashley Wassermanselfself
Ashlie JuddFrancis House Inc.Residential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Aubrey ThorntonUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoSibling of individual with disability and provider of disability services
Audrey AndersenMyselfThey Deserve More Coalition
Audrey MassMisericordiaMisericordia Home
Audrey McDonaldMisericordiaMisericordia
August Christopher Jeutter JrSouth Chicago Parents and FriendsMaria Jeutter
Austin RussellIDHSFamily
Austin Yorkfamilystaff at a provider agency
Ayana RamirezMarklundStaff at marklund
Azlyn RoperRescareStaff at a provider agency
Barb Hazlewood-MillerHomeAdult son with multiple disabilities
Barb LingafelterCommunity Support SystemsCommunity Support Systems & member of family with disability
Barb Pritchardselfperson with a disability
Barb Pritchardselfself
Barb QuaintanceMisericordiaMisericordia
Barb TracyNoneParent of an adult son with Down Syndrome
Barbara CernyRay Graham Association for People with DisabilitiesAdvocate
Barbara CernyRay Graham Association for People with DisabilitiesAdvocate
Barbara ColclasureResCareStaff at a provider agency
Barbara FreelsOur Directions Incstaff at a provider agency
Barbara GanschowRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Barbara HenzlikselfParent of disabled individual
Barbara JewettIPADDUniteIPADDUnite
Barbara KantrowNoneParent
Barbara LiszeoUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Barbara LiszeoUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Barbara Lunnemann-SedivyCommunity LinkFriends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Barbara NelsonFriendFamily and friends of persons with developmental disabilities
Barbara ReinierCommunity LinkFamily and friends of people with intellectual disabilities
Barbara RushMisericordiaMisericordia Homes
Barbara SchlatterBoardMember
Barbara SeaworthMilestone, Inc.The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilties
Barbara SesterhennLake Forest CollegeGuardian and sister of a Ray Graham Association for the Disabled client
Barbara SieganGlenkirkParent
Barbara TobiasARC of ILparent
Barbara TobiasClearbrookParent
Barbara TobiasFamily memberparent of a loved one with a developmental disability
Barbara TobiasTHEY DESERVE MOREParent of a loved one with severe developmental disabilities
Barbara ZalogaCommunity LinkFamily and friends of people with developmental disabilities
Barrie I RappaportNoneParent of a person with a disability
BARRY BRIGHTBarry D. Bright, Attorney at LawI am a father of two adults with autism; I am a board member of the Board of Directors of Community Support Systems of Effingham County, IL
Barry CruseMisericordiaMisericordia
Bart Thomas MurphyMisericordiaMisericordia
Bart WintersMisericordiaMisericordia
Beckie GaskillNoneFamily and friends of people with developemental disabilities
Becky CarrollC-StrategiesParent
Becky CastilloCTF IllinoisAgency
Becky IngrumRiverside FoundationProvider organization
Bellene Kaishfamilymyself
Ben LarsonLibenustaff at a provider agency
Ben StortzCornerstone ServicesCornerstone Services - provider agency
Ben StortzCornerstone ServicesThey Deserve More Coalition
Ben StrongFrances HouseResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Ben Z KatzLurie Children's HospitalMy wife is a social worker who works with disabled adults.
Benjamin GutierrezUCP SeguinUCP Seguin Of Greater Chicago
Benjamin KiddleNARay Graham Association
Benjamin NewcombTrinity Services Inc.staff
Bernadette PaulsMarklund Children's HomeMarklund Children's Home- I support They Deserve More
Bernadine Murphy-WilsonSertoma CentreStaff
Bernice MirrileesMisericordia and SeguinThey Deserve More
Bernita SimaniClearbrookStaff at a provider agency
Beth Anne AusnehmerNot applicableParent of sons with disabilities
Beth BurrusKaskaskia Workshop, Inc.Staff at provider agency.
Beth ColenGlenkirk, They Deserve More Coalition, etc.Parent
beth divirgilioHelping Hand CenterMother of disabled adult
Beth DovovanMisericordiaMisericordia
Beth DyerTrinity FoundationStaff
Beth DyerTrinity FoundationTrinity Staff, They Deserve More
Beth E Emery-KileRay GrahamDSP
Beth E Emery-KileRay GrahamDSP
Beth E Emery-KileRay GrahamDSP
Beth Ellyn WierzbickiSuburban Access, Inc.Stratagem Solutions
Beth HoulihanEPICEPIC
Beth JenkinsGood ShepardGood Shepard Center
Beth LigourinoneFamily member of disabled person who supports They Deserve More
Beth MerloMisericordiaMisericordia
beth voelkelfreeburg terraceresidential programs for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities
Bethani DrumhellerCommunity Support SystemsStaff at Provider agency
Bethany CartwrightHomeBethany Cartwright
Bethany CartwrightSELFSelf
Bethany KeeblerPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Betty C YatesBellefontaine placeResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
betty koreyThey Deserve More Coalitonparent who supports they Deserve More
Bev SaizClearbrookClearbrook
Beverly ByrdSouth Chicago Parents & FriendsParent
Beverly GrybasJennifer GrybasJennifer Grybas
Beverly HurtWorkSource enterprisesStaff at a provider agency
Beverly KedziorParentGlenkirk
Beverly MitchellCenterstone of IllinoisCenterstone of Illinois
Beverly OommenIARFIARF
Beverly OommenThey Deserve Moreparent of disabled adult child. They Deserve More
Beverly PeckCornerstone Services, Inc.Cornerstone Services, Inc.
Beverly PeckCornerstone Services, Inc.Cornerstone Services, Inc.
Beverly PeckCornerstone Services, Inc.Cornerstone Services, Inc.
Beverly ShermanMisericordiaMisericordia
Bianca BarrEnvision UnlimitedI am a person with a disability
Bill BrooksUnited Cerebral Palsy Seguin of Greater ChicagoI am a staff person at a provider agency and I support They Deserve More.
Bill FergusonNoneBeverly Farm Foundation - famiky
Bill GladerresidentI am brother and guardian for a person living in a Clearbrook group home.
Bill McCarthyMisericordiaMisericordia
Bill StarnesPenta Nascent CorpStaff at provider agency
Billie Jo QuincyLutheran Social Services of IllinoisStaff at a provider agency and I support The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Blake Eugene ProctorMosaic of RockfordStaff at Mosaic
Blake W StahlAC LifePointsProvider Staff
Blanca CamposCommunity Behavioral Healthcare AssociationCommunity Mental Health and Substance Use Providers
Bob SandidgecCore MediaTrinity Services
Bob SejnohaAIDParent of person with disability. I support They Deserve More
Bobbie CamachoMilestonestaff at a provider agency
Bobbie EastinCCAR IndustriesStaff working with individuals with disabilities
Bonita Ann RomniakMisericordiaMisericordia
Bonnie HassanTrinity ServicesThey Deserve More Coalition
Bonnie McGrawRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association - Advocate
Bonnie NahulakNoneParent of individual with a disability
Brad GuidiEPICParents and siblings of persons with developmental disabilities
Bradford L BennettBennett Law LLCBrother of a person with disabilities.
Brandee MalcolmKCCDDstaff person
Brandi MargisHorizon HouseStaff at a provider agency
Brandon LeitschuhTrinity Services, Inc.Staff at a provider agency and a proponent of providing competitive wages for DSP staff.
Brandy PriceSelfstaff at a provider agency
Braydon ElmoreCSSpeople with disbilities
brenae ScottGarden Center Servicesstaff at a provider agency
Brenda DevitoClearbrookClearbrook
Brenda DrakefordCTF IllinoisStaff at agency
Brenda EvererttCommunity Living Options, IncResidential programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Brenda Peterstransitions of western illinoisI am a staff member of a DD organization
Brenda RobertsonCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Brenda Weitzel-- Year --SB2026
Brenda WoodUCP SeguinUCP Seguin Of Greater Chicago
Brendan FriarHelping HandAgency board member
Brendan McCormickGood Shepherd CenterGood Shepherd Center staff and families
Brenna LambMarklundParaprofessional and former DSP
Brennan BakerSearch Inc.They Deserve A Lot More
Brennen ViramontesCornerstone Services INC.Cornerstone Services INC. staffmember
Brent OestPeoria Academy, IncEPIC
Brett SpeiserMisericordiaMisericordia
Brian AlhornUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff provider at an agency.
Brian AllenPlonka TerraceStaff at a provider agency
Brian BentzGlenkirkGlenkirk
Brian ElshawPurchasingStaff at Marklund Children's Home
Brian FraiderLocke Lord LLPCommunity Support Services
BRIAN KEARNEYMisericordiaMisericordia
Brian KenowCommunity Link, Inc.Family and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Brian N RomanparentI am a parent of an individual with a disability
Brian N RubinClearbrookFather of a 42 year old son with severe Autism living in a CILA.
Brian PeppersSelfRay Graham Association and parent
Brian ShafarSearch Inc.staff at a provider agency
Brian T MurphyMisericordiaMisericordia
Brianne WashkoFutures Unlimited IncFutures Unlimited Inc Staff at a provider agency. I support They Deserve More
Bridget CienkusSelfSelf
Bridget P OBrienMisericordiaMisericordia
Bridgette ParlaGarden Center ServicesDSP at Garden Center Services
BRISEYDA VILLALPANDOThey Support MoreFamily member of disabled individual. I support, They Deserve More.
Britney OffillPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Britney P UrbaniakTrinity Services, INCstaff at a provider agency and support They Deserve More
Britney pingRescareStaff
Brittany BranchPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Brittany BrasherMosaicDSP
Brittany colyerMarklundMarklund
Brittany KelleyKCCDDStaff at a provider agency
Brittany NanryEnvision UnlimitedEnvision Unlimited
Brittany PhillipsPenta Nascent CorpResidential staff
Brittney HydeAnixter Centerindividual with a disability
Brittney PittengerGatewayStaff at a Provider Agency
Brock PearsonMisericordiaMisericordia
Brooke WalkerTrinity ServicesStaff
Bruce A WasserzieherMy Life My HomeDirect Support Professional
Bruce AndersonMisericordiaMisericordia
Bruce GrybasJennifer GrybasJennifer Grybas
Bryan P JohnsonEPICEPIC-- They Deserve More
Bryce AdkinsCSSpeople with disbilities
Brytni FykePenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Buddy BroganFutures Unlimited Inc.Family of an individual with a disability
Caitlin CrabbUIC - Institute on Disability and Human DevelopmentSelf
Caitlin DeptulaMisericordiaMisericorida
Caitlin HitzemanSchultz HouseResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Calahan TorresAvenues to Independencestaff at a provider agency and support The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities;
Caleb JonesSelfSelf
Calleena MulderinkFrances House Inco Residential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Cameron StammselfFamily member of disabled person who supports They Deserve More
Camille De FrankMisericordiaMisericordia
Camille EcklesSertomaStaff
Candace ChristmannStreator UnlimitedStaff at Streator Unlimited
Candace LenzGoldie FlobergGoldie Floberg
Candace LenzGolide FlobergGoldie Floberg
candace velaUCP Seguin of Greater Chicagostaff at UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Candi McDowellSeguin of Greater ChicagoFamily
Capri WettourThey Deserve MoreParent of child with a disability. I support They Deserve More
Cara StallardPenta Nascent CorporationStaff at an agency providing services
Cara VanMiddlesworthCuBBullDSP's
Caren MusembiRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Cari PusateriTrinity Servicesstaff at Trinity Services, Inc, I support They deserve More
Carie CarneyAdvocateParent of adult with significant disability
Carissa HessCornerstone Services, Inc.staff member at a provider agency
Carissa SandovalCaregiverCaregiver of an individual with a disability
Carl IndovinaTrinity ServicesStaff of provider agency
Carl W HartmannHartmannStaff at a provider agency
Carla FoltzKaskaskia WorkshopStaff at a provider agency
Carlos MorenoUCP SeguinUCP Seguin
Carly CosentinoCTF Illinoisstaff at provider agency
Carmen ClemensTrinity servicesSelf, and Trinity Services DSP staff
Carmen McCarthyEPICEPIC
Carol FescoHorizon House of Illinois Valley, Inc.Carol Fesco
carol hawleyMisericordia HomeMisericordia Home
Carol HoffenkampMisericordiaMisericordia
Carol JohnsonThey Deserve MoreI am a person with a disability and I support They Deserve More
Carol KelleyAvenues to IndependenceStaff that supports They Deserve More
Carol MatchenMarklundParent of a person with disabilities
Carol P KingNoneParent of a disabled child that supports They Desire More
Carol SandersonSelfSelf
Carol VargoMisericordiaMisericordia
Carol WalkerPersonalFamily member of someone in care
Carol WollschlagerClearbrookmy daughter with a disability
Carole K ZoellerRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Carole RosenSelfPeople with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Parents of Disabled Children
Carole RosenSelfPeople with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Parents of Disabled Children
Carolina CordovaUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff that supports They Deserve More
Caroline HaehnelUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff at a Provider Agency
Caroline MassoEPICEPIC
Caroline MorrisMisericordiaMisericordia
Caroline SteinbachMisericordiaMisericordia
Carolyn CaneteMarklund Hyde CenterStaff at a provider agency serving individuals with disabilities
Carolyn FreemanRescareStaff at a provider agency
Carolyn Jean SmalleyThe Residential DevelopersIndividual
Carolyn Lenzaselffamily member of two adults with disabilities
Carolyn WhitakerUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoI work for an agency that provide services for clients with disabilities. I support they deserve more.
Carrie BellehumeurThompson PlaceAchievement Unlimited, Inc
Carrie CooleyTrinity Services IncSupport worker- I support They Deserve More
Carrie EstradaNorthwest Center Against Sexual AssaultNorthwest Center Against Sexual Assault
Carrie SeidaMarklundstaff at a provider agency
Caryn BernierGoldie FlobergStaff Goldie Floberg
Casey J CarraherLittle City FoundationStaff at a provider agency
Casey N KennettMemorial Behavioral Health Lincoln Center for Developmental RehabilitationStaff at two provider agencies, proponent of They Deserve More
Casey PenningtonPenta NascentStaff working in residential
Casi MertesRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Cassidy SpesardRescareStaff at provider agency
Cassie Gluckcommunity living optionsResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Catherine AllicksBeverly Farm FoundationParent of disabled individual
Catherine BedardMothers on a Mission, IncPeople with Disabilities
Catherine CollinsAchievement Unlimited IncorporatedDD Homes
catherine drummfamilyparent
Catherine KarrickKaskaskia Workshop, Inc.Staff at a provider agency
Catherine RothTrinity Services Inc.Staff at a provider agency
Catherine Van CleveHeart of Illinois Special Recreation AssociationProvider agency
cathie waltersGate way servicesDirect support professional at Gateway Services
Cathy CarrollselfFriend of person with disability
Cathy ChristensenSelfSelf
Cathy GutierrezUcp Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff at a provider agency
Cathy HoydaParentPeople with IDD and agencies supporting them
Cathy IversonEPICEPIC
Cathy L ChristensenSelfSelf
Cathy L ChristensenSelfSelf
Cathy MelvinFutures Unlimited, Inc.Self
Cathy MickResidential DevelopersStaff
cathy richmondGarden Center ServicesGARDEN CENTER SERVICES
Cecilia HerreraGoldie FlobergParent of a disabled child They deserve more.
Celia BrandODRCstaff at a provider agency
Celinda SmithCornerstone ServicesCornerstone Services
Cerelle RichmondTrinity services DSPStaff at a provider agency and we deserve more for the people we support.
Chad GarlandCornerstone Services, Inc.My only request is that you do not raise taxes, fees, or other costs to Illinois residents in order to pay for this wage increase.
Chad ShifferMisericordiaMisericordia
Chanette FosterTrinity ServicesDSP
Charita GrahamAnixter CenterDirector of Community Mental Health
Charlaine McAnanyretiredself
Charlene BennettIndividual Advocacy GroupIndividual Advocacy Group
Charlene FangmeierIndividualParent of an individual with a disability
Charlene SpicelandSimmons Universityparent of an individual with a disability
Charlene WarringClearbrookStaff at Clearbrook provider agency
Charles CarperMisericordiaMisericordia
Charles DomanicoRiverside foundationRiverside foundation
Charles FallsDemi & Cooper, Inc.Donna Falls is my disabled sister who is with Clearbrook, Palatine IL
Charles FoxLaw office of Charles P. FoxCharles Fox and Lori Fox and Cole Fox
Charles MauriceNoneParent of a Disabled Adult
Charles Wiley JuniorPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
charyl evansTrinity Service Inc.Family and Trinity Services
Chaya RubensteinSelfSelf
Chaya RubensteinSelfSelf
Chelsea CurtinHorizon HouseEmployee at Horizon House
Cherie ZamelSelfSelf
Cheryl BalesTrinity ServicesAdvocate
Cheryl BallCommunity Support SystemsCommunity Support Systems
Cheryl CaragSearch Inc.Parent
Cheryl ColonRay GrahamRay Graham Association
Cheryl DaugaardHorizon House of IL. Valley, Inc.Horizon House of IL. Valley, Inc.
Cheryl E LaskaskySelfFamily. I support They Deserve More.
Cheryl GarciaSearchSearch
Cheryl JansenEquip for EqualityEquip for Equality
Cheryl Jones DasSelfSelf
Cheryl K HippSouth Chicago Parents & Friends, Inc.DSPs
Cheryl LipinskiTrinity ServicesThey Deserve More
Cheryl MillerUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff supporting They Deserve More
Cheryl PottsCommunity Mental Health Board of Oak Park TownshipCommunity Mental Health Board of Oak Park Township
Cheryl ScouffasMisericordiaMisericordia
cheryl witkowskiUCP SeguinStaff at a provider agency
cheryl witkowskiUCP SeguinStaff at a provider agency
Chevette FosterTrinity ServicesDSP
China JohnsonBeverly Farms FoundationStaff
Chitashia SmithRay Graham AssociationAdvocate
Chloe LeePenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
chloe orozcoStreator Unlimited incStreator Unlimited inc
Chris KellyBeverly Farm FoundationFamily
Chris DickeyClay County Rehabilitation CenterClay Co Rehabilitation Center
Chris EmdePersonalParent
Chris GadientThe Arc of the Quad Cities Areaindividual
Chris HamendeResidential developersStaff at a provider agency
Chris MuddCCAR Industriesstaff at a provider agency
Chris MurphyCCAR IndustriesCCAR Industries
Christa DrongowskiMisericordiaMisericordia
christella jonessertoma centrestaff member
Christian TownsendMosaicMosaic
christian woodsGarden Center ServicesStaff at Garden Center Services
Christina AlvaradoThe Arc of Iroquois CountyThe Arc of Iroquois County
Christina ChavezFutures UnlimitedFutures Unlimited
Christina ChavezTrinity Services, Inc.People with intellectual and developmental disabilities receiving supports and services in Illinois
Christina CradyFrances House INCStaff at a provider agency
Christina CruseGateway Service Inc.Staff at a provider agency
Christina De La OTrinity ServicesI am staff at a providing agency and I support they deserve more bill
Christina DeckWork source interprisesWork source interprises
Christina M KeferlishomeParent of disabled adult
Christina MillerCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of people with Developmental Disabilities
Christina RameyAnixter Centerstaff at a provider agency
Christina SargentBethshan AssociationChristina Sargent
Christina SargentSertoma CentreChristina Sargent
Christina SledgeGarden Center ServicesOrganization
Christina WooleyDevelopmental Services Centerstaff at a provider agency
Christine AdamsonIndividual Advocacy GroupSupport Staff
Christine BorkowskiARCParent and Guardian of person with disabilities
Christine BowyerGateway ServicesStaff at a provider agency and support they deserve more
Christine D FrankUCP Seguinparent
Christine Engfamilyfamily of a person with IDD
Christine Escobar SawickiUniversity of Illinois School of Social Workself
Christine HelfrichAchievement Unlimited, IncResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Christine JensenMarklundStaff at an agency
Christine KielmaTrinity ServicesStaff at a provider agency and I support They Deserve More
christine killianTrinity ServicesStaff at a provider agency
Christine M TudelaNoneMother and Legal Guardian
Christine McCartneyTrinity Servicesstaff at a provider agency, I also support They Deserve More;
Christine MyersLivingston County Mental Health BoardLivingston County Mental Health Board
Christine SehgalSelfRay Graham Association
Christine VenzonnoneEPIC
Christofer MuscarelloSelfUCP Seguin and They Deserve More
Christopher Burrowfamilyfamily
Christopher DammersGlenkirkparent of special needs individual
Christopher HarbourLincoln Center for Developmental RehabilitationStaff at provider facility
Christopher JohnsonCCAR Industriesstaff at a provider agency
Christopher KurimayHelping Handsupport children and adults with disabilities
Christopher P TaylorLittle City FoundationStaff at a provider agency
Christy ManiurkaAvenues to IndependenceStaff at a provider agency
Chuck MilesNoneAssociation for Individual Development (AID)
Chuck SandersNoneconcerned citizen in favor of They Deserve More
Chuck WittmerFamily Member, Trinity Services, They Deserve MoreTrinity Services, They Deserve More
Chuck WittmerSelfTrinity Services, They Deserve More
Cierra FoersterRescareStaff at provider agency
Claudia DobrinSearch Inc.They Deserve more coalitions
Claudia K ParkerParentI am a parent with a child that has a disability.
Claudia MannMisericordiaMisericordia
Claudia McGrathMisericordiaMisericordia
Claudia NelsonSearch, IncStaff at Search, Inc
Claudia NelsonSearch, IncStaff at Search, Inc
Clenton ReynoldsRay Graham AssociationAdvocate
Clenton ReynoldsRay Graham AssociationAdvocate
Clenton ReynoldsRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Clenton ReynoldsRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Clenton ReynoldsRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Cliff TraceyWagner PlaceResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Clifford JakopoDevelopmental Services CenterStaff at Developmental Services Center
clifford klotzparentparent of individual with disability
Clinton WoodardCSSpeople with disabilities ( my daughter )
Cody NicholsonAmazonFamily
Coleen TaylorCommunity Linksupport worker
Colleen BalijaINC Mental Health AllianceParent of an individual with a disability
Colleen BrooksPine TerracePersons with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Colleen CarterCommunity Link Inc.Family and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Colleen DempseyMarklund Children's HomeStaff at a provider agency
Colleen EnrightCornerstone Servicesstaff at provider agency
Colleen J Fosternoneparent of a 14 year old with a disability
COLLEEN m MURILLOAvenues to IndependenceSelf
Colleen McAbeeMisericordiaMisericordia
Colleen McGill GetzNoneDaughter with developmental disability
Colleen MurphyMisericordiaMisericordia
Collin HahnTrinity Services, IncI am a service provider who works with about 20 individuals with disabilities and staff who support them, and the difficulties far exceed their current compensation, and I support They Deserve More
Colombo PaulRay GrahamRay Graham and parent
colton kretsingerDevelopment Services CenterStaff member at Development Services Center
Connie ArlingtonWorksource EnterprisesWorksource Enterprises
Connie ChandlerResidential Developersstaff at provider agency
Connie HoholClearbrookadvocate
Connor PinskerCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Development Disabilities
Conor KennedyNot ApplicableBrother of person with a disability
Conradin StarkMisericordiaMisericordia
Coralette BowlingCollins SquareResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Coralie WilliamsSelfParent of person with a disability
Cordella E JonesLester and Rosalie Anixter CenterStaff
Corey MillerMarklundFamily
Corey MillerMarklundFamily
Cornelius AndersenMyselfGarden Center Services
Cortney AndersonRay Graham AssociationSupporter of Ray Graham Association
Cory GummSearch Inc.They Deserve More Coalition, Search Inc., all people with disabilities in the state of IL.
Cory LenardCenterstoneI myself have a disability, many of my family do also. I even went into psychology as a way to give back to the community. DSPs are greatly needed and provide so much support to our communities.
Courtney HallDSCStaff at provider agency
Courtney HanlinAchievement Unlimited, Inc.Residential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Courtney M AbbottMosaicDSP
Courtney UtsingerAchievement Unlimited Residential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Cristina MccaryAvennues to IndependenceAvenues to.Independence
Crystal A WaszakCornerstone Services, Inc.staff at a provider agency
Crystal G GoldbergParent of Adult with Developmental DisabilityParent of Adult with Developmental Disability
Crystal JeanDevelopmental FoundationsDSP'S
CRYSTAL L WASONHorizon HouseStaff, Horizon House
Crystal R PowersEPICEPIC
Curtis L HarrisSelfChicagoland Autism Connection (CAC) Trailblazers
Cydney FieldsMisericordiaMisericordia
Cyla VosTrinity ServicesStaff at a provider agency
Cyndi LewisCommunity Living OptionsResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Cynthia A ReeseMisericordia Family AssociationMisericordia Family Association
Cynthia B MaroonMisericordiaMisericordia
Cynthia BickelMisericordiaMisericordia
Cynthia HillTrinity Services, Inc.Staff at a provider agency
Cynthia M SulliNoneSouth Chicago Parents & Friends
Cynthia PaceleyDSCDSC
daishia baileyMosaic incstaff
daishia baileyMosaic incstaff
daishia baileyMosaic incstaff
Daisy De La TorreFamily Counseling Center, Trinity Servicesstaff at provider agency
Daisy WiseTrinity Servicesstaff at provider agency
Dajia DunnFreeburg Terracestaff
Dale KridnerParentParent of an individual with a disability
Dallas ReadUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Dalton Higgscommunity support systemsStaff
Damon ArdUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Damon ArdUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Damon ArdUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Damon ArdUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Damon ArdUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Damon ArdUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Dan BrinatiAvenues To IndependenceAvenues to Independence
Dan CullenPersonalFamilies of children with disabilities
Dan DilloncitizenTrinity Services
Dan McCueNAParent of person with disability
Dan SeeberCentral Rehab, Inc.Person supporting They Deserve More
Dana AllardIPADD UniteParent of an individual with disability
Dana GeorgeMacon Resources IncStaff at provider agency- Supporter of the Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Dana GrantOpen Door Rehabilitation Centerstaff at a provider agency
Dana Ossola-JungFrances House Incprovider agency
Dana RitchieBright Springs Res Carestaff
Dana RzechulaArc of IlinoisArc of Ilinois, Disabled people, Personal Support Workers
Dana StaceyTrulson HouseIndividuals with Intellectual disabilities
Dana StaceyTrulson HouseIndividuals with Intellectual disabilities
Dani ChitwoodUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Daniel AsencioLutheran Social Services of IllinoisI am a Director at a provider agency and I support The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Daniel BarkmanRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Daniel CorriganRay Graham AssociationAdvocate
Daniel DurbinNAEnvision Unlimited (Board of Directors)
Daniel H MelvinRay Graham AssocParent of a person with disabilities
Daniel H PowersEPICEPIC
Daniel J HarcharikStreator UnlimitedStreator Unlimited
Daniel J McGrathMisericordiaMisericordia
Daniel J TomasikMisericordiaMisericordia
Daniel LeonardOrchard VillageStaff
Daniel MengoniUCP SeguinUCP Seguin
Daniel P LetiziaLetizia & Letizia, Ltd.Board Member supporting They Deserve More
Daniel ParaMisericordiaMisericordi
Daniel R GrishamCenterstone of Illinoisstaff at a provider agency
Daniel R NeuWernerFamily- Parent
Daniel VosnosOne Chance IllinoisFather of a child with Down syndrome
DANIEL WEBERMisericordiaMisericordia
Daniel WehrliOpen Door Rehabilitation Centerstaff working with people with disabilities
Daniel WolfDan Wolf Automotive GroupSelf
Daniele LahrHealth Services ConsultantsStaff at a provider agency
Danielle CorsiGood Shepard RespiteParent of a special needs child
Danielle HughesCommunity Living Options, Inc.Residential Programs for Adults with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Danielle KaneCTF ILLINOISCTF ILLINOIS, staff at provider agency
Danielle KelleyMosaicStaff
Danielle LowPioneer Concepts Inc.Residential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Danielle MatthewsDSCStaff at a provider agency
Danielle MccoySearch Inc.Staff
Danielle PattersonUCP Seguinstaff at a provider agency
Danielle SwangoCCAR IndustriesStaff at provider agency
DAnne OsmunOsmun Design, LLC.staff at a provider agency
Dannell BeasleyMacon Resourcesstaff at a provider agency that supportsThe Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities;
Danny E WintersFather of disabled sonfather of disabled son
DannyTaguecsscouminity suport systems
Daphne FletcherMosaicStaff at Mosaic
Daphne SmithCornerstone ServicesStaff member at a provider agency
Darbi CarboneOptions & Advocacy for McHenry CountySelf
Darien BloomPACTT Learning CenterDisabled persons
Darlene PurlerTrinity Services, Inc.Trinity Services, Inc. They Deserve More
Darlene AndertonGateway Servicesgatway services
Darlene Ann LittleMisericordiaMisericordia
Darlene PurlerTrinity Services, Inc.Trinity Services, Inc. They Deserve More
Darlene VukmirParent of an individual with a disabilityParent of an individual with a disability
Darnell WilliamsUCP SEGUIN OF GREATER CHICAGOUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Darnetrice L DewaltTrinity ServicesTrinity Services
Darrel WoodUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Darrell CannonAUI DUBOIS PLACEdevelopmental disabilities
david a bibulahorizon houseEmployee at Horizon House
David A Kubica SrMarklundParent
David BerensKreider Services Inc.Staff at a provider agency
David BettsUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff
David BythewoodConstituentSelf
David CahillSouth Chicago Parents & Friendsdisabled individual
David CarpenterMisericordiaMisericordia
David DonohueAvenues To IndependenceAvenues To Independence
David FloresParentParent of an individual with a disability
David Gonzalezcecomfriend of developmental disabled
David Gouldselfperson with disabilities
David H BrooksIndividual Advocacy GroupStaff at Provider Organization that Supports They Deserve More
David HoydaFamily MemberFamily Member
David HughesnoneI am the brother of someone with a disability receiving assistance from Clearbrook
David J FitzpatrickMisericordiaMisericordia
David JacobsonCommunity Support ServicesCommunity Support Services
David JacobsonCommunity Support ServicesCommunity Support Services
David LangeAlan G RyleStaff
David NewcornPrivate citizenMisericordia
David PennellElm City Rehabilitation Center, Inc.Employer - Elm City Rehabilitation Center, Inc.
David RubinClearbrook AssociationClearbrook Association
David SmithMemorial Behavioral Health- LCDRStaff at Provider Agency
David SpicelandUniversity of MemphisParent of an individual with a disability
David WinklerCommunity Support SystemsStaff at a provider agency
Davonne WinterrowdFutures Unlimited Inc.staff at a provider agency
Dawn CassuloEPICEPIC
Dawn Frenzelselfself
Dawn KaiserParent of Disabled AdultParent of Disabled Adult
Dawn KnightsTrinity ServicesTrinity Services
Dawn LadislasCornerstonestaff at Cornerstone
Dawn MatkeMisericordia HomeMisericordia
Dawn StepuncikPark LawnI am a staff for Park Lawn
Dawn TroutFutures Unlimited IncFutures Unlimited Inc Staff at a provider agency. I support They Deserve More
Dawn TurcanyThe Arc of Iroquois CountyStaff at provider agency
Dean GoecknerCSSFamily
Deanna FinneyStreator UnlimitedStaff at a provider agency
Deanna MinteerThe Arc of The Quad CitiesSTAFF
Deanna WillsonKaskaskia workshopStaff
Deb PomponiNoneParent of an individual with a disability and support that they deserve more.
Debbi S LynchRay GrahamRay Graham Job Developer
Debbie HilgendorfMHCCIStaff at provider agency
Debbie KaufmanSelfParent
Debbie LarsonSearch, Inc.Search, Inc.
Debby DaltonAssociation for individual developmentFamily parent
Debby HahamyNoneFamily of person with a disability- supporter of they deserve more
Debby PalumboRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Deborah CrookRiverside FoundationLegal guardian for disabled resident at Riverside Foundation in Lincolnshire, IL
Deborah FennerSelfSelf
Deborah HedgeTrinity Servicesstaff
Deborah HumphreyMadison County Mental Health BoardMadison County Mental Health Board
Deborah JensenUCP SeguinStaff at a provider agency
Deborah McBryerEPICDSP
Deborah NicholsCenterstoneStaff at Centerstone
Deborah VillersMisericordiaMisericordia
Deborah WhittenburgMosaicDirect Support Supervisor at Mosaic in Macomb, Il
Debra ArmesCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Debra BobboraSearch Inc.Search Inc.
Debra BurmasterEPICEPIC
Debra CondottiEasterseals Joliet Region, Inc.Easterseals Joliet Region
Debra GarciaRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association - parent
Debra GrayCommmunity Linkfamily member
Debra HeatonMosaicwritten witness slip
Debra S SmithStreator Unlimitedstaff
Dee DeMossCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Deirdre ManigoPinnacle Opportunities, Inc.Residential Programs for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
Delainey DavilaSmith SquareResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Delaney WoodallDisability Resource Centerself
Deldra BranskyClearbrookParent
Deldra BranskyService IncParent
Delissalynn SmockCommunity Support SystemsStaff at provider agency.
Delreen Schmidt-LenzCommunity Support SystemsStaff at provider agency
Delwin PerkinsThe Arc of the Quad Cities AreaStaff at a providers' agency
DeMarco OwensCCAR IndustriesStaff at a provider agency
Dena McGadyRay Graham AssociationStaff at service agency
Denise Raupark lawnStaff at a provider agency
Denise RauPark LawnStaff at a provider agency
Denise RauPark LawnStaff at a provider agency
Denise SchainkerSparcDirect Support Providers
Denise Von Moorenoneself
Denise WatkinsPioneer ConceptsResidential home for individuals with disabilities
Dennis CarpenterMosaicStaff at Mosaic
Dennis LeeClearbrookcommunity advocate
Derrell HunterTrinityStaff
Desarae DilligardBriarwood Court Residential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Desiree LoveMy Life My HomeI am a QIDP at My Life My Home, an organization that provides CILA supports for individuals with IDD
Devan BeimlerOak LeydenStaff at provider agency
Devin SeabaughWorkSource EnterprisePerson who works with people with disabilities.
Devorah EmanuelNoneShmuel Emailed
Dewain HilliardMBHstaff at provider agency
Diana BriscoeClay County Rehabilitation Center, Inc.Staff at a provider agency - they deserve more
Diana PulidoRay Graham AssocRay Graham Assoc
Diana PulidoRay Graham AssocRay Graham Assoc
Diana PulidoRay Graham AssocRay Graham Association
Diana SherrodCornerstone services inc.I am a staff member at a provider agency.
Diana SmithSelfSelf
Diane CarpenterNoneMisericordia
Diane Carterselfnone
Diane FritzParentParent of disabled child - In support they deserve more
Diane KelderhouseCornerstone Services , IncParent
Diane LammersCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Diane Marie HettaschLGS FoundationMisericordia
Diane MatejaMisericordiaMisericordia
Diane MillerIPADD Illinois Parents of Adults with Developmental DisabilitiesParent
Diane PearsonMisericordiaMisericordia
Diane RickertHomeownerMisericordia
Diane StoneUCP SeguinDisabled adult living in CILA
Diane YorkCommunity Support Systemsstaff at a provider agency
Dianna SchulerStreator UnlimitedBoard Member of agency representing IDD and DSPs.
Dick PageNoneSelf
dina bakerlibenui work for an agency for people with disabilities
Dina GoochIllinois Crisis Prevention NetworkStaff at an agency
Dina PontnackFrances HouseInc.Residential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
DIRK T AHLBECKApple Growth PartnersThe Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Dominic AdamsCTF IllinoisACCESS (staff at provider agency)
Don FrickClearbrookStaff at a provider agency
Don FrickClearbrookStaff at provider agency
Don KraskaRetiredIPADDUnite
Donald FosterCommunity Link Family and FriendsFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Donald FrickClearbrookstaff at a provider agency
donald hoegnoneFamily Member
Donald J DewHabilitative Systems, Inc.Habilitative Systems, Inc.
Donald ThomasThe Residential DevelopersIndividual
Donald V McNairDon McNairParent and Guardian of a disabled child,
Donald Van DuyseThe Ray Graham Associationhuman services workder
Donald ViecelliClimate Reality Project Chicago Metro ChapterSelf
Donese Von Moorenoneself advocate
Donielle DeeringRay Graham AssocParent who supports They Deserve More
Donna Augustyn-SloanOccupational Therapy ConsultancyRepresenting self
Donna BlairGarden Center ServiceIndividual with a disability family. staff provider agency
DONNA BRANKINMisericordiaMisericordia
Donna DawsPersonParent of person with intellectual disability
Donna E BarrowsClearbrookWalker Hughes, Clearbrook
Donna FergusonNoneBeverly Farms
Donna FitchMosaicMosaic
Donna GrahamLester Rosalie Anixter CenterStaff at provider agency
Donna JonesCCAR IndustriesStaff member at provider agency
Donna JonesDevelopmental Services CenterDevelopmental Services Center
Donna JonesDevelopmental Services Centerstaff at a provider agency
Donna LaskyStaff At A Provider AgencySertoma Centre, Inc.
Donna PavlicekMisericordiaMisericordia
Donna RebolettiRay GrahamRay Graham Association
Donna RobinsonUCP Seguin of Greater Chicagostaff at provider agency
Donna SwansonParentParent
Donna WilloughbyGarden Center ServicesGarden Center Services
donna wilsoncommlink linkfamliy
Dorene HerrmannElgin Public SchoolsPerson who supports They Deserve More.
Doris Center AussinMisericordia Homeparent
Doris DoolinMemorial Behavioral HealthIm a staff at a provider agency i support that they deserve more
Dorothy PalmerPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Douglas McDonald PhDSparcI am the CEO of Sparc, an agency that provides services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Douglas MerloMisericordiaMisericordia
Dovie ShelbyIllinois NOWSelf
Dr Sally Jo WinekEPICEPIC
Dr Kathryn RezekMisericordiaMisericordia
Drew RobertsMosaicMosaic
Duane KarrickKaskaskia WorkshopStaff at Provider Agency
Dulce MoralesAplus Autism SolutionsAplus Autism Solutions
Dustin Morgan DrewUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff Member at providing agency (Supporter of They Deserve More)
Dusty MetcalfMisericordia Family AssociationMisericordia
Dyann BerndtDyann L. Berndt, CSR, RPRSeguin
Dylan VegeaisArc of IlinoisArc of Ilinois, Disabled people, Personal Support Workers
Earl HollisterSelfPerson with a disability; They Deserve More
Earne DavisSouth Chicago family and friendsParent of person with disabilities
Ecko StockdaleSearchSearch Inc
Eddie SylasAvocated for people with disabilitiespeople with disabilities
Eddie SylasTrinity servicesA person with individual disabilities
Edith StarKMisericordiaMisericordia
Edmond Garvey MaddenMisericoridaMisericordia
Edward A Seigler JrBeverly Farm FoundationSibling of a person with disabilities at Beverly Farm Foundation
Edward GolzMisericordiaMisericordia
Edward SkowronMisericordiaMisericordia
Edward ThompsonEPICEPIC
Edwin Alexander ColemanSearch, Inc.Persons With Intellectual Disabilities
Edwina SmithAnixterAnixter DSP
eileen a chambersMisericordiaMisericordia
Eileen bosiTrinity Services Inc.QIDP at a Provider Agency
Eileen CaseyRidgeland District 122parent
Eileen HussMisericordiaMisericordia
Eileen PalsgroveparentI am the mother and legal guardian of my daughter who lives in a CILA. Her staff definitely deserves and needs this raise.
Elaina KrayAvenues to Independencestaff at a provider agency
Elaina KrayAvenues to IndependenceStaff at a provider agency.
Elaine MarcusSearchIndividual with disability
Elaine Marie KrallitschNoneFamily member of an individual with an intellectual disability; in support of SB 2026
Elaine McGrawparentparent
Elaine MetzMisericordiaMisericordia
Elaine RayMRI, IncStaff at a provider agency, support public policies for individuals with disabilities
Elaine RomasNoneMisericordia Heart of Mercy
Elaine SpechaClearbrook--parent of son with disabilityparent of individual with disability
Elena KelleyParent of disabled personDaughter
Elena StorinoStaff at CTF Illinois, Orland Park, Illinoisstaff at a provider agency
Elicia ScottTrinity Services IncTrinity Services Inc
Elijah FloresCaregiverCaregiver of an individual with a disability
Elisabeth K GrzywaRay GrahamRay Graham
Elisabeth LorenOak Leydenprovider agency
Elise SalterResCareStaff at a provider agency
Elizabeth A LynchTen Pin BowlersFamily of person with a disability
Elizabeth A WhitcherCornerstone Servicesparent of developmentally disabled adult
Elizabeth ChatmanBeverly Farm Foundationstaff at Beverly Farm Foundation
Elizabeth CoughlinMisericordiaMisericordia
Elizabeth DowdClearbrookdaughter with disability
Elizabeth GarnerMacon Resources IncStaff at Mac Resources Inc.
Elizabeth GurneyClearbrookI am a family member of a disabled resident of Illinois
Elizabeth HensonCornerstone ServicesFamily member related to someone with mental health disability
Elizabeth JenningsMisericordiaMisericordia
Elizabeth JohnsCommunity Support SystemsStaff CSS
Elizabeth LoganRevada FoundationIndividual
Elizabeth LopezCornerstone Services, IncStaff member at community mental health agency.
Elizabeth MinogueSelfParent of an adult with a developmental disability
Elizabeth MontanaroHome CaregiverParent and Caregiver
Elizabeth MosherService Inc. of IllinoisStaff at a provider agency
Elizabeth UlmenstineSpaulding TerraceResidential Programs for individuals with Intellectual or developmental disabilities
Elizabeth UtleyMisericordiaMisericordia
Elizabeth VosnosSelfMother of a child with Down syndrome
Elizabeth ZaborskyNoneMy partner is a brother of a disabled person that Clearbrook is helping.
Ellen Faems LevinMisericordiaMisericordia
Ellen Garber BronfeldAnixter CenterIllinois Citizens with intellectual and developmental disabilities and those who care about them.
Ellen HughesselfSon with disability
Ellen LaffertyGateway ServicesGateway Services
Ellen MaloneMisericordiaMisericordia
Ellen Marie HerbertIllinois Parents of Adults with Developmental Disabilities UniteEllen Marie Herbert and Diane Compton on behalf of Illinois Parents of Adults with Developmental Disabilities Unite
Ellen McKittrickUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoFamily member supporting They Deserve More
Ellen SveinssonSt. Coletta of Wisconsinsibling
Ellen WallaceRiverside FoundationRiverside Foundation
Ellie rosalesCommunity support servicesIndividuals with disabilities
Elliot KaufmanMisericordiaMisericordia
Elliot Zashinretirednot affiliated
Elnazy T HerntonTrinity Servces, INCStaff
Ema MorrisCommunity Alternatives of IllinoisStaff at a provider agency
Emily DeJule MeyerCornerstone Servicesstaff at a provider agency
Emily DouglasMarklundStaff of Provider Agency
Emily EntsmingerArc of the Quad Cities AreaStaff at a provider Agency
Emily FenclClearbrookStaff at a non-profit serving Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. I support They Deserve More.
Emily Ippolitocommunity support systemscommunity support systems
Emily LeightyCCAR IndustriesDSP at a provider agency.
Emily Miller FriendFamilyFamily
Emily R Connor ZnanieckiGateway Services, Inc.Staff at Provider Agency and they deserve more
Emily SatherTrinity ServicesI am a parent of a child with disabilities and i support They deserve more.
Emily ThompsonEPICEPIC
Emma HendryMisercordiaMisercordia
Emma May HersheyClearbrookStaff at Clearbrook supporting They Deserve More
Emma WalshMarklundIndividual with disability
Emmett RussellHanley, Flight & Zimmerman, LLCfamily
emon cartertrinity servicesstaff at a provider agency. I support they deserve more
Entesar EbrahimiNAParent of a person with a disability
Eric ElmoreCSSpeople with disabilities
Eric GastevichAnixter CenterBoard member at a provider agency.
Eric HellerThey Deserve MoreThey Deserve More
Eric RobkeCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Eric WilliamsAC LifePointsStaff at a provider agency in support of They Deserve More
Erica Anne SteadmanSelfGood Shepherd Center
Erica BobergThompson HouseIndividuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Erica HallRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Erica NelsonIndividualIndividual
Erica SouthardBeverly Farm Foudnationstaff at provider agency
Erica StearnsSelfSelf, Caregivers
Ericka B MarshallCommunity Living OptionsStaff at a facility.
Ericka FergusonTrinity ServicesTrinity Services
Ericka TannehillBeverly FarmBeverly Farm
Erika KisselSelfIndividual with a disability
Erika BuckhanonTrinity ServicesStaff at a provider agency.
Erika EngParentParent
Erika NorwoodTrinity ServicesStaff at a provider agency and I support they deserve more
Erin ComptonSelf-AdvocateSelf
erin drozdLittle FriendsSean Worden
Erin FullerResidential DevelopersErin Fuller, Residential Developers
Erin HaldenRay Graham Associationadvocate
Erin HaldenRay Graham Associationadvocate
Erin KalawayAvenues to IndependenceProvider Agency Avenues to Independence
Erin SkaggsEasterseals DuPage & Fox ValleyEasterseals DuPage & Fox Valley
Ernest GonzalezLARCLARC, serving Persons with disabilities.
eslie nealycommunity linkfamily and friends of people with developmental disabilities
Esther SandersProgress Center for Independent LivingProgress Center for Independent Living
Ethan PrehodaCommunity Link Inc.Family and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Eugene StephensOpen Door Rehabilitation CenterStaff at a provider agency
Eve M GushesMisericordiaMisericordia
Evelyn J MiksPersonalself
Ezekiel DavisMosaicStaff at mosaic
Ezekiel OrnelasMysteries of Propulsion, Inc.Volunteer at Organization for Individuals with Disabilities
Fabiola MartinezClearbrookStaff at a provider agency
Faith HoerchlerCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Fantasy TownsendAgencyStaff at a provider agency
Fatimo OgbaraSertoma Centre orgStaff at Sertoma Centre Inc
Felice GarrettPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Fernando MugicaGlenkirkThey Deserve More Coalition
Finn MontantesCTF IllinoisDSP at CTF ILLINOIS
Flora OkoedionGlenkirkGlenkirk
Fran J SmeadNAFamily
Frances FalconeMisericordiaMisericordiai
Frank HarrisLutheran Social Services of IllinoisLutheran Social Services of Illinois
Frank MayerMisericordiaMisericordia
Frank McCrackinEPICFrank McCrackin
Frank PortadaPark Lawnstaff at provider agency and support The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Frank VitaleNoneParent
Franz Kisselselfindividual
Fred and Gerry BatlinerGlenkirk, They Deserve More CoalitionGlenkirk
Fredricka DeanUcp seguinStaff at a provider agency.
gail bukowskisearch, incfamily
Gail DudlicekRay Graham AssociationI am the sister and legal guardian of a developmentally disabled adult at a Ray Graham Facility
Gail JacksonEnvision UnlimitedEnvision Unlimited
Gail KraskaIPADDuniteIPADDUnite
Gail SievertTrinity Services, Inc.STAFF AT PROVIDER AGENCY
Gail Talbotselfself
Garry GuimondEPICEPIC
Gary Briggs SrCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of people with developmental disabilities
Gary LeeseMosaicMosaic
Gary LeeseMosaicStaff
Gary LeeseMosaicStaff
Gary M ArnoldProgress CenterDisabled People in Suburban Cook County
Gary R BachNoneParent of child with disabilities
Gary R BachNoneParent of child with disabilities served by Cornerstone Services
Gayle GriffinParentNot applicable
Gayle ZingerMisericordiaMisericordia
Gaylord A Villers JrMisericordiaMisericordia
Gene BensingerSelfSelf
Gene SampractSertoma CentreGene Sampract, Sertoma Centre
Genevieve SzuckParentParent of resident at provider agency
George DertzRay GrahamRay Graham Association advocate
George HahnMisericordiaMisericordia
Georgia SrokaCenterstoneIndividual with a parent who is disabled and is currently living in the state of IL
GeorgianaNAMI ChampaignNAMI Champaign County
Gerald LenzaselfParent of two adults with profound disabilities, meaning they both need a lot of assistance in all areas of life
Gerald M EstesselfParent
Gerald OrndorffSelfParent, Guardian
Geralynn M GrishamBeverly Farm FoundationParent
Geri BuhnerkempeCommunity Support SystemsStaff from a provider agency
Gertrude WinklerMisericordiaMisericordia
Gianna JourniganTrinity Services Inc.Staff at Trinity Services Inc.
Gianna JourniganTrinity Services Inc.Staff at Trinity Services Inc.
Gil FongerMarklundMarklund
Gina CoulterPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Gina HerzikSearch IncSearch, Inc
Gina RichterselfIllinois Parents of Adults with Developmental Disabilities (IPADD)
Gina TenglinAvenues To IndependenceStaff at Provider Agency
Gina TorralbaAvenues to IndependenceAvenues to Independence
Gina WillenborgCommunity Support SystemsStaff at provider agency
Ginger ArmstrongStreator UnlimitedDirect Service Personnel
Glenn PenmanEPICEPIC
Glenn PenmanEPICEPIC
Glenn PenmanEPICEPIC
Gloria ChandlerUCP Seguin, staff at a provider agency, I support They Deserve More;
Gloria ChandlerUCP Seguinindividual with disability
Gopalakrishnan ParamasivamUCPSEGUINSelf
Gopalakrishnan ParamasivamUCPSEGUINSelf
gordon leonardsearch incsearch inc
Grace LipscombSearch Inc.Search Inc.
Grace M DiColaTrinity Servicesstaff
Grace ThomasAPlus Autism SolutionsPlus Autism Solutions
Grant Cape Attorney CPASoutheastern Residential Alternatives, Inc.Southeastern Illinois Residential, Inc.
Grant ZiesemerMisericordiaMisericordia
Grazyna MiniorParentParent of person with disabilities
Greg PerryCommunity Support SystemsStaff
Greg PEtersenKeystone AllianceThe 1,000 people with disabilities served by our organizations.
Greg SchererCommunity Support SystemsStaff
Gregory DearUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Gregory DearUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Gregory DearUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Gregory G ShaheenEPICEPIC
Gregory HarnessCaterpillar Inc.EPIC
Gregory K GeutherTrinity Services of New Lenox, ILMyself, legal guardian and brother of a disabled person, also Vice Chairman of Trinity Services of New Lenox, IL
Gregory K GeutherTrinity Services of New Lenox, ILTrinity Services of New Lenox, IL
Gregory WalkingtonThe Arc of IllinoisParent of a person with DD
Gregory WilsonPOGO MarketingEPIC
GrillUCP SeguinUCP Seguin
Gus van den BrinkSertoma Centre, Inc.Service Provider
Gwen GotschSelfSelf
hailey lagowHorizon HouseEmployee at Horizon House
Hamid Seif KashaniMisericordiaMisericordia
Hanha MattekCila homeStaff at a providing agency
Hannah LairMosaicStaff Member Of This Agency
Hannah PottsCOMMUNITY LIVING OPTIONSResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Harold G MooreMisericordiaMisericordia
Harriet LevyCenter for Enriched LivingCEO of agency that provides programs & services to individuals with developmental disabilities
Harry ConnerNAperson representing people with disabilities
Harry ConnerNAperson representing people with disabilities
Harry ConnerNAperson representing people with disabilities
Harry ConnerNAperson representing people with disabilities
Heather AcklinCenterstoneStaff at a Provider Agency
Heather BreemsThe Arc of ILParent of children with disabilities
Heather BrownTrinity Services, Inc.Trinity Services. They Deserve More Coalition
Heather CohenNoneFamily member of a disabled person who supports They Deserve More
Heather ConroySelfSelf
Heather D BarschdorfMosaicParent of someone with a disability and a staff at Pontiac mosaic agency
Heather DavisSertoma Centrestaff
HEATHER DYERDirect support personHeather dyer
Heather FraynMisericordiaMisericordia
Heather GansDD HomesDirect Service Providers
Heather GravesMarklundStaff
Heather KeeneCommunity Link IncFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Heather KirpachGarden center servicesStaff
Heather Meservey DanielsonSelfGuardian of individual with a disability
Heather NornesNoneFamily of disabled person
Heather PomaCornerstone ServicesI am a social worker at a provider agency
Heather RamirezGlenkirkStaff at a provider agency
Heather SchultzCornerstone Services, Inc.Self
Heather SparksOpen Door Rehabilitation CenterOpen Door Rehabilitation Center
heather wolfSertoma CentreProvider working for agency that employs DSP's
Heather ZayedCenterstone of IllinoisStaff at Centerstone of Illinois
Heidi GraffMBH LCDRStaff at provider agency, supporter of they deserve more
Heidi HardiekCommunity Support SystemsStaff
Heidi Russell-GreenUcp Of Greater ChicagoI support They Deserve More
Heidi TrochaMisericordiaMisericordia
Heidi WodrichHeidi Seiden Wodrich Counseling & Consulting, LLCCommunity Advocate
Helen ArnoldsMisericordiaMiserricordia
Helen BeatyMisericordiaMisericordis
Helen BlackburnCenterstoneself
Helen MaresRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Associations, advocate
Helene L SonkinAvenues to IndependenceStaff DSP
Henry KureAccountingAmelia Grace Vignieri
Hilary LuxUcpSeguinStaff at UcpSeguin and family member of a person with disability.
Hilda Contreras Schultzparentparent
Holley L MaitlandTrinity servicesTrinity services
Hollie OhParentParentl
Hollis GorrieClearbrookClearbrook
Holly AlbertiService Inc of IllinoisAppearing on behalf of the disabled community whom I advocate for
Holly BarteckiSelfHolly Bartecki
Holly FosterCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Holly RoosParentParent of an adult with a disability
Hon James McGingMiller & McGingMisericordia
Howard BrandeiskyMarklundMarklund Board of Directors
Howard E ReichenekerThe Bottom Line Accounting & Business SeGrandparent of Individual with DD and former CFO of Provider Agency
Howard KarrickNASupporter
HOWARD MOYGlenkirkparent
Hugh JosephUCP-SeguinStaff at a provider agency and I support They Deserve More
Hunter Gillselfself
Ian DunbarRay Graham AssociationSupport Worker- support they Deserve More Campaign
Ian GastonGarden Center Servicesstaff at a provider agency
Ieacsha EmeryTrinity ServicesStaff
Ileen LaskoSelfConstituent
Inga SandovalUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Inga SandovalUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Ingrid KernRay Graham Asso.Ray Graham Asso. advocate
Ingrid Marie EdwardsAssociation individual developmentAssociation individual Development
Inita MooreSouth Chicago parents and friendsParent
Inyanna KoretskayaTrinity Services, Inc.Staff at a provider agency
Irene RiveraUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff at provider agency. I support They Deserve More.
irma kubowitschMisericordiaMisericordia
Iyonna WilliamsSearch IncPeople with Disabilities
Jacalyn Greenno affiliationI am representing myself and my own opinions.
Jacey StephensResidential DevelopersStaff
Jack GuldenbeckerTrinity Services IncSelf
Jack ZimmermanzIMMERMAN FORD INC.parent
Jackalene HuitronMarklundM Staff at the provided agency
Jackie AlfirevicSearch IncManager of a CDS program
Jackie DixonRescare Community AlternativesStaff at provider agency
Jackie RovnerSearch, Inc.Search, Inc.
Jackie SundquistRAMPIndividuals with disabilities
Jaclyn TeskeHunt TerraceResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Jacob BoydMisericordiaMisericordia
jacob KirpachGarden center servicesFamily
Jacolby SimmonsMisericordia HomeStaff
Jacqueline DatesUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Jacqueline DatesUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
JACQUELINE DAVIDSONRIDGE TERRACEResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Jacqueline GardinerDevelopmental Services Center of Champaign CountyStaff at a provider agency
Jacqueline GardinerDSC-Developmental Services Center of Champaign CountyStaff at a provider agency
Jacqueline HendricksBeverly FarmBeverly Farm
Jacqueline KimelAvenues to IndependenceAvenues to Independence
Jacqueline KyleRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Jacqueline MaceAutism McLeanParent
Jacqueline PingsterhausKohrmann Electric Co., IncFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Jacquelyn CuringtonBaby AcademyJacquelyn Curington
Jacquelyn EberlyIPADDUniteDSP support workers
Jacquelyn RatermannCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Jacquelyn ToenniesCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of Persons With Developmental Disabilities
Jada StewartCTF IllinoisStaff
Jada ThompsonSelfDisabled Self Advocate
Jae Eun ShinMisericordiaMisericordia
Jake LawsonCTF IllinoisDSP with CTF Illinois
Jake UribeIndividualAdvocate
Jaliscia HurtMacon Resources Inc.Staff at a provider agency for a group of people with disabilities who supports The Institute of on Public Policy for People with Disabilities.
Jama WallParentParent of Adult Son with Disabilities
James CapraroMisericordiaJames Capraro
James ChasenaThey Deserve More
James E RothThey Deserve More CoalitionA.I,D.
James EiltsEpicEpic
James Gouldselfparent of adult with disabilities
james h bolkerUCP Seguinjames bolker
james h bolkerUCP Seguinparents
James HendleySearch IncSearch Inc
James J FraynMisericordiaMisericordia
James JenningsMisericordiaMisericordia
James L GrahamJames L. GrahamResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
James MalesNoneRay Graham Association
James McPhersonResidential DevelopersFamily
James MoorheadMisericordiaMisericordia
James SperaSpera familyParent of adult child with a disability
James UnderwoodSearchSearch
James UnderwoodSearch, Inc.Search, Inc.
James W VareyMisericordiaMisericordia
James WinterTrinity Services IncI am parent of an individual with a disability living in a group home and support They Deserve More
James WisemanNorthern Illinois Special Recreation AssociationNorthern Illinois Special Recreation Association
Jami FairbanksCommunity support systemsStaff at CSS
Jami OlsenDevelopmental Services CenterDevelopmental Services Center- provider of services to individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
Jamie BenefielMosaicProgram Manager
Jamie CullenParentParent of Adult child with IDD and Autism
Jamie HenkelMosaicstaff at provider agency
Jamie LakeKeshetStaff at provider agency
Jamie LoBelloCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Jamie MartingCornerstone ServicesI am a staff member of Cornerstone Services
Jan GillettKaskaskia WorkshopStaff at Kaskaskia Workshop
Jan GoldbergNAself
Jan MallakRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association, Support Worker
Jane SchmidtRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Jane StewartParent of person with disabilitiesParent of person with disabilities supporting They Deserve More
Janean CliftonSertomaDSP
Janean CliftonSertoma Centre,IncStaff
Janell JochimClearbrookParent
Janet GrafParent of child with disabilitiesParent
Janet L Fergusonselfself
Janet VrtolRAMPIndividuals with disabilities in Boone, DeKalb, Stephenson and Winnebago.
Janet Wilson-HendricksMisericordiaMISERICORDIA
janette damainnot appliicableno
Janice HellmannCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Janice LundalCLearbrookParent of a disabled individual
Janice ValentineAvenues to IndependenceAvenues to Independence
Janice ValentineAvenues to IndependenceAvenues to Independence
Janis RunyanFamily CounselingSupporter of people with disabilities
Janita HenleyUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUcp Seguin of Greater Chicago
JaNyiah MarksMosaicMosaic
Jarrod DykstraSelfPeople with intellectual disabilities
Jasmine ArriolaOpen Door rehabilitation centerstaff of provider agency
Jasmine MartinY.E.S. Support ServicesProvider
Jason B NosbaumSelfSelf
Jason FosterCommunity Link Inc.Family and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Jason LawrenceLincoln Center for Developmental Rehabilitaitonstaff at a provider agency
Jason LottMisericordiaMisericordia
Jason NosbaumSelfSelf
Jason NosbaumSelfSelf
Jason NosbaumSelfSelf
Jason ReisMisericordiaMisericordia
Jason SumCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Jassmine CaruthersUCP Seguin Of Chicagostaff at a provider agency I support They Deserve More
Jassmine CaruthersUCP Seguin Of Chicagostaff at a provider agency I support They Deserve More
Javier OvalleUCPSEGUINUCP Seguin, they deserve more coalition
jay lerchUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff at a provider agency
Jayda HempenPenta Nascent CorpStaff at provider agency
Jaydin JamisonPenta Nascent CorpStaff at provider agency
Jayne DrewEsperanza Community ServicesEsperanza Community Services
Jean CalenoffHarry I. Zucker, employerParent of adult child with developmental disability
Jean FerraraMisericordiaMisericordia
Jean FineganBard OpticalFamily of the disabled
Jeanette FergusonPenta Nascent Corporationstaff member at a provider agency
Jeanette JonesGoldie FlobergGoldie Floberg
Jeanette PhillipsPenta NascentStaff in residential
jeanne gvilloBeverly Farm FoundationBeverly Farm Foundation
Jeanne HirkalaStreator UnlimitedStreator Unlimited
Jeanne SweetThey Deserve MoreParent supporting They Deserve More
Jeannine clearyNaSupport They Deserve More and have a son with down syndrome
Jeannine ClearyRetiredParent of a child with a disability
Jeannine ZupoMarklund Development FECstaff at provider agency
Jeff JordenBeverly farmFamily of a person with disabilities
Jeff JulianLittle City Foundation Board of DirectorsLittle City Foundation
Jeff LevinPlumb ConstructionRay Graham Association
jeff mckinseyfutures unlimitedFUTURES UNLIMITED THEY DESERVE MORE
Jeff ShipmanThe Residential Developersfamily
Jeffrey PastirikStreator Unlimitedsupport They Deserve More
Jeffrey SkwarskiIPADDIPADD Unite
jeffrey stauterkreider serviceskreider services, inc
Jeffrey ViveritoMisericordiaMisericordia
Jeffrey WeinsteinHouseholdParent of disabled
Jen BeckmanOpen Door Rehabilitaion CenterStaff at provider agency
Jen FrisbieCommunity support systemsCss effingham il
Jen KlouseTrinity Servicesstaff at provider agency-I support They Deserve More
Jen Lowryfamilyfamily member
Jen WalkerExceptional Learners Collaborativeself
Jena BlacketerCommunity Living OptionsCommunity living Options
Jenette McPikeMisericordiaMisericordia
Jenise LathonUcp SeguinStaff member of Agency that serves disabled adults
Jenn HawkinsService Inc. of ILService Coordinator, former DSP
Jenna Farmer-BrackettCenterstoneStaff at a provider agency
Jenna KoenigCornerstone ServicesStaff at agency
Jenna Korenstraselfparent of adult with disabilities
Jenna PontiousCommunity Support SystemsStaff
Jenni BeamanCTF IllinoisCTF Illinois
Jenni WilliamsEPICEPIC
Jennifer MartinUCP Seguin Greater ChicagoStaff at Ucp seguin of greater Chicago, I support The Deserve More
Jennifer BolandLittle City and ClearbrookStaff at Provider Agency
Jennifer BuchananCenterstone of IllinoisStaff at provider agency
Jennifer BuddeKohrmann Electric Co. Inc.Family and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Jennifer Cole-JensenCTF IllinoisProvider
Jennifer CruitTCRC, IncStaff at a provider agency
Jennifer Currie-adamsMRIStaff
Jennifer DaileyMosaicDirector of a provider agency
jennifer DavisonAUIDevelopmental Disabilities
Jennifer DonovanCTF IllinoisStaff
JENNIFER DURNASselfself, sibling, IPADD
Jennifer ElliottAnixter CenterAnixter Center Advocate
JENNIFER FERGUSONFreeburg TerraceResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Jennifer g KowalkowskiCornerstone Services, Inc.Disability Provider
Jennifer GledhillSearch IncThey Deserve More
Jennifer GraySouth Chicago Parents & FriendsStaff member, South Chicago Parents & Friends
Jennifer GrybasJennifer GrybasSelf
Jennifer HodgesTrinity Servicesstaff at a provider agency
Jennifer JacobsMosaicParent and Advocate
Jennifer JamesCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Jennifer KayEPICEPIC
Jennifer L ClineIndividual Advocacy Groupsupport staff
Jennifer Lubejkononesibling of a disabled individual
Jennifer LyleStreator Unlimted INC.staff at provider agency
Jennifer M BrownGood ShepardParent of child with disability
Jennifer Martin-PrescottAbilities Plusstaff at a provider agency
Jennifer MillerThe Arc of the Quad Cities AreaStaff at Provider Agency
Jennifer MoranMisericordia HomeMisericordia
Jennifer MulhallTrinity Services- Illinois Crisis Prevention NetworkStudent member at Trinity Services- Illinois Crisis Prevention Network in support of They Deserve More
Jennifer N Taylor-BellQuincy TerraceStaff at provider agency, I support They Deserve More
Jennifer O'HareTrinity ServicesStaff at Agency
Jennifer O'NeillKaskaskia Workshop Incguardian & staff at a provider agency
Jennifer PatersonCommunity Living Options, IncResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Jennifer PendryOpen Door Rehabilitation CenterStaff member at Open Door
Jennifer PetterecPetterec FamilyParent
Jennifer PhillipsCommunity Support SystemsCommunity Support Systems
Jennifer RinerA Plus Autism SolutionsA Plus Autism Solutions
Jennifer RookThrive Counseling CenterEmployer
Jennifer RowzeeService Inc of IllinoisDSPs
Jennifer SagratiGiant StepsIPADDUnite
Jennifer SchneiderMBH - Lincoln CenterStaff at provider agency
Jennifer sheraGoldie flobergStaff at provider agency
jennifer smithCTF IllinoisStaff and Family member of a person with a disability living in a CILA group home
Jennifer StrangesCornerstone Servicesself
Jennifer SturmCSSpeople with disbilities ( my sister )
Jennifer WilkersonTrinity ServicesStaff at a provider agency
Jennifer WitiarzNoneI have a family member with a disability
Jennifer WolfeFuture's UnlimitedFuture's Unlimited
Jenny and Paul MarcucciMisericordiaMisericordia
Jenny CohenTrinity ServicesI support They Deserve More
jenny mcquadecommunity linksupport worker
Jenny PrestonStreator UnlimitedStreator Unlimited - staff at agency
Jenola CrossThe Residential DevelopersIndividual
Jensen CaraballoSelf advocateSelf
jeremiah hartleyCTF of IllinoisCTF of Illinois
Jernice RhodesCommunity Support SystemsCommunity Support Systems Employee
Jerry HanlonMisericordiaMisericordia
Jerry LoveTrinity Services, Inc.persons with disabilities
Jerry MarcecGoldie B. Floberg CenterI am the brother and guardian for Ray Marcec with Down Syndrome. I support They Deserve More
Jerry QuintilianiEPICEPIC
Jerzi SmithPenta Nascent CorpResidential staff
Jess HumphreyCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of people with developmental disabilities.
Jesse M TerrazasSouthChicago Parents & FriendsFriend
Jessica BrummelCommunity LinkNot appearing
Jessica ByrdCommunity LinkStaff at a Provider Agency-Community Link
Jessica CookCCAR industriesI am a staff member at a provider agency.
Jessica CookHorizon House if illinoisFamily member of person with disability; QIDP at Horizon House of Illinois Valley
jessica cookhorizon house of illinois valleyfamily member of person with a disability; staff at provider agency
Jessica DavisRiser CourtResidential Programs for individuals with intellectual or developmental Disabilities
Jessica FairRiverside Foundation Work & Activity Centerstaff
Jessica HarmanCenterstonestaff at a provider agency
Jessica HirshIPADD UNITEFamily
Jessica HubrichTrinity ICPNParent of an individual with a disability
Jessica ParkerTrinity SerivcesStaff at provider agency, Supporter of They Deserve More
Jessica PridemoreDevelopmental Services CenterDevelopmental Services Center
Jessica ReyesOpen Door Rehabilitation CenterStaff at Provider Agency
Jessica TricaricoClearbrookStaff member
Jessica WinnerSelfI, a friend of a person with disability that requires services from staff at a Group home, support They Deserve More
Jessica WisneskiTrinity ServicesTrinity Services
Jessica WolfSelfFamily of person with disability
Jessica ZefferyAvenues to IndependenceAvenues to Independence
Jesus CastroUCP SeguinStaff at a provider agency.
Jesus CastroUCP SeguinStaff at a provider agency.
Jill DahlinTrinity Services Inc.staff at a provider agency
Jill GoldsteinIPPADUniteIPPADUnite
Jill MichelsOpportunity House IncJill Michels - Case Manager & QIDP for Community Day Services at Opportunity House, an organization that serves adults with disabilities.
Jill PearsonCornerstone Services IncStaff at a provider agency
Jim HaptonstahlUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin - They Deserve More
Jim HaptonstahlUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin and They Deserve More
Jim HaptonstahlUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin and They Deserve More
Jim HaptonstahlUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin, They Deserve More Coalition
Jim KnottCornerstoneStaff
Jim SpindelBeverly Farm FoundationParent
Jo Ann PotashnickSelfParent of adult child with Developmental Disability
Jo HalleranMisericordiaMisericordia
Joan CampioneNew Star ServicesParent
Joan JohnsenMisericordiaFriend support. They so deserve more.
Joan Maria HansenMisericordiaMisericordia
Joan Pierceparentparent with a child who has a disability who lives in a group home
Joan SteeleSouthern Illinois Center for Independent Livingself and families who have contacted me regarding their children with disabilities
JoAnn Dakota CimoMisericordiaMisercordia
Joanna KelchRotary Club of Peoria-NorthEPIC
Joanna Romanfamily memberparent supporting They Deserve More
Joanne GranoMisericordiaMisericordia
Joanne JohnsonVernon Township Community Mental Health BoardVERNON TOWNSHIP Community Mental Health Board
jodie bondmosaicstaff at a provider agency
Jodie BrackenMarklundMarklund
Jodie HarmonDSCDSC
Jody GoecknerCSSStaff
Jody PruntySelfAdvocate
Joe AlfirevicSearch IncFamily works at provider agency
Joe CoulterAchievement UnlimitedResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Joe LevyAnixter centerLiteracy volunteer at Anixter Center
Joe MaloCornerstone ServicesCornerstone Services
Joe WorkmanCSSFamily
Joel HeinzJoel Heinz Art & Design, Ltd.They Deserve More
Joel VargoMisericordiaMisericordia
Joella GillParent and friendsParent of a disabled person position I did that and of her parents okay
Joey FisherHorizon House of Illinois ValleyEmployee of a provider agency
Johanna GranoblesActiveVisionsDSP with ActiveVisions
Johanna KeenanMisericordiaMisericordia
John A MoeryMisericordiaMisericordia
John and Gloria AmlingClearbrookFamily
John B SebertSebert Landscaping CompanyI am a relative of a disabled person. My sister is mentally retarded & leagally blind.
John BuckleyIndependence Health & TherapyIndependence Health & Therapy
John BulaonSertoma CentreSertoma Centre
John ChambersNAMisericordia
John ClairMisericordiaStaff at Provider agency
John CoughlinMisericordiaMisericordia
John DelanyGiraffe LLCMarklund
John DmytrenkoSearchparent
John E DugganMisericordiaMisericordia
John Edgar MihelicCommunity Support ServicesThe Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
John Fosternoneparent of a 14 year old with a disability
John FriedlandSearch, Inc.Board Member
John HuelskampCommunity LinkPersons with Developmental Disabilities in community settings residing in Illinois
JOHN J MCINERNEYHomeThey Deserve More
John J NilsonMisericordiaMisericordia
John JulianoMilestoneThe Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities;
John K DahlkeGarden Center ServicesParent of son with disabilities
John Kilnerparentparent of person with disability
John LawsonThey Deserve MoreI have a family member in a group home and fully support They Deserve More.
John LemkerEnvision UnlimitedEnvision Unlimited
John M MeisingerEPICEPIC
John MachulisMisericordia HomeProponent
John MallaneyStreator Unlimited, Inc.Persons with IDD and DSPs serving them.
John McGeehanMisericordiaMisericordia
John McNettHelping HandJohn McNett
John MiniuttiRetiredUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
John Mr TerrelliJohn Lawrence IncParent
John NeumannSouth Chicago Parents and FriendsFamily Friend
John PanekMisericordiaMisericordia
John PingoGoldie B. Floberg Centerpeople served and DSPs of Goldie Floberg
John PingoGoldie B. Floberg CenterThe people served and employees of Goldie Floberg
John S Herring SrIllinois Network of Centers for Independent LivingIllinois Network of Centers for Independent Living
John SanchezMisericordiaMisericordia
John SheaIndividualAdult with a disability
John Snowprivate citizenGlenkirk
John TracynonePerson with a disability
John TsokolasFamily Member supporting They Deserve MoreFamily Member supporting They Deserve More;
John ViveritoMisericordiaMisericordia
John WeilerGatewayGateway
John WeisRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
John WienerIndividualParent and guardian of an adult with a disability
Johnathan McPhersonResidential DevelopersFamily
Jolanta SinagraClearbrookParent of disabled child
Joleen CorbettMemorial Behavioral HealthStaff at Memorial Behavioral Health Day Training Facility
Jon KashOur Directions Inc.Staff at a provider agency
Jon RauwerdaClearbrookNon profit agency
Jon TrupinYG Financial GroupOn board of CU Independence and Prairie Hones
Jon WinklerMisercordiaMisercordia
Jonathan BerkeMisericordiaMisericordia
Jonathan GonzalezEsperanza Community ServicesI am a staff at a provider agency support The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Jonathan HellerselfParent of a person with a disability and supporter of They Deserve More
Jonathan LinasLester and Rosalie Anixter CenterBoard Member at Lester & Rosalie Anixter Center
Jonathan TorresAplus Autism SolutionsAplus Autism Solutions
Jonathan WeilMisericordiaMisericordia
Joni KraftAvenues to IndependenceAvenues to Independence
Jonna LoweResCare, IncStaff at provider agency
Jordan Abayomi WhiteMosaicMosaic
Jorian ClemonsEisenhower TerraceCommunity Living Options
Joseph Adam MuranMighty Few LLCSearch Inc.
Joseph and Sally KoebelMisericordiaParents of a person with a disability
Joseph and Sally KoebelMisericordiaParents of a person with a disability - Misericordia
Joseph C LunkesMisericordiaMisericordia Heart of Mercy
Joseph DerezinskiRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Joseph DunneMisericordia Family AssociationMisericordia
Joseph GranoMisericordiaMisericordia
Joseph HussMisericordiaMisericordia
Joseph HussMisericordiaParent of a disabled child
Joseph LentiSelfSelf
Joseph LenzaselfI am an adult with multiple disabilities..
Joseph M WitkusNoneSelf
Joseph MengoniUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoThey Deserve More
Joseph MengoniUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoThey Deserve More
Joseph MengoniUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoThey Deserve More
Joseph MengoniUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoThey Deserve More
Joseph MengoniUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoThey Deserve More
Joseph MengoniVillage of North RiversideThey Deserve More
Joseph O'SullivanClearbrookClearbrook, Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
JOSEPH PATESt Coletta of WISt Coletta of WI
Joseph S HigginsMisericordiaMisericordia
Joseph S MesserMisericordiaMisericordia
Joseph V Messer MDMisericordiaMisericordia
Joseph W CorriganEPICparent who supports They Deserve More
Josephine HaptonstahlJacksonville Heritage Nursing Home, Jacksonville ILPaul Haptonstahl
Josephine MonteckiUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Josephine WilliamsCenterstoneStaff at Centerstone
Josh EvansIARFCommunity-based providers serving and supporting children and adults with developmental disabilities and serious mental illnesses.
Josh EvansIARFCommunity-based providers serving and supporting children and adults with developmental disabilities and serious mental illnesses.
Josh GoecknerCSSFamily
Josh HelmuthThe Residential DevelopersIndividual
Joshua DouglassL.S.S.I.Provider at LSSI
Joshua GarciaLester and Rosalie Anixter CenterLester and Rosalie Anixter Center
Joshua KirpachGarden center servicesFamily
Joshua StatonAlan G RyleStaff provider at agency
Joshua VandiverDevelopmental Services CenterDevelopmental Services Center
Joshua VoitUPC SeguinUCP Seguin
Josie BoswellMisericordiaMisericordia
Josie LauthFutures Unlimited IncFutures Unlimited Inc Staff at a provider agency. I support They Deserve More
Joy Meadenoneparent of staff worker
Joyce C VeldmanMisericordiaMisericordia
Juanita DunbarThe Residential DevelopersIndividual
Judith A HughesNoneFamily Member
judith andersonlLincoln Rehabilatation CenterI work for agency
Judith G LarsonIndividualThey Deserve More supporter
Judith KrizGateway ServicesStaff at Gateway Services and I support They Deserve More
Judith SwansonMisericordiaMisericordia
Judith WallMisericordia Heart of MercyMisericordia Heart of Mercy
Judy and Mike RandallMisericordiaMisericordia
Judy CiufiaMisericordiaMisericordia
Judy CorriganEPICEPIC
Judy CorriganEPICparent who supports They Deserve More
Judy DavisIndividualParent of individual with disability; supporter of They Deserve More
Judy FreemanCSSStaff
Judy SchusterMisericordiaMisericordia
Judy Tierneybusinessindividual with a disability parent
Julia BeehnCTF IllinoisStaff at provider agency
Julia BowmanNoneParent of an adult with severe multiple disabilities
Julia MiskowiecOrchard VillageStaff at a Provider Agency
Julia SwordyPACTT Learning CenterThey Deserve More
Juliana Marie PowersSearch, Inc.Search, Inc.
Julianne HahnMisericordiaMisericordia
Julie orbiter de LaraNAMy so
Julie A LerchUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff at a provider agency - UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago and I support They Deserve More
Julie ColeOpen Door Rehabilitation Centerparent of disabled adult
Julie DennyNASelf
Julie EvansSelfSelf
Julie GebbenCommunity Support SystemsCommunity Support Systems
Julie GianniMisericordiaMisericordia
Julie GlasseyMisericordiaMisericordia
Julie GlockOpen Door RehabilitationOpen door rehabilitation staff member
Julie HollandCTF of IllinoisCTF of Illinois employee
Julie HookCailIndividual
Julie JacksonFAYCO Enterprises, Inc.FAYCO Enterpises, Inc
Julie jasica-MercolaMisericordiaMisericordia
Julie SatherBethshan AssociationStaff at provider agency
Julie StephanSelfSelf
Julie Sveinsson LindSt. Coletta of WisconsinFamily
Julie TracynoneParent of a person with a disability
Julie WeissheimerSelfIPADDUnite
Justice BrumfieldGoldie floberg centerStaff at Goldie floberg center
Justin BrownTrinity ServicesIndependent Living Coach at Trinity Services
Justin DeVaultPersonalParent who supports They Deserve More
Justin E SwiftKreider ServicesKreider Services
Justin EvansPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Justin GibsonSelfSelf
Justin Horvath-AdairNot ApplicableFamily and guardian of someone with a disability
Justina NavaTrinity Services IncTrinity Services Inc staff and I support They Deserve More
Justine BrewerMoultrie County Beacon, Inc.Staff at Moultrie County Beacon
Justine LimbrunnerMarklundStaff at a provider agency
JusZare HamiltonPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Kacie AltmanMisericordiaMisericordia
Kailee OramTrinity ServicesStaff at Trinity Services
Kaitlyn DunningStreator UnlimitedStaff at Streator Unlimited
Kaitlyn JohnsonResidential developersStaff
Kala PierceOpen Door rehabilitation centerStaff of agency, open door rehabilitation center
Kaley CohenLibenuStaff
Kalin UpsonOpporutnity House, Inc.Direct Support Professionals
Kameren StantonPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Kami KommGermantown Public Library DistrictFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Kami MasonCommunity Support Systemsstaff at agency
Kamryn BartelsCommunity Support SystemsStaff for indivdual with disability
Kanija WilliamsPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Kanisha LampkinCommunity Living OptionsResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Kara AllenMisericordiaMisericordia
Karen BoppSeguinFriend
Karen CashenEnvision UnlimitedParent
Karen DerganceHorizon HouseHorizon House - staff
Karen EdgarService Inc. of IllinoisISC Agency
Karen GrayIndividualGeneral Public
Karen HoffenkampMisericordiaMisericordia
Karen l HillSt. Coletta of Wisconsinsister
Karen McBrideNoneI am a family member of an individual with a disability, and I support They Deserve More.
Karen McGeeNoneParent of a Disabled Adult
Karen OlsonRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association and parent of adult with disabilities
Karen osgoodCommunity Living OptionsResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Karen PoharHorizon House of ILlinois Valley inc.staff at provider agency
Karen ScottThe Arc of the Quad CitiesParen of special needs child
Karen ShandsCenterstone of IllinoisCenterstone
Karen WilsonCommunity Support Systemscss
Kari Anne RichardsonGateway Services - Princeton, ILStaff at a provider agency
Kari KeeganMisericordiaMisericordia
Kari TaylorGoldie FlobergGoldie Floberg
Kari TaylorGoldie FlobergRegistered nurse for individuals with developmental disabilities
Karin BehrendtMarklundStaff
Karina VegaTrinity ServicesTrinity Services They Deserve More
Karissa CotterThe ARC of Iroquois CountyDSPs
Karl LangeThe Residential DevelopersIndividual
Karla GieseselfI am a person with a disability and staff at a provider agency
Karla HildredBeverly Farms FoundationBeverly Farm Foundation
Karla M CavanaghArc of IllinoisMolly Morgan Cavanagh
Karla SorianoUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoThey Deserve More
Karla Van FleetSelfRay Graham Association
Karley ShipmanLawrence Crawford Association for Exceptional CitizensStaff at a provider agency
Karlie MyersBrauns TerraceResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Karyn MillerMisericordiaMisericordia
Kasey OrnelasOrchard Villagestaff at a provider agency
Kashayla SidhuCommunity Support SystemsStaff for provider agency
Kassey ShipmanThe Residential Developersfamily
Kate SchultzMisericordiaMisericordia
Kate TazicRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Katelyn Andrysiak-BegertEsperanza Community ServicesStaff at a provider agency
Katharine CaseyExceptional Learners CollaborativeExceptional Learners Collaborative
Katherine AdlerEpicEpic
Katherine AndersonEPICEPIC
Katherine HielscherFamilyMisericordia
Katherine O'BrienMisericordiaMisericordia
Katherine PorterMisericordiaMisericordia
Katheryn VuksonPrivate Citizensibling of a person with a disability who supports They Deserve More
Kathleen CampaCommunity LinkFriends and Family of People with Disabilities
Kathleen GreenawaltArchdiocese of ChicagoSupport of They Deserve More
Kathleen HolzheimerSearchfamily
Kathleen KaufmanMisericordiaMisericordia
Kathleen KnoppeTrinity ServicesEmployed by Trinity Services
Kathleen KotelFamilyParent
Kathleen LunkesMisericordiaMisericordia
Kathleen M McGinnisMisericordiaMisericordia
Kathleen McCarthyMisericordiaMisericordia
kathleen mesheimerMisericordiaMisericordia
Kathleen Nicole TingleyTrulson Houseo Residential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Kathleen PerrettaSelfSelf
Kathryn AshwoodMosaicstaff at mosaic
Kathryn CarneyRay Graham Assoc.I am a person with ID
Kathryn EnglerFamilyFamily
Kathryn J FrickeSelfStaff at a provider agency
Kathryn JohnsonParent of disabled personParent of person with disability.
Kathryn Magine-HarrisMarklundMarklund
Kathryn MoeryMisericordiaMisericordia
Kathy BriertonClearbrook - PAL, Partners in Adult LearningParent, legal Guardian
Kathy BrownRay GrahamGuardian of a person with a disability
Kathy CarmodyInstitute on Public Policy for People with DisabilitiesInstitute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Kathy CornellClearbrookClearbrook - I am a parent of a son with severe disabilities
Kathy GonsalvesCommunity LinkFamily and friends of people with developmental disabilities
Kathy karraschMisericordiaMisericordia
Kathy LossoSertoma CentreStaff at a Provider Agency-I support The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Kathy MurphyStreator UnlimitedI am a staff member at a providing agency.
Kathy ScheuingClearbrookstaff at a provider agency
Kathy Schricknoneparent and guardian of disabled son
Kathy SimpsonAssociation for Individual DevelopmentIndividuals with disabilities relying on caregivers
Kathy SimpsonThey Deserve More and The ArcAll individuals with disabilities requiring caregivers
Kathy SteinmannCommunity LinkAll participants of Community Link (my brother included)
Kathy SteinmannCommunity LinkAll participants of Community Link (my brother included)
Katie AbmaSelfUCP Seguin and They Deserve More
Katie flemingUcp seguinStaff at agency
Katie Grubernoneself
Katie Joyce-RyanMisericordiaMisericordia heart of Mercy
Katie KuhlCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Katie Nicole MaddenselfMisericordia
Katie PetersonSertoma Centre, Inc.Sertoma Centre, Inc.
Katie RobichaudThrivent FinancialAdvocate - Ray Graham Association
Katie VeatchClearbrookFamily member of an individual with a disability & staff at a provider agency
Katina HeathCenterstonestaff at a provider agency
Katrina FineCCAR Industriesstaff at a provider agency
Katy AguayoExceptional Learners CollaborativeSchool Social Worker
Kayla AllenPenta Nascent CorpStaff at provider agency
Kayla DonovanAplus Autism SolutionsAplus Autism Solutions
Kayla GomezOpen Door Rehabilitation CenterStaff at a provider agency
Kayla SaenzGoldie FlobergStaff at a provider agency, I support The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Keely AbsherGood Shepherd CenterParent of Individual with Disability
Keisha BrownStreator Unlimitedstaff at a provider agency
Kelci HartmanMemorial Behavioral HealthStaff at Provider Agency
Kelle SchmidtkeThe Beverly Farm FoundationStaff at provider agency
Kelley CurrierUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Kelley CurrierUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Kelley Y HaydenResidential OptionsStaff at a provider agency
Kelley YoungChallenge Unlimited Incstaff at a provider agency
Kellie LevittCTF ILLINOISStaff at a provider agency
Kellie TruppaparentParent of person with a disabiity
Kellie TruppaThey Deserve MoreParent of person with a disabiity
Kelly A humbert-hallinSelfGuardian of disabled adults
Kelly BaldrateselfIndividual (parent of a child with a disability)
Kelly CzyzowiczNONENONE
Kelly EvansLittle CityStaff at a provider agency and also a guardian for sibling who receives services in Illinois
Kelly JohnsonNoneSelf
Kelly LavkoPark LawnFamily Member of Disabled Person
Kelly MooreUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoThey Deserve More Coalition
Kelly ReynoldsDevelopmental Services CenterDSPs
kelly reynoldsDSCStaff
Kelly RobertsonLutheran social services of IllinoisI am a staff at a provider agency, and support The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities;
Kelly Ryan LaScolaGarden Center ServicesFamily
Kelly StummeRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Kelly SwaimTrinity ServicesStaff at a provider agency
Kelsey FedorCornerstone Services, IncStaff working with those with disability
Ken Meyerretiredfamily & friends of people with developmental disabilities
Ken MihelichCornerstone Services, Inc.Cornerstone Services, Inc. - Staff
Ken MurphyTrinity ServicesTrinity Services
Kendra GentryCornerstone ServicesCornerstone Services
Kendra RoseMisericordiaMisericordia
Kendra TegelerCommunity Support Systemsstaff at a provider agency
Kennedi Rivera-BakerTrinity Services, Inc.Trinity Services, Inc.
kennedie reynoldsgarden center servicesjob
KennethBodyworks of MorrisIndividual, parent of a care provider.
kenneth idokoEPICEPIC
Kenneth BuckParent of a individual with a disabilityParent of a individual with a disability
Kenneth CarsonMisericordiaMisericordia
Kenneth E WilliamsselfParent of person with a disability; They Deserve More
Kenneth LichnerThey Deserve MoreI am the sibling of an individual with a disability in Illinois. Supporting They Deserve More
Kent D SchuetteBeverly FarmDSP's
Kent LashwayMisericordiaMisericordia
Kenya DriverUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff at provider Agency who supports They Deserve More.
Kenyatta WoodsRay Graham Association foRay Graham Association for People With Disabilities
Keona NumeraWorksource EnterprisesWorksource Enterprises
Keri GlennMosaic PONIL-ILStaff at Mosaic PONIL-IL
Kerri ForestKeller Williams Realty InfinityKerri Forest
Kerry BergMarklundStaff at a provider agency
Kerwin HickeyIndividualParent of an adult child with a disability
Kevin AnderkoClearbrookStaff at a provider agency
Kevin FeeneyErin FeeneyErin Feeney
Kevin GraczykNoneI'm a individual with a disability and I support that they deserve more.
Kevin McCarthyGlenkirkFamily member in support of SB 2026
Kevin WeibleBeverly Farm FoundationStaff at a provider agency
Kevin William RoginaTrinity ServicesTrinity Services staff, They deserve more coalition
Keyondri JoyPenta Nascent Corporationstaff member at a provider agency
KimTrinity Services, Inc.People with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Kim BerenbergGlenkirkGlenkirk- Provider Agency
Kim BowdryChampaign County Mental Health BoardPerson
Kim BowdryselfPerson
kim cappellettiSt Coletta's of IllinoisDirector of Social Services, in support of I Deserve More
KIM CARTERCommunity support systemsupport worker community support system
Kim CaulfieldGarden Center ServicesFamily Member
Kim HardenDSCStaff at a provider agency
Kim HudgensCornerstone ServicesCornerstone Services, staff
Kim MurphySelfIpaddunite
Kim SchneiderMisericordiaMisericordia
Kim ShontzICPN-SSTPeople with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Kim SwanBjorklund HouseBjorklund House Oak Forest illinois
Kim VassarThe Residential DevelopersIndividual
Kim WalkerAbilities PlusStaff at a community agency
Kim YenchRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association advocate
Kim ZoellerRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Kimberlie CardinalDevelopmental Services CenterStaff at provider agency
Kimberly CaulfieldGarden Center ServicesFamily Member
Kimberly CzyzowiczLambs Farmparent of daughter with disability and staff at a provider agency who supports They Deserve More
Kimberly JohnsonChicagoland Autism ConnectionChicagoland Autism Connection
Kimberly MarcumGarden Center ServicesI am staff at Garden Center Services and I support They Deserve More
Kimberly Mercer-SchleiderIllinois Council on Developmental DisabilitiesIllinois Council on Developmental Disabilities
Kimberly Richterselfindividual with developmental disabilities
Kimberly RossSertoma CentreKimberly C. Ross
Kimberly SmithCornerstone services, IncStaff member at a provider agency
Kimberly SopkoStreator UnlimitedStaff at providing agency
Kimberly StimacMisericordiaMisericordia
Kimberly TurkEPICEPIC
Kirsi SmithAchievement Unlimited, Inc.Residential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Kirsten hayesResidential developmentStaff at a group home
Kirsten PetersenLambs FarmStaff at a provider agency
Kirsten WilkersonTriad CUSD2Member of Community Link Board of Directors
Kish PisaniFamily member and advocateAdults with IDD
Kiyara A Wattsprovider agencystaff at a provider agency
Klaus WinklerMisericordiaMisericordia
Koren R HaynesFreeburg Terracestaff
Kori HollandTrinity Services, Inc.Trinity Services, Inc.
Kori Lynn LarsonRiverside FoundationRiverside Foundation Provider
Korina BarnesCTF IllinoisStaff at a provider agency
Krescene BeckSelfSelf
Krissy KlingbeilMarklundStaff at provider agency
Krista KellBeverly Farm FoundationI am a staff at a Provider Facility
Krista KingeryCCAR IndustriesParent, Staff at Provider Agency
Krista WolfParents and Friends of the Community Integration ServicesResidential Service Provider
Kristen BalaHuntley HeatingFamily of an individual
Kristen GarciaRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Kristen LendiAnixter CenterNA
kristen mahay145037Staff at UCP Seguin of greater Chicago
Kristen mahayUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff at a provider agency.
Kristen mahayUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago.UCP Seguin
Kristen SchramCornerstone ServicesStaff at a provider agency supporting They Deserve More.
Kristi CrawfordCommunity Support SystemsStaff at a provider agency
Kristi EnersonCornerstone servicesCornerstone services
Kristi EnersonCornerstone servicesCornerstone services
Kristi EnersonCornerstone servicesCornerstone services
Kristi GreenfieldMarcfirstWork for an organization that serves people with disabilities in Illinois
Kristi HartzCornerstone Servicesstaff member at a providing agency
Kristi JohnsonCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disability
Kristi M MarshMisericordiaMisericordia
Kristin DolenMarklund Children's HomeProvider
Kristin DolenMarklund Children's HomeProvider
Kristin KelleyNAI am the sister of a disabled adult and have filled in as a DSP for her because it is so difficult to find caring people who can and will work for such low wages. I support They Deserve More.
Kristin KirkegaardGlenkirkstaff at provider agency
Kristin MolyneuxService Inc. Of IllinoisService Inc. of IL
Kristina KoesterCommunity Living OptionsResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
Kristina ShipmanThe Residential DevelopersADSP
Kristina ShipmanThe Residential DevelopersStaff at a provider agency
KRISTINA WINKLERMisericordiaMisericordia
Kristine ConnerStreator Onized Credit UnionBoard Member for Streator Unlimited
Kristine SizemoreCommunity Living OptionsResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Kristy BeuningMarklundMarklund
Krystal GruenenfelderCommunity LinkMember of IARF
Krystle williamsTrinity serviceKrystle williams
Kurt ThullCSSFamily
Kyla DueckerCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Kyle BrannerCornerstone Services, INCCornerstone Services, INC
Kyle RussowStreator UnlimitedStreator Unlimited
Kyle WebbCommunity Living Optionso Residential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Kylie WilsonTrinity Services, Inc.Staff at Trinity Services supporting They Deserve More
Kyontay HenryCTF IllinoisDSPS
Kyrsten BoydPioneer ConceptsDSP
Lacee SchlieperCommunity linkFamily and friends of people with developmental disabilities
Lacey BirkPathway Services UnlimitedPathway Services Unlimited
Lacy K McDonaldKaskaskia WorkshopStaff
LaDrenia McCaskillSertoma CentreSertoma Centre
Laken SchoenmanEPICEPIC
Lakendra LeeMacon Resouresstaff at a provider agency
Lakeshia BrewerTrinity Services INCmedical staff that supports we all deserve more
Lanetta J DixonTrinity ServicesStaff
Lara KiddleRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association-advocate
Lara ShortNAI am a parent of an individual with developmental disabilities residing in Illinois
Lara SperoffPathways Therapeutic ServicesStaff member at a provider agency
Larisa LeaderNA personal representation of myselfpersons with a disability and their family members
Larissa BlumAchievement UnlimitedResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Larkin WoodPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Larry D OwensParent of DisabledParent
Lasheena BrockettMosaicstaff
Lashonda HunterTrinity ServicesStaff at a provider agency and a parent. I support they Deserve More
latasha coleray graham associationray graham association
Latasha SteeleUcp SeguinDisability
Latia WilliamsGood ShepherdGood Shepherd
LaTonya ClemonsSeguin ServicesUCP Seguin, I support they deserve More
LaTonya ClemonsUCP SeguinUCP Seguin, I support they deserve More
LaTonya JacksonGood ShepherdParent Guardian
Latonya RobersonUcp seguinEmployees
LaToya JohnsonMosaic of RockfordDSP at a provider agency
Latrice CollinsCornerstone Services INC.Latrice Collins at Cornerstone Services Inc.
Latrice DuriaLssiStaff The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities.
latricia rosschallenge unlimitedchallenge unlimited
Laura A BertoliniRay GrahamRay Graham Association advocate
Laura A NeuhardtTrinity Services, Inc.advocate as a staff at a provider agency and support They Deserve More
Laura AndersonWinning Systems Inc.They Deserve More Coalition
Laura BlumeTrinity Services, Inc.Trinity Services, Inc.
Laura CarrHorizon House of PeruStaff
Laura Daveynone, family memberParent of a young adult with a disability
Laura DmytrenkoSearchparent
Laura DonnellyTrinity ServicesAgency that support people with disabilities and they deseve more
Laura FineNAguardian of person with a disability
Laura FlentyeMisericordiaMisericordia
Laura GonzalezUCP-Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Laura GuzmanRaygraham associationRay graham parent of a disabled person
Laura Jamesselfself
Laura KrohnAdult Down Syndrome CenterSupporter of Avenues to Independence and the Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Laura LoegerMisericordiaMisericordia
Laura MIPADD UniteIPADD Unite
Laura McKittrickUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoFamily member supporting They Deserve More
Laura MicklerOpen Door Rehabilitation CenterStaff at provider agency
Laura NeuhardtTrinity Services, Inc.advocate as a staff at a provider agancy
Laura PotterAllen CourtResidential Program for Individuals with intellectual disabilities or developmental disabities
Laura R WilkinPSCIParent of an individual with a disability
Laura SchulzMisericordiaMisericordia
Laura ThullCSSFamily
Laura UlepicRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association Advocate
Laura WilkinsonGoldie FlobergStaff at provider agency
Laurel NixonRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Lauren Beth GashLBG Law and Consultingself
Lauren CreedonMisericordiaMisericordia
Lauren E RochelPark LawnNA
Lauren EmdeSearch Inc.Family of individual with disabilities
Lauren MariucciClearbrookStaff at a provider agency
Lauren McFerrinDi Bruno BrosFamily to support Beverly Farm Foundation
Lauren O'MalleySearchnone.
Lauren SaternusSelfSelf
Laurence HoveyMisericordiaMisericordia
Laurence JacobsJacobs Medical LLCMISERICORDIA
Laurence ZoellerRETRay Graham Association for People with Disabilities
Lauri PhillipsSelfSelf
Laurie HemkerCommunity LinkCommunity Link - staff at a provider agency
Laurie HockingsAbilities-Plus-IncStaff at a provider agency
Laurie JerueIPADDUniteIPADDUnite
Laurie McCarthyMisericordiaMisericordia
Laurie SkinnerselfParent of person with a disability
Laurie SosaGateway ServicesStaff at a provider agency
Laurie SweeneyRiverside FoundationI have a family member at Riverside Foundation and strongly support They Deserve More.
Lawrence MarkinnoneParent of a son with Autism
Laynie BuehlIndividual Advocacy Groupsupport staff for someone with disabilities
Leah AnttilaService Inc of IllinoisPersons with IDD
Leah DoweidtRGA Hanson Center BarnRay Graham Association
Leanne Mullnana
LEDONNA FLYNNTrinity ServicesStaff at a provider agency.
Lee GarnerGood Shepherd CenterStaff
Lee J HarrisSolomon Cordwell BuenzEnvision Unlimited
Lee JorwicRetiredRay Graham Assoc.
Leesa A SchminkStreator UnlimitedPersons with IDD and DSPs
Leesa A SchminkStreator UnlimitedStreator Unlimited
Lekai JamesTrinity Servicesstaff a provider agency and supporter of they deserve more
Lem PabloMarklundStaff at a provider agency serving individuals with disabvilities
Lena Lasley-SmithMosaicStaff At Mosaic
Lenore J VareyMisericordiaMisericordia
Leo KubowitschMisericordiaMisericordia
Leonetta RizziMcHenry County Mental Health BoardMcHenry County Mental Health Board
Lesley LuckettUCP SeguinStaff at provider agency
Leslie RobertsSelfSelf
Lester E Zigurskinonethose with intellectual disabilities
Letecia JamesTrinity ServicesAgency that support people with disabilities and they deseve more
Lewis JonesBeverly Farm FoundationFAMILY
Liane LopezTrinity ServicesAdvocate
Liane LopezTrinity Services, IncAdvocate
Lila YusenSelfSelf
Lili Jin MelvinRay Graham Assoc.Sibling of a person with disabilities
Lilia ArellanoAvenues to IndependenceAvenues to Independence
Lillian DayCommunity Support SystemsStaff at Community Support Systems
LindaAir Diffusion SystemsParent
Linda BuchaloMisericordiaMisericordia
Linda ClineMisericordiaMisericordia
Linda DoggettMacon Resources Inc.The institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Linda DozierSt. Coletta's of IllinoisStaff ata provider agency. I support The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities.
Linda E RutkowskiMisericordiaMisericordia
Linda ForneroFUTURES UNLIMITEDFutures Unlimited
Linda HallParent of a Child with AutismMy son with a disability and others like him
Linda HellerThey Deserve MoreThey Deserve More
Linda JONESSPARCBoard Member of SPARC, Springfield, IL
Linda K WeissLutheran Social ServicesFamily of a handicapped person.
Linda L BensonRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association, Helping Hand
Linda LaraMisericordiaMisericordia
Linda M PrzybylaLarcFamily member
Linda McCluskeyCommunity Living OptionsResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Linda McGovernMisercordiaMisercordia
Linda ReeceMisericordiaMisericordia
Linda RomanParent GuardianSevita Health (group home)
Linda SmithAvenues to IndependenceThe Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Linda TortorelliindividualLinda Tortorelli
LindaNDA DAVIDSONPALATINE MANAGEMENT LLCParent of indivual with a disability
Lindsay FatlaOpen Door rehabilitation centerStaff
Lindsay HettaschMisericordiaMisericordia
Lindsay StejskalParentParent of individuals with disabilities
Lindsey KeglLutheran Social Services of IllinoisI am staff at a provider agency and I support The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities.
Lisa A MischlerKreider ServicesKreider Services
Lisa A NeuNoneFamily
Lisa A SchumacherMisercordiaMisericordia
Lisa BeckerKaskaskia WorkshopStaff
Lisa Bentleycommunity Linkorganization
Lisa BohnenstiehlNAFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Lisa BurgerMisericordiaMisericordia
lisa cressmarklundMarklund
Lisa CruseMisericordiaMisericordia
Lisa Dianne Norman-WhetstoneRay Grahamno one
Lisa DillonTrinity ServicesTrinity Services
Lisa EasleyPenta Nascent CorpResidential staff
Lisa FudgeCrosspoint Human ServicesCrosspoint Human Services
Lisa GaynorMisericordiaMisericordia
Lisa HannaGood Shepherd CenterParent of a disabled child
Lisa HunspergerFriend of person with a disabilityFriend of person with a disability
Lisa JamesBeverly farmsMother of a disabled person
Lisa Kennedy1110024334959Family member
Lisa KnightSelfParent
Lisa LewKeshetProvider agency staff and support They Deserve More
Lisa LewisAnixter Centerstaff at a provider agency
Lisa LewisAnixter CenterStaff at a provider agency
Lisa LynchHealth Services Consultantsstaff at a provider agency
Lisa M Fuhrselfself
Lisa M RaicaNANA
Lisa MasucciMisericordiaMisericordia
Lisa MunsonMilestone Inc.Milestone, Inc.
Lisa PartehMosaicstaff at a provider agency
Lisa PawelecOpen Door Rehab Centerstaff at a provider agency
LISA RANKINCCAR INDUSTRIESstaff at provider agency
Lisa RennerStreator UnlimitedStreator Unlimited
Lisa RennerStreator UnlimitedStreator Unlimited
Lisa RennerStreator UnlimitedStreator Unlimited
Lisa RennerStreator UnlimitedStreator Unlimited
Lisa RennerStreator UnlimitedStreator Unlimited
Lisa SabresUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago-InfinitecStaff at provider agency
Lisa SchnedlerArc of the Quad Cities AreaStaff at a provider agency and started out in the human services fied as a DSP.
Lisa SiemerCommunity Support SystemsStaff at a provider agency
Lisa VignieriAIDParent
Lisa VitoUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff supporting They Deserve More
Lisa WinnettCommunity Living OptionsResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Liz DrogosElim Christian ServicesDSPs
Liz and Scott MendelMisericordiaMisericordia
Liz ClarkSearch Inc., They Deserve More Coalitionparent of adult daughter who has Down syndrome
Liz MoshureRAMPIndividuals with Disabilities
Liz Wright-IdowuGarden Center ServicesGarden Center Services Staff
Liza CurielUnique Sweets Inc. NFPAutistic adults
Logan WhiteRAMP CILIndividuals with Disabilities in Winnebago, Boone, Dekalb and Stephenson Counties
Lois AlcornMarklundMarklund
Lois MuellerMisericordiaMisericordia
Lolita L ParkerCommunity Support ServicesStaff at a provider agency supporting The Institute on Public Policy for people with Disabilities
Loni JohnsonCornerstone ServicesDSP
Lonnie RandallLittle City FoundationStaff at a provider agency
Loranda GuyOpen Door Rehabilitation CenterDSP at Open Door Rehabilitation Center
Lorenia MoralesGood ShepherdGood Shepherd
lorenzo swiftray grahamparent
Loretta McElroyFayco Enterprises Inc.RNT for Fayco Enterprises.
Lori A WachtelDSCDSPs
Lori ColeBeverly Farm FoundationEmployee at Beverly Farm
Lori DixonThe Arc of the Quad Cities Areastaff at a provider agency
Lori E HillMisericordiaMisericordia
Lori KaneLittle City FoundationLittle City Foundation
Lori KureConstructionAmelia Grace Vignieri
Lori OpielaUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoThey Deserve More
Lori SagerAnixter CenterStaff at a provider agency
Lori SchneiderThey Deserve More CoalitionParent of an individual with a disability and I support They Deserve More
Lori TrameCommunity LinkCOMMUNITY LINK
Lorin ParsonsMarklundMarklund
Lorna MosleyCommunity AlternativesStaff at a provider Agency
Lorri GrainawiSelfSelf
Lorri LottMisericordiaMisericordia
Lou LeonardiRay Graham associationRay Graham Association
Lou TopolskiClearbrookClearbrook Staff
Louann FosterCommunity Link Family and FriendsFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Louis and Barbara GoldmanMisericordiaMisericordia
Louisa J WhitleyCommunity Link IncCommunity Link Inc
lRonald HindmanPrivate Partydisabled adults
LuAnn DockeryRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Luci B BrooksCommunity Support SystemsStaff at a provider agency
Lucy HeinzClearbrookParent of disabled
Luis AndradeIARFCommunity-based providers serving and supporting children and adults with developmental disabilities and serious mental illnesses.
Luis CastilloAnixterStaff at Anixter
Lydia OwensBeverly Farm Living Optionsserves persons with intellectual disabilities.
Lyndsay MosserOrchard VillageOrchard Village
Lynn A MelvinMarklundstaff at a provider agency
Lynn CahillSouth Chicago Parents & Friendsparent
Lynn CanfieldCCMHB and CCDDBChampaign County Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Boards
Lynn GloverB0389Ray Graham Association
Lynn GloverB0389Ray Graham Association
Lynn ImaiMisericordiaMisericordia
Lynn KingSertoma CentreStaff at organization
Lynn LitwillerEPICDSPs at EPIC and many friends with disabilities and They Deserve More
Lynne DenemarkI am an individualRay Graham Association
Lynne DurforRay GrahamRay Grahm
Lynnette CorteseCornerstoneCornerstone
Lynnette DancyParentParent
Lynsey LattyakTrinity ServicesTrinity Services
Lyra WilliamsHyde Park Neighborhood ClubHyde Park Neighborhood Club
Mackenzie DarrTazewell county resource centerThey deserve more
Madeline HinkleChicago Hearing SocietyDisabled individual, representing Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing youth through CHS
Madeline HoltAvenues to IndependenceStaff at a provider agency
Madeline RiceService Inc. of IllinoisStaff at Provider Agency
Madison BentzClearbrookStaff of provider agency (clearbrook)
Madison ColmanCTFStaff Caregiver to Individuals with Disabilities
Madison GilbrethCornerstone ServicesSelf
Madisyn DeckWorksource EnterprisesWorksource Enterprises
Magdalene PetersCommunity LinkI am the mother of a child with a disability. I support They Deserve More
Maggie BittingerAnixter CenterStaff at Anixter Center (Disability Service Provider)
Malana WalusService Inc. of IllinoisMalana Walus
Malissa IrizarryGateway ServicesStaff of Authorized Agency- Gateway Services THEY DESERVE MORE
Mallory CrewsStreator UnlimitedStreator Unlimited
Mandi JacklinGateway ServicesDirect support professional at Gateway Services
Mandi LuebbersCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Mandy LawrenceParkins HouseResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Mangesh PotnisInvictus Phoenix BFPRupal Potnis
Maranda TrahanTrinity Services IncTrinity Services, Inc
Marc NeedlmanSelfParent of individual with disability that supports They Deserve More
Marcela FloresParentParent of an individual with a disability
Marcella HanlonMisericordiaMisericordia
Marcia ErvinUCP SeguinStaff
Marcia ErvinUCP SeguinUCP Seguin
Marcia KennedyCTF IllinoisCTF Illinois
Marcia Lane-McGeeMisericordiaMisericordia
marcia marshallMisericordiaMisericordia
Marcia OomsGood Shepherd CenterStaff at a provider agency
Marcia Weissprivate practiceIndividual supporting They Deserve More
Marco SepulvedaUCP Seguin of Greater Chicagostaff at a provider agency
Marcy CapSouth Chicago Parents & Friendsfamily member has disability
Margaret A BrennanMisericordiaMisericordia
Margaret A GaierRiverside FoundationBoard of Directors at provider agency. I support They deserve more.
Margaret BabjakMisericordiaMisericordia
Margaret BaumHuman Support ServicesDSP's
margaret bennettBennett Law Firm LLCfamily member
Margaret CusticIndividualParent
Margaret DavisThe Arc of the Quad Citiesprovider agency
Margaret Eileen WalshAplus Autism SolutionsAplus Autism Solutions
Margaret FiorenzaMisericordiaMisericrodia
Margaret JohnsenIllinois citizenParent, Guardian of disabled adult
Margaret JohnsenIllinois citizenParent, Guardian of disabled adult
Margaret KellyMisericordiaMisericordia
Margaret LoveTrinity Services, Inc.persons with disabilities
Margaret M OHerronAvenues to IndependenceFamily member of individual at Avenues to Independence
Margaret MeyerParentParent
Margaret SpellmanSearchSearch
Margaret StoreyselfParent of a person with a disability in Illinois and supporter of They Deserve More
Margaret TanenbergFamily Member and ProfessionalParent
Maria CabreraSCPF, inc.SCPF, INC.
Maria FrangioniSearch-IncSearch-Inc
Maria KotsinisGarden CenterParent
Maria PusateriMisericordiaMisericordia
Maria Roxana ChirilaSearch Inc.Staff at Search Inc.
Maria SaladinoPioneer ConceptsResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
maria simmonsavondalestaff
Maria V MurphyParent of Disable Adult SonParent
Mariah BoldreyCommunity Alternatives ILStaff
Mariah GordonCommunity Link Breese ILFamily of People with Developmental Disabilities
Marian HarringtonMisericordiaMisericordia
Marian Kaye GambleMyselfself
Marian VanOoteghemCornerstone ServicesStaff
Marianna ConradAnixter CenterAnixter Center
Marianne L SkierkaMisercordaMisericordia
Maribeth M KaiserCornerstone Services IncSocial Worker at Cornerstone Services
Marie ApkeSelfSelf
Mariella CruzGarden Center ServicesStaff
Marilyn ConertySt. Coletta's of Illinois, Inc.Provider Agency Staff
Marilyn ConertySt. Coletta's of Illinois, Inc.Provider Agency Staff
Marilyn D EngnellCornerstoneparent of a disabled person
Marilyn FedorThey Deserve MoreThey Deserve More
Marilyn HedlundHomeParent
Marilyn JacobsenMisericordiaMisericordia
Marilyn KeesRetiredMy neighbors have a daughter with a disability and I truly support They Deserve More
Marilyn PetersonClearbrookParent of a special needs adult
Marilyn SandersonFamilyFamily member
Marilyn SchmittMarklundparent
Marilyn SchorfheideCommunity LinkFamily and friends of person with developmental disabilities
Mario MartinezCommunity Support ServicesCommunity Support Services.
Marioara LeancuSearch Inc.Staff
Marion PattersonParent of a disabled childParent
Marissa CassinMarklundMarklund
Marissa ZukeClearbrookStaff at a provider agency
marivern sobieskiFranciscan healthparent of director of cvs
Marjorie WesleyPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Mark DecClearbrookFather of a son with a disability
Mark DodsonRetiredThe Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Mark GillespieElm City CenterStaff at a provider agency
Mark HofmeisterBeverly FarmParent
Mark IngrumRiverside FoundationProvider Agency
Mark JakEnvisionFamily of a person with a disability
Mark KummererINDIVIDUALi HAVE A FAMILY MEMBER WITH A DISABILITY AND I SUPPORT The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Mark LarsonSearch, Inc.Search, Inc.
Mark LoescherMisericordiaMisericordia
Mark MirabileNaSelf
Mark SchmitzTransitions of Western IllinoisTransitions of Western Illinois
Mark StammnoneFamily member of disabled person who supports They Deserve More
Mark SwimmerSwimmer MarketingParent of a disabled daughter
Mark TeresiArch ChicagoMisericordia Heart of Mercy Residence
Mark WettourSelfSibling of special needs & support They Deserve More
Marla ElsbergSelfFamily
Marlene E PennekampPennekampFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Marlene EisenMisericordiaMisericordia
Marlene HodgesOrchard VillageOrchard Village
Marlene SkwarskiIPADD UniteIPADD Unite
marlene woodsTrinity Servicesstaff at a provider agency
Marlenn JacoboEnlace chicagoEnlace Chicago
Marquita Coppage-MillerSertoma CenterStaff
Marshawn MooreMosaicStaff at provider agency
Martha CantuA Plus Autism SolutionsA Plus Autism Solutions
Martha FlobergMisericordiaI am a parent of a daughter with disabilities and we support They Deserve More. Please take this issue seriously, and thank you.
Martha PainterBeverly FarmFamily member of developmentally disabled adult
Martha ScottselfParent of a disable adult
Martin ShobeGarden Center ServicesFamily, Garden Center Services
Martina ShermanDeBofsky Law, Ltd.They Deserve More Coalition
MaryTrinity ServicesStaff at agency
Mary A Lynam-Millersouthern illinois living centeradvocate
Mary A ZahnStrano & AssociatesII. Representation Family and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Mary AllenBeverly Farm FoundationStaff at provider agency
Mary and Alan DempseyMisericordiaMisericordia
Mary Angela MarzBeverly FarmsNiece with disability
Mary Ann BibatLutheran Social Services of IllinoisI work for an organization that provides services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. I fully support The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Mary Ann DadilvaSearch Inc.Persons with disabilities
Mary Ann MeusslingCommunity Services FoundationCSF
Mary Ann MinellliGroupMisericordia
Mary Ann MrozRetiredRay Graham Association and advocate Parent
Mary Ann VanariaSt. Coletta of WisconsinSt. Coletta of Wisconsin
Mary Ann WalshPark Lawn ResidenceFamily, sister and I support they deserve more.
Mary AuthCU Independence and Prairie Homes, Inc.Family member of an individual with developmental disability
Mary Beth DeMoreClearbrookparent
Mary Beth LulaMisericordiaMisericordia
Mary Beth NilsonMisericordiaMisericordia
Mary BurnsCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Mary C FredericksCJBS, LLCSearch Inc DSP's
Mary CampEpicEPIC
Mary CarlsonEPICEPIC Advocate and Guardian, They Deserve More
Mary DahlkeGarden Center ServicesParent
Mary DeeMisericordia SeguinParent. Support They Deserve More
Mary DempseyMisericordiaMisericordia
Mary DezielMisericordiaMisericordia
Mary DuchaineHorizon House of the Illinois ValleyHorizon House of the Illinois valley
Mary E HamillRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Mary Ellen McLoughlinGood Shepherd CenterProvider agency
Mary Ellen PalubickiNACommunity advocate
Mary Ellen ShineRidgefield Crystal Lake Presbyterian ChurchClearbrook
Mary Ericksonparentparent
Mary FrancisAvenues to IndependenceAvenues to Independence
Mary FrancisAvenues to Independencestaff at a provider agency
Mary GonzalezSertoma Centre Inc.Agency Staff
Mary GrzywaselfRay Graham Association
Mary HickeyMisericordiaMisericordia
Mary I HeffernanTrinity ServicesSelf
Mary Jo JoyceMisericordiaMisericordia
Mary Jo STOFENRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Mary JohnsonSouth Chicago Parents and FriendsFriend
Mary JollyUCP SeguinStaff
Mary Kate KapschMisericordiaMisericordia
Mary Kay KrupkaEnvisionEnvision Board Member
Mary Kay LongwellOpen Door Rehabilitation CenterStaff at a provider agency
Mary Kay MarrelloSelfRepresent
Mary KeoghMisericordiaMi
Mary KobbemanMarklundMarklund
Mary KobbemanMarklundMarklund
Mary KohrmannKohrmann Electric Co., IncFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Mary LandrusFutures Unlimited, Inc.I am a staff person at a provider agency in Illinois and I believe that employees working with individuals with developmental disabilities in the community deserve more pay.
Mary Lou AntonClearbrookParent of an individual serviced by Clearbroo
Mary Millerselfself
Mary Miller - RoedCornerstone Services, Il.Agency represented in this agreement . Cornerstone Services
Mary Muhammad-HendersonTrinity ServicesStaff at Trinity Services
Mary MuhlenfeldCTF of IllinoisStaff at a provider agency
Mary OrlandiGoldie B FlobergParent of a disability child at Goldie B. Floberg.
Mary ParkerChallenge UnlimitedChallenge Unlimited, Community Day Service
Mary Pat LehmanMisericordiaMiseracordia
Mary Pat O'BrienMisericordia Homestaff at Misericordia Home
Mary PatrickThey Deserve More coalitionThey Deserve More
Mary R FarrellTrinity Services, Inc.Trinity Services, Inc.
Mary S ClarkSearch Incparent
Mary SchmuttenmaerNoneNone
Mary ScottMosaicStaff
MARY SEJNOHAAIDParent of person with disability. I support They Deserve More
Mary SeulMisericordiaMisericordia
Mary TraskSparcParent of disabled adult
Mary V MartinMisericordiaMisericordia
Mary WangSelfAdvocate
Mary Wehkingselfself
Mary WinkelerCommunity linkFamily and Friends with people with developmental disabilities
Maryann FoxMisericordiaMisericordia
maryann swansonray graham assnRay Graham Assn
maryanne ouelletteFamily member of person with disabilityFamily member of person with disability
MaryBeth TemesvaryAssociation for Individual DevelopmentParent
Maryclaire CollinsMisericordiaMisericordia
MaryClare JakesRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association family member
Marysia OkoyeUCP SEGUINStaff
Matt NarducciJoliet West High SchoolProvider
Matthew HayesMisericordiaMisericordia
Matthew LanoueCornerstone ServicesCornerstone Services
Matthew LuxWhole FoodsFamily of person with disabilities. DSPs need higher wages to attract better applicants
Matthew MedickMarklundMarklund DSPs
Matthew PolsonPark LawnStaff at Provider Agency
Matthew R MaddockMisericordiaMisericordia
Matthew SimpsonTurning Pointe Autism FoundationTurning Pointe Autism Foundation
Matthew Sullivansearch,,Inc
Maura McCarthyUrban Autism SolutionsUrban Autism Solutions
Maureen Anne VitaccoMisericordiaMisericordia
Maureen E BURCHCitizenFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Maureen KellyDisability Resource Center, Center for Independent Livingself
Maureen KellyDisability Resource Center, Center for Independent Livingself
Maureen LaniganMisericordiaMisericordia
maureen mariglianoColumbia industrial supplycolumbia industrial supply
Maureen RabeClearbrookparent of a person with a disability
Maureen T O'NeillMarklundDaughter with profound disabilities
Maureen WilsonAnnixter CenterService Provider
Mauri Marcy PipersburghNAGuardian to persons with a disability
Mauriece AlexanderTrinity ServicesMauriece Alexander
Maypril KrukowskiSelfSelf
Mayra T WestAccess LivingAccess Living
Mazen GhalayiniRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Mckayla VersluisResidential developersStaff at a provider agency
McKenzie LeLoupWorkSource EnterprisesWorkSource Enterprises
Mechelle SimmonsThe ARC of the QCAStaff
Megan BarefieldTrinity servicesStaff at Trinity services and I support They Deserve More
Megan EicherSearch, Inc.Search, Inc.
Megan HaysStreator UnlimitedPersons with IDD and DSPs supporting them
Megan HeinzelAvenues To IndependenceAvenues To Independence
Megan HeinzelAvenues To IndependenceAvenues To Independence
Megan HeinzelAvenues To IndependenceAvenues To Independence
Megan LeopoldDD HomesProvider agency supporting they deserve more
Megan WoodruffClearbrookStaff of provider, Clearbrook
Meghan ZiecinaAvenues to IndependenceThe Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Mei-Ying ChenMisericordiaMisericordia
Melaina MunozEPICStaff member of an organization
Melanie AusbrookSearch, Inc.All DSP's serving our individuals
Melanie BaronStreator UnlimitedStreator Unlimited, Inc
Melanie LoweTrinity Services IncStaff at a provider agency supporting They Deserve More
Melanie StithParentParent
Mele Luana ManningEverSpring PharmacyParent Guardian, IDD Nurse.
Melecia Yashemma EdwardsTrinity services incTrinity services inc, staff at a provider agency and i support They Deserve More;
Melina McGrawKCCDDStaff at a provider agency supporting They Deserve More.
Melinda Barkovparentparent of disabled
Melinda BushCommunity AdvocateSelf
Melinda GellerWork Source EnterprisesMelinda Geller
Melinda JohnsonSouthtown TerraceResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Melinda PetersonMelinda Holm & AssociatesPerson with disability
Melinda TejadaRay Graham parentRay Graham parent
Melissa AdamsThe Residential DevelopersIndividual
Melissa BarclayLARCStaff at a provider agency
Melissa ClarkKanthak HouseResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Melissa FrancqueExceptional Care & Training CenterProvider Agency
Melissa GizewskiSelfparent of child with intellectual disability via autism spectrum disorder and Individual Service Coordinator at ISC Agency
Melissa HeflinBellwood sd 88Ray Graham Association
Melissa KerrCommunity Living OptionsAdministrator Community Living Options, They Deserve More;
Melissa KnolhoffKaskaskia WorkshopStaff at provider agency
Melissa LittleMisericordiaMisericordia
melissa Mckinseyfutures unlimitedstaff futures unlimited
Melissa MundayCornerstone Services-BH JolietCornerstone Services and IARF
melissa smithmosaicstaff at mosaic
Melissa TalleyDSCMelissa Talley
Melissa ThornbloomWalter Lawson Children's HomeStaff at Walter Lawson Children's Home
Melissa TsinmanYearfamily member of a person with disability
Melisse MarascoCornerstone ServicesCornerstone Services
Melody ElletUnitypoint at HomeSelf
Melody GallaherCTF Illinois-TAPFCRR Coordinator for The Autism Program CTF Illinois
Melody MalcomEPICEPIC
Melody Neumann-CroweMarklund Wasmond CenterStaff at provider agency
Mercedes GillsDD Homes NetworkResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Mercedes WilliamsPioneer ConceptsResidential programs for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities
Merrily A SmithMisericordiaI am a parent of a son with disabilities who lives at Misericordia Home in Chicago, IL.
Mersadies WilliamsCommunity Living Options DD HomesResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Mhel Trisha WooAplus Autism SolutionsStaff at Aplus Autism Solutions
Mhel Trisha WooAplus Autism SolutionsStaff at Aplus Autism Solutions
Michael GillACESSDsp
Michael BowmanNoneParent
Michael BraveClinton Manor Living CenterIARF, Clinton Manor Living Center
Michael BrownGateway Services Inc.Gateway Services Inc.
Michael CornellMisericordiaMisericordia
Michael DiazIndividualDisability Service Professionals
Michael ElliottClinton Manor Living CenterStaff at provider agency
Michael FisherSelfParent of individual with disability
MICHAEL G HENDRICKSMisericordiaMisericordia
Michael GlanzThe Arc of the Quad Cities AreaProvider Agency Staff
Michael halpinMisrecordiaMisrecordia
Michael HaptonstahlThey Deserve MoreFamily Member of an individual with a disability; Supporter of They Deserve More
Michael J BakerParent of an adult with autismParent of an adult with autism
Michael J DeeringcitizenMichael Deering
Michael J MayMisericordiaMisericordia
michael jeffersseguinparent of a disabled child . the workers deserve more
Michael John BakerParent Advocate for Son with AutismRepresenting my adult son with autism
Michael KapschMisericordiaMisericordia
Michael L MurrayBloomingdale Township Mental Health AuxiliaryCompetitive wages are critical for retention of quality staff
Michael MaherUCP Seguin if Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Michael MaherUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoThey Deserve More
Michael MulcroneMiseracordiaMiseracordia
Michael NelsonMisericordiaMisericordia
Michael PaoneCornerstone ServicesCornerstone Services Board of Directors
Michael R MecozziHope with Me, LLCThey Deserve More
Michael RunzlerMisericordiaMisericordia
Michael SchneiderEnvision UnlimitedEnvision Unlimited Staff and I support They Deserve More
Michael Scottselfbrother of a Beverly Farm resident
Michael SelleCaregiverCaregiver of an individual with a disability
Michael StaisiunasGarden Center Servicesfamily
Michaela AtchieTrinity Servicesstaff at a provider agency
Micheaux StuckeyBusinessstaff at a provider agency
MicheleTrinity ServicesAdsp
MicheleTrinity ServicesAdsp
Michele C WolfTrinity ServicesAdsp
Michele CunninghamCHSDeaf Advocate at Chicago Hearing Society
Michele HaptonstahlUCP SEGUINAdvocate They Deserve More
Michele Keithcommunity memberfamily member
Michele McDanielCommunity LinkStaff at a provider agency
Michele McDanielCommunity LinkStaff at a provider agency
Michele McDanielCommunity LinkStaff at a provider agency
Michele McDanielCommunity LinkStaff at a provider agency
Michele PeperCommunity LinkCOMMUNITY LINK
Michele PeperCommunity LinkCOMMUNITY LINK
Michele PeperCommunity LinkCOMMUNITY LINK
Michele PerryCommunity Support ServicesStaff at a provider agency supporting The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities.
Michele PiverNoneSelf
Michele Westmaasparent of a person with disabilityparent
Michelle A Hessparent of a childparent of two children with a disability
Michelle A MendiolaChicago Hearing SocietyStaff at Chicago Hearing Society, a division of Anixter Center
Michelle BaimanUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Michelle Clarkselfparent of adult child with disability
Michelle CozziRose HouseResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Michelle DelfelCommunity LinkEmployee of Community Link
michelle Griffithcommunity support systemscommunity support systems
Michelle JakupcakStreator Unlimited, IncStaff at a Provider Agency
Michelle MassettiMilestone, INC.Milestone, Inc.
Michelle OrwigMarkund Wasmond CenterMarklund
Michelle PusateraresidenceFamily of am individual with an intellectual disability
Michelle RichHorizon House of Illinois Valley, IncProvider to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Michelle SandersUCP SeguinUCP Seguin
Michelle SandersUCPSeguinUCPSEGUIN
Michelle SchwartzClearbrookStaff at a provider agency
Michelle SmithCornerstone Services, Inc.DSPS
Michelle SmithKepley HouseResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Michelle TrowbridgeDSCDSP's at Developmental Services Center
Michelle WilliamsStreator unlimitedStaff streator unlimited
Mickatlyn WiedlePenta Nascent CorpStaff at provider agency
Miguel ValenzuelaUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff
Mijo VodopicMisericordia HomeMisericordia Home
Mike BiboCenter for Developmental Disabilities Advocacy & Community SupportsCILA's; ICFDD's & MCDD's and the individuals they serve, and the staff
Mike ClearyRetiredRay Graham Association
Mike GradyStrategic Advocacy GroupAutism Speaks
mike lowryTrinity Servicesadvocate
Mike McFerronindividualindividual
Mike SweeneyRiverside FoundationFather of an adult age child with a disability,
Mike TracynoneParent of a son with autism
Mike WittmannTrinity Services, IncSupporter of people with disabilities
Miki WittmerFamily Member, Trinity Services, They Deserve MoreTrinity Services, They Deserve More
Miles CahillSouth Chicago Parents & Friendsfamily
Mindi FancilCSSpeople with disbilities ( self )
mindy healyCSSstaff
Mindy MaxeyKWIStaff
Miquel McGheeSertoma CentreSertoma Centre
MirandaGarden Center ServicesGarden Center Services
Miriam CoppelSelfClearbrook Advocacy Committee
Miriam LanemanClearbrookParent of individual with disability
Miriam WadeFamilyFamily
Miriam WadeParentFamily
Mitch DayanLibenuAgency Rep
MJ MitchellTrinity Services, IncI support They Deserve More.
ML HadleyMisericordiaMisericordia
Moinuddin A JaddiSelect...Moinuddin Jaddi
Mollie BrisonUCP SeguinUCP Seguin, I support they deserve More
Mollie HarrisKreider ServicesStaff at Provider Agency
Molly FreemireClearbrookStaff at a provider agency
Molly HillChicago Public SchoolsI work with individuals with disabilities.
Molly Johnsoncommunity memberParent of a child with a documented disability
Molly WilsonMisericordiaMisericordia
Monica OtisPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Monica YoungSertoma Centre Inc.Staff at a provider agency and I support The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities.
Montoria ClarkGoldie FlobergDSP
Morgan NovackCommunity LinkFamily and friends of people with developmental disabilities
Morgan R Akeccar industriesI am a staff member at provider agency
Morgan SarverGateway ServicesDirect support professional at Gateway Services
Morisho Musambilwa SalehGoldie FlobergStaff
Moshood OlanrewajuRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Worker
Ms Marcia e ErvinUCP SeguinUCP Seguin
Munirah CurtisSelfParent of child with disability
Mya StidhamStaff at Provider AgencyStaff at a Provider Agency
nadia morenogoldie flobergstaff at a provider agency
NancyEpicPersons with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Nancy B SchroederOak LeydenEmployee at Oak Leyden, parent of a child with a disability
Nancy BecktelRay Graham Assoc.,Hanson Center BarnRay Graham Association
Nancy BentonStreator UnlimitedStreator Unlimited
Nancy BurkeCSSFamily
Nancy CampbellCommunity Support Systemsstaff
Nancy CarpenterPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Nancy Chausow ShaferSelfSelf
Nancy CorriganMisericordiaMisericordia
Nancy GonzalezClearbrookFamily
Nancy KiddCenterstone of IllinoiCentertone of Illinois
Nancy KneipSelfSelf
Nancy LofgrenGoldie B. Floberg CenterStaff at a provider agency
Nancy LonghurstOtherParent of a person with developmental disabilities
Nancy M HarveyparentRay Graham Association
Nancy MillerMisericordiaMISERICORDIA
Nancy RenschenSouthern OB GYNFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Nancy StahlMisericordiaMisericordia
Nancy SternClearbrookParent
Nancy Taylornonesiblings
Nancy VeatchClearbrookfamily member
Nancy WebsterThe Arc of the USFamily member of person with a disability
Nancy Zorich-CranstonparentParent of a child with a disability
Naomi SillSearch, Inc.Search, Inc.
Natalia KunzerMisericordiaMisericordia
Natalie KlebaMarklundStaff at provider agency
Natalie RichardsonWorkSource EnterprisesWorkSource Enterprises
Natalie RinchiusoAplus Autism SolutionsAplus Autism Solutions
Natalie StarrEPICEPIC
Natasha L ErlingerCommunity Link Inc.Family and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Natasha LentnerTrinity Services Inc. Family Counseling Center 3650 183rd Street, Homewood, IL 60430Trinity Services Inc. Family Counseling Center 3650 183rd Street, Homewood, IL 60430
Nathan CrevelingCornerstone ServicesStaff at providing agency
Nathan FryGoldie FlobergI am a staff member at a provider agency (Goldie Floberg)
Nathan FryGoldie FlobergI am a staff member at a provider agency (Goldie Floberg)
Nathan RehkopfMarklundStaff at a provided agency
NDIDI OKAKPUSister and caretaker of person a disabled IL resident and client of South Chicago Parents & FriendsSister and caretaker of person a disabled IL resident
Neal NenadovicParentParent of child with multiple disabilities
Nicholas A LiftonSelfFriend of an individual with a disability
Nicholas BarrowCommunity Alternatives ILStaff member at provider agency.
Nicholas LarsonSearch IncProvider agency
Nicholas MacakTrinity Services Inc.Friend of peoples with disabilities
Nicholas MitchellTrinity ServicesTrinity Services
Nicholas ScouffasMisericordiaMisericordia
Nichole DunningCenterstone of IllinoisStaff at a provider agency
Nicole BaquetCommunity Link, Inc.Community Link, Inc
Nicole ClarkeMosaicDSP for Mosaic
Nicole EnvergaRay Grahman AssocationRay Grahman Assocation
Nicole HunterAchievement Unlimited IncorporatedResidential Programs for individuals with intellectual or developmental Disabilities
Nicole JackGlenkirkParent of an adult with a disability
Nicole NeumayerCornerstone Services Inc.Staff at Cornerstone Services Inc.
Nicole RomeroStreator UnlimitedStaff
Nicole ShieldsRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Nicole SpanglerHolland TerraceResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Nicole WinkelerCommunity LinkFriends and Family of People with Disabilities
Nicole Zanon-TockeGlenkirkStaff at provider agency
Niki MullensClay County Rehabilitation CenterCDS Program Director QIDP
Nikisha BaumgardnerDD HomesNikisha Baumgardner
Nikki DuggerCenterstoneStaff at a provider agency
Nikki SpearsCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Nina CorwinNina Corwin, MA, LCSW Private PracticeNina Corwin
Noel ChambersMisericordiaMisericordia
Nora MichalakMisericordiaMisericordia
Noreen R GayfordSelfSelf
Nyle J PotthastParent of person with disabilityParent of person with disability
O'Nika GunnTorrence PlaceResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Octavius MorrisCommunity Alternativesstaff at a provider agency
Olive FarrellTrinity Services IncIndividual
Olufemi AbayomiTrinityStaff at a provider agancy
OLynn FougeronCommunity LinkFriends and Family of People with Disabilities
Omar HesterAcheivement UnlimitedAcheivement Unlimited
Orion HillKaskaskia WorkshopStaff
Orville Yorkfamilystaff at a provider agency
OscarTrinity ServicesStaff
Ott WulfAUIDD homes
PACTT Learning CenterPACTT Learning CenterParent of an adult with Fragile X Syndrome and a professional in the field
Paige MacekTrinity ServicesDSP
Paige TippitPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Pam BluePenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Pam Heavensindividualpeople with disabilities
Pam Heavensindividualpeople with disabilities
Pam HeavensUnited Cerebral Palsy Center for Disabpeople with disabilities
Pam HeavensUnited Cerebral Palsy Center for Disabpeople with disabilities
Pam WorkmanCSSFamily
Pamela BoydMisericordiaMisericordia
Pamela CaldwellselfI am a parent of two adults with disabilities.
Pamela CapraroMisericordiaMisericordia
Pamela MarshallSertoma CentrePeople with disabilities
Pamela StoneLivingston County Mental Health BoardLivingston County Mental Health Board
Pamela Van HessTrinity Services IncStaff at a provider agency
Parent of Special needs studentparent of a special needs studentchild with a disability
Pat BlackCCAR IndustriesPat Black
Pat DiorioMisericordiaMisericordia
Pat GrimesAvenues to IndependenceAvenues to Independence
Pat KlineThe Arc of Winnebago, Boone, and Ogle CountiesAdults with developmental disabilities, The Arc of Winnebago, Boone, and Ogle Counties, Goldie B. Floberg Center
Pat StepekNoneSelf
Patrica Alieen StachulakCTF IllionisStaff member at LSA
Patrice BriceTrinity servicesA staff member at a provider agency They deserve more
Patrice LaMontagnaClearbrookParent of individual with disability
Patrice LaMontagnaRay GrahamRay Graham parent
patrice viningUCP SEGUINStaff
Patricia A DickensSelfParent of an individual with a disability
Patricia A Harris310219868Community Support Systems
Patricia A Harris310219868Community Support Systems
Patricia A Harris310219868Community Support Systems
Patricia A Harris310219868Community Support Systems
Patricia A Harris310219868Community Support Systems
Patricia A Harris310219868Community Support Systems
Patricia A Harris310219868Community Support Systems
Patricia A Harris310219868Community Support Systems
Patricia A Harris310219868Community Support Systems
Patricia A Harris310219868Community Support Systems
Patricia A Harris310219868Community Support Systems
PATRICIA A MORRISGarden Center Servicesself
Patricia A MorrisseyLibraryChallenge Unlimited Inc
Patricia BolinMisericordiaMisericordia
Patricia Caldwellselffamily member of two adults with disabilities
Patricia GrenierSertoma CentreSertoma Centre
Patricia HarvestUcp SeguinStaff at a provider agency
Patricia HarvestUcp SeguinUcp Seguin ADSP
Patricia JohnstoneTrinity Services, IncStaff at a provider agency
Patricia KochMisericordiaMisericordia
Patricia L Niedringhausnonefamily
Patricia LeePenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Patricia M TsokolasNaFamily
Patricia McCravenProvider AgencySupport the Public Policy for people with disabilities
Patricia ParkerUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoParent of a person with disabilities
Patricia PowellCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Patricia RamirezMisericordiaMisericordia
patricia ramoslssithe institute on public policy for people with disabilities
Patricia RoseThey Deserve More advocateThey Deserve More
Patricia Sanders Powersnonenone
Patricia SlackThey Deserve MoreThey deserve more
Patrick KaneGordon Jones TerraceResidential programs for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities
Patrick LenzaselfI am an adult with multiple disabilities.
Patrick McArthurMisericordiaMisericordia
Patrick McDowellMosaicstaff
Patrick QuaidUCP SeguinI am a staff at a provider agency and support they deserve more.
Patrick R ReeseMisericordia Family AssociationMisericordia Family Association
Patsi GlennKasKaskia Workshop Inc.Staff at provider service
Patti BardellHorizon IndustriesStaff at provider agency
Patty HaberkornFutures Unlimited, Inc.Staff for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities services provider supporting the They Deserve More coalition
Patty WaltersDSCIndividuals with IDD and provider agencies
Patty WolfeMisericordiaMisericordia
PaulSAVE, Inc.Provider
Paul BehrmanUCP SeguinUCP Seguin employee
Paul BisekselfSelf
Paul BlobaumSibling of an Adult with intellectual disabilities living in a CILA residential home.Self, Community Choices, Illinois Parents of Adults with Developmental Disabilities United
Paul CahillSouth Chicago Parents & Friendsparent
Paul CarboneMisericordiaMisericordia
Paul GastnoneParent
Paul HaptonstahlselfThey Deserve More
Paul HenleySt. Coletta of WisconsinSt. Coletta of Wisconsin
Paul JochimClearbrookParent
Paul KunzerMisericordiaMisericordia
Paul R VeatchOrange Crush LLCCommunity Advocate and Legal Guardian to my Autistic Sister, Karen L Veatch, who is in a CILA in Rantoul, Ill, run by Developmental Services Center.
Paul VeatchOrange Crush LLCCommunity Advocate and Legal Guardian to my Autistic Sister Karen L Veatch who lives in a CILA in Rantoul IL run by Developmental Services Center
Paula BiancalanaSertoma CentreSertoma Centre
Paula bullisSEARCHPaula bullis
Paula bullisSearchSearch
Paula DiorioMisericordiaMisericordia
Paula DodgeCenterstonestaff at a provider
Paula FongerMarklundMarklund
Paula HumkeMosaicMosaic
Paula JonesClearbrookPerson with disabilities and parent of child with a disability.
Paula MooreKaskaskia Workshop, Inc.employee
Paula RittenbergCommunity Support SystemsStaff
Pauline CarsonMisericordiaMisericordia
Pauline McInerneyI support They Deserve MoreFamily member of person with disabilities living in a care facility.
Payton MurphyCommunity Support SystemsStaff at a provider agency
Pedro RiveraUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Pedro RiveraUCP SEGUIN OF Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Peggy EbersoleThey Deserve MoreParent They Deserve More
Peggy ChildsUCP SeguinParent of individual with disability supporting they Deserve More
Peggy Ross-JonesLincoln Center for Developmental RehabilitationDevelopmental and Intellectual Disability services
Peggy TraceyMosaicDsp
PENELOPE C MACKENZIEGlenkirkparent of disabled daughter residing at a Glenkirk facility
Penny CecconiARC of IllinoisParent
Penny DoolinMacon Resources, Inc.Macon Resources
Penny RogersPenta Nascent Corporationstaff member at a provider agency
Perry OzolsMarklundParent and Guardian of a Person with a Disability
Pete KaestnerLittle City FoundationLittle City Foundation staff
Pete PetersenNAGuardian
PETER DREMONASFederal Signal Corp.Family
PETER DREMONASFederal Signal Corp.Family
Peter J GayfordSelfSelf
Peter NiccumCommunity Support Systemsstaff at a provider agency
Peter R HughesnoneFamily member
Peyton EllenwoodMarklundDSP Staff at Marklund
Phyllis J Taylor KounsCTF IllinoisStaff CTF Illinois. I support They Deserve more.
Precious HunterUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Princess PorterSearch, INC.They Deserve More
Princilla MalloryUCP Seguin of Greater Chicagostaff at a provider agency
Priscilla ReyesTrinity Services, INCsupported individuals have a disability at trinity services.
Priscilla WestOpen Door Rehabilitation CenterParent
Prudence R HallarmanRiverside Foundationvolunteer at a provider agency
Quincina WoodsMosaicStaff at a provider agency
Quinn K MillerCCAR IndustriesStaff at a provider agency
Rachel BecknellConstituentSelf
Rachel BeitzCommunity Living OptionsResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Rachel ClendenningChicago Training CenterFamily member of a person with a disability
Rachel DarterAnixter Centerstaff at a provider agency
Rachel GalettiHorizon House of Illinois ValleyHorizon House of Illinois Valley
Rachel HurwitzSelfNone
Rachel MillerThe Arc of the Quad Cities AreaRachel Miller
Rachel ToenniesCommunity Link, Incdirect support professional
Rachel ViramontesCornerstone ServicesCornerstone Services
Rachel WojtysiakDevelopmental Foundations, Inc.Advocate for individuals with Intellecutal Disabilites and the staff that assist them.
Rafael FontanAvenues to Independencestaff at a provider agency, etc and include that you support The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities;
Rajeshwari Vyastrinity services incStaff at a provider agency
Rajnish MandrelleAssociation for Individual DevelopmentAssociation for Individual Development
Ralph NeumannParentParent
Ralph TobiasHomeowner and parentParent of Disabed
Randal ScottThe Arc of the Quad CitiesParent of special needs child
Randall G BurchCitizenFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Randall SmithAvenues to IndependenceAvenues to Independence
Randall WolfLexus of Napervilleparent
Randall Rameythe ARC of IllinoisArc of Illinois
Randy DaltonAssociation for individual developmentFamily parent
Randy HitesCommunity Support SystemsStaff CSS
Randy HurtWorkSourcestaff at a provider agency
Ranee nicholsWorsource EnterprisesWorksource Enterprises
Raquel WashingtonTrinity Servicesstaff at a provider agency, support they deserve more
Raven MooreMacon Resourcesstaff at a provider agency
Raven WatkinsCTFStaff at provider agency
Raychelle EasleyPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
raymond h mcgeorgeHorizon HouseEmployee at Horizon House
Raynor Shih Hsiehindividualadvocate for people with disabilities and a parent
Reagan CareyCTF ILCTF IL
Rebecca A JohnsonCommunity Support ServicesCommunity Support Services and support Institute on Public Policy
Rebecca A WalkerTazewell County Resource CentersThey Deserve More
Rebecca Ann KramerGateway to LeanringStaff at a provider agency, gateway to learning
Rebecca BenoitResidential Developersstaff at a provider facility
Rebecca BeylerDevelopmental Services CenterStaff at DSC
Rebecca DunlapThe Residential DevelopersIndividual
Rebecca HutchisonResCareStaff at ResCare
Rebecca MartinezCornerstone ServicesParent
Rebecca SchachterAvenues to Independencestaff at a provider agency
Rebecca SimmonsAIDfamily of handicapped person and supporter of They Deserve More
Rebecca WIgginsTrinity Services, Inc.Staff at a provider agency
Rebecca WigginsTrinity Services, Inc.staff of a provider agency of folks with disabilities
Rebecca WilliamsClay County IndustriesStaff at a Provider Agency
Rebecca WolfMother and caregiverI am the mother and primary caregiver for an individual with a disability, and I support They Deserve More
RECHELED AUSTINMRIStaff at a provider agency
Regina AndersonSouth Chicago Parents and FriendsSouth Chicago Parents and Friends
Regina GuffieUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoI SUPPORT THEY DESERVE MORE
Renae A WendellCornerstone ServicesCornerstone Services
Rene WakelandResidential DeveloopersStaff at a Provider agency
Renee RardinCCAR IndustriesCCAR Industries
Renee ViveritoMisericordiaMisericordia
Renee ZieglerKaskaskia Workshop, IncKaskaskia Workshop, inc.
Rex JohnsenIllinois citizenParent, Guardian of disabled adult
Reyna WeikertCommunity Support SystemsI work as a direct support professional at Community Support Systems. I fully support They Deserve More
Reynalda floresReynalda daycare home roviderReynalda daycare home rovider
Reynalda floresReynalda daycare home roviderReynalda daycare home rovider
Rhonda AmbrosiusMosaicStaff at a provider agency
Rhonda BaileyCornerstone Services, Inc.Staff at Cornerstone Services, Inc. Joliet, IL
Rhonda BillerCasa WillisResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Rhonda BuxtonResCare Community Alternatives ILIARF and Community Alternatives IL
Rhonda l HousmanTrinity Serviecesstaff at an agency provider
Rhonda white wildsUCP Seguin of ChicagoSUPPORT THEY DESERVE MORE
Ricardo PortalesHealth and Human ServicesHealth and Human Services
Rich BobbyLittle CityLittle City
Richard MaloneCenter for Independent FuturesCenter for Independent Futures
Richard BabjakMisericordiaMisericordia
Richard BeatyMisericordiaMisericordia
Richard BrownUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoI am a provider advocate for people with disbilities
Richard DeseckiMisericordiaMisericordia
Richard FilettiBethshanI am an individual with a child with a disability
Richard G ChaneyNAFamily
Richard J RutkowskiMisericordiaMisericordia
Richard MarshoEPICEPIC
Richard NashMisericordiaMisericordia
richard stofenRay Graham Associationparent
Richard TurnerGlenkirkParent and Guardian of an individual with a disability
Rick KaufmannAequum CapitalBoard Member at Helping Hand
Rick SichelskiWoodgate CILAResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Rick ZiesemerMisericordiaMisericordia
Rita A HarrisonClearbrookClearbrook
Rita JaniszewskiMisericordiaMisericordia
Rita PotterOpen Door Rehabilitation CenterExecutive Director of an IDD facility
Rita SandersPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Rita SheininThey Deserve More CoalitionParent
Rita VahleMisericordiaMisericordia
Rita WahlCommunity Support SystemsCSS
Rivven PrinkDelve PsychotherapyDelve Psychotherapy
RJ McMahonOak Leydenstaff at a provider agency and support The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Rob BurnL&L SolutionsDSPs
Rob FigliuloMisericordiaMisericordia
Rob PasquesiMisericordiaMisericordia
Robb ZellerCommunity Living OptionsResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
robby gaffinCommunity Support SystemsCommunity Support Systems Staff
Roben and George WintersSt Coletta of ILfamily and guardian of person served that supports The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
robert A cranstonparentfather of a child with a disability
Robert Aaronselfparent
Robert Brandkampfriends of persons with diabilitiesparent of person with a disability
Robert CapSouth Chicago Parents & FriendsFamily member
Robert CienkusSelfSelf
Robert CzajkowskyjCommunity Support ServicesAs a staff member of Community Support Services, I support The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Robert EbelingCSSpeople with disbilities ( my sister )
Robert ErnstMoultrie County BeaconMoultrie County Beacon
Robert ErnstMoultrie County BeaconMoultrie County Beacon
Robert F SmeadNADisabled
Robert FleschMisericordiaMisericordia
Robert FrankTrinity ServicesStaff at provider agency supporting They Deserve More
Robert G Zinkselfself
Robert GriffinRay Graham AssoicationRay Graham Association
Robert GriffinRay Graham AssoicationRay Graham Association
Robert GriffinRay Graham AssoicationRay Graham Association
Robert HenricksMisericordiaMisericordia
Robert HowardREMAXEPIC
Robert HughesFatherSon with severe autism
Robert JohnstonRetireparent
Robert L RandallNoneAdvocate parent
Robert LaniganMisericordiaMisericordia
Robert LauerLARC Lansing ILLARC Lansing Il
Robert MeadMisericordiaMisericordia
Robert ODaneillretirednone
Robert OkazakiAvenues to IndependenceIndividuals with intellectual developmental disabilities
Robert R MarshGrace Community Baptist ChurchDaughter Katherine, all the CILA residents in Clinton Co.
Robert RomniakMisericordiaMisericordia
Robert Sandersnoneself
Robert StoneUCP Seguindisabled adult living in CILA
Robert W PetersonClearbrookClearbrook Clients
Robert WallParentParent
Robert WesleySparcSparc
Roberta EvtuchGarden Center ServicesFamily
Roberta FugateTrinity Services, Inc.People with disabilities
Robin BaughmanLincoln TerraceResidential Program for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Robin EvansThey Deserve MoreParent of an individual with a disability and They Deserve More
Robin HolzhauerFutures Unlimited IncI am a parent of a person with disability and I also work for organization the give services to people with disabilities
Robin MaysARCSibling of a person with a development disability
Robin McCrackinEPICEPIC
Robyn FalasterCenterstoneCenterstone
Rocio Perezselfself
Rod MagnusonIPADD UniteIPADD Unite
Rodney H ClarkeCtF IllinoisDsp
Rogelio PenasalesMisericordiaMisericordia
Roger BaronGlenkirkGlenkirk Agency
Roger CarlsonEPICEPIC
Rohnna WoodardCSSpeople with disbilities ( my daughter)
Roma KlineTrinity Servicesna
Ron JacksonRAMPIndividuals with disabilities
Ron ReevesAvenues to IndependenceAvenues to Independence
Ron ReevesAvenues to IndependenceAvenues to Independence
Ronald C FoppeCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Ronald G Nayal SrMisericordiaMisericordia
Ronald LavkoPark LawnFamily Member of Disabled Person
Ronald MelkaLyons Township Mental Health CommissionLyons Township Mental Health Commission
Ronald MelkaLyons Township Mental Health CommissionLyons Township Mental Health Commission
Ronald MelkaLyons Township Mental Health CommissionLyons Township Mental Health Commission
Ronald PulaskiMisericordiaMisercordia
RONALD R COPPELMyselfParent of sons with disabilities
Ronald RamirezMisericordiaMisericordia
Ronald SharpPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Ronda SchmitzStreator Unlimited. INC Streator IlStreator Unlimited. INC Streator Il
Ronetta CrawfordUCP SeguinStaff at a provider agency and I support They Deserve More
Ronica ShafferPenta Nascent Corporationstaff member at a provider agency
Rosa OrtizTrinity Servicesstaff at a provider agency.
Rosa VazquezAnixter Centerstaff at a provider agency
Rosalie DeYoungAIDstaff at a provider agency
Rose DonahoeRachuyProvider Agency
Rose BarrowResCareStaff at provider agency
Rose BealEnvision UnlimitedStaff at Envision Unlimited
Rose DeitcherAlan G Ryle companyStaff at a provider agency & a family member of disabled teens
Rose HolodMarklund Philip CenterMarklund Philip Center
Rose LedesmaGarden Center ServicesStaff at a provider agency. I support They Deserve More.
Rose RiversService Inc of IlIndividual Service Coordinator, Service Inc. of Illinois
Rose WriceCTF IllinoisCTF Illinois
Roseann NMN SlaghtCitizen of ILParent Guardian Caring Family Member of Persons with Disabilities
Rosemary AmburgeyBeverly Farm FoundationParent and Guardian of an Individual with a Disability
Rosemary CousinsMarklundStaff at a provider agency
Rosemary DanielsTrinity Services, Inc.Support Worker at a provider agency (Trinity Services, Inc.) They deserve more. It is very hard to find and keep staff at current wages.
Rosemary MorrisMisericordiaMisericordia
Rosemary ShafarSearchFamily of person with a disability
Rosie SteversonAnixterAgency
Rosita NardiGood Shepherd CenterIn home respit workers
Roxana OchoaMarklundStaff at a provider agency
Roy WoessnerFreeport TerraceResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Rozalyn SharkeyPenta Nascent Corporationstaff member at a provider agency
Rupal PotnisInvictus Phoenix BFPRupal Potnis
Russ WalkerMary Lee FoundationStaff at a provider agency
Russel HouserUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff from Provider Agency; In Support of They Deserve More coalition
Russell KarlinsMarklundGuardian of person with disability
Russell RomanelliFORVISIi am a parent of a child with disabilities and I support They Deserve More
Ruth Ann LechelCCAR IndustriesStaff at a Provider Agency
Ruthanne SwiatkowskiRiverside FoundationGuardian Family Member I support They Deserve More
Ryan ChorzempaRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Ryan FiskTrinity ServicesI work at an organization that assists those with disabilities and support They Deserve More.
Ryan L ThompsonMisericordiaMisericordia
Ryan QueeneyTrinity servicesTrinity service
Ryan RaleighMacon Resources IncStaff at a provider agency that supports The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Ryan SattlerThe Arc of Iroquois CountyStaff at provider agency
Ryan SattlerThe Arc of Iroquois CountyStaff at provider agency
Ryan SlaterAplus Autism SolutionsAplus Autism Solutions
Ryan WallSelfI am a person with a disability
Ryne Schisler-DavisValey Place CILA, Achievement Unlimited IncResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
s Maryann DosenSt Coletta's of IllinoisBoard Member of a provider agency and I support the Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities;
Sabina MooreMisericordiaMisericordia
sabrina cooperGoldie FlobergGoldie floberg
Sabrina McLernonTrinity ServicesStaff at a provider agency
Sabrina WymanThe Arc of IllinoisThe Arc of Illinois
sadie torrescommunity linkFamily and friends of people with developmental disabilities
Sagirah FlorenceTrinity Services IncStaff at agency
Sal BadalamentiRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Sal BadalamentiRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Sal BadalamentiRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Sal BadalamentiRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Sally DailyHavens House CilaResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Sally FischellselfDSPs
Sally MarinoIPADDSelf
sally ritcheyTrinity Services, Inc.persons with disabilities
Salvatore FalconeMisericordiaMisericordia
Sam DownsResidential DevelopersQIDP at Residential Developers
Sam MillerMisericordiaMisericordia
Samantha A MoylanAssociation for Individual DevelopmentIDD individuals receiving services
Samantha AllowayLittle City FoundationLittle City Foundation
Samantha HandleyAnixterLester and Rosalie Anixter Center
Samantha HeimannCommunity Linkcommunity link
Samantha LappeClinton ManorClinton Manor
Samantha LonerganArc of the Quad Citiesstaff at a provider agency
Samantha MasonNAFamily
Samantha PaytonMarklundMarklund
Samantha SchlaeferCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Samantha sicklierCmlcCaregiver
Samantha Stockman-MedinaTrinity Services, IncTrinity Services, Inc
Samara PerkinsGarden Center Servicesstaff
Sammie SmithTrinity ServicesStaff at Trinity Services
Sammy GutierrezUCP Seguinperson
Samuel BowerMisericordiaMisericordia
Sandi EdwardsCCAR IndustriesStaff at a provider agency
Sandi JiongcoIPaddEion Jiongco
Sandra ShearerGateway Services, Inc.Staff
Sandra AdamowiczMarklundindividual
Sandra BuzardShore Community ServicesI am a sister of a sibling w disability.
Sandra Chase TaylorPersonalParent of child with disabilities
Sandra CongreveFamily memberFamily member of ex-resident at a CILA home. I support They Deserve More.
Sandra DiazCornerstone ServicesStaff at a provider agency
Sandra HeidtNoneParent
Sandra KendallMisericordiaMisericordia
Sandra MullensApostolic Christian Lifepointsstaff at ACLifepoints
Sandra RamirezRFMSrsd
Sandra RickettsParent and guardian of disabled adultParent and guardian of disabled adult
Sandra s TillerBeverly Farm Foundationparent
Sandy AlbersFamilyFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Sandy SaltielRiverside FoundationRiverside Foundation
Sandy SchuttBethshan AssociationStaff at group home
Sandy VansaghiCommunity Support SystemsStaff at a provider agency who supports They Deserve More.
Sanina CampbellAFSCME Council 31 Local 2690 Trinity ServicesAFSCME Council 31 Local 2690 Trinity Services
Sanina CampbellAFSCME Council 31 Local 2690 Trinity ServicesAFSCME Council 31 Local 2690 Trinity Services
Santiago DinoSearchparent of an individual with permanent disability living in a CILA
Sara ElletThe Arc of the QCAstaff at a provider agency
Sara HowellDD HomesSara Howell
Sarah BorahResidential developersStaff at residential developers
Sarah FaderOak LeydenSarah Fader
Sarah FrankTrinity Services, IncStaff at a provider agency
Sarah KramarStouffer TerraceResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Sarah NewcombEPICEPIC
Sarah PianeTrinity ServicesTrinity Services
Sarah RogersCornerstone ServicesStaff member Cornerstone Services, inc.
Sarah SchwartingRiver Forest TownshipAdministrator at agency
Sarah ShambaughGateway Services Inc.Staff at a provider agency and I support They Deserve More.
Sarah TinleyNoneI am staff at a provider agency and I support They Deserve More.
sarah velezsearch incsearch inc
Sarah VilioccoCenterstoneSarah Viliocco
Sarah WardComWellStaff at provider agency
Sarah WrightArc of the Quad Cities AreaDisability Provider
Savanna FleenerCommunity LinkFamily and friends of people with developmental disabilities
Sawyer Keating Cranstonnonesibling of a child with a disability
Scott Charles GlummMisericordiaStaff
Scott Charles GlummMisericordiaStaff
Scott CienkusSelfSelf
Scott FisherNot ApplicableSelf
Scott FriedmanFriendFriend
Scott RensingselfFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Scott SandersTrinity ServicesStaff at a Provider Agency. I support They Deserve More
scott steeleshady oaks campstaff at provider agency
Scott taylorGarden center servicesFamily
Scott WigginsTrinity Services, Inc.Staff at a provider agency
Sean BarryMisericordiaMisericordia
Sean EdelSearchSearch
Sean KearneyMisericordiaMisericordia
Sean McNameeMisericodiaMisericordia
Sean MurphySP Murphy, Inc.Board Member at a Provider Agency
Sean PearsonCornerstone ServicesSpouse of a staff at a provider agency
Sean RogersCornerstone ServicesVolunteer Cornerstone Services, inc
Selena GreenUCP SeguinStaff at a provider agency and I support They Deserve More
Selena GreenUCP SeguinStaff at a provider agency and I support They Deserve More
Selena MulnixKreider ServicesStaff at Kreider Services
Selma DicksonCommunity Support ServicesCommunity Support Services
Sesar ChavezFutures UnlimitedFutures Unlimited
SeVonnah BoykinsDevelopmental Services CenterI am a staff member at Developmental Services Center
ShaDonna Collins-WhiteNASelf
ShaDonna Collins-WhiteNASelf
Shana ErenbergLibenuClearbrook, Libenu
Shana RomaniFutures UnlimitedFuture's Unlimited
Shandoulia LewisAnixteStaff at provider agency
Shandra SummervilleChampaign County Mental Health BoardACMHAI
Shani HasleyDubois Placeo Residential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
shania YoungB0389Ray Graham Associations
Shanice CollinsMosiac PONIL-ILStaff at a provider agencY
Shankar SanwalaniSelfParent
SHANNA GARRENMRIstaff at a provider agency that supports The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities;
Shannon BakerStreator unlimited incShannon baker
Shannon BroganFutures Unlimited Inc.I'm a staff at a provider agency and I support They Deserve More
Shannon DohlemanFutures Unlimited Incmyself
Shannon O'NeillNot applicableFamily member of a person with a disability
Shannon RenthKaskaskia Workshopstaff at provider agency
Shannon WinklerMisericordiaMisericordia
Shantel SagoTrinity servicesStaff at provider agency and I Support they deserve more
Shari GerberEPICEPIC
Sharon A Kostelselfself
Sharon AndersonRay Graham Association for People with DisabilitiesStaff at Ray Graham Association
Sharon BriggsCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Sharon ByersGenesis Structures IncParent of someone with a disability
Sharon DraznerClearbroomClearbrook
Sharon FugateWorkSource enterprisesStaff at a Provider Agency
Sharon HoranMisericordiaMisericordia
Sharon IkeSearch IncSearch Inc
Sharon L LarkinUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff at a provider agency
Sharon LordOrchard Villagestaff
Sharon MetzgerMisericordiaMisericordia Home
Sharon OKeefeMisericordiaMisericordia
Sharon RandallNoneAdvocate parent
Sharon RitthamelAvenues to IndependenceStaff at a Provider Agency. I support They Deserve More
Sharon SandersRetired Special Ed TeacherFamily
Sharon SargeantselfParent of daughter with special needs and I support They Deserve More
Sharon SolomonMisericordiaMisericordia
Sharon WaltzMisericordiaMisericordia
Sharyl RossLibenuI am a person w disability & am involved w community organization servicing people w disabilities
Sharyn GoldrichGlenkirkGlenkirk
Shavon FranklinUcp SeguinUcp seguin
Shawn DurrKeystone AllianceSupporter of persons with disabilities and DSPs
Shawn G KirbySearch, Inc.Search, Inc consumers with intellectual disabilities
Shawn M YoungMBHLCDRStaff at an agency, supporter of they deserve more.
Shawn SperaSpera familyRepresenting self as adult with a disability
Shawna C EganNoneParent of a person with disabilities
Shawna HeltonCommunity Living OptionsRecord of appearance onley
Shawna PearsonLittle CityShawna Pearson
shawntina pruitteCornerstone ServicesStaff at provider agency
Shayla KeachCommunity support systemsStaff at provider agency
Shaynerria Burns JohnsonMacon Resourcesstaff at a provider agency that supports The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities;
Sheena WadeBeverly FarmsStaff at a facility
SHEILA CRUICKSHANKCornerstoneServices.Orga staff member at a provider agency
Sheila E Zinkselfself
Sheila FergusonHealthcare Services ConsultantsResidential Developers and Developmental Foundations
Sheila HebeinParent of person with disabilitySelf
Sheila MackSparcRepresentation
Sheila McGinnisThe Arc of the Quad CitiesStaff at The Arc of the Quad Cities
Shelby StarwaltCommunity Support Systemstaff at a provider agency
Shelby SuttonSearch Inc.Search Inc.
Shell JonesTrinity Services IncStaff at a provider agency THEY DESERVE MORE
Shelly HeltonMisericordiaMisericordia
Shelly KerwinCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with with Developmental Disabilities
Shenka LewisUcp Seguin of greater chicagoUCP SEGUIN OF GREATER CHICAGO
Sheri SmithGateway services Princeton IlStaff at a provider agency
Sherlicia GrizzardUCP - Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff at a provider agency
Sherri StephensStreator Unlimited Inc.DSP supporting a person with IDD
Sherri StephensStreator Unlimited Inc.DSP supporting a person with IDD
Sherri StephensStreator Unlimited Inc.DSP supporting a person with IDD
Sherry CruzParentParent of 2 disabled children; Supporter of They Deserve More.
Sherry HealeyHealey familyIPADD parent
Sherry Lynn McIntyreKCCDDStaff
Sherry R SpindelBeverly Farm FoundationParent
Sherry RobinsonRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Sherry RobinsonRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Sherry StonerGateway ServicesDirect support professional at Gateway Services
sheryce JetterCommunity Support ServicesI am a family member and work with a Provider Agency
Sheryl DonleyCCAR IndustriesStaff at a provider agency
Sheryl DonleyCCAR IndustriesStaff for a provided agency
Shih-Yew ChenMisericordiaMisericordia
Shinita BarbaryMosaicStaff at a provider location
Shiobhan PhillipsUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff at provider agency
Shirley A PerezThe Arc of Illinois Family Support NetworkFamily Support Network
Shirley BrabecAvenues To IndependenceAvenues To Independence
Shirley BrabecAvenues To IndependenceAvenues To Independence
Shirley CalhounCCAR industriesCCAR Industries
Shirley CalhounCCAR industriesCCAR Industries
Shirley CalhounCCAR industriesCCAR Industries
Shirley CalhounCCAR industriesCCAR Industries
Shirley CalhounCCAR industriesCCAR Industries
Shirley PerezSelfSelf
Shirley PerezSelfSelf
shobha reniguntalaTrinity Services Inc.they deserve more and trinity services ( Agency that supports people with disabilities).
Shonna HensleyNaParent of child with disability
Shuntia P LeachWorksource enterpriseShuntia Leach
Siadellia CrockettTrinity Services IncTeam Leader at Trinity Services Inc I support They Deserve More
Sierra WallerTrinity Services, Inc.Staff at a provider agency and I support They Deserve More
Silvia CamponeMotherI support They Deserve More
Simone VitaleMisericordiaMisericordia
Sofia BienRiverside FoundationParent - They derserve more
Sofia NavaAplus Autism SolutionsAPlus Autism Solutions
Sonya EvanoskyThe Evanosky FoundationThe Evanosky Foundation, advocates for children and families with disabilities
Sophia VosnosCornerstone Services Inc.Staff at a provider agency for individuals with disabilities ranging from intellectual, developmental, and mental illness.
Stacey Gitschlagsupporter of TrinityTrinity Services
Stacie CraggAvenues to IndependenceStaff supporting The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Stacy GustafsonKCCDDStaff at Day Services for the developmentally disabled, I support 'They Deserve More'
Stacy OlsonParent of an individual with developmental disabilitiesParent of an individual with developmental disabilities
Stacy SaldanaSouth Chicago Parents & Friends, Inc.Staff at a provider agency
Stefanie MassaCTF Illinoisstaff at a provider agency
Stephanie CoonceEncore Developmental ServicesAs a parent of a young adult receiving DD services
Stephanie DavisNAStephanie Davis
Stephanie HamiltonKaskaskia Workshop, Inc.Director of Provider Agency
Stephanie HarcharikStreator UnlimitedStreator Unlimited
Stephanie JacobSelfParent of 2 disabled adults
Stephanie KeyesAshland CourtResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Stephanie LaCalamitahomefamily of disabled person
Stephanie SierraCornerstone Services, Inc.staff at a provider agency
Stephanie Van NuffelenCornerstone Services IncCornerstone services inc
Stephanie WhiteCalhoun CourtCalhoun Court
Stephanie WilkinsPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Stephen ChristCTF IllinoisStaffing agency
Stephen Davisselfself
Stephen DeeMisericordiaParents
Stephen KrayAvenues to IndependenceAvenues to Independence
Stephen Philip BruggeRetiredSelf
Steve and Donna Wellsparent of adult with disabilityparent of an adult with Down syndrome and support they deserve more
Steve ColeOpen Door Rehabilitation Centerparent of disabled adult
Steve GrzywaRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Steve JohnsonSanofiCommunity advocate
Steve SandersonNoneFamily member of a disabled individual
Steven A ErenbergLibenuClearbrook, Libenu
Steven AlbrechtMisericordiaMisericordia
Steven M BradyParentParent
Steven NardulliSparcSparc
Steven R AzconaSt. Coletta's of IllinoisI work at St. Coletta's of Illinois and I support The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Steven R HueningMisericordiaMisericordia
Steven SerikakuNoneSelf
Stevie D BobbittDevelopmental Services CenterDevelopmental Services Center
Stewart MagnusonMagnuson, Inc.Magnuson Inc.
stukel michaelRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
stukel michaelRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Suasn MasonGateway ServicesStaff
Sue AmellNARay Graham Association Advocate
Sue GadientThe Arc of the Quad Cities AreaParent, Staff at a provider agency
Sue GummNoneFriend of DSPs who deserve a higher wage
Sue HamlinAIDParent
Sue HaptonstahlUCP SEGUIN servicesClients of UCP SEGUIN residences and work programs
Sue MeekerCrosspoint Human Servicesnone
Sue MeekerCrosspoint Human Servicesnone
Sue PitlockNAFamily
Sue RossettiIndividualParent to a son with IDD
Sue StolzerNAI am just a citizen
Sue ZiesemerMisericordiaMisericordia
Sugey damianAgencyStaff
Suleima RubioAplus Autism SolutionsAplus Autism Solutions
Summer HouseFroehlich HouseResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Summer IrelandMBH-LincolnStaff at provider agency supporter of they desire more
Susan AlbrechtMisericordiaMisericordia
Susan and David AxelrodMisericordiaMisericordia
Susan ArvansThey Deserve MoreSibling and Guardian of disabled clientThey Deserve More
Susan AvilaMisericordiaMisericordia
Susan BarnesCommunity Services FoundationCTF Illinois
Susan BohmnoneAs a sister of a person with a disability I support They Deserve More.
Susan CampbellClearbrookfamily member of a client who receives services
Susan DeSilvaClearbrookClearbrook
Susan DietzGateway ServicesGateway Services
Susan DunphySeguinFamily
Susan FleschMisericordiaMisericordia
Susan FuehneCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Susan GerardotIAGFor my daughter, I am her legal guardian
Susan HackettMisericordiaMisericordia pm
Susan HenehanNAParent
Susan InsoftnoneParent of disabled person
Susan J JacksonMisericordiaMisericordia
Susan J ZiesemerMisericordiaMisericordia
Susan K GouldFamilyFamily
Susan KaufmanOrchard VillageOrchard Village
Susan KnorowskiMisericordiaMisericordia
Susan Kurtenbachselfsupport They deserve more
Susan LeonardNoneCommunity advocate
susan lidAdvocate healthparent and physician for individuals with disabilities
Susan M RinkselfParent of a disabled adult, supporting They Deserve More
Susan MikaUCP SeguinStaff at UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Susan MikaUCP SeguinStaff at UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Susan MikaUCP SeguinStaff at UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Susan MurphyCornerstone Services, employer
Susan NesbittMisericordiaMisericordia
Susan O'ConnellMisercordiaMisercordia
Susan PasquarellaParentDaughters
Susan PietruchaTrinity Services, INCTrinity Services, INC
Susan PooleSt. Coletta's of IllinoisBoard Member at a Provider Agency. I support the Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities.
Susan R CupecSearch Inc.Family member of a person with a disability.
Susan R CupecSearch Inc.Family member of a person with a disability.
Susan R CupecSearch Inc.Family member of a person with a disability.
Susan RaicaClearbrook and State wokerlegal co-guardian, PSW, they derserve more
Susan SadowskiIPADDIPADD
Susan StumpfEnvision Unlimitedstaff at a provider agency
Susan ViecelliNoClearbrook family
Susan WalterParent of adult with a disabilityParent of young adult with siginificant disability
Susan WattsNAIPADDUnite
Susan WestermanMisericordiaMisericordia
Susan ZolaRetired School SuperintendentParent of Young Adult with Special Needs
Suzan WellsMisericordiaMisericordia
Suzanne AaronParentParent of adult son with disabilities
Suzanne HobanSelfSelf
Suzanne LightABRASibling and an employee of an agency that supports people with developmental disabilities
Suzanne M KilnerParentParent of adult with a disability
Suzanne Marie LeeMisericordiaMisericordia
Suzanne ShifferMisericordiaMisericordia
Sweta PandyaRiverside FoundationStaff they Deserve more
Sweta PandyaRiverside FoundationStaff they Desreve more
Sylvia ManzoSelfFamily
Tabatha LewisCCAR IndustriesCCAR Industries
Tabatha LewisCcar IndustriesCcar industries
Tabitha EllisResidential DeveloopersStaff at a Provider agency
Tabitha JordanCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Tammie MauriceNoneParent of a Disabled Adult
Tammy ArmbrustRay Graham associationRay Graham Association, family member
Tammy ArmsAvenues to IndependenceMyself
Tammy Bedfordfamily-advocatefamily-parent
Tammy DiluiaMisericordiaMisericordia
Tammy PeppentenzzaSearch INCStaff at provider agency
Tania GravesMosaicDSP at Mosaic
Tania WhitbyEPICEPIC
Tanya ShearlockCommunity Living OptionsResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developemental Disabilities
Tara A GeissClearbrookPersonal Support Worker
Tara EhrenbergMarklundMarklund
Tara HilmesCommunity LinkCommunity Link
Tara LamazziFutures Unlimited IncTara Lamazzi
Tashiela WatsonSeguinUpc seguin
TASSY BLUNTThe Arc Of The Quad Cities AreaI am in the fiscal department at a provider agency
Tasyana ReedTrinity ServicesStaff at a provider agency they deserve more
Taylor DuckmanNoneNone
Taylor GravesCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Taylor ParrottGateway to LearningStaff at a provider agency
Ted MrozRetiredRay Graham Association and Advocate Parent
Ted T ParksCommunity Support ServicesTED PARKS
Teddy ParuzynskiRampIndividuals with disabilities
Teena MackeyNAMI Will GrundyNAMI Will Grundy
Teigan CarsonCTF IllinoisStaff provider at an agency
telissa pillowcommunity linkFamily and friends of people with developmental disabilities
Tequila RobertsClearbrookTequila Roberts ( Staff )
Terashon BlakemoreGoldie B. Floberg CenterGoldie B. Floberg Center
Terence BuckleyMr.Misericordia
Terence KennedyMisericordiaMisericordia
Teresa JacksonNoneFamily of disabled person
Teresa JacksonNoneFamily of disabled person, I support They Deserve More
Teresa JonesCenterstoneCentersone Direct service provider
Teresa SheaIndividualParent and Guardian of an Adult with a Disability
Teresa ViebachKAB consultingCILA Staff
Terese BiondoSelfSelf
Terese BurdetteEpicEPIC
Terese IwamuroMisericordiaMisericordia
Teri BacksteinMosaicStaff at Mosaic in Pontiac Illinois
Teri BradleyStreator UnlimitedStaff at Streator Unlimited
Teri Gidwitzselfself
Terra DempseyLSSIProvider agency and support The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disablities
Terra StetzOpen Door Rehabilitation CenterStaff at provider agency
Terri J NilsonMisericordiaMisericordia Homes
Terri ScottParent of a child that lives at Beverly farmsI am the parent of a child with a disability who lives in a special needs home.
Terri ScottParent of a child that lives at Beverly farmsI am the parent of a child with a disability who lives in a special needs home.
Terry ClemonsCommunity LinkFamily and Friends of People with Developmental Disabilities
Terry HerbstrittPACTT Learning CenterPACTT Learning Center, Parent
Terry HoranMisericoridaMisericordia
Terry L PorterUCPSeguin of Greater ChicagoAdults with Developmental Disabilities
Terry L WetzNot ApplicableParent of a Person with Disabilitis
Terry PorterUCPSEGUINAdults with Developmental Disabilities ... i support the They Deserve More Coalition
Terry watersRetiredFamily of a person witn developmental disability
Tessa F TolbertOpen Door Rehabilitation CenterStaff of provider agency open door Rehabilitation center
Thane DykstraTrinity ServicesPeople in Illinois with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Theodore Thomas JuniorPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Theresa BienClearbrookStaff at a provider agency
Theresa BrowningNoneParent of a child with a disability
Theresa JonesTrinity ServicesProvider
Theresa LitavskyselfParent of a person with disabilities and Ray Graham Assoc. Board Member
Theresa McClearRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Theresa MorrisonCommunity LinkAgency. Community Link
Theresa VersaciNoneSupporting Illinois Brothers and Sisters
Therese and Brad EvansMisericordiaMisericordia
Therese MacekMisericordiaMisericordia
Therese RafterMisericordiaMisericordia
Thomas BongiornoNAFamily
Thomas BoydMisericordiaMisericordia
Thomas CornwellLARCLARC, Lansing, IL Board Vice President
thomas duncanEpicEPIC
Thomas EsterquestMisericordiaMisericordia
Thomas G HendricksBeverly FarmBeverly Farm
Thomas HoffenkampMisericordiaMisericordia
Thomas J HalleranMisericordiaMisericordia
Thomas J HalleranMisericordiaMisericordia
Thomas MariottiAchievement Unlimited IncorporatedResidential Programs for individuals with intellectual or developmental Disabilities
Thomas MorrisseyChallenge UnlimitedChallenge Unlimited Inc
Thomas SmithGoldie B FlobergStaff at the Goldie Floberg Center and also support The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Thomas W WalkerRetiredFamily of an individual with a disability.
Thomas WitteTrinityParent of disabled person
Thomas ZingerMisericordiaMisericordia
Thurman WoodsonCTF IllinoisCTF Illinois
Tia QuinerlyCornerstone Services IncStaff at provider agency
Tierney CrossFAYCO Enterprises, Inc.staff at a provided agency
Tierney WeaverAchievement Unlimited -Thompson PlaceResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Tierra HortonSearch INCSearch INC
tiffany guynnmristaff at a provider agency
tiffany guynnmristaff at a provider agency
Tiffany VerhoevenWorksource EnterprisesWorksource enterprises
Tiffiny AllenBeverly Farm FoundationDSP
Tim FierceMisericordiaMisericordia
Tim FlanniganCornerstone Services, Inc.staff member at a provider agency
Tim GawleyMisecordiaMisecordia
Tim GranzowSelfSelf
Tim McDonaldMisericordiaMisericordia
Tim OsabenTrinity SevicesParent
Tim WaryasMedical Home NetworkFamily member of person with disability.
Timika JonesSpaulding TerraceResidential programs for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilites
Timothy CarusoMarklund Wasmond CenterMarklund
Timothy G Weitzelfamily memberfamily member
Timothy Gerard VarelCommunity LinkFamily and friends of persons with developmental disabilities
Timothy KrausThe Residential DevelopersIndividual
Timothy NdundaRay Graham Association for people with disabilitiesRay Graham Association worker
Tina CrumpPioneer ConceptsResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Tina FogartyTrinity Servicesperson representing people with disabilities
Tina FogartyTrinity Servicesrepresenting provider organization
Tina FogartyTrinity Servicesrepresenting provider organization
Tina FogartyTrinity Servicesrepresenting provider organization
Tina Masi ReinneckCommunity LinkFamily and friends of persons with developmental disabilities
Tina MelvinFutures Unlimited IncFutures Unlimited Inc Staff at a provider agency. I support They Deserve More
Tina RobardsCommunity Support SystemsCommunity Support Systems
Tina StiefelNot applicableParent of an individual with both intellectual and physical disabilities
Tina ZemenSearch, Inc., Visibility ArtsSearch, Inc.
Tina ZemenSearch, Inc., Visibility ArtsSearch, Inc.
Tisa PowellSearch, Inc.Search
Todd SeabaughWorkSource EnterprisesStaff at a provider agency
Tom BeemsterboerGarden Center ServicesGarden Center Services
Tom GrossheiderParentParent guardian
Tom MorrisMisericordiaMisericordia
Tony StahlretiredMy daughter has a Developmental Disability and lives ina CILA
Tonya L JacksonSouth Chicago Parents and FriendsFamily Support Person for an Adult individual with a Disability
Tonya Marie MCcallumParklawnIndividual with a disability
Tonya SpinksAchievement Unlimited IncStaff at provider agency
Tracey B NormanTrinity Services Inc.staff at a provider agency I support They Deserve More
Tracey McGintythe Arc of the Quad Cities Areastaff at a provider agency
Traci SharpAchievement Unlimited, Incresidential programs for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities
Tracie PlattMisericordiaMisericordia
Tracy DudekTrinity Services, Inc.on behalf on an organization
Tracy JamesBella Terra SchaumburgDSPs
Tracy L MartenCommunity Support SystemStaff of an organization
Tracy L MartenCommunity Support SystemStaff of an organization
Tracy L MartenCommunity Support SystemStaff of an organization
Tracy McClureOpen door rehabilitation centerOpen door rehabilitation center
Tracy StutesKepley HouseKepley House
Tracy WrightGateway Services, Inc.Gateway Services, They Deserve More Coalition
Trasundra AndersonRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Travis HaffordSelf-AdvocateTravis Hafford
Travis WegerThe Residential DevelopersIndividual
Trina M M SielingTrinity ServicesPeople with Intellectual and developmental disabiities
Troy WestermanMisericordiaMisericordia
Tucker KellyA plus autism solutionsA plus Autism Solutions
Tyler DierksLinc, Inc.individual with a disability
Tyler Reese Dillonsupporter of TrinityTrinity Services
Ubaldo EsquivelRay Graham AssociationAdvocate
Uche OhaleUC-Cares Home Health ServicesProvider Agency
Valarie WaggonerCommunity Alternatives of IllinoisStaff at a provider agency
Valerie GutierrezSelfSelf
Valerie HillAvenues To IndependenceAvenues To Independence
Valerie MaggittSearch, Inc.Parent
Valerie WoodkirkTrinity ServicesTrinity Services
Valerie WoodkirkTrinity Services, Inc.Trinity Services, Inc.
Valorie E MonshowerBeverly Farm FoundationParent of a resident at Beverly Farm in Godfrey, IL
Vance LaineParentnot applicable
Vanessa LuginbuhlCommunity LinkFriends and Family of people with developmental disabilities
Vanessa LuginbuhlCommunity LinkFriends and Family of People with Disabilities
Vanessa PotierEffingham Terrace, ICFDDResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Vanessa RobbinsPenta Nascent CorpStaff at a provider agency
Vasudha MurthyRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Velita GuttmanRay Graham AssociationRay Graham associations
Venetia JonesSt. Coletta of Wisconsinfamily of an individual with a disability and I support They Deserve More
Vera FlohraMisericordiaMisericordia
Veronica A Martin-YoungAnixterStaff
Vertricia HoodRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Vianca LedesmaAplus Autism SolutionsAplus Autism Soultions
Vicki RootnoneFamilies and friends of people with developmental disabilities
Vicki van AlphenHelping HandParent of a person with a disability
Vickie KeanDon Moss & AssociatesDon Moss & Associates
Vickie KeanDon Moss & AssociatesDon Moss & Associates
Vickie RoseSouthern Illinois Center for Independent LivingSICIL
Vicky Butlerstaff at a provider agencystaff at a provider agency
VICTOR YIPPPersonalMy sister Florence was a disabled person served by UCP Seguin for many years before she passed. I support They Deserve More.
Vincent BarciszewskiCommunity LinkCommunity Link
Vine InnodikeSearchSearch
Virginia GirmscheidNot ApplicableParent of disabled adult who also supports the group They Deserve More
Virginia MitchellGateway ServicesStaff at a provider agency
Virginia NachtweyTrinity ServicesI am a parent of a person with a disability receiving services and I support They Deserve More
Virginia ThomasThe Arc of IllinoisFamily of an Individual with a disability
Viviana OkakpuSister of disabled Illinois residentSelf
Walter Edward ReinNoneParent
Wanda BraceroMarklundstaff
Wanda Certain-LeeB0389Ray Graham Association
Wanda Certain-LeeB0389Ray Graham Association
wanda currieMRIstaff at MRI
Wanda VaughnSearchSearch Inc
Warren StearnsCenterstoneCenterstone
Wayne StogsdillEPICstaff at a provider agency
Wendy BerkMarklundMarklund
Wendy EnglishParentParent of disabled adult
Wendy lavarreMisericordiaMisericordia
Wendy MarcasonIndividualFamily
Wendy PliggeRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Wendy RabinNorthwest Suburban Special Education OrganizationRegistered Nurse that works with the disabled
Wendy RasmussenUCP SeguinI am a staff member at a provider agency and I support They Deserve More
Wendy SanchezMarklundStaff at a provider agency
Wendy WagnerWendy4TherapyMedical professional and friend of a parent with an adult child with IDD
whitney campAvenues to IndependenceAvenues to Independence
whitney campAvenues to IndependenceAvenues to Independence
Whitney FletcherSertoma CentreStaff
William CuthbertnaRay Graham Association
william d swansonparent ray graham assnRay Graham Assn
William DillardUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff at a UCP Seguin and I support They Deserve More
William DykstraNANA
William Henzlikselfself advocate with disability
William J Beckerretiredboard member Community Link Breese Illinois
William LeonardNoneCommunity advocate
William McGloonUPC SeguinUPC Seguin
William Meyeron behalf of Misericordia Heart of MercyMisericordia Home and They Deserve More
William MillerUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoFamily member supporting They Deserve More
William RooneyMisericordiaMisericordia
William RussellSelfEPIC
William VeldmanMisericordiaMisericordia
William WitowskiMisericordiaMisericordia
Winifred McInerneyFamilyI support ; They Deserve More
Worachote SoonthornsimaRiverside FoundationThey Deserve More
Yaneth Medinanarelative of a an individual with a disability
Yanira ZarcoUCP SeguinUCP Seguin
Yolanda BoundsAchievement UnlimitedElise Court
Yolanda GardnerUCP SEGUIN OF GREATER CHICAGOUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Yotosha MclaughlinStreator unlimitedstaff at a provider agency
Zabrina GanzerCommunity Linkfriends and family of developmentally disabled
Zachary LongwellPenta Nascent Corp.Staff at a provider agency
Zackary Abu-ShanabTrinity Services IncI am a staff member at Trinity Services
zakarria leeMacon ResourcesMacon resources
Zechary StiggerAplus Autism SolutionsAplus Autism Solutions
Zeinob AmooCTF IllinoisStaff at a provider agency and I support They Deserve More