Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Higher Education (S) 4/20/2016 10:00 AM |
Alex Ilic | On Behalf Of Self | Self |
Alison Lindholm | NA | Beagle Freedom Project |
Alissa Adler | None | Self |
Amanda Rae Callahan | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Amber Robins | School | Self |
Andrea Keener | Home to Home Dog Rescue, NFP | Andrea Keener |
Andrea Walters | Illinois Humane | Self |
Andrea Walters | Illinois Humane Society | Myself |
Anita Howard Sobkoviak | none | none |
Ann Crowe | Self | BFP |
Anne W Lytle | retired | self |
Anson Martin | Not Applicable -- Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Anthony Concialdi | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Anthony Piccolo | Self | Beagle Freedom Project |
April Mulcahy | Naper Ridge | Freedom Beagle |
Arleen Floren | Attorney | Beagles |
Ashley Benacka | The Beagle Freedom Act | Lindale Holmes |
Ashley Cooper | Beagke freedom project | Beagke Freedom Project |
Barbara Petrowski | Personal | beagle lovers |
Beckie Maday | NA | Linda Holmes |
Betsy Lynn Knapper | Betsy Lynn Photos | Beagle Freedom Project |
Betty Rivera | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Betty Rivera | None | Beagle Freedom Project |
Brandy Miklusicak | Not applicable | Self |
Brenda Lang | Green Dog Inc. | Beagle Freedom Project |
Brian Norwood | Na | na |
Caitlin Fox | SB 2356 | Beagle Freedom Project |
Caitlin McElroy | NA | Caitlin McElroy |
Carol Grossman | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedon Project |
Carolyn Halliburton | carolyn halliburton | carolyn halliburton |
Casimir stec | Beagle freedom project | Beagle freedom project |
Catherine J Hochberg | None | None |
Cathy Moon | Valencia Main Street Cheesecakes | Beagles |
Cheryl Olchawa | Personal | Beagle Freedom Project |
Christina Kowalczyk | None | Beagle Freedom Project |
Christine Atkinson | Independent Contractor | Beagle Freedom Project |
Christine Loftus | NA | Beagle Freedom |
Christine szychlinski | None | I am. Not appearing but won't let me out |
Christopher W Sanford | Retired | Beagle Freedom Project |
Cindy Rosiak | Beagle freedom bill | Beagle freedom bill |
Cindy Schulze | The Beagle Freedom Project | The Beagle Freedom Project |
Colleen Kelley | Independent | Colleen Kelley |
Connie Kubica | none | Beagle Freedom Project |
connie welch | beagle freedom project | connie welch |
constance bylsma | beagle freedom movement | beagle freedom |
Cristal Lopez | Self | Self |
Dan Crowe | BFP | BFP |
Dana Jones | None | BEAGLE FREEDOM PROJECT & Self |
Danielle Itter | NA | self |
Darlenne Rodriguez | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
David Lies | Imaging Arts Studio | Beagle Freedom Project |
David Schulze | Retired | Beagle freedom project |
Deborah Crombleholme | Na | Beagle freedom project |
Debra M Sanford | Acct | Beagle Freedom Project |
Debra Sanford | Acct | Beagle Freedom Project |
Debra Spiece | Flexera Software | Beagle Freedom Project |
Deidre Mellenthin | Homeowner | Not Applicable |
Denise Grossman | bfp | bfp |
Desiree Misanko | The Chicago School of Professional Psychology | Individual |
Don Weigand | Walk This Way, Inc. | BEAGLE FREEDOM PROJECT |
Donna Brunso | Beagle Freedom Project | Donna Brunso |
Douglas Bizer | Self employed | Beagles freedom bill |
douglas low | none | myself |
Effie Kamberis | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Bobadilla | SELF | Self, Beagle Freedom Project |
Elizabeth E Knapp | wps 60 | Beagle Freedom Project |
Elizabeth Gottfried | Self | Beagle Freedom Project |
Elizabeth Hartwig | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Gabrielle Donatelli | Northwest Family Healthcare | Gabrielle Donatelli |
Gayle Martin | Not Applicable -- Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Gene Bowers | Beagle Freedom Project | volunterr |
Ginny Bowers | Breagle Freedom project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Giovanni Rivera | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Giovanni Rivera | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Greg Rossi | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Gregory Pranski | Mr. | Beagle Freedom Project |
Hannah | Self | Self- Hannah Humphrey |
Heather Shinn | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom |
Hildy Kingma | self | None |
Holly Campbell | SSMMA | Record of appearance only |
Jackie Zolna | Beagle Freedom Proj | Beagle Freedom |
Jacqueline Rivera | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
James Cassin | NA | Beagle Freedom |
James Grossman | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Jamie Archer | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Jan mitchells | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Bill |
Jane Berlowe | Shani & Jane re-Design | Beage Freedom Bill |
Jane I Resnik | Constituent | The Beagle Freedom Project |
Janine Mrock | bfp | bfp |
Jean Berlinskii | Johnson inc | Beagle freedom project |
Jennifer Green | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Jennifer Paddock | Beagle Freedom Project supporter | Beagle Freedom Project |
Jennifer Piccolo | Beagle Freedom Project | Jennifer Piccolo & Beagle Freedom Project |
Jennifer Walker | Paws Care of Montgomery County, IL. | Paws Care of Montgomery County, IL. |
Jennifer Walker | Paws Care of Montgomery County, IL. | Self, Rescue. |
Jessica Storch | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Jill Meints | Peoria Dog Park | Beagle Freedom Act |
Joanne Gallagher | CUD 202 | Beagle Freedom Project |
Joe Tessone | None | Self |
John Corradetti | KKJC Enterprises, LLC | Beagle Freedom Project |
John D Byrnes | Unemployeed | Beagle Freedom Project |
John M Lytle Jr | Retired | self |
John Norwood | Na | na |
Jordan Martinet | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Josh Rose | Duff & Phelps, LLC | Beagle Freedom Project |
Joy Kurowski | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Joyce Lambert | Creative Plantscapes | Beagle Freedom Project |
Judith Scharli | private citizen | Beagle Freedom Project |
Julie Nelson | Constituent | Beagle Freedom Project |
Julie Newfeld | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Julie Radcliff | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Juliette Boyce | PHR | Beagle freedom project |
Kady ONeill | NA | NA |
Kaitlyn Janis | self | bfp |
Karen Apfelbaum | None | Individual supporting Beagle Freedom Project |
Karen Muffler | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Karin Beil | Retired | Beagle Freefom Project |
Kassandra McElhiney | L. Patrick McElhiney, P.C. | Beagle Freedom Project |
Kathaleen Bilbo | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Kathleen Stewart | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle freedom project |
Kathleen Thien | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Kathleen Wickes | Unique Gifts and Games | Beagle Freedom Project |
KATHY NELSON | none | beagle freedom project |
Katrina Dembinski | Personal | Katrina Dembinski |
Kelley Milner | Beagle freedom project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Kelly stec | Beagle freedom project | Beagle freedom project |
Kelvin McCord | Epsilon | Beagle Freedom Project |
Kevin Kjonaas | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Kim Norwood | Beagle Freedom Project | na |
Kimberly Larrabee | self | Beagle Freedom Project |
Kimberly Romero | None | Beagle freedom project |
Kirk Zoellner | None | Beagle Freedom Project |
Kirstin Nafziger | NA | NA |
Kristen Mitchell | NA | Linda Holmes |
Kristen Tessone | None | None |
Lara Georgis | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
larry apfelbaum | Self | Self |
Laura Pettineo | CHW | Beagle Freedom Project |
Lauren Young | Dentist | Self |
Laurie Daly | Homemaker | Beagle Freedom Project |
Leslie Fulton | Beagle Freedom Project | Linda Holmes |
linda duke | self | self |
Linda Medlock | Self | Self |
Lisa Barbier | Barbier Group | Beagle Freedom Protection |
Lisa Fikeys | Zimmerman Advertising | Beagle Freedom Project |
Lisa Rossi | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Luis Rivera | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Lydia Rypcinski | private citizen | I am a private citizen |
Lynette Sugatan | Oakton Community College | student |
Lynn Chapman | LMC & ASSOCIATES, INC. | Beagle Freedom Project |
Lynn Fischer | Quincy Humane Society & Beagle Freedom Project | Lynn Fischer |
Lynn Rossi | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Lynn Sowinski | None | None |
Lynn Sowinski | None | None |
Marcy Cap | Citizen | Self |
Margaret Puzek | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Maria Mendoza | BFP | BFP |
Marilyn Amundsen | IL voter | Beagle Rescue |
Marissa Mellenthin | Self | Self |
Marjorie Dale Sturm | not applicable | Marjorie Dale Sturm |
Mark Barbier | MDB | Beagle Freedom Bill |
Mark Kautz | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Mark Phelps | Private Citizen | Beagle Freedom Project |
Mark Rieser | Beagle Freedom Group | Beagle Freedom Project |
Marlene Moser | Concerned Citizen in Support of The Beagle Freedom Project | The Beagle Freedom Project |
Martin Milligan | Self | Midwest Beagle Rescue |
Martin Radev | DMS Holdongs, Inc. | Beagle Freedom Bill |
Mary Zoss | None | Beagle Freedom Project |
Maryellen Pobloske | Midwest Beagle Rescue Education and Welfare | Midwest Beagle Rescue Education and Welfare |
Matt Bailey | Miller Cooper & Co., Ltd. | Kevin Chase |
Matt Crowe | BFP | BFP |
Matthew Adler | Self | Self |
Maureen Nebel | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle freedom project |
Maurice Bresnahan | Citizen | None |
Melissa Kravich | None | Beagle Freedom Project |
Michael A Adas | Retired Il. State Police | Concerned citizen |
Michael Bailey | NA | IGOR |
Michael Bilbo | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Michael Van Andel | None | Beagle Freedom Project |
Michelle Chicago | Michelle Chicago Real Estate | Beagle Freedom Project |
Michelle Korves | Tribout Distributors | not appearing |
Michelle Pullen | Citizen, voter & IL resident | Myself & my beagle |
Miriam Geighes | Citizen | Self |
Monica DeLord | none | Friend of Beagles |
Morgan Loftus | NA | Beagle Freedom |
Mr and Mrs Donald Orchard | retired | Beagle Freedom Project |
myrna | beagle freedom bill | freedom beagle project |
Nancy Johnson | NA | Beagle Freedom Project |
Nicki C Kastellorizios-Lee | NA | Beagle Freedom Project |
Nicole Hood-Dolderer | self | self |
Nicole Weiland | Self | Beagle Freedom Project |
Pam Mann | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Pamela Stapleton | self | self |
patricia fraser | . | BEAGLE FREEDOM PROJECT |
Patricia Klein | Beagle Freedom | Beagle Freedom |
Patricia Loughlin | Beagle Freedom Project | Self |
Patricia Loughlin | Beagle Freedom Project supporter | Self |
Patricia Nichols | bfp | BFP |
Paul Loftus | NA | Beagle Freedom |
Paul Muffler | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Peter J Garvey | Beagle Freedom | Beagle Freedom |
Peter Valaika | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Phillip Passuntino | bfp | bfp |
Rebeca Arguello | Zorch, Inc. | Beagle Freedom Project |
Rebecca Bailey | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project 350 |
Rebecca Novack | Fat Cat Antiques | Beagle Freedom |
Renee Gowgiel | Naper Ridge | Freedom Beagle |
Rhonda Riley | Mason County Pets Without Parents | Rhonda Riley |
Ricardo Muffler | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Robert Bridgman | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Robert Bruce | Bruce & Co. | Beagle Freedom Project |
Robert Cap | Citizen | Beagle Freedom Project |
Roger Day | I work at Illinois State University | myself as an individual resident of IL |
Ron Molitor | Beagle Freedom Project | Myself |
Ron Norwood | Na | NA |
Ryan Ely | na | Beagle Freedom Project |
Ryan Tamoj | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Sandra Zoellner | Citizens | Beagle Freedom Project |
SARA ZUNIGA | none | BFP |
Sarah Hoxie | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Scotty Blakely | self | self |
Shannon Beranek | 1979 | myself |
Shannon Latayan | None | Beagle Freedom Project |
Sharon Bellino | Village of Park Forest | Linda Holmes |
Sharon Bend | Resident | Freedom Beagle |
Sharon Le Vine | Award Emblem | Sharon Le Vine |
Sheila Ford | Animal Welfare Advocates | Beagle Freedom Project |
Silvia Valtcheva | Sofia Dental P.C. | Beagle Freedom Bill |
Stacy Carson | Amtrak | Beagle Freedom Project |
Stephanie Andavis | Morse Bolduc & Dinos, LLC | Beagle Freedom Project |
Steve Archer | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Susan Choe | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Susan Dietrich | Unknown | Unknown |
Susan Helfrich | NMG | Myself |
Susan Phelps | Private Citizen | Beagle Freedom Project |
Susan tobin | Beagle freedomproject | Beagles |
suzanne bizer | beagle freedom project | beagle freedom project |
Tami Martin | Illinois State University | I am an individual constituent, resident of IL. I wrote my job title, but I am not lobbying for the university, I am just a private citizen presenting my own views. |
Tammie Janis | Tammie Janis | BFP |
Tammy Herrera | Midwest BREW Beagle Rescue | Tammy Herrera, Midwest BREW foster home volunteer |
Theresa Bittenbender | Na | Beagle freedom |
Traci Kunath | Nuveen Investments | Beagle Freedom Project |
Tracy Scaduto | Beagle Freedom | Beagle Freedom Project |
Tricia Gott | Beagle freedom project supporter | Beagle freedom project |
valerie peiler | none | myself |
Valerie Pontious | Acct | bfp |
valerie wellin | Wish Bone Canine Rescue | Valerie Wellin |
Vicki Seglin | Private practice, clinical psychology | Self |
Virginia Cap | Citizen | Beagle Freedom Project |
Volodymyr Hirnjy | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Volodymyr Hirnyj | None | Beagle Freedom Project |
Wendy Sibery | District 300 | Beagle Freedom Group |
Whitney Thornton | Self | Self |
william blomquist | retired | Linda Holmes |
Xiu Ying Zheng Pratt | not applicable | Beagle Freedom Project |
Yoav Kashiv | None. | None. |
Zachary Janis | BFP | BFP |
zack sims | Zachary K Sims, PC | Zachary Sims |
Zulay Pardo | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom Project |
Hearing Date and Time: Higher Education (S) 4/12/2016 3:00 PM |
Dave Marsh | Beagle Freedom Project | Beagle Freedom project |
Marc Ayers | Humane Society of the United States | Humane Society of the United States |