Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Public Health (S) 2/5/2019 2:00 PM |
Abby Martin | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society |
Alex Kim | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Alexander Hantel MD | Edward Elmhurst Healthcare | Self |
Alexandria Gorgosz | American Cancer Society | Additionally, an individual who watched smoking nearly take my father from me at the age of 12 and has watched other family members suffer from smoking habits they picked up before the age of 21. |
Alice Hubbard | self | self |
Alice Trimmer | None | None |
Alicia Baus | Self | Concerned Citizen |
Allison MacMunn | american lung association | American Lung Association |
Alyssa Knobel | Self | Self |
Alyx McElfresh | Champaign Urbana Public Health District | Self |
Amanda Gorsuch | self | self- former smoker who's 18 year old friends bought me cigarettes in high school when I was 15 |
Amanda Kelley | none | self |
Amanda Minor | Douglas County Health Department | IAPHA |
American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society I lost several family members who started using tabacco at a young age to lung cancer, I don't want this to continue. |
Amy Gibson | Self | self |
Amy Hyndman | self | self |
Amy Jo Steinbruecker | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society -- Lost my mother in law to cancer due to smoking. |
Amy ORourke | NA | Self |
Amy Voss | Stand Strong Coalition Lake County | Self |
Anairis Romero | NA | Self |
Andrea Ingwersen | Woodford County Health Department | Woodford County Health Department |
Andy Rauh | Citizen | Self |
Angela Doehring | Self | Self |
Angela Grover | AMITA Health | AMITA Health |
Angela Tin | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Ann Courter | self | self |
ann vanoverberghe | self | self |
Anna Keyes | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society |
Anna Unger | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society |
Anne Busser | Byron School District | Individual citizen |
Ashlie Keener Kuehn | St. Clair Strategies | JUUL Labs |
Asim Jaffer MD | IL Academy of Family Physicians | Illinois Academy of Family Physicians |
Bailey Arnold | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Barb Hohlt | St Clair County Health Dept | St Clair County Health Dept |
Barbara de Nekker | Self | Self |
Barbara Nudo | Self | Indivisible |
Barbara Zak | Self | self |
Beth Emery | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Beth Enke | NA | citizen |
Beth Fiorini | Whiteside County Health Dpeartment | Whiteside County Health Department |
Beth lybarger | 309 vapors | 309 vapors |
Beth Spezia | Self | Self, a former smoker who wishes she had never started and who saw the lives of family members and friends destroyed by smoking tobacco. |
Beth Vainowski | citizen | My grandchildren and other Illinois children |
Beverly Beck | self | self |
Blanca Campos | Community Behavioral Healthcare Association | Community Mental Health and Substance Use Providers |
Bobbie Denison | Self | Self |
Bonnie K Pratt | Retired | Self |
Bradley geissman | Marcos vapor | Marco Altamore |
Brent Ferrari | American Lung Association in Illinois | American Lung Association |
Brent Haverback | Concerned Citizen | Concerned Citizen |
Brent Zhorne | NA | Myself |
Brian Benton | Self | Self |
Brian Groskopf | Aerogen | American Lung Association |
Brian Shields | American Heart Association | American Heart Association |
Briana Lemon | Loyola University Chicago | resident of Illinois |
Bridget Hoffmann | MCDH | Concerned Resident |
Bridget Hultgren | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Bridgette Bonk | Private Citizen | Private Citizen |
Brittany L Heyen | IDHA | IDHA |
Bruce C Kinnett | Cook-Witter, Inc. | Illinois Academy of Family Physicians |
Bruce Frazin | Self | Self |
Caleb Nehring | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society |
Calvin Hartman | Retired | American Lung Association |
Cara Harris | Self | Self |
Carla Lockwood | self | daughter or long time smoker who died at a young age - wish we had more time |
Carlton Rose | Mrs. | Self |
Carm Youck | None | RN |
Carol Mancini | NA | Self |
Carol Ramm | American Lung Assoc. | American Lung Association |
Carolyn Donarski | CKDesign | Self |
Carolyn Lewis | Self | Self |
Carrie Emge | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
catherine park leonard | Radiation Oncology Consultants Ltd | Radiation Oncology Consultants Ltd |
Catherine R Spencer | self | self |
Catherine Reed | Self | Self |
Cathy Byus | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Cathy Ferguson-Allen | Lee County Health Department | Lee County Health Department |
cathy franzese | self | my family |
Cathy Taylor | Self | Self |
Cec Schott Fell | Self | Self |
celina garza | na | myself |
Charles Bradley | Citizen | NA |
Charlie Denison | Self | Self |
Cheryl A Bogdanowski | self - Nurse who cared for many dying or dead as a result of smoking | Cheryl Bogdanowski |
Cheryl Davis | American lung Association | American Lung Association |
Cheryl Laskasky | Citizen | Self |
Cheryl Lee | Clinton County Health Department | Clinton County Health Department |
Cheryl McCarthy | Joliet Township High School | Citizen |
Cheryl Orange | Amber Dental | Concerned Citizen |
Chris Adams | McDonough Health Dept. | MCHD |
Chris DePalma | Citizen | Self |
Christine Huelsman | MCDH | self |
Christine Myers | Livingston County Mental Health Board | LCMHB |
Christine Nickels | self | citizen |
Christine Winiecki | SSEEO | Self |
Christopher Grunow | Stickney Public Health District | Stickney Public Health District |
Christopher Lovejoy | Citizen | Christopher Lovejoy |
Christy Nguyen | Liubg force | American Lung Association |
Claire McElroy | Anita St. Mary's Hospital | Citizen |
Colleen Ryan | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Corey Clark | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Corinne Loftus | National Kidney Foundation of Illinois | National Kidney Foundation of Illinois |
CRAIG BEINTEMA | Stephenson County Health Dept | Stephenson County Health Department, Stephenson County Board of Health |
Cristin Mathew | American Heart Association | Citizen, American Heart Association |
Cristina Cortesi | NA | Self |
Cyrus Winnett | Illinois Primary Health Care Asssociation | Community Health Centers |
D M Greenwood | retired | self |
Dan Hohl | Illinois State Medical Society | Illinois State Medical Society |
Daniel Manislovich | Chisler | Chisler |
Daniel Struck | self | self |
Daniel Zak | Self | self |
Danielle Cortes DeVito | Parent | Citizen |
Danielle Masek | self | self |
Danielle Villari Swets | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society |
Darcy Jasien | 1969 | Self |
Darla J Hoffmann | self | self |
Darla Tracy | Crawford County Health Department | Crawford County Health Department |
Dave Gross | Illinois Health & Hospital Association | Illinois Health & Hospital Association |
David Bartlett | Kloecknor Steel | self |
David Brottman | Highland & Quentin, Inc | self |
David Bythewood | Constituent | Self |
David Clough | Village of Skokie Health Department | Skokie Board of Health |
David Dziuba | None | Self |
David Melby | Self | Self |
Dawn M Albanese | Individual | Self |
Deana DiMichele | St. Joseph Hospital Center for Cancer Care | Advocating for patients |
Deanne Brandon | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society |
Debbie Atlas | Self | Self |
Debbie Friend | Self | Citizen |
Debbie Reich | Self | Self |
Deborah Riddle | 1965 | Registered Nurse |
Debra Albert | American Lung Association in Illinois | self |
Debra Nielsen | Self | self |
Debra Vogel | self | self |
Dennis Brennan | DuPage County Health Department | DuPage County Health Department |
Dia Morgan | None | None |
Diana Scott | individual | individual |
Diana Scott | Peoria City County Health Department | Peoria City County Health Department |
Diane Clark | American Lung Association in Illinois | American Lung Association in Illinois |
Diane Doherty | Citizen | Citizen |
Diane Ratekin | citizen | self |
Diane Taylor | Self | Voter |
Diona Dugo | American Cancer Society | self |
Doctor Julie Morita | Chicago Department of Public Health | City of Chicago Department Of Public Health |
Don Cavi | Logan County Department of Public Health | Logan County Department of Public Health |
Donald Zeigler | American Heart Association | American Heart Association |
Donna M Mosakowski | American Lung Association in Illinois | Self |
Donna Weber | Individual | Former smoker who wishes I had never started; Mother of 2 teenagers who does not want them to use tobacco |
Douglas Toole | Vermilion County Health Department, IL | Vermilion County Health Department |
Dr Catherine A Counard | Village of Skokie | Skokie Health Department |
Dr Sarah L Patrick | Jackson County Health Department | Jackson County Health Department |
Dru ORourke | Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics | ICAAP |
DUANE STEVENS | STARK COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT | Local Public Health Interests-Stark County |
Dustin Epstein | Self | Self |
Edward Baus | Self | Self |
Edward Winslow | Winslow Medical Group | Self |
Elisabeth Hubbard | Self | Self (mother of three teens) |
Elise Hauptman | none | self |
Elise Rose | self | Self |
Elizabeth A Jarpe-Ratner | UIC | Concerned parent, public health professional |
Elizabeth Gonzalez | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Heriaud | Self | American heart association |
Elyse Fineman | Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness | Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness |
Elyse Weber | Edward Hospital | Edward Hospital Cancer Center |
Emily Wachowiak | Self | self |
Emmanuel Zambrano | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society |
Eric Foster | Illinois Association for Behavioral Health | Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Prevention and Treatment Providers |
Erica Acosta | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society |
Erin Meyer | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Esther Sciammarella | Chicago Hispanic Health Coalition | Chicago Hispanic Health Coalition |
Evelyn Neavear | Concerned Citizen | Concerned ex-smoker I believe that if I had to wait until I was 21 I would not have purchased cigarettes when I was 16 (63 now) |
Evonda Thomas-Smith | Mrs | Person |
Faith Miller | Faith Miller | self |
Felicia Fuller | Amerian Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Gail Briggs | self | Self |
Garth Reynolds | Illinois Pharmacists Association | Illinois Pharmacists Association |
George Laman | citizen | self |
Ghida Neukirch | City of Highland Park | City of Highland Park |
Gilda Ross | reality illinois | Reality Illinois Teen Leadership Group |
Ginnie Flynn | IL Academy of Family Physicians | Myself |
Gloria Avalos | None | Self |
Good Guidance Counseling and Consultation | Good Guidance | Self |
Gordana Krkic | IL Academy of Family Physicians | IL Academy of Family Physicians |
Greg Brown | Self | Self |
Gregory Mendoza | Highland Park Police Department | self |
Harold Wimmer | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Harriet Rosenthal | Self | Self |
Heather Gavras | Self | Self |
Heidi Gonzalez | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society |
Ingrid Wells | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Jack Shapiro | American Lung Association in Illinois | American Lung Association in Illinois |
Jack Whitney MD | None | None |
Jackie Faine | - | On behalf of all who suffer from cancer and those who are trying to create a smoke-free world |
Jacqueline Bauer | NA | self |
Jacqueline Rose | Self | Self |
Jacquelyn James | Citizen | Citizen |
Jaime Koniecki | Citizen | Citizen |
James Miles | NIPHC | Northern Illinois Public Health Consortium |
Jamie Epstein | STAND STRONG COALITION | Self |
Jan Starr | Chicago Springfield Consultant | Respiratory Health Association |
Jane Crapnell | self | self |
Janean Doerfler | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Janeen V Bazan | Hospital | rn |
Janet Hill | Rock Island County Health Department | self |
Janet Mason | Edgar County Public Health Department | Edgar County Public Health Department |
Janet Schneider | Northwestern McHenry Hospital Sage Cancer Center | Northwestern McHenry Hospital Sage Cancer Center |
Janet Williams | Illinois Coalition Against Tobacco | Illinois Coalition Against Tobacco |
Janette Murphy | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society |
Janey M Ciontea | Northwestern Medicine Valley West Hospital | Northwestern Medicine |
janice greenawalt | self | self |
Janice Small | American Lung Association in Illinois | self |
Janine Kirin | none | citizen |
Janna Simon | Illinois Public Health Institute | Illinois Public Health Institute |
Jason Keeler | University of Chicago Medicine | Self |
Jayme Leavy | abcde fghi | none |
JEAN L SACHS-NYGARD | Retired Educator | Myself |
jean ryan | none | Myself-jean ryan |
Jean Schram | citizen | Myself |
Jeanne Hochhalter | Self | SELF |
Jeanne R Bosecker | 1972 | Concerned Citizen |
Jeanne R Bosecker | 1972 | IDHA |
Jeff raider | Individual | Individual |
Jeff Workman | Clay County Health Department | Clay County Health Department |
Jeff Workman | Effingham County Health Department | Effingham County Health Department |
Jen Farmer | Jefferson Middle School | District 129 |
Jennie Pinkwater | Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics | Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics |
Jennifer Brauer | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society |
Jennifer Brodsky | citizen | citizen |
Jennifer M Lizak | Self | Self |
Jennifer Meyer | SIUC | Jennifer Meyer |
Jennifer Ross | J and J Legislative, LLC | Lobbyist-American Heart Association |
Jennifer Ross | J and J Legislative, LLC | Lobbyist-American Lung Association of IL |
Jennifer Sherry | Illinois Dental Hygienists' Association | Concerned citizen |
Jessica Bloodgood | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society |
Jessica Schnase | Edward Cancer Center | Edward Cancer Center |
Jesslyn Jobe | Shawnee Health Service | self |
Jill Thompson | American Lung Association in Greater Chicago | American Lung Association |
Jim Pines | Citizen | Self |
Jim Slezak | self | self |
Joan Briller | self | individual |
Joan Jones | Citizen | Self |
Joanna Rosenbaum | American Lung Association in Illinois | Self |
john beerbower | Concerned Citizen | Concerned Citizen and Parent of 4 children |
John Carr | IGAM Inc | IL Society Respiratory Care |
John Petzke | North Shore School District 112 | self |
Jon Hauptman | none | self |
Joseph G Eaves | 3D Vapor LLC | Joe Eaves |
Joseph Goldzweig | Mended Little Hearts | Mended Little Hearts |
Joyce Williams | Self | Self |
Juan Castillo | Amita Health | self |
Judy Rospenda | American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network | SELF |
Judy Teaney | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network ( ACSCAN) |
Juli Aistars | Mrs. | Northwest Community Healthcare, Arlington Heights, IL |
Julia Fitzgerald | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Julia Kersey | American Heart Association | Self |
Julia Testin | NA | Self |
Julie Angle | Mrs. | Self |
Julie Campbell | Julie L. Campbell, Attorney at Law | The Edelstein and Baumgartner families |
Julie Fitzpatrick | Self | Self |
Julie Mirostaw | American Heart Association American Stroke Association | American Heart Association American Stroke Association |
Julie Umecker Groskopf | At Properties | American Lung Association |
JUSTINE E KAPLAN | - | myself- a public health practitioner and educator |
Kai Rudloff | Self | Self |
Kara A davis | Logan County Department of Public Health | none |
Kara Allred | Concerned Citizen | Concerned Citizen |
Kara Welborn | American Lung Association | American Lung Association in Illinois |
Karen Adamson | Healthcare IT Industry | Citizen |
Karen OConnor | Self | myself |
Karin Rogers | Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital | self |
Karon Curtis | McDnough County Health Department | Karon Curtis |
Katharyn Calandra Kritek | citizen | children |
Katherine Mueller | Community Member | Concerned Parent and Resident of Illinois |
Kathleen Goss | University of Chicago Medicine Comprehensive Cancer Center | University of Chicago Medicine Comprehensive Cancer Center |
Kathryn E Alexander | Self | Citizen |
Kathryn Schubert | individual | none |
Kathy Chan | Cook County Health | Cook County Health |
Kathy Drea | American Lung Association in Illinois | American Lung Association in Illinois |
Kathy Michaelson | myself | self |
Katie Danko | Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago | Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago |
Katie Kritek | New Trier High School | Students |
Katie McHugh | Self | Self |
Katie Moutray | Not applicable | Resident of Illinois |
Katlynn Hutchcraft | IDHA | IDHA Member |
Kay L Miars | Tazewell County Health Dept Environmental Health | Tazewell County Health Dept |
Kelli Bruns | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Kelly Flanigan | Champaign-Urbana Public Health District | Self |
Kelly Perez | Self | Self, parent of a child |
Kelly Siltman | Prophetstown High School | citizen |
Kelly Tinnes | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society |
Kelsey White | Montmorency School | self |
Kelsie Landers | EverThrive Illinois | EverThrive Illinois |
Ken Webster | ACS CAN | Shana Crews- IL ACS CAN Grass roots Manager |
Kent Tarro | Macoupin County Public Health Department | Macoupin County Public Health Department |
Kenton Rose | Self | Self |
Kerri Allen | McDonough County Health Dept | McDonough County Health Dept |
Kevin Coplin | EJ mckernan | Boss vapes |
Kevin Fitzpatrick | Self | Self |
Kevin J Gleason | Self | Self |
Kevin Norville | American Heart Association | Self |
Kevin Zak | Self | self |
Kim Brogdon | Amercan Cancer Soceity | American cancer Society, Inc |
Kim Stone | SELF | Self |
Kirk Disrude | Maine East High School | Education |
Kirk Steinbruecker | Stonebridges Property Management | Self - lost two grandmother and mother to cancer caused by tobacco use |
Kiyoko Czech | American Cancer Society | Self, Mother of a teenager, daughter of long time smoker, neice of long time smokers, American Cancer Society |
Kristen Coombe | American Lung Association in Illinois | American Lung Association in Illinois |
Kristin Hall Sliwicki | Marriage Resource Center, Ltd Family Therapy Practice | Marriage Resource Center, Ltd. |
Kristine Olson | ACScan | ACScan |
Kyle Hillman | National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
Kyle Polke | Self | Self; Young Professional who has seen first-hand the peer pressure youth are under and the impacts of a bad decision to try smoking (including vaping and e-cigarettes). |
Kym Dallstream | Illinois Dental Hygienists' Association | Illinois Dental Hygienists' Association |
Lael S Edelstein | Self | Self |
Lana Tobin | American Cancer Society, Inc | American Cancer Society, Inc - Mother of a 10 year old that I do not want to use tobacco products. |
Lanie Kepler | Illinois Public Health Association | Illinois Association for Public Health Administrators |
Lanie Kepler | Illinois Public Health Association | Illinois Public Health Association |
Larry Williams DDS MPH | Midwestern University | Skokie Board of Health |
Laura Schneider | Lake County Health Department and Community Health Center | Lake County Health Department and Community Health Center |
Laura Baus | Illinois Dental Hygienists Association | Dental Hygiene Professional and Illinois Dental Hygienists' Association (IDHA) |
laura duffy | citizen | taxpayer |
Laura M Scully | Illinois Dental Hygienists' Association | Illinois Dental Hygienists' Association |
Laura OConnor | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society |
Laura Scott | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Lauren Innocenzi | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Lauren Niklinski | Individual | Self; mother of two young boys. I hope they never succumb to this addiction. |
Lauri DeRuiter-Willems | Eastern Illinois University | Myself |
Lena Hatchett | Proviso Partners for Health | Proviso Community Residents and organizations |
Leslie R Carnahan | Self | Self- Former smoker who wishes I had never started |
Lila Yusen | Self | Self |
Liliana Velazquez | Mission Readiness | Retired admirals and generals strengthening national security by ensuring kids stay in school, stay fit, and stay out of trouble |
Linda Conlin | Edward Cancer Center | Linda Conlin |
Linda Schulz | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society |
Lindsay Morrison | self | self |
Lindsay Wilson | Self | Self |
Lisa A Hinerman | Self | Concerned Parents Of Kids Who Stopped Smoking Cigarettes With Vaping |
Lisa Gonzalez | DeKalb County Health Department | Local Public Health - DeKalb County |
Lisa Hartman | Self | Self |
Lisa j Siemsen | Illinois Dental hygiene assoc | self |
Lisa leipus | None | Self |
Lisa Schmidt | Illinois Dental Hygienists' Association | Illinois Dental Hygienists' Association |
Lois Dober | Citizen | Resident of Illinois |
Lora Lewis | Self | Self |
Lori Ryan | Marion County Health Department | Marion CountyHealth Department |
Lori Younker | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Lubia Nunez-Montelongo | Self | Self |
Lucinda Graves | DeKalb County Health Department | Public Health |
Lucinda Graves | DeKalb County Health Department | Public Health-- self |
Lydia Park | Illinois Dental Hygienists' Association | Illinois Dental Hygienists' Association |
Lynette Waller | Clay County Health Department | Lynette Waller |
Lynn Stanczuk | Self | Self |
Lynne Braun | Rush University | Self |
Lynne Burnett | NA | NA |
Maggie McGuire | NA | Citizen |
Maggie Osborne | American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network | ACS CAN and Mother of a teen daughter. I'm appalled that E-cigarette use has become an EPIDEMIC among kids in the US. RAISE THE AGE of sale of ALL-Tobacco Products to 21. |
Maggie Powell | self | Self - an informed individual that knows that vaping has become an epidemic in schools. Children should not have access to any type of tobacco. |
MaLinda Hillman | Livingston County Health Department | Livingston County Health Department |
Mandy Rieman | Jasper County Health Dept | Myself |
Mansoina Baweja | Edward Hospital | Self |
Margaret Grotefendt | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society - Smoking cigarettes kills more Americans than alcohol, car accidents, HIV, guns, and illegal drugs combined. |
Margaret Lane | none | Resident of Illinois |
Margie Pines | self | Self |
Maria Aurora Diaz | Presence Health | self |
Maria Brown | Self | Self |
Maria Gonzalez | 1967 | self |
Mariana I Wrzosek | AMITA Health Resurrection Medical Center - Chicago | Citizen |
Marie Rose | Citizen | Self |
Marigale Walsh | Citizen | Citizen |
Marilyn Felix | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Mark Edelstein | Self | Self |
Mark Pfister | Lake County Health Department and Community Health Center | Northern Illinois Public Health Consortuim, Illinois Association of Public Health Administrators, Illinois Public Health Association and the Lake County Health Department and Community Health Center |
Marla Groaning | Self | na |
Marlie Pykelny | American Cancer Society | Daughter of a cancer survivor, I don't want anyone else to go through what she has gone through treating cancer. |
Martha Silberman | Silberman household | concerned parents of teens |
Martin Crapnell | self | My final job was in alternative education with high-school age students. Students often didn't complete work but had to have a cigarett or vape every 50 minutes at break time. |
Mary E Ford | Ms. | Self Two of my uncles died from lung cancer as a result of smoking. My youngest sister smokes and is trying to quit. |
Mary E OConnor | Unforgettable Edibles Catering Company | Citizen |
mary gleason | AMITA Health | self |
Mary Mangaser | Amita Health Saints Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center | Self - Former smoker who wishes I had never started smoking cigarettes. I am experiencing health issues now because of smoking cigarettes |
Mary Wenclawski | Citizen | Citizen |
Mason Rose | Self | Self |
Matt Maloney | Respiratory Health Association | Respiratory Health Association |
Matthew Alschuler | Self | Self |
Matthew Slade | Village of Durand | Self |
Maureen | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Maureen Mulhall | Maureen Mulhall | Illinois Society for Respiratory Care |
Maureen Powell | AMITA St. Mary's Hospital | self |
Meg Fischer | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society |
Megan Burns | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society |
Megha Mathur | NA | Self - oldest sister of seven who wants to make sure the younger ones never start smoking |
Meghan Gauen | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society |
Meghan Miller | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Meghan Woltman | Advocate Health Care | Advocate Health Care |
MELISSA feldman | Self | Self |
Melissa Hauptman | none | self |
Melissa Rickey | Self | Children of Illinois |
Mica Hansson | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Michael David Monti | Zeigler-Royalton Federation of Teachers ZRFT 4123 | Myself and teachers from my local school district. |
Michael E Pollak | Michael E Pollak | Village of Skokie |
Michael Lubelfeld | North Shore School District 112 | Self |
Michael Seth Montague | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Michelle Black RN | Cumberland County Health Department | Concerned medical personal. |
Michelle Domecki | University of Chicago | Mother of a teenager who does not want them to use tobacco; I work with cancer researchers |
Michelle Freedman | None | Self |
Michelle Grames | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Michelle Hicks-Turner | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Michelle Pruim | na | individual |
Mike Grady | Strategic Advocacy Group | American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network |
Monica Baldwin | Illinois Dental Hygienists Association | Illinois Dental Hygienists Association |
Monica Guerrant | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Monica Hendrickson | Peoria City County Health Department | Peoria County Board of Health |
Monica K Campbell | NA | Concerned parent |
Monica Stokes | Lake County Health Department | No one |
Morgan Casey | Self | Self |
Morgan Deval | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society |
Morgan Paulus | self | self |
Nancy Freese | AHA | Citizen |
Nancy J Martin | Christian County Health Department | Resident of Illinois |
Nancy L Bosecker | Concerned Citizen | Concerned Citizen |
Nancy Lynn Amerson | Self | Self |
Nancy Topouzian | Board of Health, Skokie, Illinois | Board of Health, Skokie, IL |
Naomi Pierce | Self | Self |
Neil Ballentine | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Nita Ludwig | Rock Island County Health Dept | Public Health |
Noor Sekhon | none | Self |
Noreen Smrz | Northwestern Medicine Kishwaukee Hospital | SELF - Mother and father both died of lung cancer from smoking. |
Ommar Hla | Nuclear Oncology SC | Nuclear Oncology SC |
Oran Friend | Friendly Training | Oran Friend |
P Ann Solari-Twadell | Loyola University Chicago, Niehoff Schol of Nursing | P. Ann Solari-Twadell |
Patricia Carlin | None | Representing my children and grandchildren. |
Patricia Fountain | Self | Patricia Fountain |
Paul Wilkins | Woodford County Health Department | resident of IL |
Peter Gunther | self | self |
Peter Tijerina | none | self |
Peter Tyor | retired | Self--My family has suffered from the results of tobacco. |
Philip Jass | Grundy County Health Department | Grundy County Health Department |
Phyllis Earls | Citizen | Self |
Polly Jane Sulcer | Mrs. | Na |
Rachel Becknell | Constituent | Self |
Rachel Daigler | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Rachel Mintle | None | Concerned resident of Illinois |
Radine Cox | Retired | Self |
RaeAnn VanGundy | Kendall County Health Department | Kendall County Health Department |
Rebecca Stewart | Rebecca's Daycare | Person |
Rebecca Bunge | IDHA | IDHA |
Rebecca Goff | None | None |
Rebecca Stewart | Rebeccas's Daycare | Person |
Renata Passman | 2334 W Lawrence suite 215, Chicago, IL 60625 | IDHA |
Rhonda Andrews-Ray | Southern Seven Health Department | Citizens of Pulaski, Pope, Hardin, Johnson, Union, Massac, and Alexander Counties |
Rhonda Pettit | Amita Saint Joseph Medical Center, Joliet | self |
Rhonda Pour | Individual | Daughter and Sibling of Smokers who have been diagnosed with Lung Cancer |
Rick Atlas | Self | Self |
Robert A Bayer | Northwestern Medicine | ACS |
Robert Christie | Northwestern Medicine | Northwestern Medicine |
Robert Oakleaf | American Lung Association in Illinois | American Lung Association in Illinois |
Robert r havenar | Boss vspes | Boss vapes |
Roberto T Maldonado | Nancy Young Elementary | citizen |
Robin Gifford | Presence Heritage Village | self |
Roger Crawford | OSF Healthcare System | OSF Healthcare supports T21. Father of a 23 year old who is hooked on smokeless tobacco started as a teenager during summer league baseball. |
Ronald Melka | Lyons Township Mental Health Commission | Lyons Township Mental Health Commission |
Ronald Price | Village of Bannockburn | Self |
Ronda Dunn | Jackson Perry Counties Regional Delivery System | Jackson Perry Counties Regional Delivery System |
Rosa Baus | Self | Concerned Citizen |
Ruben Hinojosa | Citizen | Citizen |
Rudy Bess | The Hope Light Foudnation | The Hope Light Foundation |
Ruth Ann Flowers | Greene County Health Department | Illinois Public Health Administration Association |
Ruth Fink-Winter | Self | Self |
Ryan Alvarez | Rush Copley Medical Center | Ryan Alvarez |
Ryan Blumberg | Back of the Yards College Prep | Self |
Sally Draper | American Lung Association | Sally Draper |
Sandra Blood | none | none |
Sandra Martell | Winnebago County Health Department | Winnebago County Health Department |
Sandra Nagel Beebe | self | self |
Sandra Schleicher | myself | myself |
Sandra Wichner | Education | Written Statement |
Sandra Zelman Lewis PhD | EBQ Consulting | Self -- Health services researcher, anti-tobacco advocate, witness to effects of smoking on smokers, their families and friends, and society at large, including economy |
Sarah Breeden | None | Self |
Sarah Buller Fenton | Public Health Nurse | Registered Professional Nurse; Public Health Nurse |
Sarah Norris | Self | Self- Asthmatic that cannot visit the homes of many of my family members who have been addicted to smoking since high school |
Scott Saxe | Self | Self |
Scott Warren | Lincolnshire Prairie View District 103 | Self |
Sean McDermott | SR McDermott Consulting | Northern Illinois Public Health Consortium |
Shana Crews | American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network | American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network |
Sharon Frederkig | Washington County Health Department | Washington County Health Department |
Shashikanth Gannu | Not applicable | Person |
Sheila Bartlett | Self | Sheila Bartlett |
Shelley Kinney | self | RN |
Shelly File | na | na |
Sherri Lukes | IDHA, SIU Dental Hygiene | IL Dental Hygienists' Assoc |
Shiv Morjaria | Self | Self |
Shivani Shah | Champaign-Urbana Public Health District | Self |
Shontell Mitchell | Presence Heritage Village | self |
Simona White | American Cancer Society | American Cancer Society ACS CAN |
Sister Ann Marie Cwick | St. Cornelius Catholic Church | Self |
Sonia Wild | Not provided | Self - Mother of a teenager that doesn't want them to start using tobacco. |
Spencer Sartin | Student At the University of Chicago | American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network |
Stacey Bettis | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Stacey McKinney | Concerned Citizen | Concerned Citizen |
Stacie Ealey | Tazewell County Health Department | Resident of Illinois |
Stacy Nelson | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Stella Mechkova | Adlai E Stevenson | Stella Mechkova |
Stephanie Smith | American Cancer Society | Self |
Steve Sheffey | None | Self |
Steve Smerz | Select... | Self |
steven mosakowski | American Lung Association in Illinois | American Lung Association in Illinois |
Stewart Reich | Citizen | Self |
Sue Clark | Capitol Edge Consulting, LLC | Illinois Society for Advanced Practice Nursing and ANA-Illinois, |
Sue Clark | Cima Services | NA |
Sue Stefano | self | self |
Sunny Bengtson | McHenry County Department of Health | Self |
Susan A Bartlett | Citizen | Citizen |
Susan Afeltra | Susan Afeltra | self |
Susan Reisberg | Skokie Health Department | Self |
Suzanne Elder | American Cancer Society | Self |
T C | Ms. | Self |
Tabatha Wells | Siu som | Self |
Tara Mitchell | Self | Self |
Tarneka Manning | American Cancer Society | Self |
Tawanda Johnson-Gray | Heart & Stroke Project | Heart & Stroke Project, Inc. |
Teri Collins | MCYAF | Amita Health |
Teri McSherry | Illinois Dental Hygienists' Association | Illinois Dental Hygienists' Association |
Terri Apostolou | Illinois Dental Hygienists Association | Illinois Dental Hygienists Association |
Terri Kaisling | Amita Heath Resurrection Medical Center, Chicago | Citizen |
Terry Mason | Northern IL Public Health Consortium, Cook County Dpt of Public Health | Cook County Dpt of Public Health and Northern IL Public Health Consortium |
Theresa Heaton | Kane County Health Department | Kane County Health Department |
Thomas Gould | American Heart Association | American Heart Association |
Tim Carpenter | Mission Readiness | Mission Readiness |
Todd Kisner MPH | Self | Self |
Tom Hughes | Illinois Public Health Association | Illinois Public Health Association |
Toni Corona | Madison County Health Department | Madison County Health Department |
Tony Hollenback | Niles Family Services - Village of Niles | Self |
Traci Whitlock | Greene County Health Department | Greene County Health Department |
Trisha Ard | Self | Self |
Troy J Michalek | self | citizen |
Ty Stewart | Rebecca's Daycare | Person |
Valerie Wojs | American Lung Association | American Lung Association |
Vedika Kheradiya | Amita Health Resurrection Medical Center | Citizen |
Victoria Salow | individual | resident of Illinois |
Walter Howe | Citizen of Illinois and concerned parent | Myself |
Wenora Johnson | Individual | Self - Mother and Grandmother of children who does not want them to use tobacco |
Whitney Smyser | self | self |
William Chester | Self | Concerned citizen |
WILLIAM KEMPINERS | Myself | I am representing myself in support of the effort to raise the tobacco age to 21. |
William Werner | Skokie Board of Health | Board Member |
Winona Dulka | self employed | Self |
Hearing Date and Time: Public Health (S) 1/29/2019 1:00 PM |
Amanda | Boone County Health Department | Public Health in Illinois |
Andrea Durbin | Illinois Collaboration on Youth | Illinois Collaboration on Youth |
Ashley Moy-Wooten | Skokie Department of Health | Skokie Board of Health |
Carl Hagstrom | Self | Lake County Board of Health |
Carla Ewing | Mercer County Health Department | Mercer County Health Department |
Christofer Rodriguez | SIU School of Medicine | I am representing myself as a private citizen. My opinion and statement is mine alone, and not representative of my agency. |
David Clough | Village of Skokie Health Department | Skokie Board of Health |
Dr Catherine A Counard | Village of Skokie | Skokie Health Department |
Laura Schneider | Lake County Health Department and Community Health Center | Lake County Health Department and Community Health Center |
Matthew Slade | Village of Durand | Self |
Morgan Casey | Self | Self |
Patrick Schweska | City of Chicago | City of Chicago |
Robert Adami | Unemployed | MA |
Timothy Sashko | Lake County | Board of Health President |
Tom Hughes | Il.Public Health Assoc. | Il.Public Health Assoc. |